Immortal hulk thread

Mj variant

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_mythology

I'm cool with the random MJ push but I'm also worried for her bc of it? I guess it's to help promo her miniseries? That workout outfit reminds me of her insanely hot Spinnerette look

>dat bulge

>MJ mostly covered
>Hulk in underwear with a bugle
Why does Anka keep pretending to be Bi he clearly is full gay.

god i wish hulk would smash me with his BIG GREEN COCK

Guys, guys, there's plenty of Hulk for everyone. Just make an orderly line, keep your bottle of lube handy and the XXL condom ready to prevent Gamma fluids.

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Anka draws some fucking fine women. Between this and his recent Catwoman variant, he's on a roll

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based chad hulk

i want it RAW
irradiate me daddy
shoot your glowing cum all over my face uwu

to be fair that is just Hulk's regular look

Friendly reminder:

>Marvel has informed retailers that Immortal Hulk #24 and #25 have both been postponed on their schedule.

>#24 was originally solicited to hit stands September 18, but has now been re-scheduled for October 2. The double-sized #25 is set for release October 23, after being postponed once before (see below).

> (W) Al Ewing (A) Joe Bennett (CA) Alex Ross
>• As the war with Shadow Base comes to a brutal, bloody end, Bruce Banner has a choice to make.
>• And the repercussions of that choice will have an effect on every single life on this planet...
>• ...including the IMMORTAL HULK.

Attached: immortal_hulk_24.jpg (917x1400, 314K)

>HIDDEN GEM VARIANT COVER BY Gene Colan and Rudy Nebres
>• You’ve never read a Hulk comic like this before. You’ve never read a Marvel comic like this before.
>• The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. >Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
>• ...before the BREAKER OF WORLDS.

Attached: immortal_hulk_25.jpg (994x1528, 314K)

Not gonna lie, I've had some raw fantasies with Hulk lately thanks to pictures like these. It's wild.

>Hulk wearing that gay ass hairband
Anka you scum...

I can't take it, bros. I'm not going to make it...

>when big buff guys wear pink

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I hope this issue in particular lives up to the hype. Not saying the story itself won't be good, but I hope the "aweful choice" isn't something dumb like the green door has to be closed again so TOBA won't take over the universe.

I like the theory about the new cosmos being the first one ruled by TOBA

If anything, it's going to be the exact opposite, considering it's supposed to have wide-scale ramifications. Banner's going to do something that ensures TOBA gets a stronger foothold on Earth, but will attempt to utilize it to change the world for the better.

>Banner's going to do something that ensures TOBA gets a stronger foothold on Earth, but will attempt to utilize it to change the world for the better.
I like this idea very much. If he removes Brian Banner's influence first, that is... And uses the emanations of the divine from TOBA's tendrils, he can finally put an end to the human world as he wants to, and it would precisely fulfill the promise of changing the life on the planet (keeping the Green Door wide open).

So, I haven't read this Hulk comic, what exactly is it about?
Bruce Banner can now just live forever and ever?
and sound fucking wild.

Manlet in the back

I’m excited and hyped, it’s been a great ride so far, can’t wait for them to come out. We should do a storytime for all issues until then.

Probably, though this is the second time they've done it in recent years

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I've been reading through hulk right now in anticipation of this I started at 288 and I'm currently at 388, I've already read civil war 2 (saddly) so I know how bruce dies but is there anything else I need to read to get the series better? I've been picking up the directors cuts and I'm getting the hard cover next month (alongside the 3rd trade) so when 25 drops I'll be ready

Its a weird decision they made for marketing, I suppose they wanted a woman to showcase and MJ just fits the bill. It's nice as a fan of her but I'm not sure what marvels game is fully

I wish the mouse didn't hate Hulk so much bros, it would've been nice if they let him get movies but I suppose if they wanted to push hulk they probably wouldn't have let this series be as weird as it has been

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I mean, Ewing's been telegraphing it pretty hard so far, especially in regards to what just happened to Fortean. He tried to impose order over chaos utilizing chaos, so Banner's going to do the reverse using Shadowbase's tools to do so.

Basically, it's the best parts of the Hulk with psychological and cosmic horror overtones.

Banner realizes he's a radioactive phoenix and attempts to use the Hulk for good to assuage his own guilt. Government organizations and the origins of gamma radiation itself complicate matters.

No, you're doing good. I would've started at #272 to get the full context, but you've got the meat of the run.

