No one gives a shit about this movie, do they?

No one gives a shit about this movie, do they?

Attached: 2342342.jpg (477x268, 15K)

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I do.

It looks cute, but I'm kinda sick of the "kid has to hide/rescue their pet from evil human authority" trope.

It looks like something that should have came out over a decade ago.

I don't even know what movie this is.

You don't have to. It's made for China, not America. Westerners don't watch movies anymore, so Hollywood stopped making movies for them.

This looks bad.

>It's made for China

So what's it called?

"Nip Nop Wong Ching Chong Ping Ling and the Magical Yeti of Communist Revolution" or something?

>How to train your Yeti

they crammed so much i dont know what they wanted to achieve

chinese chubby shota

rip dreamworks

Dreamworks is still doing well in the TV and overseas department. Maybe it's for the best that they dropped out of the film game, in a sense. It seems like unless you're Disney or owned by Disney, you're going to flop at the box office and streaming + China is the future for most studios. And Dreamworks was already laying their own groundwork for that back in 2008.

Plus, they don't have that whole John Lasseter scandal to worry about. People don't go after Dreamworks for a "anti-woman work environment" like Pixar despite having like, one woman director out of 30 movies.

it's purest chinabait

that's a thicc woman though

>People don't go after Dreamworks for a "anti-woman work environment" like Pixar despite having like, one woman director out of 30 movies.
dreamworks has never knowingly harboured a sex pest

But even before that came out, Pixar was scrutinized for being "not woman friendly" after the whole Brave/Brenda Chapman situation.

What happened with the Not Women Friendly thing?

You mean E.T.? Because every movie that does this is aping or inspired by E.T.

Trolls World Tour is going to be huge, Dreamworks is fine.

>it's a Tibet government is torturing Yetis and little girl has to bring him to based China for safety movie

Attached: 17.png (1341x1080, 801K)

when your only female director you've ever had, someone who is objectively a pro and an old hand, mysteriously quits, maybe there is a reason for it

It wasn't a mystery. She and John Lasseter butt heads creatively non-stop. It was the exact same reason why Chris Sanders was booted off of Bolt/American Dog right after Lasseter was hired to oversee Disney films.
