ms. Yea Forums hype thread
fuck your waifu best one right fucking here
when does the first thread come around
But that's yellow, not pink
Best girl
Later tonight or tomorrow. I've got good hopes for my princess going far this year!
Is this the thread or should I make a more official one since the poll closed
Not the tourney runner by the way
I don't know.... maybe but this one seems to be working so far.... unless someone decides to draw porn
this board is racist so my girl isnt going far
I'm voting her if i can, for sure.
Not over Pam though.
it will happen at noon at the very least
How many of our vintage girls will make it?
Many thanks to the drawfriend who made this, came out perfectly
Woo! All hail Azula!
Do you feel that? It's the echoes of an image reposted thousands of times.
I don't think any.
They said it would take longer than that I think.
This was OP's last post
At the very least Jessica has to make it, that would be the biggest shock of all time
I think some of the others have leverage too
Right. It didn't sound like it would be ready in under an hour.
I would like to see Jessica, but I feel her crowd waning in the fan art department. There used to be more.
This should be fine for the time being. I wonder if it would be better for the host to show up in this thread and post the poll results. I know that they won't be done setting up the bracket until later today, but I don't see what's the harm in knowing the results now. It would get the initial salt out of the way before we get to round 1.
She was like the number 2 seed last year
I think she can at least grab a 128th seed
Agreed. They should release the results
Huh. Well cool then
Hmm. Maybe a salt buffer thread is always a good idea.
She sadly wasn't supported enough
At least entertain us with the top 5 seeds
Again, they take time to make that bracket, and even if the reveal it here we're going to have constant salt the first voting thread from people who didn't see it
Have the salt storm now so it will calm down by the time round 1 starts
I don't have the heart to tell them
she's purrfect
Remember, they also have to go through the 5 show (8 for dc/marvel) rule so they have to see which ones are out
She's also dead.
Faggot let OP make the next thread after he's compiled the data
pam sucks
She probably won't make it, but it was fun and I hope you watch Xandra's show, a strong contender for the best Disney show
Don't be low test.
So who do you think Op was referring to when he mentioned a discussed character who wasn't going to make it? Is it just going to be a jebait and Legs Griffin is the one to miss out?
He said one of the most discussed
this. Jessica is a shoe-in. Betty, Olive and Minnie Mouse are all contenders too
I personally think it's legs
So what would have caused Spinel to miss out? People voting for everyone other than her or something?
People for some reason think it's Spinel, but it's very likely one of the shitpost one you mentioned or some obscurer character who kept getting brought up
It's obviously legs. Marco and Rachel have a better chance than her.
I think the generals might have a hand in it. What got Raven knocked out last year was Yea Forums's annoyance with Raven threads
yeah, OP set a cap on 5 characters per show so if there are 5 more popular gem waifus, spinel is out.
I gotta say guys, these events are always fun no matter how it goes. Cheers.
Probably Legs Griffin. It was getting brought up enough while still being enough of a joke that people wouldn't actually vote for her. I just don't see anti-Spinelfags being organized enough to vote in 5 other SU characters over her.
Spinel honestly seems like a crossover hit. A lot of anons wanted to watch Steven just because this movie. Now I didn't vote for her, but she seems very popular.
It's Legs. Spinel has a lot of fans, like a fuckton. Emmy has fans too, just to a lesser extent. Legs is purely for shitposting purposes
>"Welcome to the second annual Miss Yea Forums Pageant! I'm your host, judge, and last year's winner.....Jenny Wakeman! To my left are our other judges and commentators Johnny Bravo, and Conrad!"
>"Hey Mama! On TV! Ladies, enjoy the real show up here. HIYA! OPH! *ZAP* GAAAAAAAAAH!!!!"
>"We fitted Johnny with a shock collar to keep harassment suits to a minimum"
>"Can we get this f*BEEP*ing pageant going already? I want to get this salt mine over with."
