The Dark Crystal

Skek makes me kek

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based and mmmmmmmmmmmmmpilled

>the virgin urRu
>the chad sKeKsis


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>Ow my hand!
>Ow... my... hand!

I want more skeksis banter

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I have a feeling the Satirist is going to be good for that next season.

>Reminder that Brea is best girl

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Thank you.

I need pictures. Pictures of Deet!

If she was on social media, what would Deet Tweet?

Deet would tweet her cute little feet.

Brea is second-best girl, but I'm sure you knew that and it was just a typo.

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We need pictures of Deet being NEET.

Hey, my current copy of The Dark Crystal has a blurry shot of something crystalline behind the end credits, but I swear I remember the one I had as a kid having a blue-tinted drawing of Aughra's face instead. Can anyone else confirm a version like that?

>"Drain the gelflings, race war now! Nothing gets me harder than the thought of a village full of flat-nosed gelflings spasming in agony as they cough up blood from their poisoned blistering lungs. Armies of armored Garthims will round up every flithy gelfling, cram them into carriages and deliver them to my crystal castle where I will perosnally drain them. The machine will run non-stop until Thra is a gelfling free planet and every podling, faggot and race traitor is reduced to a vial of essence."

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>your wife will never glow in the dark
why live?

>>your wife will never glow in the dark
But Deet DOES glow in the dark!

Does she tho?

>decision to make season 2 or can the show made soon
>TheOdd1sOut still haven't made the video that will lead to a mega boom

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She does when she eats her moss or when she absorbs the darkening.

Attached: The-Dark-Crystal-Age-of-Resistance-Season-2-Deet-Darkening.jpg (738x369, 31K)

Deet is for making sweet, consensual, gentle, marital love to Rian

Short videos of animals doing cute things

Fuck no, Rian is a boring piece of shit.

I'm autistically checking his channel/twitter daily to see if he's working on a review of the show. I just want this show to succeed... and he could help with that.

>merrymaking ceases

Cute pics/vids of animals, pics of her family on Crystalmas and Skeksgiving, vids of her singing.

The decision to renew or can the show should happen in less than two weeks.

And the show’s like 10 hours long so editing it all can’t be easy.

Appealing ideas.

>Crystalmas and Skeksgiving

More Thralidays, please.

Let get this started.

Vaprantines Day
Saint UrGoh’s Day
The Running of the Fizzgigs (a Sifa tradition obviously)

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Anyone thought the little green creature in the library kinda looks like a mix of gremlin and gizmo?

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>to Rian

I think Facebook would be a more suitable social media site than Twitter for Deet.


Apparently they're called pluff'ms.

And yes, very much getting a mogwai vibe from them.

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I bet Deet would be on Instagram just posting pics of cute nurlocs that she's feeding.

Mostly SoL stuff about her family and life with horribly bad camera angles as she wouldn't know how to properly record it.

JUST Gurjin?

Brea nerdposts about books, Seladon posts racist things about other clans + podlings, what does Tavra do?

Shows off her sword colleciton.

Links to sword and armour reviews.

Also, jokes. She is the fun one, after all.

/fit/ humble bragging and /k/ weapon porn, with occasional dips into /lgbt/ to check for butch threads.

>Deet would be that person who would reguarly write a good morning message to every single friend on her list

Ah yes, Skeksgiving, that wonderful time of year when Gelfling all across Thra travel far and wide to be together with their families and loved ones so that they can give more tithes to the Skeksis.

Post photos of her fitt body

Gurjin the BASED

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Is it wrong that I'm hoping for RLM to do a vid on the series for the same reason? I'm not a huge fan, but it seems like something they'd actually enjoy and recommend and that'd be another big bump for the show.

Chamberlain > Deet

Best gelfling.

>Brea nerdposts about books
How long until Skeksis ruin her hobby?

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AoR fun fact: The Scrollkeeper was going to be played by a professional voice actor like most of the other characters, but Will Matthews liked Neil Sterenberg's voice performance so much that he decided to keep his voice in.

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I read someone talking about a supposed 50 pages book about (suggestive) skekses, where can I buy/read it?

>Gurjin will never hug you.

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It's a little more than 'suggestive'.


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oh shit they really made funko pops about The Dark Crystal???
What a dark age we live on
Also why are people buying these plastic shits

>Gurjin hugging the Arathim

cutest moment in the entire how

Tried watching this today, but I had to stop after the first couple episodes. While the cinematography is gorgeous and I love the practical effects, I feel like there's a *lot* of anti-semitic coding in the writing and production and it was starting to make me really uncomfortable.

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Because they're totez adorbz ^_^

It's the nnormiest collectible designed for normies.

I'll never get the point of these - if you're going to put that much detail into something, why not just make it a fucking realistic-looking action figure toy instead of a fucking weird chibi bastard child thing that you sit on a desk or leave in a box like a damn beanie baby?

That looks awful.

this is antifascist from episode 1 to epsiode 10, it's literally a show telling a revolt against the bourgeoisie, and it has parallels with the holocaust.
Where the fuck did you see "anti-semitic" codings?

I mean... yeah... but that's part of the appeal, tbph.

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How was the writing anti-semitic for you?

Because they're cheap, mass-produced and appeal to nostalgia. Basically overglorifed McDonald's toys.

I feel like there's a *lot* of anti-semitic coding in the writing and production

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At least McDonald's toys are usually actual toys - they're cheap, shitty toys, but they at least function as toys. Funko pops are glorified paper weights.

So forgive my ignorance, how is the series going?
Its been at least a solid decade since i saw Dark Crystal last, should I re-watch it again before seeing the tv show? or is it shit and its just fun to make fun of it being shit?

Series is great enough that most of Yea Forums enjoys it (and they hate many things). I suggest watching the movie first, then the series, then the movie again.

>Series is great enough that most of Yea Forums enjoys it
Somehow that's actually kinda concerning.

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Movie is sort of shitty, effects and puppetry is still amazing, but it isn't all that good otherwise. You can watch show without having it at all.


Also, be prepared to get a Skeksis husbando out of the show.

This looks like a completly different character

Movie is like a bunch of great and interesting concepts thrown together without an actual story arc or character development to tie them all together,

To be completely honest, apart from the puppet effects and the general world-building stuff, the movie doesn't really hold up well in terms of writing and voice acting. It's a good watch for little kids, put the fear of Skeksis in 'em and all that, but you can totally watch the series without rewatching the movie.

