Why is he so controversial?

Why is he so controversial?

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what do you mean?
everyone knows rape makes everything better

Because he's a joyless douchebag with a stick up his ass.

He tells truths that get bigtwo fags riled up

He's generally pretty laid back, but he retired from comics and he gets snarky in interviews when people ask him a bunch of questions about comic book movies that he has no interest in watching.

He got cuckholded.

Because science can't prove he exists

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BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE! He already stated this in the interviews
Comic fans don't want to be called manchildrem but they still act like they are, you just need to press on buttom and everyoen flips their shit

That was like 30 years ago

>Contemporary entertainment media represented by Harry Potter is bad because they call on nostalgia
>But things that draw on older nostalgia represented by Mary Poppins are the manifestation of God

Because he says comics are for kids despite being largely responsible for giving them mainstream recognition for being capable of being adult

Have you seen his Halloween remake?

He got burned by the industry. If DC had treated him better, they probably could have gotten years and years more of stories out of him.

Everything he writes has some “drug revelation” scene. Lame.

He likes hobbits too much.

Hermeticism is shit.

What part of watchmen was that?

You're thinking of Hunter S. Thompson or possibly Grant Morrison. There's nothing wrong with using drug imagery in a story as long as it's entertaining.

Comic fans have mellowed out considerably in current year. It's like Trekkies, back in the 70s and 80s they were annoying nerds but they learned their lesson after being made fun of for 30 years

he did lost girls

also he is pretty outspoken about stuff in general

>Comic fans have mellowed out considerably in current year.
is this a joke? tom king was receiving daily death threats and needed bodyguards at a convention. they're still entitled autists. social media hasn't helped the cause

let me know when things get HEATed

If anything, social media has made them worse. They can gang up on people online and do stuff like get them fired or SWAT them.