>"Conrad, could you please take it easy on the sauce?"
It's Legs, but watching the Spinel faggots screaming about rigging already is fucking hilarious. Hell, I personally think there's a better chance of rigging occurring for Spinel's benefit then the other way around.
Other than the most popular candidates whose entry is pretty much guaranteed. How does everyone feel about their characters' chances of making it in?
I know more than half the charaters I entered won't make it, But I have faith atleast a handful have a shot.
I'm confident Fink will get in, but I'm not sure about Dendy. It would be a shame if cute kappa nerd doesn't make it to the bracket.
Unsure, Oswaldfags are a dedicated bunch but for the guys tournament he came up a vote or two short last year. Having a few extra votes from the vintage group helps. If she does it'll be near the low part
pretty good.
There's a bit of an overlap between She-Ra fans and SU fans so she probably has a chance. Also Catra since a few compared her to Spinel.
I say she has a good decent chance.
I hope her mom does alright
>Patty from Doug
I don't think she'll make it honestly, people hardly seem to remember her.
I am not sure.
she doesn't have the best chance, but it's not dower either.
I'd like to see her at least make it
Low ever since the comic jumped the shark, but some chance.
I'd be surprised if she didn't, but anything can happen.
Like a Hoover!
slim to none
Hell yeeaaahh
Do your part this year and give Azula the throne she wants
I think some She-ra characters will make it in, but will be absolutely demolished the first round
Do you think Star made it in or did she have the biggest fall of any Yea Forums character in this tournament
>The throne she wants
Zuko’s lap?
If Legs makes it, please vote for her. Her legs go all the way up.
She's out I think
Look that's for the after party, let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
That's her personal throne, user. We'll talk about that afterwards.
is arcee in this year?
We got some dank fanart at least
Is the poll still up or?
Poll is done I checked
Shame. I at least hope the competition is actually decent this time.
AZULA! Get your eyes on the prize and off that fire dick.
Unfortunately not, user. She was not nominated this year. I tried to rep Transformers with Blackarachnia but sadly not enough takers. Try next year
nah, brackets are being made now
I feel confident about these three. They have a steady line of supporters.
And also her.
Some dark magic is about if she somehow doesn't make it.
Here's the real shocker; Why the fuck did we not nominate Power Girl?
She boring vanilla garbo
People nominated the pony version instead.
I feel like everyone felt she was definitely going to be nominated so no one did that because they thought someone was going to do it for them.
that's a shame. maybe next year then.
People assume certain characters are already nominated when they aren't
There's many top contenders nominated near the end of threads for this reason when people realize
this, same with leela
Burn the coal pay the toll. Character is permanently ruined.
That didn't stop Star from being nominated
Nomination threads were moving so fast its amazing some comic gals got in. Well its not all bad, we at least got Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Mera, Jessica Cruz, and Big Barda in
Marco's more like natural gas.
Barely. It took forever for her to reach 5 replies. You definitely got the sense that a lot of the people in the thread weren't comfortable with nominating her after the whole genocide thing.
Starfags might still get her through
Look how far that heaping pile of shit Star Vs made it in the 2010s tournament
>still have the winner image
Post what images you would use to honor your nominee victory if they somehow win
I'd dust off my copy of inkscape and whip up a vector of them as a cool background
I would draw....
But I don't want my pic to go to waste if it doesn't happen.
Support Panda
I've gotten all the results written out and the seeds decided. Next I'll get pics for everyone, then make the bracket.
Fuck yeah, OP!
BTW, the final vote count was 683.
Any surprises?
Doing gods work
That's a lot
Do you require assistance with pics?
Can we get the top seeds or do you want to keep up the anticipation?
You'll see soon enough.
I think I've got this, but thank you.
Can you hint as us the first couple of seeds to hold us over, since it’ll probably take a bit
Afraid not, my lips are sealed now.
