Miss Yea Forums New

>With Orel Peterson now with live news report on the matter.
>Take it away Orel.
>We now go on to our other anons with news reports.
>Take it away user!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Spinel will win

Any predictions on what the closest rounds in the first take will be? Here’s mine:

>Spinel vs Muriel
>Deet vs Gwen

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Haven't been following the threads, but why was the obvious flavor (Spinel) of the month allowed to compete?

She’s your new best friend

A blend of autism and the fact that she's new.

DRAWFAGS I SUMMON THEE! How would you like to illustrate the salt mine? Thanos Snap? Jenny handing out participation ribbons?

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Frankie vs. Asami
Tyr'Ahnee vs that loud house bitch
Tak vs BW
Mavis vs. Gwen
Eva vs. Butt Witch
Mabel vs. Nicole
Carmen vs. Death
Gaz vs. Ladybug
Catra vs. Hilda
Jessica vs. Nani
Ventress vs. Peridot
Entrapta vs. Rapunzel

So why is Jenny mad in this pic?

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>He doesn't know
Spinel is already being investigated for being rigged, and the fact Muriel is getting more power then Goku being powered by Limp Bizkit.

>Thank you, user
>Here are the current results and bracket lineups.
>Tomorrow is when we will be able to vote.
>A pastebin has also been provided of the seeding to see how many each one got during the nominations.
>SU taking top 3 with Spinel, but will any of the Gems still make it past round 1? Ha ha ha!
>Back to you, user!

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Because she has to deal with Johnny Bravo all damn pageant. Women naturally want to punch his dumbass

Who are they supposed to be? Official Judges? Announcers?

>Frankie vs. Asami
>Tyr'Ahnee vs that loud house bitch
>Tak vs BW
>Mavis vs. Gwen
>Eva vs. Butt Witch
No way those are close

remember to vote for XJ i-i mean our girl spinel

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Jenny is the host, Conrad and Johnny are commentators

user here! There's fire everywhere where I am at. Bunch of Fucking autists starting riots because they're dumbass waifu didn't get in an- OH FUCK THEY HEARD ME!!! RUN JIM! RUN!


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No worries user. Crowd control is on the way.

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I wonder if it's bad anyway else here or on any other board?

Isn't Yea Forums doing something like this too?

Anyone know the status over there?

Yea Forums is too stupid and unfocused to do something like this

>Spinel got more votes then any Yea Forums competition in history and double any other competitor in the top 5
The tournament is being stuffed by outside influences. There is no other explanation for this blatant of a ridiculous result. Killed the joy out of it

Yea Forums seems to have a Yea Forums the musical thread up now, but other than that, no.

Speaking of which, will Yea Forums ever have a song?

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>Meanwhile.... erm..... in the next board.
Were we supposed to be doing somthing?

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It keeps sliding off the board kek

If you count the Quest for Camelot memes, then yeah. youtube.com/watch?v=9W_3wHmjQws

>one of the most active boards on 4 chan can't keep a tourney thread out of the archive

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you give me hope

Fucking hilarious.

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Believe In Steven

Yea Forums hates fun

Hm, so that explains the Ruber memes.

His was made recently because of the rubber memes, it actually coincided with the 1 year anniversary the meme started

Apparently there’s an SU discord causing the riggings of Spinel?

Well now people are just dropping links on any goddamn discord at this rate.

You know what Yea Forums? Fuck you. This board is a goddamn joke. We can't even have a stupid fun pageant anymore thanks to you collective dumbasses trying to rig shit. Yea Forums isn't love anymore, it's fucking petty and pathetic

Attached: And Fuck Your Cake Too.gif (245x281, 1.81M)

nah people that are ass mad that su even exists are trying to illegitimate the whole thing in seething rage over there waifu not making it.

Well, considering less than 10% of the nominees are furry, this clearly isn't the Yea Forums I knew of years ago.

Didn’t some guy brag that he was gonna get his Discord server to vote against SU?

You know what, it's a fucking miracle we had 3 tournaments that voting wasn't fucked up (besides op being a fag in the one guy's tournament)
SU tempers on both sides really fucked it up this time. I have slight hope the guys tournament can reverse the course, but if not these tournaments are all but done

yeah he bragged about how he was going to get his 800 people discord server to vote against all su characters.

Honestly lets just drop the entire subject and hope OP keeps a close eye on results

discord was a mistake

That appears to have been a larp

I concur with this. I was expecting shitposting and waifu wars, not fucking Discord shit and actual rigging.
Yep, and then the opposite happened. Classic false flag to try to make Spinel getting in look legitimate.

Characters from the same show should've been clustered into the same starter brackets. Especially with the top three all being from the same fucking show

Do you know what the best part is?
This isn't even a best girl tournament. XJ9 already beat them all to it. This is yearly shit and is nowhere that serious

Okay I may have a solution here if Discord shenanigans are indeed afoot (permitting OPs blessing of course); We disqualify all Steven Universe characters from the ballot this year and replace them with other Yea Forums characters from the list in descending voting order. That is of course assuming the shenanigans are true. Which either way, I just want this to continue

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You afraid of SU?

Can we please stop talking about paranoia and focus on the news report?

