What's your opinion on Leah Williams body of work?

What's your opinion on Leah Williams body of work?

Attached: leah williams.jpg (1060x1325, 136K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>Body of work

Big Titty Xorn yes that's her twitter

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She's a pretty good writer. And for all the shit she gets for her Squirrel Girl faces, Henderson's actually a talented artist.

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Oh. Weird

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I wonder if Babs' patreon, in which she publishes X rated artwork, is worth it. Anyone a patron?

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Mediocre and not made up for by her rocking tits.

I’d like to work on her body, if you know what I mean

I'm suspecting that OP might be Leah herself...

I don't care for her writing.
Has she done other works? Artistic or somesuch?

Leah stop nobody cares about you

Reminder that she might be here right now!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-15 big tiddy xorn on Twitter XavierFiles david_baldeon Ahaha The last version of (598x656, 71K)

She could be you, she could be me...she could even be-

Lol that pic is like 5 years old.

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Based Marvel Yea Forums posters

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It got bigger? Is that even possible?

What a fucking grotesque lardass.

She's only started to crank some lewd stuff for polls. Most lewds are of the oc she cosplaying in your pic.

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I would like to work on her body if you know what I mean

Still would.

Do you happen to have some examples?

>mfw I used to have that very same bikini top
Target swimsuits are actually pretty good

I like big tits as much as the next guy, but those just look like they would be a pain in the ass and fuck up your back.


Interesting, thanks. I am genuinely considering it I like her art a lot.

I was waiting for this post to pop up.

Not long ago she said she lost weight, though.

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That bra looks like it's still supporting all the weight though

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all of her books are bad
Magik what if was the weakest What if from the group
X-tremists was the worst Age of X-Man book
Gwenpool is the cringiest thing Mamrvel's released since America
she's obviously sleeping with Jordan White
and those X-Men podcasters have a boner for her

literately only remotely popular because she posts her tits online and soibois whiteknight for her
shit writer

Theres been a lot more cringier stuff than the new Gwenpool user.

All of this is incorrect.

Attached: leah_williams_marvel.jpg (1200x900, 175K)

This is not a recent pic. This pic is from the same era as the OP. You're being misleading.

hi Leah

>good writers

I just hope she treats best Quentin well.

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>X-tremists was the worst Age of X-Man book
Objectively wrong as fuck

well she will make a nice pillow.

>a fattie wears a corset: thread #8271

corseting is bad for your health.

ya, Rosenburg's Uncanny was FAR worse. But I liked how she wrote Fred in X-Tremists, most character he's ever gotten in his entire history

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Also waiting for that post to pop up.

Here he is!

it was
Blob's part was shit

id pay for lewds of babs desu

I would harpoon for 3 days and 3 nights

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Because I expected it.

It was nice, but got fatter and now I don't want to bother with it.

>not liking Gail Simone

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she’s like a less talented Leth

Kate Leth can't write for shit and has wasted every title she's been on. At worst Leah is mediocre.

Leth has zero good things to her name, and likes to pretend to be an artist sometimes as well. Plus she was never as hot as Leah, and is an ass to her fans at shows. The comic industry needs more women like Leah and Hope Nicholson who are super nice in person and will leave a con table to have sex with you.

I can appreciate it...

How was the Christmas Special? Saw something about it in her twitter, looked like she put lots of thought into writing Psylocke, haven't seen the results though.

I'm gonna buy that Tiefling Thot shirt she's designing.

>Gail Simone
She is one of the rare writers who can write deadpool well.

It's an old ass Yea Forums meme they use as an excuse to post soft core pics

>when you just want to write about a shapeshifter with a big dick even when they're taking the form of a woman but your sjw friends keep shaming you over it

>The comic industry needs more women like Leah and Hope Nicholson who are super nice in person and will leave a con table to have sex with you
is this a fetish ?
plz be in london

She looks like the average highly neurotic pampered white woman who never had anyone tell her to shut the fuck up.

ok Leah

you just want her to smoosh you

>plz be in london
Seattle but I'm a

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Eat my ass Kate

Yeah she's currently doing her August commissions still but slowly doing the lewd art. Like one she was drawing on a plane she drew lewd while in the middle seat.