It's not Disney, it's Universal not wanting to play ball. Though considering we're getting a She-Hulk series, maybe things are looking up.

You got a sauce on the universal not wanting to bite? I always assumed it was disney just wanting to keep as big of the market share as they could. Though after I hit the end of the 90s series I'm going to start Immortal as well as go back to the beginning and read through hulk from #1

That Hulk is making me mighty uncomfortable

I love the covers for this series but I hate the reprint covers, I don't know why they couldn't just reuse the alex ross covers for them

>I don't know why they couldn't just reuse the alex ross covers for them
Drives sales. Gotta get that first print

When Juggernaut? I really think only Ewing and Hickman could do something interesting with him.

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Yeah, one of my comic shops got second and third prints of 11-15 which is the last of what I need I was able to scrounge for 18-23 last NCBD since I only just decided to pick up the series and bought the second printings of 16 and 17 to not have to buy a trade for only 2 issues, but I'm getting the third trade instead of buying those reprints to actually see the original covers. Its kind of a shame since he only ordered those reprints for a customer who never returned but I don't care to much about it honestly

waiting to see what's gonna happen for immortal hulk #28

why 28?

For a more in-depth summary:

Not him, but the solicits for December aren't out yet, we don't know what's happening until then. This is #26, which seems to pick up right after the events of #24...

Attached: immortal_hulk_26.jpg (789x1200, 324K)

And this is #27, where Hulk is fighting the head of Roxxon in Wall Street.

Attached: immortal_hulk_27.jpg (787x1200, 346K)

>Steel throne
>Beast of myth
>In this work, Blake traces the fall of Albion, who was "originally fourfold but was self-divided".

>The parts into which Albion is divided are the four Zoas:

>Tharmas: representing instinct and strength.

>Urizen: reason and conventional society; a cruel god resembling the Gnostic Demiurge.

>Luvah: love, passion and emotive faculties; a Christ-like figure, also known as Orc in his most amorous and rebellious form.

>Urthona, also known as Los: inspiration and the imagination.'s_mythology

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Would the concept of Metatron figure into any of Blake's works or it's just gonna be the conduit TOAA will use to talk to Bruce?

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It's been too long. Hulk who laughs should be end before christmas.

>should be end

The series isn't ending anytime soon. We're barely ending the first act.

bleedingcool said they wanted to relaunch after 25 but the success lead to them getting more issues and relaunching in 2020

I think they were simply backpedaling in their original prediction that was based on mere conjectures about #25. Why would they relaunch at all? It's selling really well, only thing that surpasses it that isn't an event is Amazing Spider-Man.

I mean we're pretty close to 750 and since they completely missed 700 they'll probably try to make it a jammed packed anniversary issue

Only ten issues away for #750, which means it should be #33. If my calculations are right, that issue should be released in March or April 2020.

>the age of Jesus when he was crucified

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It makes sense if they want to do a shake up that issue or the issue after is a logical point, though I'm not caught up in the slightest so I don't know what they'll do

Metatron issue confirmed
I think by the time #25 drops we'll know what the long term plan for this is, since it's supposed to be a hallmark of its own. It's not out of possibilities to relaunch or rename it somehow since that's what will happen with Doctor Strange, although that one was dipping a bit in sales recently.

I dunno about setting for the future of the series, but #25 isn't technically gonna be about the Hulk since it mainly takes place in a universe of suffering with a new lead and cast of characters.


dat name...

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It was a different time, okay?

I take it this is that OTHER personality Banner keeps locked up in a mental prison?

this is the first cover art of a comic that I would want a print of. although I guess it'd look weird in my house.

>r63 She-Hulk = He-Hulk

>all those mj and black cat covers
>every single one of them drawn them ugly, with small breats and fully covered up
thanks to sjws nothing is fun anymore

he's going to be part of Punisher's Kill Krew

Attached: Punisher Kill Krew 02 (of 05)-019.jpg (1988x3056, 2.46M)

The MJ variants were a response to how huge Gwen got with Spider Gwen, the Gwen variants, and Gwenpool. They were probably hoping for an MJ design to catch on so they could make a series out of it.

And then they just went and gave her a miniseries anyway. Marvel marketing at its finest.

Hulk know that fellow gym goer not “accidentally” grab pink gym stuff.

Seriously, try it.

I don't think it is literally the Metatron, just a character that has become that thing Banner is talking to (so far all of the deities referenced in the book have been a metaphor for something else)

Why are people always taking selfies in nu-marvel?