>To be completely honest, apart from the puppet effects and the general world-building stuff, the movie doesn't really hold up well in terms of writing and voice acting
that was the feeling I got last time I watched it. "Good time killing movie. but the plot was kind of vague and stitched together"

The movie gives context for the series, which works better as a prequel viewed after the fact.

This is a stupid joke that I don't think needs its own thread but every time I think of Garthim I think "Gotham" and then I just imagine Commissioner Gordon commanding Garthim instead of the GCPD

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>during AOR there are a ton of Gelfling and Arathim
>they team up once FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH SKEKSIS happens
>by the time the film takes place there are a shitload of Garthim solider to the point that they can wipe out the Gelfling
>Skektek makes Garthim out of Arathim corpses

fuck guys, are all the spiderbros gonna die too? ;_;

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Duh, why do you think it's so popular?

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>at first I was like
>but then

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Oh there's a designated thread now, awesome.

>"Jim you doing alright? You look.......different. Also please for the love of god, chew your spaghetti"

What the shit, that exists?

You're just figuring that out?

50+ pages of it my man.

Wait did the heretic die in the last episode?
It felt like Hup grabed the golem on Heretic's dead clothes o/

Also 15 skeksis remaining if my accunt is good, which means 5 more will get killed

Nah. Their living space is just messy. There's shit all over the place.

At least 3 Skeksis are left on the chopping block: skekGra the Heretic, skekLi the Satirist and skekSa the Mariner.

Why is Seladon a hoe?

Just start dating someone who works for the CIA

He’s fine, but he may die in S2.

Plus two whose titles we don't know yet.

She’s a Vapra.

The 2 whose titles we don't know died directly after the split in a fit of mystic-killing

Skekshlom the treasurer

13 remain. 2 died right after the split, 3 died in the show. 3 more that must die.

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>3 more that must die.
Dragovich, Kravchenko and Steiner?

Look at this and try not calling her a hoe.
When I first saw this in a thread, I thought someone made a Shadedit of her, then episode 6 came.

Attached: skekked.png (678x542, 362K)

I'm surprised Sh*dman hasn't made an edit of her already.


>TFW will probably wait for a long time for S2 after i'm done with S1

It hurts....

I thought the same thing

Looks like a mogwai combined with Raunip

"Deet killed skekLach in the Castle of the Crystal, I swear to Thra that's how it happened!"
"You're lying, Rian! Deet was never on Dark Crystal Island, only you! Only ever you!"

Eh, if S@ does get picked up, the earliest we see it is in late 2020.

At least it would be confirmed by that time. We're on literal limbo right now.

Expect news about the show's fate around the end of September.

Also, it took Netflix six weeks to announce Season 3 of Stranger Things, despite it having a massive fanbase.

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>My UrSkek name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the gelfling worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to hunt. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.

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user do you have the pic in that screencap? It's cute.

What kind of autist prepares an edgy special dress and a crown for herself?

She wanted to fit in with her masters, little did she know they are Skeksis supremacists.


Gurjin The Based
Mudra Argot

Re’kyr (flying manta ray guy)

All-Maudra Marya
Maudra Pharah
Wiped memory Sifa guy
Rian the Bland

Vapran Librarian

Traitor castle guard who got drained anyway
Seladon the Slut

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It's amazing, you got every single one except Deet wrong.

I have no qualms with these rankings

Attached: DEET HONK.jpg (2642x1981, 607K)

No, here's the official version.

Deet Purpura Oscuro (Forma Completado)
Urskek Mystico Blanco

Hunter (Ultra Instinct mode)
Gema Completado
La Abuela
El Imperador Oscuro (Forma Verdadera)

Gema Forma Oscuro
El Imperador
Deet Purpura
Rian (Base Completado)

Jen Forma Mystica
Archer Mystico

El Chambelan
El General

El Skektek Cientifico Corrompido
La Maestro Ritual
Jen (Forma Base)
Celadon Negro
Tavra Oscuro
El Renegado
Hup (Ultra Instinct Mode)

La Ornamentalista
La Collectionista
Tavra (Forma Base)


Deet (Forma Base)

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Thanks user!

Not gonna lie, I'll probably get the Deet pop since her eyes are huge anyway and I'm not gonna pay a 130 dollars for the Weta statue. I'm open to waiting for a better mid-range collectible though.

She's a princess, maybe she has a whole wardrobe of dresses.


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>SketTek shitposting in /sci/
>SkekAyuk shitposting on /ck/

where will the other Skeksis shitpost at?

Infinite jest threads on Yea Forums
/x/, /pol/
/out/, Yea Forums
/his/, /biz/

Did no one else love how they summoned the Hunter and how everyone else lost their mind in the castle? I hope the mariner, treasurer and garthim master get such suitable summons as well.

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>>SkekAyuk shitposting on /ck/
>for me, it's the mcgelfling


So who is the Skekfaggot posting on Yea Forums?

based, the voice cast for the skeksis is god tier. Best ensemble cast in a long time

>not posting anti-gelfling propaganda on /pol/ to get the podlings to turn against the gelflings

That was fucking great, I was so confused at first.

He’s too intelligent for /pol/ and hires paid Podling shills to do it for him.

that and the Dual-Glaive twitter were brilliant scenes.

Oh? Confused by what?

What about Heretic?

/po/, Yea Forums and /out/

>there exists a designated skeksis porn thread

what would Jim Henson think about this?

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/d/ and /adv/

>he's the guy in the puppetry threads who's always got some weird little project he shares photos of

>Not Skekchad
Cringe and Gelfpilled

Just by what Chamberlain was calling and why everyone freaked out.


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Deet’s too kind and outgoing for that.

The real NEET is Seladon.

It gets laid out in the scene

They say the horn calls SkekMal back to the castle and SkekVar says he did it to have him catch Rian, but that it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the Hunter might just mutiliate Chamberlain and is dangerous and unpredictable

>voice acting

wut? The voice acting is iconic

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I don’t actually know any of the Skesis’ names, only their titles

It's easy once you understand that all the names are puns
>SkesSo the Emperor
Because I say so
>SkekTek the Scientist

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Hmmmh, trial by shitpost!


>skekSil the Chamberlain
Slimy and supercilious.

Why is Chamberlain so lewded? Is it the hmmmm?

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Ah, the night a thousand huts get peachberry'd.