Can't we just have a verification question in the ballot, some questions about board culture to prove that those voting are truely Yea Forumsmrads, questions that outsiders will have a hard time answering? Like what the 4cc does?

Like what? What else is there to report about?

The whole board is acting like a retard because of this?

>all this animosity toward other waifus is taking the heat away from my waifu
>anons will be too busy fighting other girls to notice my girl work her way up the bracket
>by the time people realize what's going on, it'll be too late
you fools

Too bad we already know who's going to be the winner.

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Quad-dubs has seen the future with this prediction!

Helps when you have someone to Tonya Harding the shit out of contestants.

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Honestly I'd be cool with this. Also pulling for
>Wonder Woman
>She Hulk
A few others


Attached: Deet.jpg (2000x2997, 913K)

That’s stupid

Fucking best manager and father figure.

I'll take her as a winner
Can't believe this is her debut year


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>Yea Forums citizenship test

Deet is a fugly looking puppet cunt.

no u

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God that looks so disgusting.

Still keeping my word to vote for you. Speed on, pal.

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>father figure
Can someone redpill me on this?

I still don’t know what that show is about

>The tournament without the Cabs bringing their comfy is not comfy
Makes you think

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Penny: Am i in The Nomination?

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Working on names now. This look good?

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Legion shitposting. Azula and Manta had a partnership with getting Azula into the Miss Yea Forums competition, but slowly they've become a daughter/father team.

Yes it does, really good actually
Spinel's name is a little large here for some reason

Lookin good, OP

Yeah the characters with one name instead of two will have larger print.

....where the fuck is Demona?

I like it.

Based. Hoping the board isn’t too harsh on you, man.

Kino prequel to Jim Henson's passion project
Unironically one of the best shows of the decade Yea Forums or otherwise

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Because all Yea Forums sweethearts always started out as FOTM. She won't stay as popular as she is now, but she'll develop a dedicated following.

I hope our recent outburst hasn't scared away based drawfags. I want to see some fun stuff inspired by the roller coaster these threads are

Attached: Jenny wins Miss CO 2018.png (1000x1000, 337K)

I'm hoping for this too. This is going to be one hell of a ride.

Wanted to transfer the message from the Arnold user in the other thread to here.

In order to have fun in this tournament, don’t reply to discordfags or conspiracy theorists. They just want to stir up drama and make the event less enjoyable.

Also remember: Try not to take the voting seriously. This is all just for fun.

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How could you, Yea Forums? You done Panda wrong

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Arnold truly is a god isn't he


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Who said they were doing that?

This is the Della support post
Post your support for Moon Mom

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I'm kind of expecting to see an aftermath image of a log, bloody battle instead of the typical crowning.

Over zealous anons. However, with the amount of rage that happened when everyone saw the votes, everyone is going to paying more attention.

>Azula standing over burning corpses as she laughs maniacally holding the crown.
I could see that.

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She's off to the slaughter, friend. She can't beat Pearl. It's a god damn travesty.

Sameing, but I also got the idea that Jenny gets so disturbed by the violence she wipes off her Spinel paint.
"Stop! Please! I tricked you all, okay! Just top fighting! I just wanted to be adored again!"

Take away that robo leg and she'd barely be able to support herself.

Who would honestly care anough to investigate this?

Even if she's asswiped the first round she made it, I'm happy she made it, she beat over 200 other girls

The ones taking Spinel's massive lead very, very seriously.

>All the Wakfu girls is dead save for 1


Even if she doesn’t beat Gwen she was able to beat over half of the other girls and that’s what matters.

*are dead

That’s so gay

I hope to see what happens to the non-qualifiers.

Shrug. People go crazy for fictional women.
Especially if they feel cheated in a contest. A dumb contest anyway where the only thing at risk is some character getting a minor kick in popularity.

That's quitter talk.
Nothing can stop Della Duck.

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For superheroes, should I list their hero name or their real name?

Real name


Maybe do like
>Hero Name
>(Civilian Name) in smaller text
Unless you think that'd be too much

I would personsllt go with Superhero names so villains here won't go blabbing it on to others.... but realistically you would have to put in a Real Name.

I'll stick with real names to leave it simple and not risk confusion with legacy characters.

Where are my comicbros at? You don't have to vote for Wonder Woman (but you should) but at least make sure we're properly represented to the bitter end

Attached: Wonder Woman SU.jpg (888x1632, 201K)

Real names of course we did that last year with helen parr

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25% done with the names
Big fucking F to Ric Ocasek, he was a real one

Missed opportunity to put Anne near the same bracket as Tulip.

She’s a better mom than Pearl.

>Duckfuckers coping THIS hard


>Thinking Duckfucker is an insult
Behold, the Casul Normieness of the SU fag!

>He thinks Duckfucking is a joke when Della is winning this tournament and Donald the guys tournament

Daffy is winning that and you know it. Black Power!

Attached: Della.jpg (612x703, 65K)

>Yea Forums wants their waifu in because they have a sentimental attachment to them and it's their way of paying a homage
>Yea Forums wants their waifu in so they can have a circlejerk fap and satisfy their come brain

I hope Wasp makes it past the first round. She's got bikini contest material

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>The final is Donald vs Daffy
Absolute kino

Press F to pay respects to your fallen nominees.

