>Now that the movie's over, let's have a dance party!
Now that the movie's over, let's have a dance party!
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Name one animated movie that doesn’t have a dance party.
Plague Dogs
Do these endings even appeal to kids? As a kid I always just got embarrassed watching these scenes, especially with other people around.
I thought I was the only one feeling that way.
Walt with bashir.
Same, I'm not really sure who they're for
Yeah, same. Cringey AF
How to Train your Dragon. If I'm wrong, tell me where it is.
Appeal to parents with the 80s or 90s song used and appeal to kids seeing the characters of the movie dance and sing and do funny stuff. Or at least that was the intention.
Seriously the greatest shame was the fact that Hotel Transylvania dated the fuck out of itself. Ih should have been The Monster Mash!
Grave of the Fireflies
Retard the dance party is in the title
Based, although I would totally see an alternate version like that
I thought user was asking for "animated movies that doesn't end in a party dance" sorry about that.
t. beta cucks who are no fun at parties
How does after years of animated films with dance parties, Shrek's, the film that popularized it, still feels fresh and funny after 20 years.
I think they do this because 3D artists like to show off how well they can rig the characters, I remenber something about the people who worked on Madascar and Over The Hedge saying that they already had files of the characters dancing before the movie even started being production because this was how they tested the models, and later they included it in the credits
Madagascar is based
This, it's a test for animators and a way to benchmark rendering with the number of full rig characters they can fit on the screen at once. Also have heard the bigwigs use scenes like that to get that producer cash back in the day and it's part of the reason why they're going away.
This is why love learning dumb shit about animation, everything has a weird explanation behind
the Americans had plenty of dance parties to celebrate winning
Meesa OP. This thread was meat to celebrate good times.
Talking about Star Wars then...
Steven Universe: The Movie
3D animation has lots of things that are done pre-production, hell, there's a reason the Into The Spider-Verse actually used the extra suits in Ultimate Universe Pete's lair for the ending just because they didn't want them used for two scenes that barely got any focus. Then they had fun and shoved some 60s Spider-Man memes into it as well.
live action movie with a dance party ending
Jackie Chan?
Thats a lot of snu-snu oni girls
And that...napoleon flavored girl with the gem eye
She's actually super unsettling.
it's because Shrek in general did a lot of things right with it's soundtrack
>Used pop culture songs, but they were relevant to the scenes they were in instead of randomly throwing in whatever they wanted. This was true for almost every song in Shrek 2 except for it's own dance party ending ironically enough
>jokes that appeal to kids and to the parents taking them to the movie
>SOUL, like mentioned
How many of the dance party endings use a song that just appears out of nowhere?
Trolls had an original song by one of the stars of the movie, and it fit the tone of the scene and the established laws of the story.