No worries. You should probably make an official thread when you're ready so we can let this one die
Calling it, this will be the peak and all of the actual voting rounds won't pass 400 votes.
This whole thread now.
Was Luz in the poll? I think I forgot to vote for her, but maybe she wasn't even in the poll.
No. She didn't get enough support. I think only one person supported her.
I think there was confusion if she was even allowed
She'll probably make it 2020
Don't forget to support Minnie! We lost Russi Taylor this year so this could be her last chance to ever make it to the top 8.
user, the poll's done. i did support her btw
>TFW every Looney Tunes character nominated makes it besides Penelope
The rules stated that anyone can participate as long as they're Yea Forums. Luz was nominated near the end of the 2nd poll so there wasn't a huge chance to begin with.
>waiting on results on the Wakfu girls
this better be gud.
It's okay, user. When swears a dress, she's a girl.
>missed Eris in the initial vote
this is the decemation. just replace thanos with op and killing half with killing a 1/3rd
i hope helena and the wall made it in, i think they were the only dcau girls
I got you
Hope she makes it, not too sure
isn't it killing 2/3? he needs to bring it down from 350+ to 128
That's actually not a bad idea for some fan art. I support it. Just imagine it, a field of anons weeping as their waifus turn to dust right before their very eyes. Bonus points for reenacting the Spider-Man "I dont want to go" scene
No. It should be that scene from Endgame where Thanos's army gets dusted all around him. user should be Thanos.
'I don't want to go' for 129
Your waifu can't get erased from history if you never nominate her
or the most controversial elimination
A-are those pubic hair ?
This week we had a Magik thread that lasted for over 3 days. The timing is favorable.
>Harebourg is not in
Missed your chance with the best girl
Wouldn't it make more sense for user to be Tony in this bit? Because Thanos got dusted, Tony just sat there in despair.
I know there's some more pics of Yea Forumsnrad with the Infinity Gauntlet somewhere.
"The judges have spoken."
>"This board is dying. Too many waifus, and I intend to even out the scales. With them gone, this board will thrive. Real discussion will blossom."
When will the bracket be up? give or take?
While we have probably the last lull until the tournament goes full time for the next week: who do you want to see in the guy's tournament?
Something tells me that a lot of Anons are going to drop this contest if their Waifus didn't make it. If that's the case, than Thanos being user makes sense to me. I see Tony as OP because he had to get rid of 2/3 of the competition (but instead of an honorable funeral, OP just gets shit on by Waifufags)
no one nominated hal jordan last year surprisingly enough, so i'll do it
also barry and/or wally for a giggle
I'm going to try for Optimus Prime again this year
Florida Man.
Any incarnation of him.
>wanting the knockoff and not the OG
Marques of Queensbury, Chase Devineaux, Bow, Professor Membrane, and Professor Lampwick. Just to name a few.
If we don't get the Doof greentexts again I will riot
Black Manta
Carl Brutananadilewski
He should be Mr. Yea Forums in general, but I'll take Mr. Yea Forums instead.
Stan and Francine will win both competitions.
>Azula as Miss Yea Forums
>Carl as Mr Yea Forums
It's going to happen again, lads.
I hope Batgirl wins this so Killer Moth can win Mr Yea Forums
What's with this pairing? Did I miss a joke?
Every time the Giants win the Superbowl, Aulza sleeps with Carl.
Because of a bet made over 10 years ago or something.
Gino Terwilliger
I have all the images saved. Next step is to crop them all, then put them all in the bracket.
if he doesn't win, it proves that the contest is rigged
how long it gonna take
can we help you do the cropping
For he's a jolly good poster
For he's a jolly good poster
For he's a jolly good posteeeeeeeeeeeer
OP is not a fag
It'll take two hours maybe.
This is it folks!
We are in the final stages place your bets!
Weird, I remember making a program to record the voting results using the csv files
Azula is in!
If you can't decide who to vote for, go for the most aryan.