I can see SkekUng constantly typing in all caps like an old fart

He’s such a simpering people pleaser type. You can totally believe he’d slut it up if it had even the slightest benefit

>The scene where Chamberlain tries to give Rian the skekpill
It would’ve worked if Gurjin and co. hadn’t shown up at that exact moment

because he's a slut

>The real NEET is Seladon.
That's true, but fuck Seladon.

It’s not racist to realize that the powers that be don’t have your best interests at heart. The problem with /pol/ is that they’re convinced the people who rule the world are Jews whose primary goal is making Western Europe more diverse.

Because he absolutely would slut it up if it meant staying in the emperor's graces

where the fuck is my game

I’ve never seen a show (or film) they actually like, so this is a nice change of pace.

>fuck Seladon
Yes please

Nah, her problem was being TOO tied up in work and society’s expectations. She was strung out and seething because she was shouldering the future and her mother’s distance AND expectations
Brea is the neet, fucking off in the library all day and working out of responsibilities. First chance she gets, she ditches her “job” with Lesser Service
At least Tavra kept up with her soldiering duties between fucking seanigger women


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How would the emperor react to that tho

Someone give him the link

Probably just use him as a cock sleeve when the urge strikes. Preferably with skekSil's mouth gagged unless it's currently being used to service the emperor.

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The Hunter was GOAT. The whole time watching the series up ‘til then I thought the Skeksis were all just pampered dandies whose influence was way bigger than their physical abilities. Imagine my face when I saw that fucker move.

skekAyuk has bad taste in food.

>Nigga just straight up crawling trees like an lizard and shit

Skekmal was cool.


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Non-vulturefucker answer:
Probably very confused since none of them have any skeks drive nor can they reproduce. They'd probably get more a rise out of drinking essence than intercourse.

They might be hermaphrodites and sterile but does that mean they have no sex drive?

look at this and tell me they aren't horny 24/7

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>Have you heard about this Mr. Rogers guy? He seemed so nice!

It was a crackhead looking at crack right in front of him

I was surprised how many big voices were in the series: Mark Hamill, Lena Heady, Helena Boham-Carter, Andy
Samberg, Bill Hader, Taron Egerton, etc. and Hamill was the only one I recognized.

Tweets with this energy

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Oh yes, "coding" as the Skeksis characters are literally all blatant negative Jewish stereotypes. It's extremely obvious that Skeksis are Jews.


The Skeksis could be portrayed as greedy white men desperate to drain the last drop of oil from the planet. They could be corrupt executives bleeding the company dry while preparing their golden parachutes to bail themselves out when it collapses. They could be the "Boomers" destroying the planet out of spite and the desire to live just one more day. They could be the gangsters destroying their communities by selling drugs for money and reveling in that wealth even as their corruption spreads and kills the very people they claim to protect.

If you see jews that's because you /wanted/ to see jews. The Skeksis are simply people in power that have allowed power to corrupt them and are more than happy to destroy or corrupt anything and everything in order to maintain said power. Any other allusions are made by the audience.

No, I don't know if you're American or not, but many of the Skeksis characters are total Jewish stereotypes in contemporary American culture. Many of them even talk like New York Jews.

>”What’s wrong, Skekmal? Could it be you’re craving my...McNuggies?”

take it to Yea Forums you faggots
i'm fucking sick of politics

>Breaks into the circle of the suns, fucking YEETs Hup across the room
Best Skeksis.

What? When's the last time Jew Yorkers referred to themselves by titles associated with British monarchy and talked mostly with British accents of some variety?

The whole world is political faggot, but keep covering your ears and pretend like things don't exist like the bloated manchild you are.

>But occasionally he’d drop a bait thread just to see how many he can piss off.

yes yes i heard it all before
jews own the media and white people are minorities, boo fucking hoo. so sad.
only an idiot would spend even a braincell dwelling on such things, and your ideals are a wasted effort. go outside and watch some birds or something.

>heals from the brink of death
>straight up sprints all the way to the fight from the castle
>fucking jumps down from a random tree and bodies the MC out of nowhere

truly best skek

CGI bullshit

Threadly request for gelf bowling webm

>hmmmmm, I plant shitposts in thread, watch grow into (you)s, yes?

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>Everything is fine
>No think bad thing
>Look at the birdie, ha ha
>No think bad thing

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Uhhh... NO

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If you want to talk politics, don’t do it in a Dark Crystal thread. Take it to /pol/ or something.

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exactly. learn to do it.

Where can I get Gelfling bowling lessons?

>the giant scary spoder wanted to hug Gurjin

cute, CUTE!

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dude wtf, that puppets probably very expensive to make


>Fuckin' Quintana

With the Garthim on the way, Gurjin knows the only way to win is for an army of their own. He will smash that spiderpuss to create as many Gelfthim abominations as he needs to for Thra to survive.

>Chamberlain. No. Wait. Stop. You can't!
> Get back, spit-head!

I love how they did the Skeksi's god tier dialogue true to the original film

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>No. Wait. Stop. You can't

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I hate that I excitedly clicked on that. You got me.

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>"hmMMmmm... ahh..."

what did he mean by the latter part?

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Not saying Rian isn’t boring, or that Gurjin isn’t just a better character, but it’s canon in-universe attraction.

Imagine dealing with that for 1000 years.

They've been waiting to banish skekSil for ages, and I don't blame them.

Attached: hmmmmmm.jpg (620x330, 40K)

>I am become bait, destroyer of threads

Yea Forums is making predictions for season 2. Thoughts?

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Hup now gets to equip the Ladel of Infinite Wisdom (2h)

Nah. If the Emperor was bedridden that long they'd already have simply taken his power politically instead of waiting for him to die.

"inability to rule" or somesuch. Or they'd simply turn him into a figurehead instead of being in fear of him and then fighting over the throne when he died.

I will fucking sob a flood when Deet inevitably dies

I do believe that the Emperor will become more and more unhinged and obsessive with mastering the Darkening and even with ALL of the essence he'll be crippled by it, but not before causing an apocalyptic amount of damage
Even on his deathbed no one (except for fucking skeksil) will dare fuck with him for fear that he'll explode them with his dark magic

>Or they'd simply turn him into a figurehead instead of being in fear of him and then fighting over the throne when he died.
Eh, fair enough.

>At least Tavra kept up with her soldiering duties between fucking seanigger women

Uh, do the books make Tavra a lesbian? With Onica I'm guessing?