Prove it

>shape shift into a villainess
>retain your trademark sunglasses
>and retain your trademark bulge
plastic man, what a guy

Yeah, this is her most recent. Still wearing corsets instead of living a moderately active lifestyle with portion control.

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Not a fetish for me. It's a true story that happened at ECCC and was retold in Pros & Comic Cons.

Very cool, corsetbro, keep us posted



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But being on my worst behavior is the best way to get a mention on her twitter.


I think I'm getting a bit wiser as I get older.
I saw the caked on makeup and looked at the skin around her arm for a more realistic look at the quality of her skin.
It was fun times when that faceapp 'removed' makeup.

I'm not gonna lie, while she does have some nice looking boobies, it's that face that does it for me. That's a face that should be face fucked everyday and covered in my hot gooey semen. The tits are just the cherry on top.

I adore that she's completely up for shitposting.
And her books are pretty consistently great.


I'm so lonely bros

Get out there, meet people and fall in love user. We'll all make it.




Leah, I'll be at NYCC and would love the chance to talk comics and then lay you down by the fire and make sweet love. Reply if you're interested.

Not the guy you replied to but
>Got out there
>Didn't fine love, only ghosts, liars and crazy girls
>Five years later, have become disillusioned and bitter with the whole idea

Find ways to overcome loneliness without other people. No one is gonna "save" you.

Best girl right there

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I want to go to one of her conversations, bend her over the table, lift her skirt up and pound her ass right there in front of everyone while she makes oink sounds while there's a plate of bacon in front of her.

it’s creepy seeing so many people on Twitter openly fetishize her

I suggest becoming an INTJ
The downside is you can't really comfort people because emotions are outside of your comfort zone and you tend to just go 'there there' with a pat on the shoulders.

It's worse on Babs' twitter, and she openly embraces it on there too.


Say something about her body of work, instead of just her body.

Leah, if you're reading this, I have no interest in your body of work because I only read classic capeshit, nothing current. But I do want you to know that I know that you exist.

X-tremists was wildly off kilter and crappy but so was the whole Age of X Man.
Barbarella x Deja Thoris was excellent, the dialogue between the two was great she does lesbianing very well.
Her X-Men Black was good I enjoyed it.
What if Magik was lackluster.
Gwenpool has been good so far judging by the one issue I read.
She's very hit and miss but when she hits it's good.

Now I know who's been making all these dumb off topic threads.

>not liking the woman who started all this SJW cancer in capes


Based and Chefpilled

Gail is only progressive when it works for her and her friends. When Waid does anything she backs him, even when he threatened to punch a woman on a convention panel and lost his series artist after asking her for a threesome.

>Waid is an incel
News at 11.
>is only progressive when it works for her and her friends
That's what SJWs do, user.

Leah, how much do you charge for the hour?

And please don't pretend to be offended.

What's the scores on the door Miss Ford re Waid vs Meyer?

>this woman is a prostitute!
Classic dude

Leah Williams needs to stop sucking editors penises

What woman isn't a prostitute nowadays?


And she needs to start sucking her fans’ penises.

Right, right. Look forward to seeing this based screencap on her Twitter, reflecting well on this board.

Hey, not everyone here is asexual.

trying really hard to get a mention in her twitter .

To reduce abortion rates, we need to teach young women to swallow and/or take it up the ass.
Condoms break, pulling out is also risky.
Give abortion a pass, take it up the ass!
Also, I speak for everyone on Yea Forums and perfectly reflect the current hivemind's opinions 100%.

>Give abortion a pass, take it up the ass!
I don't know, man
The ass holds many dangers

Hey, the bitch is asking for it, we give it to her.

Talking from experience?

With Leah I'm pretty sure if you're confident, pleasant, and not terrible-looking, you could get it for free.

Fucking cringe

>she's a slut
Of course.

True, fat hogs like her will take any crumbs they can.

OK, I give it to her and you can watch. Like a good cuck.

>that book
We need World War 3. People seriously need something real to worry about to gain some perspective.

There we go, there was an appalling lack of trans/cuck shit ITT. Thank you.

Okay, Leah. Let me be blunt.
Yes, I would fuck the shit out of your brains out.
As a matter of fact, I would fuck you so hard that my dick would fall off.
Why do I have to pretend that I care about your work, if your body is enough? And yes, I have a big dick, I would reach your uterus without problem.