Vote for the biggest butts
There are shapeshifters in the poll that can change the forum to any girl you want so they should be the winners
And how much cheating did you do to get your waifu in? It's the hunger games all over again.
Don't start this, faggot
I want to see it not happening.
Because I think Yea Forums SUCKS.
He has a spiny dick user.
It true though. It's discord shit.
I have this book.
>Look ma, I posted it again!!!!
What kind of retard are you, making up bullshit before we even know the results?
>Nope! Not getting out of this Mr.Yea Forums throne!
Uncle Sam or any other political comic figure from the past.
vote THICC
I didn't even know that someone nominated her. I definitely would've supported her otherwise.
No idea, but I'm honestly hoping for the best.
I'll vote for the thicc milf
I know it's a mess.
I know the characters look wrong (I was never allowed to watch Johnny Bravo, and never seen an episode of MLaaTR).
And I know it's not digital art.
I just wanted to be a part of the fun in some way and people wanted the three judges together.
So here's some shitty attempt by me.
Enjoy.... or shit on it. Whichever is preferred.
who's the third guy
I'm doubtful that Death will make it. She's not very popular due to being from an older comic and there's like over 600 votes for the qualifier's poll.
pretty good user!
i think she has a pretty decent chance of making it in
That's Yea Forumsnrad.
Is he hosting Mr Yea Forums
God dammit. Archer doesn't deserve her.
Good job user.
Artist here!
Yea Forumsnrad. Yea Forums's mascot.
Really it should be Wirt since he did technically win Toons of the Tens.
it's alright
Alongside Jenny Wakeman and Johnny Bravo
the question is, will this be the same judges panel for mr. Yea Forums or will jenny be replaced?
There can always be a fourth judge
are the qualifying poll results already out?
im kinda late on this and haven't been really THAT up to date on it
OP is making brackets now
Qualifier polls are closed. Bracket poll will be starting tonight after OP gets organized
nice to know, thanks anons
don't be hard on yourself, everyone could use more practice. Nothing wrong with joining on the fun. I say Johnny Bravo needs to be bigger.
this guy needs to lurk more
I want to see art of Jenny's stage attire
Artist here.
Thanks user.
Again I have vague memories of Johnny Bravo. Like the only ones I can really remember are his bumpers, his intro, and that one Scooby Doo crossover he was in. My mother had a thing against him and said he was a bad influence in our household (yet she watched Charmed, Buffy, and Angel). I had an idea of who he was.
For Jenny I had not seen a single episode of her show. Was mostly doing school too much to pay attention and cable was removed for nearly all of the 2000s and 2010s. Fucking Charter overcharging our asses.
So comparing the two was kind of impossible for me. My only excuse that I could come up with to make Jenny and Johnny the same size was to make Jenny stand instead of sitting like Johnny and Yea Forumsnrad. It's a shit explanation but it was all that I could think of doing.
>pam sucks
a golf ball through a garden hose
>I made it back before the qualifier results were even posted
wew, my waifu is still safe for now
Sauce on these please
Azula belongs to Zuko
Plank from Ed Edd n Eddy
>almost halfway through the pic
>realize I made a mistake that throws the seeding off entirely and I need to redo the whole thing
I'll see you guys this evening :^)
Man. This shit is actually pretty nerve-wracking.
I just hope that Mimi makes it in for once.
shiiiit, I was gonna stay up
guess i'll pray for my waifus and head to bed then
Dipper pines, Dib Membrane
Guys..... Yea Forums has their Tourney set up.
the wait is killing me.
Rainbow Quartz 2.0 from SU
Cheese from Fosters
Edd from Ed Edd n Eddy
I don't see the point in doing a mr co if no one is willing to host it
Yuh boooyyyyy
Rocket Raccoon
Andrew Smith from Gunnerkrigg Court
Pepe le Pew
two to three more hours? ahhhhhh
Yea Forums isn't comfy enough to host a tourney like this IMO. The fact that the first thread got archived after 11 posts says it all
It has practically no consequence other than what amusement it can bring you.