Supportan (along Sticks the Badger)

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Della gets my support as a Caballerosfag

What about Xandra. Didn’t she get in too?

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The only other nominee I wanted was Kali plus Maya from that cartoon Yea Forums was on about for a bit. so I will support the only Wakfu character that made it. I'm surprised Crazy Sharktits isn't in this tourney

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Support Wuya

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F for Emiko and Erma Willams.

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Nope, got nominated but because it hasn't come out yet the show is still too obscure to get enough votes (she got like half of even Webby or something)
The three bros are what we have to focus on

Oh yeah.
Would you kindly Support BW?

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Frankly I know very little about her considering she's not even had a pilot yet

My nigga

Also, i'm more surprised Amalia wasn't nominated.

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Daffy already beat Donald once in the Toons of the Tens.

F for White Diamond

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All we know is the trailer plus a sneak peak clip. They are almost done with the Pilot though since all they are doing is fixing or touching things up. They said so themselves. Sorry I can't give more

If parody counts

The hardest choice in the first round's gonna be Wuya vs Jinx. Both solid choices with firm fanbases here on Yea Forums, and for different reasons. Wuya's got a sultry, evil, yet somehow loyal feeling to her, plus that Eartha Kitt voice is instant boner material. Jinx on the other hand is more mischievous and has the DFC crowd on lockdown, and could potentially convince Ravenfags to support her over Wuya.

Of course it doesn't really matter because the winner there is almost invariably going up against Marceline, and to say that's going to be an uphill battle for either of them is a severe understatement.

Consider this the rematch of the gods.
Daffy had it easier that time. Show that aired on CN constantly vs. a show 90% of Yea Forums hasn't even heard of because it's only available on torrents. Still closer then I would have thought

I think we should give this one to Wuya. Hardly ever talked about, and Jinx is rolled up in that TT fanbase along with Raven and Starfire. Besides, I see Raven going farther this year, and I'm a sucker for variety

Attached: Wuya.png (386x760, 201K)

I got a lot of my favorites on the list, but Desiree just couldn't make it. A damn shame too.

There's always next year.

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can't, she's fighting my waifu

I flipped a coin and Wuya won. Sorry, Jinx but evil witchy girls have equal stakes in my heart and loins

Theres literally been 5 constant Spinel threads since the movie aired, claiming its rigged is fucking retarded and you know it. If anything, the contest is rigged AGAINST spinel. Pic VERY related.

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Who even is she?

>He fell for the larp meme

Do you think Dr Mrs The Monarch has a chance this year?
user lets put that to bed already.

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It's some new character in the idw sonic comics

She's not being investigated. You're just mad and autistic

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Gotta root for Daffy. Always found him funnier though I do enjoy Donald’s stories more.

Where's your proof that its rigged? Genuinely want to know. It makes sense that a girl who gets contant threads and is ridiculously popular here would end up topping character polls.

>your proof that its rigged
I'm mocking that he thinks it was rigged against Spinel. I did not claim any rigging

There's no truly wrong answer, they are the two best cartoon characters of all time and both are the most adaptable characters out there
Donald is my guy personally

Captain America is just going to win somehow again

>would have to go up against Frankie Foster

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Yea Forums doesn't like Frankie. They like the porn fan art version of Frankie

He better get prepared for an asswhooping by ducks. He ain’t the only vet.

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Donald isn't strong

Tell that to the Japanese forces he drowned

That didn't stop her from being the top-voted non-SU character in this whole tourney.

Nigga in one series he's a literal god who uses his anger as a weapon to defeat opponents

Butt Witch is going to be robbed
Some fuckin pedo mascot is going to rob our girl

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You realize that porn plays a huge part in all the nominations for this tournament
You don't think that Zone animation had any effect on XJ9's win last year?

the fuck is a Zone?

source:my ass


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Classic Zoomers

Told ya folks people don't know about new series

>Could there be something I don’t know about? No, it must be something someone made up to hoodwink me!
Dumb, insular, capefag.

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Guys, can we have fun again and stop talking about this rigged nonsense? I know that’ hard to ask for on Yea Forums, but I don’t want ms. Yea Forums to be added on the already long list of failed Yea Forums projects

Umm, I say it has died down, dude.

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Deet is too damn precious.

Attached: cute deet.png (885x603, 511K)

We're trying user

mr. Yea Forums was definitely rigged and so is this

I am loving some of the attention Dark Crystal is getting


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>Implying you need to rig a competition for Johnny Bravo
Cease your Heresies at once!

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that wont stop my waifu, no one can

>Noodle vs. Rosechu.

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Nice! What time should we be expecting the first round?

Let's say noon tomorrow.

Captain America won first

ok so 9 in pst. time to go to bed

Support Bronwyn!

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I'm still happy Leggy made it in again
It feels like one of the last connections to the old state of the board

>Katia Managan Prequel N/A 38
Honestly my biggest surprise. Kazerad really fucked up if even Yea Forums has finally moved on.

Switched between innocent Spinel and punished Spinel every other round

It was very unlikely Bravo's results was compromised
The rigging was getting Captain America to the final and trying to fuck over Bravo

Well, Dark Crystal is kino after all.

KIck her digital ass, Adorabat!

Cap shouldn’t have gotten that far in the first place.