Why do I have to lie that I'm not a sex maniac and that I care about your talents?

leah i will love you if you just let him be happy for once

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Tell me about it bro. I guess guys like us were just born in the wrong generation.

She's perfect. I would totally cum inside her.

What if Leah went into porn?

>reflecting well on this board.

We've been at war for 18 years user, what more do you want

I swear to god, if you guys don't fucking calm down you actually might scare her away just like Yea Forums did with that book reviewer.

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I think there's a difference between funposting about her tits and books and things in a generally light hearted way, which she's fine with and may even dig, vs when the thread runs out of steam and turns into "fucking literal pig is a fucking hooker, fuck women" as that kinda cringy school shooter shit winds up being the story, especially as people start to direct her here.

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>you actually might scare her away
She would never fuck you user anyhow.

I literally fapped few minutes ago. Fuck it, I have to start all over again. Fuck you Yea Forums, you're the gayest board on Yea Forums, and you still managed to give me a boner

Leah, make Emma Frost a good guy and an X-Man again.

And make Magik a lesbian.

Yeah I agree with you there but let's face it nobody is going to pay attention to you.

Leah, it doesn't mater about anything else but please give Magik her goat legs. Please, Leah.

jesus christ, you cow! if you want anyone of us to milk you, just say it, don't spray it

That girl was pure and naive before Yea Forums gave her attention. Leah loves this attention.

She will feed our many babies

make mysterio gay

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Dude, let's just agree on a gangbang

She would need to get BLACKED ASAP.

That's Babs user. She's clearly gym thot blacked girl

Not him but I'm up for that

>Yea Forums

But that's an incel den. Yea Forums is full of gigachads.

Then we would wake up, because it would obviously be a dream. She is annoying, because she teases, but she never delivers. Fuck you Leah

Doesn't matter, we just need a plan

I don't trust a comic book writer who doesn't shove fetishes into their work and neither should you. inb4 giantess collage

I am a chad? Since fucking when? Why nobody told me before? Fuck you Yea Forums

I'm not into even into her, I just don't like it when writers suddenly go missing. Like Brian Reed for example, no one's ever heard of him after Halo 5.

That works for me. She would probably enjoy it. I know I would.

>All her shit would be SFW teasing shit
That's no dream. That's a nightmare

It's because he is chased by IRS

>not into even into
Yeah I need to sleep.

that’s pathetic

Rather, anyone who would already has the common sense not to go into bullshit mode.
But today's sunday and school's out.

Dream about being into even into her


Dumb wars. And no one from the first world is being drafted.

I swear to god, if she doesn't show her tits, I'll probably give up on my hopes and dreams, and become a responsible adult


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And Leah Williams is a skellington.

Who dis?

I'm most likely going to dream about this annoying cockroach

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Tell us more.

Get a load of this enlightened fucking Buddha.

her ribcage would be huge then

Don't be ridiculous. Skeletons don't exist

it's redacted

Then it's bullshit.

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

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We've got the biggest ribcages, absolutely the biggest. Everybody is saying they're the biggest, believe me. Yuge.

I'm sorry but CIA doesn't let me say anything else

Well if CIA let you say something we'd KNOW it's bullshit.
So it must be true.

You are just thinkin with your penis. Because she is your waifu, doesnt make things to complain about going away.
Not saying that overly complaining is ok, but bad things need to be addressed.

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Her Giant Men mini was pretty funny and had decent characterization but the plot was really spotty and idk if there was some miscommunication with the artist but some of the action was incomprehensible. That may not be her fault but I still question her ability to write a serious ongoing plot. She's no Eve Ewing or Rainbow Rowell but she's not bad.

god i wish that were me

>the plot was really spotty
Whatever it was, I'll cut most everyone involved in the event some slack because they had to work with Aaron's bullshit.

The problem is, when a women is good in writing, she will make her own novel, and never be found in the mass, or goes to tv, and rarely known if not a fore runner. So who you see in comics are geeks, no difference between women or men, and geeks tend to be not good writer. Like fanfiction!

Leah sucks, at writing and probably penises every other tie-in was better though

That's a black cock slut all right

I wonder if Leah worries if the guy she dates turns out to have been an user from here. Imagine her finding your stash of comics and then hearing you blurt out your cartoon crush. And then she screams and points a fork at you.

