Black Canary's new suit in Arrow
Oh for the love of FUCK! Between this and the BoP movie its downright infuriating. Black Canary has one of the most adaptable costumes in comics and yet SOMEHOW these knuckledragging morons want to reinvent the goddamn wheel.
That's a man.
It's been done.
Give up on the fishnets, it'll never happen.
Mask is still stupid. Small splash of yellow would have been acceptable
I see the "call the manager" look is begcoming a major trend among CW superheroines.
I thought she died
I dig the motocross look
This is Earth-2 Laurel, formerly Black Siren
but black siren is evil
People change
Dinah was the best Arrow Canary. Prove me wrong
Isn't Quicksilver a Marvel character?
I can't. You're objectively right.
Looks like something Terra would wear.
This is basically every TV show superhero costume.
Since when was Max Mercury a Marvel character?
why is she not the black canary again?
and now the Birds of Prey movie Black canary
CAN WB EVER GET IT RIGHT!??!?!?! She's my favorite dc female hero.
Didn't she lose her powers after getting her throat slit?
Black siren should have been redeemed in Season 5.
I’m shocked personally like seriously you still watch arrow?
It's the last season. Nostalgia is kicking in.
I'm fine with this, "Kingdom Come" universe and Batman '66 being treated as canon. I'm fine with all of it. It was a fine ride.
I even liked the Human Target episode that unintentionally fucked Oliver because he never knew he met Christopher Chance in Russia.
She has the face of a tranner.
wrong show, that's supergirl
Why not? Smallville did Zatanna
It was a different time.
>"Kingdom Come" universe and Batman '66 being treated as canon.
Useless bitch only good at jobbing.
What about sexual relief?
Felicity is cancer. She shouldn't be in the show.
Smallville also did Black Canary with fishnets
Huh, you're right. Didn't notice.