>Raven possibly up against Nicole, Katara, Hekapoo, She-Hulk, Ahsoka, Wasp, and Demencia in her bracket alone
Oof. Tough, but hopefully she makes it to top 8.

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Good joke.

I think people might be surprised how Kermit and Courage do this year for this reason

Honestly I've always wanted to do a Yea Forums sings with the steven universe intro. Maybe I'll do it in December, are you guys in?

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I can't help but lament that Yea Forums isn't as furry as it used to be. /trash/ really did a number on that front. It's strange how there used to be so many furry fotms like Leggy, Coco, Fox Vixen, Pavita. Even Kanga from Winnie the Pooh had threads for a solid week. Yet only an extremely small fraction of anthro girls made the list.

I’d vote for em.

It is. Now Azula on the other hand....

Pick a better show/song and then we’ll talk

What's your proposal?

Imagine being this triggered by a character from a kids show, like holy shit, dude.

Attached: 1548385248498.png (478x442, 65K)

>Teen Titans
>TMNT (‘87 and various ‘03 versions)
>Ben 10 OS theme
>Powerpuff girls end credits song
Just to name a few

That's kind of what happens when mods remove even mentioning you'd like to fuck a character who is an animal. Cracking down on that prevents waifuing
That's why the characters who are in right now are either the heavy hitting animal waifus, characters who recently got much attention or the old guard of legacy Yea Forums waifus

>old guard of legacy Yea Forums waifus
such as?

I suppose you're right. Even with the recent changes I can't imagine an anthro girl being allowed to have a dozen threads like Spinel had.

Muriel may need some help, given who she’s going against.

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Takin' all bets!
I got 4000:1 Mrs. Brisby beats Lapis Lazuli in the first round!
13000:1 Bronwyn beats Velma!
17062:1 Deet beats Gwen Cunnyson!

I’m personally pulling for the old gal.

I'm putting up a ball of lint and bent paper clip for Rosechu beating Noodle!

I'll give ol' Muriel a vote. Not even because I hate Spinel, I just want to support Muriel.

I thought Muriel was going to get higher, I kind of hate her first run in this tournament has to be marked more for stopping Spinel then her being in the tournament

>>Della is winning this tournament and Donald the guys tournament
>Duckcest intensifies.



Attached: WAR.jpg (455x319, 29K)

I hope she does well. Considering her first match, it's highly unlikely, but you never know when an upset could happen. I'm just glad she qualified in the first place.

Leggy, Lola, Brisby

Look I'll be real here; I'm only voting for her to upset Spinelfags. After that, you can bet your sweet bippy I'm voting for Tink or Boop

Could Courage save her?

Important request for OP

I for one am throwing my support behind Wuya.

Attached: wooya.png (1440x900, 501K)

Boop vs Tink is an underrated matchup
Going for Boop given her vintage charm

Damn right. I'm giving Boop that vote

Attached: BETTY BOOP.jpg (800x858, 191K)

Certainly not a fortunate match up. Both of them are legends and deserve top 8.

Wuya v Jinx is a REALLY tough call for me. I'm personally happy with either of them winning, though. And if she does win, I'm throwing my support behind her instead of Marceline.

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too late for round 1 since OP is sleeping most likely.
same here
This is honestly difficult. I don't know who to choose.

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No. I'm not going to force people to vote for matchups they don't feel strongly about one way or the other.

You're just asking for people to come in, pick one matchup and hit submit

never mind

If you see a disproportional amount of people only voting for Spinel, and leaving the other rounds blank, then I would argue that as the arbiter it's your duty to enact fair play to at least make them take the contest seriously.

My vote's going to Tink but I think Betty is winning since glamour and fame is more her thing. Damn fine girl to lose to.

Attached: tinker_bell_by_nyleamoc_d382iiw-fullview.jpg (900x1194, 94K)

And I would say, fuck that.

Man, Betty vs Jessica would be a tough call

Attached: Betty Boop and Jessica Rabbit.jpg (1280x1955, 420K)

OP is such a dumbshit

>Yumi vs. Marceline
Dammit. Maybe she'll make round 2 next year.

Attached: yumi0.jpg (210x240, 18K)

you should do it tho, otherwise SUfags might cheat

Yes, I am. If that's what you want to do I have no issue with that.

I'm not going to force people to "take the contest seriously," this is supposed to be fun.

Flip a coin

As long as no one is rigging then I don't see a problem with that. It's what the Yea Forums populace wants.

He wants them to cheat. He encourages it. He let a man into the contest. He made no effort at quality control. Why is he even running this thing?

>gaz vs marinette
>star vs vicky
Those are the only spicy ones I want to witness live. All the others seem pretty cut and dry.
>bronwyn beats velma
I admire your optimism.

I don't know about all this "rigging" business, but I'm voting for Spinel as I find her character quite charming.

>anti-Spinel fags getting this desperate

What are we even having this contest in September instead of the end of the year? Spinel would have been old news in a few months time.

Right? Why do people get asshurt?

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>Why is he even running this thing?
He wouldn't give it up to literally anyone else

What's the point in a contest when the game is over from the start? When people from outside of Yea Forums are voting just to push her to the top?