I don't know much about her except that she knows about Yea Forums, and her Gwenpool is pretty good but not as good as Hastings. Still following to see where it goes though.

Wouldn't be surprised if she had a cartoon crush though.

>her Gwenpool is pretty good
Fuck yeah, her making the Fortnite dance will go down in history as the greatest Marvel page ever.

After reading that, she should visit Yea Forums.
Not under her name, but she seems to fit perfectly right in here.

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oh so i stop namefagging and suddenly creators are all over the board i see how it is

her Gwenpool is pretty bad

You could have just quit being a douchenozzle.

No wonder she wanted to work on Gwenpool

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If you are low selfesteeem, bodywise, this is like a drug. The nasty ones will be shrugged of like "ehh, thats nasty".


Slam Pig/10

Good to know, will check them out.

Maybe nymphomaniac? With her body, it might be hard to get some good sex. And with good i mean nice, non ugly guys.

>If you are low selfesteeem, bodywise, this is like a drug.
Nothing was a boost of self esteem like setting up a lewd snapchat, Like holy crap does it feel good.

It's not Gwen, but it's funny. A lot of copers really want it to be Evil Gwen.

Look, I find Leah an entertaining writer. But I kind made a pact with Babs. Sure she's draining my wallet dry, and knowingly my seed for making lewds and posting pics like this. Fucking hell how'd she get me this under her sway?

What tier do you subscribe to, $15 seems steep!?

leah youre a nigger

it kinda is but that's actually what i give the other artist on patreon i follow (vs using the site for 5 dollar podcasts) so it seems fair, and i'm not even horny for him!

Wow, she's pretty based and can handle all the super weird cringey single guy stuff on here. Gonna be honest, i legitimately thought those gwenpool previews were Yea Forums edits, made me laugh.

I want to rest my head on my lap while she tells me superhero stories, lads.

I'm looking forward to her Mary Jane miniseries

She posts censored stuff on her Twitter. So I guess I can use those. Here's her latest featuring Sailor Uranus and Neptune.

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Yeah, I'm about to pull my podcast money for Babs. Is her lewd artwork spankable and does she post any like, outfit pics of herself?

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$10 tier. It isn't as steep and you see the lewds. The key is just saving them when she posts them.

Nice, thanks

If she thinks your cute at a con she'll give you her ghostmode snapchat

No lewds of herself. Lewd drawings of the OC she cosplayed as (which are about four.at the moment, the Sailor Scout duo are her second. She's working on two more both OC stuff. But there should be a new lewd pic later this month or next of another pair.

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I don't believe you even if i had the social skills to go to a con and knew how to use snapchat and was confident enough to look good and flirt and post on Yea Forums

Legitimate "give me money for sexual services" outfit and look, weird thing for her to share.

>when people vote for lewds from that DnD podcast I don't care about

maybe the only problem with it. i really like how she'll do "Sexy person posing" "LGBT couple" and "Straight couple" drawings though, nice variety

I've seen other people post the same thing in Babs threads before so I have hope user isn't lying
Literally every single selfie she posts is like that.

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Yeah her polls for "spicy" have a nice variety. Scott/Barda I was rooting for, but also happy that Sailor Scouts won her first poll.

Dick/Babs keep sneaking in there so I bet she wants to really do a lewd pic of those two. I'm almost kind of surprised her first pic was a spicy one of Dick.

lol It's not weird at all. She's actually a shrewd businesswoman.

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Nothing helps better to wash a down away with making something lewd that other are drooler over!

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Next you are going to say Amy Chu is good

You are alone and with too many boners!

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babs if you're ever here how do i become a good reply guy to you on twitter cause i'm ready to take up posting arms

god she looks so good

Now all I need to do is pivot to payed content and I'll be golden

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>Barbarella x Deja Thoris was excellent, the dialogue between the two was great she does lesbianing very well.
Hey. Someone other than me read that. I enjoyed it a lot too

Honestly, if you look at some youtube or insta celebreties or other influencers like actresses, its the common pic nowadays. Best timeline for our dicks. Bad for our dislike of degenerancy.

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Why, yes I browse Yea Forums and love Spinel threads. How could you tell?

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No one would ever want to see my gross ass

sounds like a plan. One that should work.