At best, your girl gets some more exposure with more people being made aware of her than there were before, at worst she earns a hatedom/is totally ignored.
Launchpad McQuack and Darkwing Duck
> Isn't comfy enough
You mean that as in they take things a little too seriously?
I like to think it's intense to the point of crazy stuff happening in cartoon world revolving around it.
Sprig Plantar, the best boi
Okay, the issue is fixed and I'm back to halfway through the bracket.
Get HYP!
We’ll do it
this is gonna be a bloodbath
When are waifu wars ever not a blood bath?
(property of Slaanesh)
I liked that wolf girl he briefly dated. Better than Liz at any case.
I'm going to have a stress-wank while I wait
What's a stress wank?
Artist is Shamelesss, you can find most of their stuff on the Yea Forums booru.
Fapping to reduce stress, duh
Fun Fact: Masturbation helps reduce stress levels and regulates mood
I'm going to give my girl some luck by wanking to her
Wait how is she?
Do not look at women with lust in your heart.
What a nice thing to ask
What you sayin' bitch ass nygga?
The one who I love the most
it's adultery niGz
Hell yeah, here's to hoping she makes it.
Okay, I have the bracket image made!...sorta
I haven't added the names to the image yet, but if you guys are tired of waiting, I can unveil the bracket with just the faces now.
Bah, you're just lucky mine is disqualified!
I say you keep us in suspense until the voting begins.
do it please
Don't reveal anything yet.
Take your time
That depends if you want some of that out right now or it all coming the first thread
DO IT!!!
do it
Based and this
Just get it over with...
Nah, release it when it's good and done.
Post it.
Tell us about her Boco
How long would it take is the question
what's the ETA for completion?
get some other faggot to do it
Morrigan Aensland. Woman of my dreams.
she's in the Yea Forums tourney
I have to head out for groceries soon, so I'll go ahead and post it.
Sometimes you're alright Yea Forums
Hoping for her there, too.
Well that's bump limit.
Praying for all the underdog choices which I will vote for tomorrow
Thank you for your service user
Do you think she has a chance against Gwen?
>No Hex Girl made it in
>Daphne didn't make it
>fucking Velma did out of all Scooby chicks
Happy 50th Scooby-Doo, and fuck you Yea Forums
Facts, my dude.
Probably not
But Deet will always be the most neat, no matter what.
Your welcome. My pick is in a tough spot as well. Gotta help everyone out in this sinking ship
The odds aren't in her favor. Although, I have seen some Dark Crystal Threads and images running about. What's with the increase in popularity. If you pull your strength together, you guys might make a difference.
Thank you
Shut the fuck up, Boco.
I nominate Boco for Mr. Yea Forums
I support.
For those just joining us
absolutely based results
For those just joining us the poll got botted by a Steven Universe discord server, as Spinel got over 55% of the votes while the second most voted got around 27%
reminder that the people who will make posts like this are the ones who did this yesterday
From the other thread.
Alright, Yea Forums, it has recently become obvious that SU cancer is taking lead through unjust means, and therefore we must act swiftly.
To fight this threat we have to choose a single girl to be our champion and outvote the SU fags by voting for her and ONLY her.
Our perfect candidate shall undoubtedly be XJ6, for she deserves it more than anyone.
Here comes the endless shitposting about outside invaders.
Suppose yes. It only matters if she wasn't getting in otherwise. 1 and 128 are both in just the same.
they were made by a drawanon in some thread
How do I join based su discord
Also from the other thread
It's over, it's about to get ugly
Can't wait for Jenny to win again
>Both Amethysts got cucked
There goes Spinel and any choices that would have likely won.
How bold of you to assume we won't have the last laugh
F for the nominees that did not make it.
>TFW sacrificed her screentime...again.