They learned the joys of throwing puppets. They said they did it a few times because of plot, but it was funny and fun so they started to do it more.

Same sort of thing happened on Farscape. Ben Browder improvised wacking, strangling, throwing, whatever Rigel and it stuck. I think they were worried a bit at first that he would damage it, but it just made him look more real and tangible. They did it a lot more. Like holy jeez a lot more.

Beating up puppets is good for realism.

>With Onica I'm guessing?

Anybody got links to the soundtracks?

The good thing about practical effects is their tangibility and that should always be taken advantage of.
Gotchu pham

>Ben Browder improvised wacking, strangling, throwing, whatever Rigel and it stuck. I think they were worried a bit at first that he would damage it, but it just made him look more real and tangible. They did it a lot more. Like holy jeez a lot more.
Mind = blown
I had no idea all the Rygel-abuse plotlines were literally because the actors liked kicking around the puppet.

Attached: Farscape S2E9.gif (500x341, 1.8M)

Then I'm really surprised they didn't touch on that in the show. It feels like they've never met there.

Does spider-Tavra die in the books? If not, I'm wondering if we'll find out she's still "alive" in the Ascendancy for some season 2 plot.

skekMal was too based for this world

I mean for DLing on the go, but thank you.

I liked the librarian. Agree on the rest though.

I forget if he totally improvised it in shot, or if he worked with them to see if it would look good or what. So don't quote me on the exacts. It's in the special features about season one.

Is that the raven alien that was a prototype Skeksis?

From what I recall others saying, the crystal spinner that was attached to her is still alive with her mind inside. Apparently there is no ascendancy in the books

It's at least alluded to when Tavra talks about wanting to run off with the Sifa and responding with familiarity when Brea mentions going to see Onica.

She's alive in the spider body in the books and her transformation takes place a lot earlier in the story.

>Is that the raven alien that was a prototype Skeksis?
Opposite. Leftover Seksis puppets were repurposed into aliens for that one episode of Farscape.
>tfw hoping against all hope that this show does well enough the suits greenlit a Farscape continuation with more puppets

Attached: Farscape.jpg (1800x1293, 326K)

Yeah, I'm aware of that.

There seem to be SO many dropped book story lines that they could be restuctured into a full second season. The prophecy still needs to be found, and so that entire plot with the flute could be the Duel Glaive quest of season 2. Maybe that's where spider-Tavra, Naia, Amri, and whoever else can get time to shine.

>Opposite. Leftover Seksis puppets were repurposed into aliens for that one episode of Farscape.

That's.... exactly what I meant. I had heard it was an early model Skeksis

Librarian got one half of a pretty kino line when Seladon went full bitch mode
>For shame!
>For Thra.

/pol/ would not be made uncomfortable by implications that essence = christian baby blood

all the Skeks can deliver some pretty sick bants every once in a while

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Normally gay couples in fantasy are treated as LGBT people dream of full acceptance in the west during the 21st century. It rings hollow and bullshit in settings built around old religious dogma and ignorance and normal human bullshit.

The neat thing about Dark Crystal is the Gelfling are just different enough that it for once actually makes sense that they don't mind. Granted, partially because we know relatively little about their beliefs, but still. For once it doesn't feel like hack bullshit, and it's not being jammed in at weird spots.

Heck, the idea that the tough soldier girl is of course a lesbian is perhaps the most "hack" bit here, and that's not really that bad, so whatever.

Only the Vapra.

Scrollkeeper was definitely the most fuckable of the skeksis.

>TFW knowing Deet is gonna be RIP in the future

So who's gonna be Jen's parents, Rian/Deet or Rian/Brea?

If O'Bannon manages to convince the suits to greenlight a Farscape sequel, I will die happy.

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well

Don't say such things user.

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I was talking about the Vapran Librarian, not Scroll-Keeper. But yeah I guess.
Also I had no idea that MCU Zola played that librarian but I guess I do now.

some of the dialog called them skesis,too, so it's confirmed farscape and dark crystal are in the same universe

Holy fuck what

Rian and Deet definitely got magical bonding from the Dreamfasting. They're both treating Brea as a best friend. Which is neat. I like how Dreamfasting can instantly impart an appropriate relationship. It's not all instant love forever. It may be neat to see one spawn hate between two people.


that was like two threads ago someone was saying deet was white instead of green

blind-ass motherfucker

>Collector got fucking Omae wa mou shindeiru'd


It's touched on a bit in the show. Tavra mentions she would've ran away with the Sifan many times before and when Brea mentions she needs to bring something to Onica, Tavra's like "Onica...".

>urskeks travelled to thra via a wormhole
bros what if the scarran find the gelfling

got Yeet by Deet

Gelflings don't know what a fucking steam engine is, while Scarrans are space faring lizards. You can't get more one sided.

Oh yeah I remember that now. I figured there was slight bad blood there. Ha, whoops.


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Thra as a sentient world has been using most of its ability to keep itself hidden. The entire network of Crustal worlds is basically off grid.

Not if this lovable band of fuck ups have anything to say about it.

so, I just saw the movie after watching season 1
whats the fucking point of a season 2 or even season 1.

nothing will be accomplished, they are gonna go in circles until nobody watches it

They wouldn't set up the most pure and innocent character possible if they didn't want her to also suffer the most and be the most tragic character death in the series
I don't think Deet will get the "in hiding" treatment to live on into the movie bros
Whoever yeets Deet into nonexistence in the show will immediately be my most hated character in all of fiction

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Fresh art!

Thinking on it more, I wonder if the reason it seems to be secret is some hint of homophobia, or just interclan animosity/Tavra's position and expectations? Huh.


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Thread link?

They've already talked about the film only being part of the story in regards to the genocide. We have fuck all idea what that means in practical terms, but it does sounds a lot like they're going to work around it in some way for there to be more survivors than we would expect. It makes sense, since the sequel material all has a thriving Gelfling civilization, and clearly Jen and Kira can't do all that work by themselves.

That one died quickly

The universe is a rather large place, and iirc Farscape took place in a single galaxy. Thra is likely in some far flung galaxy, and the urskeks from an even farther one.

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Even if it's the same galaxy, which it would have to be to connect, the galaxy is freaking huge. Big parts of it are still unexplored.

.... Maybe the Urskek's are the wormhole aliens?