You're going delusional over this. Are you this paranoid in your everyday life? How do you sleep?
Just because it's not rigged for you doesn't mean it's rigged against you.

The Hungry Games were rigged for months. And those were bigger on Yea Forums than this little waifu pissing contest.

She's practically the original waifu.

Attached: Betty's Boops.png (847x857, 132K)

Bless Ol' Grim Natwick

Quit trying to derail this you paranoid fag

I wonder if that Discord user is giggling or regretful that his one joke post ruined the entire tournament. Probably the former.

Because they can't stand to see their girl lose to another, I think. They come up with excuses to rationalize the idea that a popular character can't be popular on her own merits, so her popularity in the polls must be because her fans cheated.

Hungry Games?

Fuck off OP

>quality control
>waifu contest
Why you gotta take this so seriously? It’s literally a popularity contest.

Your defeatist attitude disgusts me
The last tournament people didn't just give up because they were up against a seemingly more popular show, they fought on until the bitter end.

And that's what you should do. Don't bitch because it doesn't always fall your way, that's the point of a it being a tournament in the first place .

Attached: dan-vs.jpg (600x300, 46K)

I feel like the discord shit was just to tear this tournament apart.


It's more unfair because she's recent and fresh in people's memory. Demencia, from Villainous, had just as many threads when that show first came out and Yea Forums spammed her literally non-stop. But now, as with all FOTMs, she's old news. She barely got 100 votes.

Spinel has a decisive advantage because of the timing. Even if she wins it will be a tainted victory.

i'm not voting for spinel because i haven't watched her show much and have no attachment to her

lurk more

I'm not OP. You're just trying to stir shit up again. Speak with your vote.
I'm half inclined to believe so at this point. Personally I hope SU gets knocked out completely, but I don't think shenanigans are at work
Pretty much this but we're stuck with her. So vote for Muriel if you feel that strongly

If she wins it just shows what Yea Forums was into at the time
It's not a "greatest of all time" thing, it's yearly

Funny thing about being a sore loser is you’re still a loser.

I concur with this statement. Someone doesn't want us to have fun.

CHOOSE YOUR SQUAD this took forever

Attached: Girls 2019.jpg (2382x1338, 1.14M)

>guys, I'm swear I'm not OP!

This is the fucking OC I was looking for
Holy shit amazing job, please do for the guys tournament too if you can

New Girls

twist: discordanon is the fusefag from last year

the goths, and i'm not even into goths

Someone post the screencap of the ww2 vet

user I dont follow squads, just quality women. Which If I had to pick, SUPREME SUPERGIRLS or VOLUPTUOUS VILLAINS

This is fucking incredible, GG user.

The lore continues

I disagree on some like Buttercup and BW but then again, where else would you put them?

I'm having a hard time deciding between the Authentic Asians and New Girls

Knights of Nick.

New girls I guess. My horse is in that stable.

Voluptuous Villains for me.

New girls

Will Jenny be routing for her sister to win? What sexual harassment lawsuits are currently pending with Johnny Bravo? Is Conrad still passed out drunk?

Goth Gal Gang, but Voluptuous Villains, Ravashing Redheads, and Blonde And Pink are fine choices too.

>Predictions for results of round one
Betty Boop
Judy Hopps
Tulip Olsen
Leggy Lamb
Velma Dinkly
Yumi Yoshimura
Minnie Mouse
Zatana Zatara
Kuki Sanban
Blue Diamond
Jessica Rabbit
Pacifica Northwest
Francine Smith
Gaz Membrane
Gwen Stacy
Callie Briggs
Star Butterfly
Lapis Lazuli
Carmen Sandiego

Frankie Foster
Flame Princess
Phantasma Phantom
Kim Pine
Helga Pataki
Kamala Khan
Sandy Cheeks
Sam Simpson
Selina Kyle
Peppermint Patty
Diana Prince
Coraline Jones
Anne Boonchuy
Raven Roth
Eclipsa Butterfly
Nicole Watterson
Candace Flynn
Janet Van Dyne

If 3/4 of these of right, all I ask for is respect.

>Bronwyn beats Velma!
>I admire your optimism.
I have it on good authority that Velma is weak to canines...

Attached: ruh row.png (380x624, 120K)

Why did you reply to me?

>at least make them take the contest seriously.
Bruh, wot?

....... I meant for to go to the brackets

Can we get this shit over so we can have Mr. Yea Forums where there is no clear frontrunner and we can have an actually fun competition?

Attached: me.png (470x469, 489K)

Here's someone else's prediction then

Attached: 1568584455812 copy.png (1468x6808, 3.03M)

I'm trying to knock out the round 1 form before I go to bed. For the sake of my CPU and my sanity, are you guys cool if the first round doesn't have pics of the girls on the questions? To make up for it, I could make every round afterwards use different pics.



Attached: tenor (2).gif (498x372, 3.63M)

user this is a wonderful thought but why would you nominate me for Mr. Yea Forums

Sure dude, whatever is easier for you

I am fine with that Good Sir

You haven't cared about quality up to this point. Just leave it empty and use microsoft paint for the images next time.

I would have preferred to keep the pictures, but whatever

We can cross reference with the chart anyway
Fuck off

Just make sure to tell anons to look at the bracket if they are unsure on who a character is

>No Tina Russo
I don't have an angry enough reaction

Attached: autistic screeching.png (1673x976, 1.14M)

I would've preferred the pics.