Praying for best Gelfling (Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is fucking great)
WOW. Are you fucking kidding me!?
Do you love your mommy, Yea Forums? DO YOU LOVE YOUR MOMMY?
If so...then you better VOTE FOR ADORABAT!!!!
You love Azula right? Of course you do! How can you say no to this adorable tyrant? Vote for Azula so she can be queen of 2019!
save it for the actual thread. when people have the choice.
Casual FYI: Tourney user said, based on the last tourney (The Toon of the Decade) any entry that had an "abnormal amount" of votes for it will have majority of those nixed and reexamined
Happy voting.
Was last year's tournament this bad?
I'd prefer you link your discord server
Trying to keep the attention away from the paranoia, user.
Last year's tournament was really chill and went perfectly normal. The guys tournament only got ugly at the end when OP of that tournament (not the one we have now) tried to pull shit
They were actually insanely fun. This isn't now
ALSO from the other thread
So, yeah, you fags better cut it out.
I may have a solution here if Discord shenanigans are indeed afoot (permitting OPs blessing of course); We disqualify all Steven Universe characters from the ballot this year and replace them with other Yea Forums characters from the list in descending voting order. That is of course assuming the shenanigans are true. Which either way, I just want this to continue. We can still make this a fun experience
I understand. It's going to be ugly, not for the waifus but people doubting the results.
>Agrias is the highest voted for webcomic character with 57 votes
Interesting, very interesting. I assumed Homestuck would have done better.
it was less intense and more chill.
Fuck off. You just salty.
They also said JK immediately afterwards
I have nothing against SU. I even like Spinel. However if shenanigans are afoot, this is only fair for the rest of Yea Forums this year. The few spoiling it for the rest as it were. But I'm not OP, so I have no say in this.
First time dealing with this tournament and holy hell it's turning into a shit show. I just want to see how far the girls I'm rooting for can go. What the fuck happened?
If the discordfags and the anti-Spinelfags just learned to shut the fuck up we would probably be doing a lot better.
It's okay my man, it'll get better as it goes along. First year wasn't perfect either, but had a fun endgame. I just hope the drawfags feel inspired by the drama
Thanks for your support!
You should really post that
Spinel happened.
I haven't watched the movie or the show, so I don't have much of an opinion of her, but it's clear most of the drama revolves around her, and, by extension, SU.
Really in short Steven Universe is a hotly divided show that had a recent movie
Seeing Spinel being mass spammed as a flavor of the month annoyed people, and getting double any other character in votes is suspicious at best. So with people mentioning Discord and having more voters then every before there's paranoia on both sides that there's rigging against or for SU
So...after This and Mr.Yea Forums wrap up, are we finished for the year with tournaments?
Really my only hope is that the guys tournament, which isn't waifu based, is like what the tournaments were last year. Especially since there should be no SU drama to this level
Well I'm thinking of possibly hosting a couples tournament in February, but that's not for a while.
>after 6000 years suddenly tons of people want to be your friends
>become so popular you generate a hatedom and endless shitposting
>all this attention becomes overwhelming
>run back to the garden for some peace and quiet
Paranoia because some people mentioned discord linking.
Rosechu counts, doesn't she?
For officially planned yearly tournaments yes
Someone might decide to pull one out later on
I feel like Mr. Yea Forums will probably be a lot more chill. People get less autistic about husbandos than waifus.
Oh yeah that slipped my mind. Thanks for catching that.
I say we just forge on ahead and just keep a close eye on shenanigans from now on.
Let's go with that. It seems we've all gone mad.
This. We make sure nothing stupid happens and we keep going with the tournament.
Advice for the tournament going forward:
Don't reply to discordfags. Most if not all of them are just trying to fuck with everyone and make this tournament less fun.
Don't reply to conspiracy theorists. All they're going to do is stir up drama.
And most importantly don't take this shit too seriously.