You can’t have sex with a bowling ball

>it’s canon in-universe attraction.
Poor, gentle Deet doesn't know any better. We need to save her from her own ignorance.

I know it's partly because they're cave hippies but Deet has two dads and no one gave a fuck. I can only assume Gelfling culture is much more open in some regards than others.


Probably more clan fuckery. The Sifa and Vapra don't seem to get along very that well even among the clans, at least not Cadia's group when he was elder

The Grottan seem a bit more happily oblivious to things than the other clans. So I think that leaves a little room for uncertainty.

Not with that attitude

Deet shall never die, merely become part of the Darkening side of the force.

Attached: Jedi Master Deet.jpg (640x640, 74K)

World Of getting reissued in January is some bullshit. Goddamn.

I want to see Yoda and Aughra interact. It'd be a lot of head thumping bullshit.

Between that and the series artbook my wallet's gonna be hurtin

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I also grabbed Jim Henson's Storyteller Siren's. Hope the Storyteller stuff is good.

And the art of the Expanse but that's not too relevant here.

>.... Maybe the Urskek's are the wormhole aliens?
That's my new headcanon.

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Rejoice, all the WETA statues are already sold out so they won't bankrupt you at least.

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Not that dude, but luckily statues don't do it for me.

But god help me Funko has actual action figures that look just a bit delightfully retro.

I came really close to dropping the $500 several times in the last couple weeks.

I'm getting the Hunter figure and the Deet glow in the dark POP

Attached: Dark Crystal AOR - Funko-01.jpg (960x960, 170K)

>new instalment
>it's a prequel

Big ew.

Just watch it nigger.

>That spoiler

Not even for Deet. Not ever.

I did kind of want a classic Starlin Thanos one because of the absurdity and he's my favorite space jackass villain, but I just couldn't.

Ordinarily, you'd be right. But these are not ordinary puppets.

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Jen is basically wearing the Stonewood clan symbol.

So that probably adds to the idea that he's Rian's son.

Aren't they using CG now?

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I mean light touches, like backgrounds, some lighting, keying out puppeteers, a few blinks, and a surprisingly few big action shots. But every character in the show is a puppet.

Only skekSo's is sold out

Chamberlain frequents /k/.

Enough muppets. Tale of Sand when?

Attached: Jim Henson's A Tale of Sand-056.jpg (2173x3056, 1.1M)

There's CGI here and there for sets and effects but the puppetry itself is still pretty much entirely practical

Not really, I think they said they use a tiny bit at the corners of mouths and eyes to give some characters a bit more fine expression than foam latex can provide, and a few times they animate the Skeksis' tongues so they don't look like they're just flapping their mouths open and closed when they talk, other than that though it's exclusively puppetry. On top of that the same artists who worked on the original movie have an enormous presence in the show, working on or directly overseeing basically everything related to the appearance of characters. If they disapproved of something then it isn't in the show.

If it was that long someone probably would have snuck in and tried to smother him after a while.
>"Alas, our beloved Emperor is dead. But with his last breath, he named me, Skekwhoever, the new Lord of the Crystal"

based scroll keeper fags

I just wanted a "le ebin kawaii" fig of her. And since it's unlikely they'll do a Nendoroid for her, I'll settle for this I guess. Also not gonna break the bank for the Weta statue of her as much as I'd love to.
I'm just hoping a better collectible within that price range comes along, I'm not the biggest fan of her traditional figure although it looks nice.

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Shit I forgot this was a thing.

>"Where is the Gelfling porn thread?"



I hear Weta will be making a statue for her.

How could you?

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Gelflings are for sucking not fucking.

Sucking their essence, that is

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'Cause when the Jim Henson comic push really started I was reading too much other crap and it got lost in the noise. Whoops.

Based Jim

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When does the based Garthim Master show up to start putting Chamberbitch in his place?

Oh it's a face.
They're making a face.
Heres hoping the Ascendancy doesn't die anti-climatically

Soon, I hope.
The only celeb voices I'll accept if they're still gonna roll with that are Brian Blessed and Bendydick Cuminhersnatch

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Does anyone have a screencap of Hup saying "Hup...want...die"?

I do really hope this is a stealth reboot and it deviates from the movie so we can actually care about plot tweests

Not a complaint here more an observation but the CGI tongue the Skeksis have is really distracting, especially when you see the practical one sandwiched between scenes using a CGI replacement.


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I care a great deal about getting to watch the Gelfling all die as promised.

was the point of digesting 10 more hours of filler until everything aligns with a very boring movie

Get ready for disappointment then vulturefucker
It's almost certainly gonna be a Jedi scenario

childling genocide?

No, as in most will probably die but a fuckton will probably go into hiding too.

i like this description, yeah. the whole darkening just seems like its a fairly simple, classical fairytale depiction of characters striving to keep an entire planet alive and healthy with virtue (Aughra nursing the little mind control creature back to health, Deet shown as compassionate throughout) but can also be guilty of being naive vs. those that are selfish and manipulative of others without ever looking beyond their own self interest, but I found it interesting they weren't portrayed as being weak. Tyrants rarely are.

>SkekSo picks up microphone
>'Execute order skeksty-skeks."

>weird lens flare eye
>text labeling "skektek"
>not just putting skekTek's head over hers and eschewing the labels altogether

Did they rape Seladon? They just went at her, ripped her clothes, and left her crying before they took her away to get drained.

And still she wants their Skekcock

anti fascism IS anti semitism

They raped seladon in the same way they raped skeksil.
Can't actually show rape in a movie or show that kids can watch.

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Seladon just needs a big, strong daddy for whom she can be a good little gefling. Look at the make up this bitch is wearing. The whole get up screams "please rail me and pull my ears and call me a loyal little gelfling".

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>maudra fara sacrificed herself for this literal traitor whore

no lol
antifascism is anti-sionism maybe, but definitely not anti semitism. jews aren't fascist by essence, but some of them are, like some white people are fascist, or some black people.

she really wanted that skeskis schlong(s)

Seladon only wants to take that big, hard, long, THROBBING spoon

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Nothing makes me happier than imagining the universe in which this show was a cg disaster, while we get this beauty of a show.

here you go you degenerates
deet's in the top right bracket toward the bottom

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SkekSo my wallet has failed you.

Seladon is for Skeksis tri-cock only

>against the pedobait mascot of this board
well, nice while it lasted

That was fast.