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Leah did a pitch on a podcast about how Emma should walk into congress and just manhandle everyone and walk out a total victor. Hickman wrote basically that but in a courtroom. I think she has Hickmans ear so we will be getting some good Emma stuff soon

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how do we get babs a real camera?

You gotta work for it user, it's prompted me to start working out more and taking even better care of my skin
Endgame is sugar daddy

Who? That name keeps being mentioned and should i know who that is?

user, I can fucking guarantee you as long as you are a woman someone would wanna see you.

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Yeah the interplay between the characters felt genuine.

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but I'm a dicklet

Babs Tarr is the thot artist that's been posted all over here.

Then you gotta be cuter

This was a rare case of most of the tie ins sucking. Only Strikeforce was decent

do you really have over 800 pics of her?
>believing a Yea Forums user had sex

Send her one to the office. But you have to pay for it.

Thats a good fallback. But risky if you get the wrong one.

Attached: Who could be into this.png (500x512, 133K)

>do you really have over 800 pics of her?

I already have a couple of guys that buy me stuff sometimes and that's a really nice feeling, but I'd really like to just have one that spoils me real good.

what post?

Than you need another unique selling point. Or find one who is into dicklets.

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I only have eight.

>It's a true story that happened at ECCC and was retold in Pros & Comic Cons.

>and will leave a con table to have sex with you.
I wish Leah would do that with me.

I had to sell my NYCC ticket, but if I felt I had a chance to fuck Leah Williams, I'd have kept it.

>will leave a con table to have sex with you.

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Can anyone post Marguerite Bennett's body of work?

>and will leave a con table to have sex with you.
Post the sauce to this, user

Businesswise, standing on several founding pilars is better than on one. Only if this specialising is promising for future happiness and love is in it, it makes sense.

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Care to give any examples? It's for... research.

>she could be here right now

I can't tell if all these spoilers are just sad dudes rping as thots or if Yea Forums is full of actual thots.

I think she's cool. Just followed her.

I mean once I have one I'm not gonna stop selling lewds

I'd happily receive every single STD she's infected with.

well post some

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Hey that's me


okay just in case then, FUCK YOU YOU FAT THOT JUMP OFF A BRIDGE

Anyone? Please

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It's not mutually exclusive, I'm a femboy running a thot snapchat too and shit's great

There are alot who dont mind if their partner has sex with others.Either cucks or directors

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I like Amy Chu

Gwenpool is horrible. It's just entertaining becasue its canon shitposting.

Miss me with that gay shit

what if babs and leah made out and or mashed there tits together

It's Yea Forums user, it's full of girls and gay bois

Gwenpool Strikes Back is a based zoomer book

I’d like that.

yeah she's even better now

Attached: babs.jpg (716x1705, 812K)

Got an sfw you can post as a taste? You know, like the dealer that gives you your first crack rock free?

what did she mean by this?

I don't charge nothing for anything yet

its... its a mirror m8

I photoshoped that dummy

I just want to face fuck her so bad

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no fun allowed

I feel like her tits will get saggy and drop down when she gets old.

God fuck that picture makes me so incredibly horny

I want to lick the inside of those thighs

I hate you

Hashtag not a Pangea baby

Always that one guy. Thanks user.

Problem solved

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The question is which one is the evil version


I liked her age of x-man stuff alright.

>If she thinks your cute at a con she'll give you her ghostmode snapchat

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take your hands off your dick and then think about

Architectposting never fails to get me
How I wish I were so lucky

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I hate hearing about debauchery at cons. I'm such a fucking sperg and so cons are just where I go and check out toys and comics and get pictures.

Same autist brother, I just usually hang out with a friend or two I brought and buy shit.

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>every time I get all excited and reread dozens of comics, think of smart questions, carefully deliberate which issues to get signed just to show up and be too shy to talk to artists or writers or any celebrity or anyone with a twitter that I follow and just buy comics from vendors after spending hours digging through longboxes

Just like olympia. Some athletes are there for sport and glory. Others to score on a /fit/ gal or guy.

>4 adult
yes she is

I would secretly bond burger'd her

Look at her Twitter posts and tell me it's not at least plausible

>How can we make feminism more inclusive
What book is that? And if you need that book, it doesnt let you look smart.
>A banker reading "how to make stocks more human
>An Alt-right reading "how to understand other opinions"

>4 adults
What does this mean? The seat can endure the weight of 4 adults?