Follow these 3 steps and you will help purge this tournament of pointless drama.
I'm seeding discords as we speak
Even linking the threads
Based Arnold poster
>"Golly, there sure is a lot of heated words being exchanged this year from the fans! And no, I'm not cheating by voting for my sister. Best of luck, gals!"
When do the nominations for Mr Yea Forums start?
A few weeks after this one wraps up
But muh waifu
Beginning of October.
So question about a couples tournament. I know that it would be more thematically appropriate to do it in February, but would it be better to just do some time after Mr. Yea Forums to ride the momentum of these two tournaments? I don't want to post the tournament and get no participants.
user lets calm the fuck down on purposing new tournaments until this and mr Yea Forums are done. Furthermore, we don't want to spiral into a never ending chain of these tournaments which will lead to banning. There's a reason why we only do this once a year
Good man
I like you user. You're a good guy.
I say February, we need a longer break after how ugly it got
And if it doesn't hit the participant goals by the end of this we can do it after the ms./mr. tournaments next year
February for thematic reasons.
December could work if all the art has the couples in Christmas settings.
Stan and Francine are best couple
I want to ask a question about it while we're here
We're doing official couples/dates, but if they broke up some point in the series would they still count?
Guys, cmon. Let's just get through this and Mr Yea Forums first. Discuss the tournament at hand
let's have the two go at it before we even think of expanding.
Im glad there's 104(me included) niggas with good taste
Not much to discuss.
Not without it devolving into hostility anyway.
>First time dealing with this tournament
You answered your question. This time around there's way more people participating even from the support nomination threads.
I'd rather discuss something chill then what the tournament discussion devolved into
Sure there is. Like how Jenny, Conrad, and Johnny are reacting to these chain of events and the cut women
Ok I'll keep it in February then. Figured I 'd put it out there, but everyone is probably right. 3 tournaments in a row is already a lot. I'll wait until 2020.
Remember that some people said they used more than 1 email to vote
let's talk about what we like about our or make some drawings, even if it is crappy. anything honestly
Almost too many to think of.
Mostly just disappointment, and maybe some destruction from the more villainous types. That'd be it.
Someone draw Johnny Bravo reuniting with Velma for the first time since their crossover episode.
Kind of a surprise she's not at the center of this.
good for them I guess
I wish that ancient Yea Forums OC Salty Motherfucker could be revived to see this because this is just the epitome of him.
It's fantastic.
This happened last year too and it happens, it's not as major as the allegations spewing out are
No problem. Deet is a good girl
Who? Who?
come again?
ANCIENT Yea Forums creation from the days of the heromachine. Back in 2008 or 2009 I think.
Years later he got one piece of art seen here.
He has a wand that can create clouds of powdered salt and always carries around a cigar to stab in the eyes of his hated enemies.
did op specify when and for how long the voting will be tomorrow
24 hours I am pretty sure
This happens literally any time theres a vote or poll. It's just the nature of anonymous internet competitions, you should know this by now.
>Garfield in drag
Oh no I just remembered that garfield hentai
You know... I was there... I witnessed the creation of these masterpieces...
Sure if for no other reason than to see her and Donald as Ms. and Mr. Yea Forums.
Donald Fauntleroy Duck.
She doesn’t care if she wins anyway
Mandy cares about her appearance and the way others view her more than she lets on.
I remember only voting for like 4 girls, Spinal and Anne included, the others are secret because it is very satanic IMO and I am at church OK bye.
Don't sin user
lol what?
I just want an opportunity to post this when Spinel is up against anyone relating.
Let me guess Satania and Hekapoo?
>nani lost
Take note Yea Forums, /ourduck/ is taking it all this year
no they were not from 2019 that's why is it so bad but now that I remember I should have voted for Hekapoo.