He and Sheev could be drinking buddies.

>Skektrans the dragmaster

I bet this was the Chamberlain's doing!


Whelp, time to cut off a finger.

>the scientist dies
>the chamberlain survives
How is this fair?


I don't understand why a librarian would have a paper-eating boogun in his library, no matter how adorable it is.

Where is my porn damn it.

The world ain't fair, kid.

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>not rooting for Skeksheev

plebeian, yes?

At the very least, we have recency bias and are more willing to campaign compared to an established grill like her.
And if all else fails, at least we got in at all. We know deep down in our darkened hearts she's the best and that's all that matters.

Attached: Deet1.jpg (800x1007, 364K)

>Heretic dies
>Hunter dies
>All these other shitters survive

I'd watch an entire show of based skekMal hunting down gelfling fucking shits.

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Are instances where the show braks movie canon?
I swear I noticed a couple

Found this reaction image.

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Origin of the skeksis/mystics and how they got the crystals doesn't seem to jam well with the movie, or at least there are some big plotholes mainly regarding Aughra being fucking retarded.

Finally sat down to watch an episode or two of Resistance last night... I got all the way through 6.

As someone who saw and loved the movie when it came out as a child, it is amazing how it is just such a nostalgic feeling, revisiting a comfy old home or something. What a love letter this show is. To think so obscure movie I loved as a child is given this labor of love series (and seeing all you making memes and art) just brings a ray of joy to my tired old heart.

One thing I'm curious of, are the skekSis/urU tongues CGI or just neat some floppy material? I'm curious how much CGI is used in general, as you could tell the Hunter was in several action scenes and the Spitter in some as well. But so much puppets!

It's wonderful. I was so skeptical but your guy's love of the show made sure I watched it sooner rather than later.


Tfw the show throws a curve ball and alternate realities become a thing

I mean the moment Aughra see's the Crystal and when she relearns the song of Thra it implies alternate timelines


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>One thing I'm curious of, are the skekSis/urU tongues CGI or just neat some floppy material? They're CGI. There's a one hour and 45 min making of docu on Netflix you should watch when you're done with the show. Very cool.

I just can’t get over how fucking massive these things are. The craftsmanship that goes into these characters is truly incredible.

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>They're CGI. There's a one hour and 45 min making of docu on Netflix you should watch when you're done with the show. Very cool.
Oh nice, I missed that. Will have to check that out.

>are the skekSis/urU tongues CGI or just neat some floppy material
A mix of both depending on the scene. I notice it far more often with Emperor only because his mouth is so wide and flat while I haven't noticed a practical tongue in SkekTek's mouth yet, not an articulate one anyhow.

I wonder how much those suckers weigh.

>but that it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the Hunter might just mutiliate Chamberlain and is dangerous and unpredictable
Pretty sure Hunter was about to do just that when he learned Chamberlain wanted to him to hunt a "mere gelfling." They probably know you shouldn't call the hunter unless you got some serious shit that needs to be done.

In the show, as evil as skeksis are, they generally don't seem interested in outright killing one another, with Skeksil being a noteworthy exception. Look at how far they went to save the Hunter. The Emperor spent the whole show gulping down as much essence as he could, but was willing to sacrifice all of it to revive the hunter. Although it's less because skeksis have some sort of hidden altruism and more because the death of another skeksis is a distressing reminder of their own morality.

>yfw Skeksis HMMMMMMMMMMs her to death, looks straight at the audience, and drinks down her essence.

N-n-no, they're all just gonna be h-hiding...

>They're all just gonna be in hiding.
I'm so sorry user, almost every character except Augra and the Skeksis are gonna die, maybe Hup will survive as Punished Venom Hup, a Podling denied his Deet gf, and the quantity of suffering he'll experience on a daily basis will be beyond conceivable.

No? And yes she's a bit retarded. Even in the film she allowed her desire to learn about the universe to let her put Thra's very soul in the hands of outsiders of dubious origin for a thousand years.

No, it implies the normal fantasy trope of future visions being imprecise. It's a common way to motivate the plot without giving it away. They're leading up to the film still. They're not there yet.

They are hinting that they may work around the genocide in some way.

Jesusfuck I didn't expect them to be THAT huge. I thought they were mupper sized.

They are. Some muppets are fuckhuge.

>posters here think they can take on a skeksis 1v1

They've been very slightly upscaled from the movie (although everything is kept to scale with everything else) but yeah, creatures like Skeksis, Mystics, Landstriders and Garthim are all people in costume using partially animatronic suits.

not quite related but the old Garthim suits were seventy pounds

Why was their scale changed anyway? Was the scale of everything changed? Is everything the same relative size to the viewer, and it was done for in camera reasons?

They mention in "The Making Of" special that they puppeters were cramped inside of the skeksis puppets, so maybe they got embiggened so the puppeters would be slightly more comfortable inside them.

>they're big enough to fuck

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i imagine all large puppets weigh less now due to materials development

Maybe just to pack in a little bit more detail, or make them easier to sling onto actor's backs and puppeteer's hands. Probably for the most part, because if I remember correctly in the original movie it was pretty hellish to get the actors suited up and ready to go and they were all under a huge amount of physical stress. In the making of documentary they show that now getting into the Skeksis costume is much easier, their body is basically a backpack you strap on.

He was also Dobby the House Elf

Post kino scenes

It was magic.

Hup being jealous of Rian is both funny and a bit sad.

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I wish someone could upload the skeksis banter/laughing scene...

its fuckin tragic

what's more tragic is that hup doesn't even know about deet at the end of the season

>gelf bowling
>Archer realizing what he needs to do
>Rian's bros trembling in fear
>skekMal thinking he's become the ultimate lifeform
>about to fucking crush Rian's skull in
>honorabru seppuku
>Aughra pulls the ultimate jape
Yup, I'm thinkin it's kino.

Once they said Glaive I could only think of this stupid thing that's even less like a glaive than the thing in Dark Crystal.

Luckily the Duel Glaive was kind of just a fake cover for a real thing that makes a lot more sense, so okay whatever.

Attached: Krull-Krull-Glaive-Replica-2.jpg (900x675, 204K)

Whoever was the puppeteer for Augrah must have had fun with this.

Archer actually seppuku'd himself on his own arrows in the book version of his death.

By comparison, how much would a Kaiju suit from the same time weigh?