We know it's you, Leah.

so uh whens the next con babs is doing and what should i say to her

She'd probably realize what you were up to
I love the idea regardless

I rather do Horrocks

If you're with until that point you're probably not going to be bothered by that. Just enjoy the 20 years of big titty fucking.

Brush up on your Harry Potter and recommend her some smutty fanfics.

Tell her you'll make her moan like Myrtle

Yo user I’m stealing this. Thanks in advance.

How is her Gwenpool so far? Haven't checked it out yet.
Hi Leah, I'd like to sniff your cleavage

>How is her Gwenpool so far? Haven't checked it out yet.
Seems to be divisive. It depends on how much you like zany characters that break the fourth wall.

There should be another with Luna Lovegood you can come up with.

i havnt seen harry potter

Snitch ass buster

Attached: C41A8984-1829-462C-B3ED-9B5F843756FA.jpg (828x1279, 500K)

Well you better get started.
Oh no dear that's not good enough.


Attached: shut-it-down.jpg (366x287, 71K)

>thread about her starts
>posts a titty pic after

I already made one post in this thread which I'm really proud of. In that post I talk about comics, not about lewdness. If she sees that post then I'll be okay.

Wow user, ya blew it before it's even started

Is it really user?

Attached: 9D3DB74F-098E-444B-873A-E9522403E841.jpg (828x620, 261K)

when will she cosplay this?

I hate to tell you this Anonymous but there's several dozens of people using your exact same name making very inappropriate posts. She'll see your post, think you're nice, then see all the other posts thinking they're yours as well and label you a creep.

What do you expect from an undercover artist lewding thread?

What? No! Leah, that wasn't me, I swear! I have no interest in sex! In fact, I don't even know what sex is!

The only thing I don't like about Leah Williams' Gwenpool is that they changed Gwenpool's outfit to be less of a leotard.

Leotards are love!


Attached: 14101546300.jpg (587x740, 66K)

>ghostmode snapchat
What is that?

>co talks to a girl

Attached: DEosOdNVoAEGzjd.jpg (750x1207, 115K)

A unsearchable snapchat. Its essentially private mode

I thought Babs Tarr was gay desu

The outfit I like...

Attached: file.png (651x996, 618K)

The outfit we now get.

Attached: file.png (195x454, 190K)

Oh, that sounds fun. So, do they add you, or do you add them somehow?

>she's obviously sleeping with Jordan White
I would be genuinely amazed to find out that Jordan White fucks with anyone.

>those holster straps on bare skin
That's going to chaff so much.

I liked her Emma Frost one-shot, I haven't read anything else by her. I also like her big tits.

He fucks a sailor moon dakimakura while yelling Chris Sims' name

Man open acknowledgement of Yea Forums never ends well.

You have to have their username is all. They just don't show up on the map or in the people you may know thing

Leah pls don't hate me, I just thought it was funny

Attached: Untitled.png (1059x1324, 1.04M)


>my post is in this
>people don't know about the wordfilter

Attached: sweat.png (2271x2380, 298K)


What a little shit

But user, I look like a monster

Pretend that you're a cute fuccboi cosplaying as a monster.

>cant draw
>dont watch people play dungeons and dragons
>havnt watched or read harry potter
>not attractive
i have no chance to get babs tarr to sit on my face do i?
or is that what her top patreon tier is for?

god imagine kissing her while she titfucks you, top tier mommy potential

>thot mommy
>not mommy thot
She's not a mother of thots user not yet

thats' actually not bad art desu.

Attached: 76c.jpg (672x434, 23K)

It still works grammatically

Attached: babs2.png (630x1200, 661K)

I liked that what if? magik book she wrote last year. Does she write any other stories like that?
Is she a morrisonfag? If so, that's pretty based

>won't get H Y P E R C R I S I S tattooed on her tits
Choose one

i'd like to see your tattoo, user

I'm a Moorefag. It's a Lost Girls tattoo so I can't post it on a SFW imageboard.

Attached: babs2.png (630x1200, 660K)

I call BS

that art is by a comic artist Mike Jc.