Honestly all of these groups made make it hard for me to choose.... but if I had too...... either oldies but goldies ot ravashing redheads.


And then the Fire Nation attacked

Attached: 1565050900116.gif (640x475, 4M)

Alright, I'll do the images, but it might be a bit later than noon when the thread goes up.

Just a little reminder that it was only an off-season that could be semi-proved as being possibly rigged, especially thanks to one specific host who looooveeeed to do waifu-wars sidegames. Then the owner of the site actually fixed it so that you cannot know anymore who's the winner until you check all of the game, which takes more time than you think.

Attached: 1565830018692.gif (370x330, 325K)

(1.) Captivating Gals, although the title
(2.) Authentic Asian + Alex made me laugh.

I've betrayed Rapunzel and Frankie...

Attached: 519f723a54a139df10211ac516ebb787.png (1437x1600, 687K)

Gonna use for this the drawthread

I'm flattered you'd want to nominate me, but I think if we have an "in-house" rep for Mr. Yea Forums it should be LMAC user.
He's the MVP of Yea Forums this year after drawing that 400+ page comic from our insane ramblings.

If either of us make it that far, ill vote for the other in the event of a potential SU victory

And ask for what?

Beautiful. Nice work user.

Strategic voting to make sure SU doesn't sweep the top four is wise, user. I'll be behind Azula if her and Raven go head to head, but I'm also supporting Raven on her other matches.

maybe one of the groups doing something cute or awesome together.


Attached: 1568498511109.jpg (564x646, 52K)

>It was actually finished
>I helped
>I can hear myself at 'I've been working at it for years'
It's a happy kind of feel

Attached: fred alfonso.jpg (266x190, 6K)

Here's a suggestion. Have Catra pet Twig while Hilda pets Catra.

Attached: WOO-HOO!.gif (600x338, 520K)

Not them but I like it

>Hero Name (real name)
That way you can put stuff like
>Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
>Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
So that if Batgirl won, we'd know it was best girl Cassandra and not hotwheels

>and not hotwheels

Attached: Supressed Laugh (Scully).gif (250x250, 985K)

I mean, are you really surprised? She's cute, but Sonic autism has been pretty well contained, and even if it wasn't, she looks like well made OC.

I still like her though
Just not as much as others

Attached: sticks.jpg (680x735, 70K)

Why weren't these images in the poll choices?

That user would have needed to picked up 350 good images, most of which would never be used again, and put them all in one bracket along with names
That would legit take forever

>and not hotwheels
Oh that gave me a good giggle mate.

Attached: 1558669768038.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

>and not hotwheels

Goddannit user, my sides should not move on their own.

Attached: 1559873976255.jpg (574x574, 53K)

>putting this altogether
1. Voluptuous Villains for 5/8
2. Star vs the Forces of Disney for 4/8

Attached: freddieMercuryCool.jpg (496x600, 45K)

Compare the bracket this year to round one of last year
Which selection of girls was better (noting the top 8 last year took a break this year)

Attached: 1537161524821.jpg (4783x7532, 3.3M)

this year's is better
i don't think i even participated last year, i did vote for mr. Yea Forums though

I'll have to withdraw if we do (but thanks for thinking of me), but it's not a bad idea. Wait maybe a month or something so we don't have competing threads.

>400+ page comic
Where did I miss this? Link?

Too many pictures in the first round to make it worthwhile. Different pics for different rounds seems more interesting anyway. Get some sleep.

Any idea when the poll will be out?

Glad you liked it
Speaking of things that don't move on their own...

Attached: oracle.jpg (729x1096, 117K)

>Shitting on Babs
Fuck you guys. I'm voting for her

Attached: Barbra Gordon Oracle Batgirl.jpg (1280x1919, 313K)

>no Jasper

Attached: 8E6B5186-BEEB-4A09-9402-EDEDA93FE25C.gif (268x235, 1.97M)

I'd never shit on Babs

Attached: BabsBunny.jpg (200x400, 21K)

>Supergirl got in

Attached: 1560118715573.png (960x538, 726K)

Forgetting who you're up against first?

Attached: 1566694613037.png (550x1000, 985K)

Kick her teeth in, Zuly baby!

Attached: Bribery.jpg (1152x864, 74K)

Bring it on, sister.
You're old news, tomboys are forever

Attached: 1560119352904.png (769x529, 330K)

At least it isn't the one who looks like Aang in a wig

my condolences,

How did you miss this? It happened over the course of like six months!

Archive links and mega links found on:

Oh, do the Yea Forums tournaments also merit having a page on the Yea Forums wiki?

>tulip vs fink
>Velma vs Bronwyn
>Rapunzel vs Entraptra
>Blue Diamond vs Honey Lemon
>Mabel vs Nicole
>WW vs Wendy
>Pearl vs Della
>Tak vs BW
>Supergirl vs Azula
>Enid vs Satina
Yea Forumsnrad is NOT making this easy straight out the gate, lot of heavy hitters going against each other right off the bat

>heavy hitter
I wish.

Last year's is superior, and not just because I can name more than half of the characters in last year's bracket.

