Why are they so proud over their crappy jobs and hobbies?
Why are they so proud over their crappy jobs and hobbies?
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When you work long enough you start to like the job.
Or tolerated enough to have pride over it.
Only way to stay sane
because they have a family and normal life and aren't a basement dwelling troglodyte
Southerns aren't bright.
Shut up, Kahn.
At least they have Jobs and Hobbies unlike you OP.
They're of a demographic that loves lick in boot while professing not to.
Man being chased by ferocious man-eating tiger. Tiger chase him to edge of cliff. Man falls off. Halfway down, he grab onto branch. He look up, he see ferocious tiger. Now he look down, he see another hungry tiger, waiting for him on the ground below. Not a good place to be. He knows for sure he gonna die. Then out of corner of his eye he see a wild strawberry growing on same branch. He pluck it and eat it. And it was the sweetest-tasting strawberry he ever had.
What the fuck does a tiger joke have to do with King of the Hill?
So did he die or?
They are from a small town, having boring lives its what every one aspire there, stability tends to be boring and they dont appear to be very ambitious to try something else
Hehe heh, I do like strawberries
Yes his wife found out he was cheating on her and shot him.
Why not? Hank has a stable job providing a fuel source he adamantly believes to be superior than all others, and while he does aspire to be more (Full Manager) he -is- essentially the boss of a business that'd in the lead in Arlen that rarely seems to be in danger from lack of business.
Peggy is the one we see unhappy over her jobs, but more from lack of recognition than hating the job itself.
Substitute Teaching can be very rewarding and, while not stable for a career, it's a good way to earn cash and get respect. She did win a (presumably School District focussed) award in front of what would be 100-300 other staff in education saying she was the best at subbing.
And they like their hobbies because that's the point of a hobby. We like cartoons and others would think we're all manchildren that get way into drawn cartoons about middleschoolers going on fantasy adventures.
Fuck peggy, shes won 2 awards not 3 one of thise belong to hank.
You can like your job without being like Hank and Peggy who laugh at Luanne when she suggests maybe she should be a propane salesman or a substitute teacher. That's just mean.
>t. Luanne
>Why are they so proud over their crappy jobs and hobbies?
Because theyre honest jobs. Not trafficking and pushing drugs
Hank was a pimp and Peggy gave drugs to a man on Death Row
Based hank keeping hos in line and keeping would be pimps at bay
>Actually it was a lion!
>A Detroit Lion!
Some versions he dies but in others he lives because he falls asleep on the tree branch and the tiger jumps down and misses him so the tigers fight each other. I think the moral of that version is to just relax and things have a way of taking care of themselves.
Plus both of them just simply enjoy life. They know they can't be billionaires or live that lifestyle, but they can enjoy their own. Peggy enjoys dabbling in just about everything and Hank loves sports and drinking with his friends.
They found their happiness
This. My friend was in a similar situation.
>Gets two couches from a "rent to own" center
>She was always short on money because of other bills and her job didn't pay well enough ( she quit a good paying job, but that's a tale for another day)
>The company literally came by her house every week because she couldn't pay
>She was eventually like "fuck it"
>Suddenly, they stop calling and coming to her house
>She thought she was going to court
>Turns out the manager of that store was stealing money out of the registers (she pays in store) and got fired for embezzlement
>She got to keep the couches because the manager violated her contract
>She literally got two couches for free
This is why I don't sperg out about bills. They usually take care of themselves.
because that's all there is, that's it, that's life
that's the best you can possibly hope to do with any realistic expectation of your hopes becoming reality, to be fat, middle-aged, with a kid and some questionable extended family and neighbors you're stuck with, just trying to be decent to the people around you not out of fear of how they'd behave if you were rude to them but because they're kind of pathetic and they remind you of yourself
what else are you going to be proud of, your micropenis? forget it Jake it's Chinatown
>Turns out the manager of that store was stealing money out of the registers (she pays in store) and got fired for embezzlement
>She got to keep the couches because the manager violated her contract
Good for her, but shit like that is rare.
Being worried about bills is perfectly normal.
Hank was some teenage loser with nothing going for him before Buck got him a job in a propane company. Hank is the manager of a propane company that has 5 branch business and a separate branch outside of the state.
Not only that, but Hank has become acknowledged in the Propane hall of records for his work and knows many high propane salesmen and business leaders who he can call up personally. Hank should be proud of how much he accomplished compared to his two friends (Dale and Boomhaurer); Bill despite being a fat fuck has still managed to stay in the military as an NCO.
Peggy is a loser though.
>tfw you learn the propane award is a real thing
Dear God, you are off the mark.
Hank wasn't a loser, he was a football star who injured himself before college. Thus leaving him stranded in life with no direction. Buck comes in and really gave Hank a sense of purpose, which he latched onto way into adult hood.
Oh ma gawd it’s so juicy!