Attached: Skekzok_Seladon.jpg (540x240, 25K)

That’s so much cooler than the cliff honestly. He even looks kinda samurai-like

good, someone else was as irritated by the name as I was

Moments like this one make me wish I could have binged the whole thing in a theater instead
What I'd give to see some of these scenes on the big screen

funny thing is both use glaive wrong since real glaives are just a type of polearm

Oh god, the suitmation suits like Godzilla were said to be HELLISH. Hot as fuck, difficult to move in, and HEAVY

The very first for Gojira was six and a half feet tall and weighed over two HUNDRED pounds the emperors va and writers really flex their kino muscles in this part

i haven't been able to find a vod of the opening of ep4
>long shot through stonewood with haunting music
>camera passes through a torch and the title graphic catches on fire
>enters the great hall with the doors opening ahead
>dives into the dungeon to reveal it's hup singing
>gets told to shut up, stands and sings louder
>deet shows up as a monster terrorist

Maybe he wouldn't have fucking skek-tuberculosis if he didn't stand right over the fissure and huff darkening fumes.

Possibly my favorite one as well

The music in the show, especially in this scene, reminded me of The Witcher 3's own soundtrack. Also, Aughra's ritual dance was so neat to watch.

B-but they're so sluggish and cumbersome! My speed is superior, so i am sure to win!


Got it (no deet though)

Exactly my point. I mean arguably half the Dark Crystal one is soooort of glaive like. But it's pretty bullshit.

At least it itself was a fake made by nuts living in a desert, so it makes a kind of sense.

This is the type of shit you'd read in a Destiny 1 grimoire card, I love it.
Fantastic scene as well. Probably the scene that fully immersed me in the comfy fantasy of this show.
>Here, breathe in some Darkening gas.
>Thank you, Aughra.

This and Rian lighting the fires were probably my favorite scenes in the show.

I like scenes where the heroes break through the bullshit and get to some truth.

This was the only time in the entire series that I was able to sort of identify that it was Simon Pegg voicing the Chamberlain. He fucking killed this role.

So much of how this show was shot reminds me of Farscape. How much of that is just because that's how you shoot things and Henson, how much because the director knows Farscape, and how much because that's how you HAVE to shoot that was? And how much because I just love Farscape.

>the crystal is the pole

>if he didn't stand right over the fissure and huff darkening fumes.
Absolutely not an option.

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>Chamberlain spends substantial effort injecting propaganda into Gelfling society to turn them against one-another and also creates false flag conflicts outside of the territory to make the Skeksis seem to be benevolent benefactors who offer defense from an invisible threat. Almost talks Rian into believing the Skeksis perspective on strength.
Indisputably the most based creature in all of Thra.

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I didn't even know it was Simon Pegg till after i finished S1. Dude did a damn good job as the Chamberlain.

Dare I say it's Pegg's best role, period. Not only did he have to accurately replicate an iconic film voice, but also bring subtle nuances to the character and his psyche that weren't really in the original film (Along with delivering much more complex dialogue) all while keeping it in character. And he did it all with flying colors. Nigga unironically deserves an Emmy.

>chamberlain in the promo's is told be a lord of secrets and manipulation
>movie bascally treats him like a bitch who's only manipulation is saying "please " and making a shitty lie
>show basically make him michaevelli and the smartest skeksis in the room since he knows the geifling are a scarce resource

>Chamberlain was fucking right all along.

All warfare is based on deception.

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Someone needs to make that little Augra puppet, and one for Heretic and Wanderer so I can make them hug

He would be if the Skeksis actually needed essence to live, which they didn't. The Great Conjuction was gonna happen and reunite the Skeksis and Mystics anyway, it was just a matter of when. If they actually needed it it'd be a different story but they're willing to genocide an entire race just to get high with some slight rejuvenation.
He's /kinda/ right about Rian being a bitchass pussy though. The issue there is that in all cases it's basically what Rian NEEDED to do, regardless of how cowardly it seemed. But it's still enough for Rian to doubt himself and not run, so that at least was a highly effective altered truth.

>I feel like there's a *lot* of anti-semitic coding in the writing and production and it was starting to make me really uncomfortable.
I noticed there was a blatant star of David on the cabinet where the skeksis were keeping the essence locked in the second episode.

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>Chamberlain is like a combination of Littlefinger and Starscream
YouTube commenter is accurate as fuck


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The dialogue called the Halosians from memory.

I think the Skeksis were mentioned offhand as another alien race, though.

Good thing you're in a thread entirely composed of likeminded autists, then.

>68 votes for Deet
>against Gwen who got 146
>Spinel, at #1, has 325 votes, which is double what Peridot at #2 has.
It's going to be an uphill battle. She has as much chance of beating this tournament as she does of beating the Skeksis themselves.
But I will not be disheartened. I shall do my teacher Hup proud, and face this monster head on.

>he hasn't already successfully shilled this show to most of his friends yet
That sucks though, hope your friends come around to it eventually.

We definitely won't win the tourney overall, but we could edge out Gwen with some staunch campaigning. We'll need to do our best for best girl.
Also, checking those double dubs for Deet!

I regret not nominating Augra for shits and giggles.

You never know mane, she could show up at the very end after the supposed number 1 gets suicided by its lighter half.

Aughra no silly girl for silly anons to fawn over


In the making-of documentary they show scenes from a proof of concept short where the skeksis were puppets but the gelfling was completely CG. The gelfling looked super fake and gross when contrasted with the incredible skeksis puppet. I'm so glad they decided to only use CG where necessary to enhance the practicals.

Practicals with a little blend of CG is god tier. For example, the Skeksis and Uru tongues looked great.

Forgot to add pic related

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i found them and a lot of the more obsequious cgi distracting. the tongues in particular looked out of sync

Top right looks like she just shit her pants
The other caps don't look good either
Thank the lord it went all-puppets

You're not the first to say that. I'm actually wondering if they'll tone that down after audience feedback for the second season. As well as wondering what other tweaks they might make.

Problem with the cgi gelfling was that they went too... "disney" with it.

Maybe a more grounded and true to the original material gelfling would've looked better.

The other issue is that they looked hilariously tiny in the test footage. You think their scale in comparison to Skeksis is tiny now, it was fucking puny in the cgi tests.

