What's your catchphrase,Yea Forums?

what's your catchphrase,Yea Forums?

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I like how the asian bows to him in reverence.

Death to fascism

Pictured: Logan Paul and Ricegum

>"Great job everyone."
it's fun to say in weird contexts, idk why

>Can you feel it now Mr. Crabs?

Holy Faggotoly OP!!

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Konnichiwa, dude! I don't care about specific Asian types because I dig ALL asian chicks. They're so docile and tight. Can you hook me up?

From this point on, "Docile and Tight."

I would prefer not to

Do mudskin bugman really think that people would ever mistake them from chinese, korean and japanese? Racists are not colorblind

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The asian pimp is pleased by the open mind of his client

"This is my girlfriend"
"Wow look my girlfriend"

Ahh nut-bunnies.

I say it because I picked it up as a family friendly “curse”. That’s my catch phrase if anything is.

The chink worships the BWC.

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He saw OUATIH and knows the score.

>Docile and Tight
What did he mean by this?

i get mine from Yea Forums

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Asian males really love to play up the "racism" they face. Which is to say virtually none.

That's that asian supremist supremicist cartoonist, isn't it?

It is.

I know we throw around 'incel' a lot in Yea Forums but that guy sounded so honest to God disturbed and angry on women it made me blink and realize the vast majority of Yea Forums had nothing on that guy's hatred, which is really something.

>"Well, he's just dead."
>"[Humming Dreams of Fortune or Mad Mission Theme Song]"
Woah, I can't believe I'm a quirky faggot who should neck himself.

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It means docile and tight.

He isn't even the first one, there's at least four comics out there by asian immigrants bitching about asian girls dating white man

Qui Contra Nos?

based white bro BTFOs asian webcomicer

Don't shill your bullshit OC

>who dares
>let's do this like brutus
>Lookin good baby

I enjoy a good catch phrase every now and again

Sploopity Sploosh!

Amazing then. All this time the true incels were yellow boys, not white ones.

Oh, cuntflaps.

I came here to chew ass.

"I speel my dreenk."

It's goeth time.

You cannot stop the united will of the people. We'll soon rally the rest of Western Civilization to folow the one true way; the third way.

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But planned economies are super fragile.

Pictured: Logan Paul and the dead Japanese guy he found hanging in the forest.

I mean I agree, but if you're a communist your entire philosophical ideal completely relies on fascism to be implemented

Yeah, it's really dumb to think the two are right/left opposites.

I say this all the time in response to inconveniences, and I autistically dread the day someone at work calls me on the source of my intonation.

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You can fight the rise of fascism before it’s actually implemented.

Maldito hijo de puta.

"Brutal." In a completely emotionless tone.

These cuck comics always make me wonder if this all happens in some dimension that's close to ours or something, like has any white guy ever just gone up to a random Asian dude and said some shit like that? Like to hear r/asianmasculinity tell it the biggest problem facing Asian Americans today is horny white guys cruising for poon at Panda Express.

99% chance the person that posted this doesn't understand what fascism is and would use fascist tactics to obtain their goal.

I think it's kind of funny given that there's probably less racial tension between whites and asians in the U.S. than any other racial groups... well probably anywhere, they're pretty much just squinty whites to the average person.