Who were the top 8?
Does that explain why PeeGee is absent from the 2019 bracket?

she was a pretty big hit on the board, but yeah pearl is gonna floor her
I'm just sad that Supergirl got so little votes, she barely made it in

I’d take Della over Pearl any day. Pearl a shit girl and a shit mother.

I fucking know. This is kinda nerve-racking

It probably should get one

Pic because what else do I have going on today?

Attached: powergirl_final.jpg (647x1000, 118K)

>Supergirl vs Azula
That is going to be a vicious fight.

>>Rapunzel vs Entraptra
Is it hard because they're basically the same or what? I haven't watched Tangled.

Attached: 1568587517639.png (1920x1080, 729K)

CN Crew only for Bronwyn and Supergirl
The rest is Sugar Squadron

Della will always be one of /ourducks/

I've never watched the latter's show because it looked boring
Rapunzel is the best girl both in modern Disney movies and overall
The best girl from the traditional movies?

I hope Azula vs Tak becomes a thing

>Hekapoo is in this
Do it for her, heka lads

Attached: tumblr_ol4d2cQjZ81ul8822o1_1280.jpg (1280x914, 313K)

Sadly, I don't think Muriel's winning this one.


>spinel has twice as many votes as the next person
Something fucky is going on...

Have you considered she's not rigged and it has to do with her being the waifu in a hugely popular movie of a hugely popular series on Yea Forums that just aired with constant threads?

So we can all agree that whoever gets second place is the real winner.

I saw something like 30+ posters said on previous Spinel threads that they were going to vote only for Spinel, so I can believe there were many more who didn't bother posting how they were going to vote.

yeah sure why not

Attached: it's just tourney why would I care about it.jpg (1191x1191, 357K)

Best Boy

>Legs go all the way up didn't make it
I know she didn't realistically stand a chance but, still, RIP.

Attached: 1568482421206.gif (500x281, 498K)

At least a few of the ones I voted, so I'm mostly satisfied.Also-
>Mandy vs MJ
I can't believe Mandy is fucking dead.

Enid and Flame princess should spam places IMO but otherwise good job!

What a legend

Here's my unironic prediction.

Attached: Vote Result v.png (1745x4701, 3.34M)

>be me
>see all those votes for spinel
>"wtf the spinfags are cheating"
>gatta cheat back to correct this injustice
>look up how to mass create google accounts
>start making gmails
>"the fuck am i doing?
>it's a pointless tournament
>shouldnt care if anyone wins
>especially a character who will be forgotten in a month
>mfw it doesnt matter
>tfw none of this matters

Attached: 1538644199736.gif (199x159, 97K)

>Muriel's gonna lose in the very first round

Attached: 1568118921067.jpg (519x384, 173K)

>hugely popular
Steven universe is mediocre though

Carl x Spinel is OTP

correct, but popularity =/= quality

Way too optimistic on Marco.

Is this paste bin a valid measure of exactly how many fans a character has on Yea Forums? Like, would it be wrong to say "Only 61 anons on Yea Forums actually like Sasha from amphibia"?

wholesome. I love it

agreed and i actually like the show, but that doesn't stop it from drawing fuck huge crowds at sdcc and lining cn's pockets with merch money. if it's popular and sucessful? well tough titty man.

How in the hell did Johnny Bravo beat Carl for Mr. Yea Forums? How could Carl ever lose?

Well the majority of the successful things in this world IS mediocre.

Sorry Wuya, I love you, and would have supported you all the way, but then you got paired up with Jinx...

>Tyr'ahnee beating out Frankie
Nah. I worship The Queen, but she doesn't stand a chance there.

Attached: ass edit.png (799x999, 574K)

>raven losing to wendy
in your dreams, friend

So, girls get voted mostly on the quality of the porn they did?
That's a little sad.

"Papers Please" style craziness becoming a thing here because of a beauty pageant/popularity contest for fictional characters would be amusingly tragic.

Let's give Spinel a warm applause for getting the most votes and pity pat on the back to Alex for coming dead last with the least votes. I can't wait to draw the Mr.Yea Forums version of this

Attached: image.jpg (960x1099, 202K)

Is the medal still made of gold at least?

That means she will not be waifu'd as much, she's too pure for that

I dunno, they can manage to make musicals, don't underestimate them

Would anyone be willing to draw a BTFO, broken Muriel crawling away on the ground if Spinel wins?

>every person on this board loves courage
>people are annoyed at SU for the sheer amount of threads shitting up the board
>SUfags might vote against her to give their own waifus (pearl,peridot,lapis,blue diamond) a better chance
if the votes weren't rigged this could actually be pretty close


>>every person on this board loves courage
>not Muriel

make Courage or Eustace Bagge win this year's Mr. Yea Forums lads!

But op is on discord


Who said that?
It was an user claiming he had 800+ followers on a Discord server ready to vote against Spinel.

She has no chance from here

What a dumb choice. She shouldnt even be in it.

t. spilelfag

I think if she actually got in, she could have swept

Never doubt Yea Forums's ability to shitpost something autists like

She literally has like no fan base

what if that Discord800fagg was telling the truth but they did the opposite of what he said?

As in he told them to vote against Spinel, and they voted for her for giggles?