He's the big morrisonfag, but he has an actual crush on Leah and does art of her from time.

the funny thing is i don't think she even knows or sees his art lol
I follow him and he posts stuff time to time

Attached: D88Njc-XUAAJVX3.jpg (1122x1587, 244K)

Not a fan of the hair but the body is still glorious

I know it's low hanging fruit, but I'm kinda happy that my thread was acknowledged by her. I thought my thread would die early and be nothing but this is great.

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you won't find out about in here, Shinobi Shaw

Attached: skelekek.gif (500x500, 185K)

how about getting 52 tattooed on her tits?
she retweeted his art, she knows of him

It looked good down and in that pic where she's dressed up as a tiefling it works really good

so what I'm hearing is /co should get him a date with her!

Get on that now.

pic of the artist irl?

So if I edited her thot pics with blacked logos and queen of spades stuff that would be bad right?

honestly surprised at how well she handled this

Leah could be an actual porn star, and i wouldn't care if she was a good writer.

What's a stuble morrison tat I could getlol

Do you got a bendy neck or does hers extend like a giraffe's in your fantasy


just hide the number 52 in some sort of galaxy

cute feet

A Blue Hairdo and a case of Literally Who?


I remember first meeting her when she was doing comics with her dad before he passed away. They were really nice.

based architect

Attached: The Architect Arrives.webm (1920x800, 910K)

meanwhile, male comic book writers...

Attached: John Byrne.jpg (1200x817, 87K)

"It was Shooter, I tell ya! Shooter held me back"
"Yeah sure...Jim Shooter's the reason the light turns red, ain't it?"

Attached: Peter_David_V1_.jpg (1360x2048, 831K)

The main lesson that I've taken from this thread is that Leah Williams needs to come over to DC Comics so that Babs can show her how to properly be thicc without just having big tits and hips.

You gotta contour, honey. Otherwise sports cars would just be taller and wider than other cars on the road.

Attached: Jeph-Loeb-19797-1532136043-0_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 48K)

Attached: writer Kurt Busiek.jpg (251x201, 8K)

I adore Bab's art.


That's not fair, there's some fine as fuck male writers

Attached: paul_pope.jpg (533x300, 51K)

Many Babs pics deleted itt

I've never heard of this meme before today, but now that I know the background of it I think it's the best thing to come out of Yea Forums.

>A 70 year old man isn't as attractive as a 30 year old woman
Were you born retarded, or did you hit your head?

not gay at all but I would let Paul Pope fuck my ass

I actually met him at a signing and.. yeah.. pretty dreamy
yeah, not to sound like a queer or nuthin

Reminder that the real Jim Shooter is in an unmarked grave somewhere in New Jersey and the Jim Shooter pictured here is actually an escaped Soviet agent known only as 'The Strangler' who adopted a comics alias after a hit gone wrong.

Attached: Shooter.jpg (525x347, 37K)

Attached: JimSterankoByLuigiNovi1.jpg (1448x1804, 478K)

>lemme... *hic* lemme tell you bout these FUCKING GYPSIES user...

What a chad. Shame he's insane.

fuck, I never knew he was so good looking! He's like god 9/10th of a Jeff Goldblum there

I was watching some panels on Wally Wood and Holy fuck does Steranko have to make everything about him

>it's harmless, idle chatter that was obviously never meant for me to see
oh wow she's actually cool

Attached: I'm sorry babs.png (509x290, 115K)


For the record, Gail Simone apologized for this page and promised it would be edited for trade release. I dont know if anyone on Yea Forums ever confirmed that.

...You realize you could as easily leave it as "hot", right?

plz no hate the dude writes good stuff

she apologized in the way to appease the SJW, it's clear that she didn't think she did anything wrong, and she didn't do anything wrong. Basically she just apologized for offending people and that she said that wasn't her intent.

Thot comes with certain connotations that apply here
She also went on to continue making Plastic Man gender bend knowing that noone really cared

>>She also went on to continue making Plastic Man gender bend knowing that noone really cared

I gotta thank you man. Laughed really hard

We're almost to 500. Let's keep going on about big tiddies.

which writer is this? and based

Jesus fuck put down the fork for 5 months.

so how much of Gwenpoole is self inserf fan fic? and how can I get Leah to sit on my face?