Is there any potential gwenpool like characters in those variants?

It's the hip thing with the kidz

When did Yea Forums become an /lgbt/ colony

Nightwing and Nightcrawler made everyone gay.

Oh the horror, bisexuality is a thing! Somebody would call a priest or something.

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tumblr migration. There were so many .

What is B in LGBT stands for user?

You bitches need your own containment thread.

Duggan keeps delivering, hope this mini will lead to him writing the actual Punisher ongoing.

If anything we stopped being super gay.

Gay threads used to be like a weekly occurrence but now we're lucky to get gay enough to have 1 mega gay thread that lasts 3-4 days every once and a while.

What even is the point you're trying to make?

>implying gay people dont read comics
>implying people immediately stopped reading comics when they realized they were gay
Same can be said about videogames and other shit.

He is good in street level characters. His Electra is good too.

Don't be foolish. Everyone knows you lose all sense of self once you join the Gay Collective'a hivemind.

is the new Punisher run worth reading?
ive been holding off anything Frank related for a years except for Platoon


Duggan's Frank is good. But he is not writing main series. He is writing Frank in "punisher kill krew" and "Savage avengers." Both are good.

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>Immortal Hulk thread
>only 80 posts with 38 posters
What killed the hype?

Don't recognize this cover.
Where can I read this?

Is this a gag cover?
Is it a special issue off the main plot?

It's a variant cover for Immortal Hulk #25, it's not out yet.
>Is this a gag cover?
>Is it a special issue off the main plot?
No. It's kinda like this one.

Attached: immortal_hulk_25-var.jpg (921x1400, 514K)

Why is Arkillo there?

Please don't be shit. I've had too many shit endings lately.

Thanks for the info, user.
Been loving this series. Was just curious if they were jumping to a light-hearted "B-side" plot or alternate universe.

These writers have horror toned perfectly. Which, in my opinion is just 1 step away from golden comedy.

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>shit endings
This is only the end of Act 1 of 3, dear boy.

Didn't know who you meant and googled... Nah, that's just a random gamma monster from Gamma Base, back in issue #16 or 17.

user I was making an obvious joke what with the character I named being from DC and all.

My autism couldn't take it, my bad.

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NYCC Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk cover.

Also it's basically confirmed that Hulk will have a role within the event outside the one-shot.

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Duggan is good everywhere

>Cates writing Devil Hulk
I don't like this.
I agree. Even the Wolverine: Infinity Watch mini that was largely ignored everywhere was pretty good.

Isn't the AC tie in supposed to come out this month?

nah, october

Aside from the Director's Cut stuff, we aren't getting any more Immortal Hulk this month, since everything got pushed a few weeks.

Thought only the stuff from the ongoing was getting pushed, oh well. I guess i'll have to wait a little more than i anticipated.

Yeah, it blows better it kills momentum, but at least it didn't happen in the middle of an arc but right at the end of it, so at least there's anticipation. And besides, we're still getting two issues in October and not just one as originally intended.

because* not better

MJ 'bout to take the zuchini.

We'll see user.

Can't be worse than Slott.

Slott wrote him well in Fantastic Four though? I liked the epilogue, which was way more in line with Immortal Hulk than the actual confrontation (in which he was being controlled by the Puppet Master anyway).

>Ben KO'd Immortal Hulk, due to heart
He literally couldn't have written it any worse.
Absolute garbage.

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We are getting Ronda Rousey, tho, and she is a shit actress.


I saw it like this, Ben was restored to being the thing by TOAA & and hulk was powered by energies from the TOBA. Like paper beating rock.

I doubt it. Rousey can’t act and she lost a ton of hype after getting btfo so many times. I could honestly see them getting an Alison Brie type if not Alison Brie herself. Jen is supposed to be moist and smaller when not hulked out and Brie can pull off being sexy.

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So now MJ is lusting after Bruce's dick?

*mousey not moist

You both do.

>Jen is supposed to be moist

For hulk stuff?! That'd be awesome! But I meant for those who keep crying sjw


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I hate these variants. They're so low quality compared to ross

I ducking got a few reprints and the covers are absolutely awful, when I get home I’ll post a comparison and god damned it’s bad

>Ben KO'd Immortal Hulk, due to heart
And a vibranium ring

Still gonna be a "no" for me, dawg.

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>expecting The Thing to job to Hulk in his own book
C'mon man, be reasonable.