I guess Sugar Squadron
These teams kinda shit
Not Team THICC

She'll be significantly more iconic to everyone then any of the fotm waifus here will ever be


you expect her to be iconic to zoomers?

She's a meh in a sea of shit

So she is, and so what? Being the first at something doesn't mean being the best at something. She deserves respect for what she represents, being the first sexually suggestive cartoon in a much more prude era, but that doesn't mean she should be elevated over others forever.

This song could work for her

I'm gonna be doing so much hate voting

Haven't participated in the previous pageants, how are the votes handled? Are all round 1 votes done at the same time, or are they done one after another? If the latter, how much time is devoted to each fight?

>Putting Deet against the lolifag juggernaut that is Gwen Tennyson

>I hope our recent outburst hasn't scared away based drawfags.
Scaring away drawfags is the passive stated of the board.

>Gwen beating Azula
Lol. Lolifags are going to be on suicide watch after that match.

Attached: 1c18e49393adb83927bcb6dc3cb9bea6.jpg (564x376, 25K)

>Raven, Lydia, and Mai all that close together in the brackets
This feels stacke against goth gfs.

I can’t wait to start

This is still going on?

Nigga we haven’t even begun. This takes effort and a vote window

Sorry zoomer, she’s going to remain the example of sexualized cartoon characters even if she doesn’t do well on a anime site’s poll

Johnny was tryharding to get the title, Carl doesn't care about it enough to give even the minuscule amount of effort

Johnny is the chad

She's irrelevant

Also it was rigged

Against Johnny, mind you

No. Incels rigged it for him. It's common knowledge.

Ms Co is also rigged

Yeah, by /pol/ discords

t. seething OP who tried to rig it

Not him but Betty Boop is still a cultural icon

Only in a historical context. People don't even wear ironic shirts of her anymore.

It says a lot about people that rigged it for Johnny. Oblivious incels.

I never understood why people wear shirts of cartoon characters, regardless of how recent they were

Liking courage doesnt mean liking muriel

As opposed to over half the cartoon women on this list who are literally who’s to the public with next to no merch? Quit reveling in being underaged and making stupid statements

>OP nominates him
>Barely wins in each round
>Somehow beating cultural icons
>OP admits that he rigged the results because he felt stressed
>No, it wasn't rigged

Remember to vote for our busty elves.

Attached: B14_169_GE_V01_IM009.jpg (1753x1240, 754K)

Did the Mr Yea Forums OP admit to rigging? All I remember was a “joke” Captain America win reveal and the final round “mishap” where character photos were swapped

Because they're fans?

Vote for Eva.
Vive la France

Lol, how old must you be to think I'm anywhere close to underage? Maybe go back to a yahoo chat.

OP admitting rigging it for Captain America

OP nominated Cap, not Bravo
That’s who he rigged it for

Yes, he did admit it.

Fake news

Does my girl have a chance against katara?

Attached: zbaf0c8f94f82c9c34b22f5125a0c782c.jpg (893x992, 165K)

Maybe it’s because you used “lol” unironically on Yea Forums

Godspeed Evanon

She has no chance in the tournament in general

Well you're a retarded larp and a child. Get to school.

She got in.
I believe in her

Attached: 58188929_p12_master1200.jpg (1024x897, 129K)

She’s got my vote. I am voting for the underdogs

Well you're a pedo.

>No u

I'll always vote against pedo shit

People are still going to buy Betty shit and know her. Real people
If you ask them what one of these SU gems are no one will ever know or give a fuck. Even someone like XJ9 would be unknown

You really must be a newfag

Cover your ears and scream louder, gramps-chan

You're doing god's work, user

Attached: 5f076eadd21feb5a1f6b2ca520842932.jpg (500x727, 32K)


Attached: CallMePo Susie lingerie.jpg (1158x1280, 348K)

So either you’re stupid or just trying to kill the thread faster. Or maybe you’re just resorting to shitposting trying to save face. Either way I’m just going to do the smart thing and just stop feeding you. I wish your Waifu luck


Lol, listen to you trying to bigger man me. Fuck off newfag.

You will be in prison one day

I hope your waifu's successful, user.
Lots of cuties in the competition now

Attached: 4217bb743a85ee22e6b247682a4dffa6.jpg (500x748, 25K)

Several of mine will go far. Your pedo shit is gonna get hated out.

Love the font and hot pink color, good job

Explain your butthurt
Or bad trolling skills I suppose

Deathfag over here

Attached: Death Sandman.png (625x352, 125K)

That's great to hear user, with some good luck you can win out the rest, best of wishes

Attached: 1450159547124.png (1300x1195, 235K)

Why are you attracted to children?


Good luck to your waifu

Attached: 263.png (750x730, 186K)

great work user, but I'm confused on the 'almost real roundtable'. I know Death has a real life face model, Deet and Coraline are puppets, and Unikitty is lego. The other 4 confuse me

Your waifu is a literal who

I didn't ask for your thoughts. Are you trying to start a fight or something?

>implying she looks anything like a child

I know she's 10 but when I first saw her I thought she was 16

Reminder that getting this thread archived isn’t going to make the next round go up faster

You are gross

Yeah it won't start until 2 hours from now at the very least.

Don't reply to the jackass.

We'll just move to the next thread