She stopped responding like a bad person

a little bit of bendy neck, a little bit of me being not that tall and a little of her being kinda big

>and will leave a con table
if you're going to write fanfiction put some effort into it

once leah stops working for marvel can she post her boobs on twitter

Maybe we should write a love poem for Leah?
I can start

"Leah, your lips are like honey,
Please please take my money"

You have love for Emma Frost
it makes my heart so lost

Leah, your face is a pool of love
Your visage in the sky would fit like a glove

Leah, your tits are mega big huge
Like big ol' boobs, friggin' gazorpadorp huge

Crazy-ass melons all up on your chest
Made for the motorboating, unlike the rest

Seriously, though, you need to slim down
Talk with Babs at DC before you become a fat clown


The tits of Leah are indeed huge
I would cum so hard it would cause a deluge

I had to literally google that. You learn new things every day

>before you become a fat clown
I-is that a thing? Can people just spontaneously clown?

Maybe not spontaneously, but I don't wanna take any chances: youtube.com/watch?v=OKqUixdwHhQ

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The best thing about the meme is that it's also wholesome. Pierce genuinely loves his wife and they've been married for 18 years. She was a lot skinnier and hot back then and when she got bigger so did Pierce's love for her.

What do you look like?

>doesn't know
Parker's ass has been sore since the 70s.

Attached: 62.jpg (525x163, 35K)

She def gives great blowjobs

Cute face, fat ass

This piece of shit needs to be sent to Siberia.

She is an okay writer

Leah, you're based.

It's leah
If they live in a society

>won't get H Y P E R C R I S I S tattooed on her tits
How do you know she hasnt one. Or above her pussy? You didnt saw her full naked.

Thats not bad. Besides what if Mike makes these Leah threads? Its not Leah who start thembut him!

Attached: consider_the_following.png (689x768, 31K)

Or other artists. Here is Jim Balent and his writer wige Holly.

Attached: Holly-and-Jim.jpg (445x525, 49K)

Just make new superhero you stupid boomer lady.

>Body of work
Yea Forums really is the entry level board

Surprisingly level headed

Cherrypicking! Here have a overview on how writers look like.

Attached: dc-batwriter-FrankMiller-Tom King-JamesTynion-TonyPatrick-SeanMurphy.jpg (1000x750, 54K)

Yeah, that made me extremely sad

We should create a Comic artist spa. Were they train writer and artists like Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.

Attached: Dont feed the elf.gif (740x944, 303K)

You really are the fanboy artist, arnt you?

Thats kinda good in a cringy way.

Attached: what the.gif (379x440, 140K)

fuck i hate it when these fat girls where corsets because i always end up fucking them, and i always regret the sex. pussy is never tight with fat chicks

Look at those suave motherfuckers!

The only one that looks nerdy in a Kevin Smith wy is on the right.
Marvel can go and hide in the corner!

That's a great combo

>they keep getting fatter in the manga
I see you Pierce

He has a baby boy. People here are super weird and stalkery when they want to be, but miss these details all the time.

she's like one of those ancient fertility idols hnnnnng

I’ve seen Holly half-naked more than most pornstars.


Literal fluid druid

that's all it takes to get a job in the comic book industry, big saggy tits!

When you're a thot sometimes you get busy

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>slim looking face compared to the rest of her body
That's just as much good genetics as people who are naturally thin. Not all women look good when they pile on pounds.


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I like the comic books she's written

I know she looks good, but her face is weird here for some reason.

What i've read so far is cool. As for the implied question, nicesmilegoodhygiene/10 would make out with. Totally desirable. Check her out again after you discover wrestling isn't real Yea Forums.

Tynion is fat. Super fat.

>454 replies
WTF? Are mods sleeping again?

they deleted the other thread about creator people want to fuck, but they left this one up.

At this point, let's just get this to 500. Leah and Babs deserves it.

Would you have her swallow your cum or give her a facial? Discuss, Yea Forums.

>2 fat whores DESERVE our attention

Christ, the absolute state of this board.

Attached: Haman_Karn_(Unimpressed).png (960x720, 661K)

>Proper thicc and voluptuous women are appreciated by high test men
Yeah, this board's balls grew three sizes today

if you didn't reply the thread would die quicker
you were better off just shutting the fuck up

woah mama

One is a good artist and the other is a decent (but not great) writer.

Sage exists user. Try using it every once in awhile.

I want to bump this

Hello, ladies.

She should move to DC and writer Harley. I'm sure she'll do a good job with the character.