Did the last thread get nuked? Are jannies/mods not okay with Ms.Yea Forums threads anymore?
spinel is gonna win
The last thread had like 800 replies
It archived
All is well
AND because cartoons can't be waifus they are just poltergeists and entities. Waifus come from japanimation wich means animation from japan, everything the chinks make is QUITE satanic and Diabolical, that's why I call them the Diabolical Satanists.
spilel is not going to win
spinel is gonna win
spinel won my heart
Guess it reached the post limit so fast it felt like it got nuked
the biggest meltdown in Yea Forums history
can it be if the majority want her to lose
I can't not read Garfield in Lorenzo Music's voice.
Spinel deserves to win because the one who wins get's to met God and live with him as one of his thousand million angels.
But a large majority voted FOR her, user.
people had more than one vote
marco cucks star out of first
I for one am enjoying the extra drama this year.
you cant just mention it and then leave
Prove it :^)
This was altered a bit last tournament but I think we need to put our foot down
Op NEEDS to make it so you have to pick all matches if you're going to submit a response for the first round
say it in the other thread because that's where OP has went off to.
Good call, thought I was on that one
you wanted people picking 2 or 3 of their favorites then go down the list and vote for whoever happens to be under them one by one?
That's fucking stupid and will promote throw away votes.
I hope not, she is way to old for this.
it's not her fault toph cant qualify
>I hope not, she is way to old for this.
I'll take "jokes you couldn't do anymore" for 1000, Alex.
I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker!
Kelsey didn’t made it to Ms. Yea Forums this year.. with only 14
old as in, its something that came out very long ago, I know Jenny won the last one, but I always wanted it to be for the most recent girls.
>she looked cute though
what the fuck was johns problem?
I hope Spinel wins, my favoritewas Anne but I think Spinel should win because is the smile that Yea Forums could not protect.
some Yea Forumsidiot said he'd do a mr and ms v thing and did nominations for it so i'm just waiting for that
He thought she was asleep rather than dead.
Neither Susie nor Claire have made it in, what does Yea Forums have against catgirl witches?
Is this paste bin a valid measure of exactly how many fans a character has on Yea Forums? Like, would it be wrong to say "Only 61 anons on Yea Forums actually like Sasha from amphibia"?
nah, it's not like 100% of people on Yea Forums did the poll. Also people could've liked a character but not enough to look for them specifically on the poll
>linking the threads
no, user! By making them lay their eyes upon Yea Forums, you are technically making them newfags, and not just pure foreigners. Then, it is no longer a "foreign collusion", because other first-time-Yea Forums-users could have voted anyway! DON'T YOU SEE?!
The one who wins get's to meet THE LORD.
also lack of pictures which would make it easier to identify them
Nobody likes Homestuck anymore.
>I assumed Homestuck would have done better.
Why the hell would it, it ended half a decade ago in a way that was extremely shit.
She's a child, pedo
It never ends. Not with Hiveswap, Pesterquest, epilogue, and the physical books with Andrew Hussie's commentary.
Just because Hussie doesn't want to admit it doesn't mean it isn't over.
vote THICC
it might not be over but its certainly dead
Likewise. Saved them for posterity.
>deleted 3 posts before bump limit
Round one voting when?
Why was the other thread deleted
Assuming Mods are just cutting the threads until OP posts the vote thread around noon
>other thread deleted
got an archive link?
It's probably because people just abandoned this thread for some reason. We should have maxed this one first.
The people throwing pedo accusations out are all unironic coomers just voting for the hottest girl. Ignore them.
Btw there's nothing on booru yet. Does anyone actually save the OC to dump all of it there later?
This is a fap contest. There shouldnt be kids.
>accuses people of being coomers
>while saying "hottest girl" in the same sentence
I seriously hope you don't do that guys
Yes. I'm voting with my dick.
What are you doing for the guys tournament then?
Asking my friend to vote for me with her vagina
I really doubt I'll participate. Maybe I'll show up to hate vote.
Voting with his dick. What else do you do user?
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