Bullet dodged, boys

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Has more of a HTTYD/Rise of the Guardians vibe to it.

on one side,that looks abit cheap and cartoony
on the other hand, it addresses my issue with gelfings in the show and movie,much better facial expressions that convey emotion

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Hard disagree, I think the puppets with cgi adjustments to their expressions was the perfect compromise. It's not always perfect, but it works super well.

That’s more uncanny than the puppets.

Is all good, bros. I got him finally.

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God the way he says that line is so chilling.

Add text to that image:
100% COMFY

Archer's speech and the sound of his voice paired with the music swelling gives me fucking chills every time.

>I'd watch an entire show of based skekMal hunting down gelfling fucking shits.
I don't think skekMal bothered with hunting gelfling. SkekSil had to do some pretty hard convincing to get skekMal to consider Rian a worthy target for his hunt; I think he generally sees the weak and pacifist gelfling as unworthy adversaries.

5 liters of nasty skeksis semen

I want to roll skekTek up like that and tell him everything will be okay

mmm yummy chamberlain cummies

Skeksis used to be covered in bright colorful feathers

Attached: bigbird.jpg (1183x1600, 236K)

I just want my skeksi 6 inch figure set and I'll be happy

Your going to get your $500 foot tall skeksis set and you're going to like it.

SkekSa and SkekEkt are the only females. Who do you think takes the most dick?

Attached: SkekSa.jpg (400x288, 47K)

Literally makes me want to rewatch the show again just to relive that buildup and payoff
Yeah, the only reason he hunted Rian was that skekSil told him he lied about the Skeksis. If he knew the truth about the essence shit he'd probably call him gay for not just getting /fit/ like he did and would run off hunting something more worth his time.

>only females

SkekSa is 100% a top
SkekEkt is a bottom
So is skekOk, skekTek, and skekSil. Rest of the skeksis are tops.

Pretty sure skekEkt is a trap Skeksis.

skekekt is james charles and skeksa is a carpet muncher so neither

Is Gonzo a Skeksis?

Attached: Gonzo-OneEyelid.jpg (300x304, 16K)

The only CG I felt that I could have done without was the skeksis tongues. They were so fucking distracting and felt unattached to the rest of their bodies. Nothing about the movement felt natural and anytime they tried to make it look like it would sync with some words it was always off.

Crossdressing and trans stuff can't exist when the skeksis are literally hermaphrodites. They can present as more masculine or feminine to our eyes, but they don't really care about gender.
SkekSa is the exception, and I chalk that up to her living among gendered gelflings.


I can't afford it! I literally don't have that much money in the bank

>against fucking Gwen Tennison
Oof, that's fucking rough.

Is everything aside from Gelflings and Podlings on this garbage planet multi-gendered?

seems to me like most skeksis refer to eachother as male though. words like "master" and "lord" indicate that it's a guy. i don't think there are any mistress or lady skeksis other than skeksa.

Well, the Skeksis and UrRu aren't even of Thra in the first place.

So guys,hear me out here.
what if...
and i'm just saying what if
What if augra somehow does the trick she did for a good portion of gelflings
she throws them into dreamspace

Attached: 1529916221180.gif (346x188, 1.47M)

if the Chamberlain was allowed to keep his psyops going instead of the General accelerating the war, how would have things gone differently?

>What if augra somehow does the trick she did for a good portion of gelflings
>she throws them into dreamspace
That'd mean shit when their physical bodies are still tied to Thra. Seladon arrested Deet while she was still in Dreamspace.

Aughra said she had a dick that rotted off long ago. Don't know if that's true or if that is what she used to make her son. The do seem to retcon some things. Like originally they said that she didn't look like a fucking old troll and was only like that because her flesh burnt away when seeing the light of the urskeks. However she's also said that she was born old and ugly many other times.

About 5% of animal species irl are hermaphrodites

The Skeksis would have more essence and less dead Gelflings corpses.

>J-just the tip, ok?

Right here my man.

>He would be if the Skeksis actually needed essence to live, which they didn't. The Great Conjuction was gonna happen and reunite the Skeksis and Mystics anyway, it was just a matter of when.
Even without the conjunction, Hunter shows they don't need essence to stay strong and sharp. All they needed to do was get off their lazy asses and run a few laps around the castle every once in a while.

Likes like Astrid if she was an elf.

Attached: SeladonEmperor.jpg (325x259, 55K)

their bodies are still in the real world, nigga. They didn't get literally sucked into the dream space

Mostly invertebrates and amphibians.

>son. The do seem to retcon some things. Like originally they said that she didn't look like a fucking old troll and was only like that because her flesh burnt away when seeing the light of the urskeks. However she's also said that she was born old and ugly many other

She used to be green and more plant-like, but was still old

where she killed herself and came back

1. How would that be useful a second time?
2. The Skeksis won't drain her again, they got japed once already.

The Emperor was weakened and died in the film because he kept taking the darkening into himself. Taking essence pretty much just acted as a drug. Good in moderation, but they became junkies and gorged themselves. They also used the ritual of the sun which was shown in the movie, but never fully explained as to how it worked. Just every day they would gain energy from the sun shining through the crystal.

Did Archer think that Hunter was going to just give up or something? Feels like he could have cut out the middle man and killed himself at the start since he knew that was the route that would be taken. I assume though that the Mystics also have a fear of death and being rejected by thra as well as being only half a soul.

No, but Uncle Deadly kinda has the vibe.

Attached: Uncledeadly02.jpg (741x564, 75K)

Zok, get the beetle.

I want a clean version of Hup's song, it was so magical.

>What is it Emperor!? Who among us has committed ultimate treason against the lords of the Crystal?
>No one. I just can't bear to see these niggas anymore.

>No full Gelfling songs in the ost

Why is the Yea Forums thread allowing Skeksis porn?

>you're not lying
Lmao mods are asleep

Attached: concern.jpg (1280x1368, 500K)


Attached: 49b.jpg (343x286, 17K)

She wanted to be more like a Skeksis but I guess she wasn't prepared to be treated like one.

couldn't handle the bantz

>I’m gonna need TWO peeper beetles for this one.skek

New bread when?

>mods deleted thread
>tv thread with porn still up
What the fuck mods

Not the best for a Dark Crystal setting, but honestly I could go for this design in some other property

Can anybody recommend any other comics or media (even games) that have A similar feel or aesthetic to this? I’ve already exhausted 80s fantasy features because I grew up on them.

Attached: B5161040-B390-46F5-AC7E-E5F6C259A8D5.jpg (2550x3300, 710K)