For me, it's Zoe Quinn. The best DC Comics writer

For me, it's Zoe Quinn. The best DC Comics writer.

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he's a big guy

I guess I'm finally on team MUHvel.

For (you)?

You crazy for this one Rick

She's writing a Marvel book too...

Lol. Last time there was a thread about her I got a warning. This thread's gonna get deleted. At least make it about Goddess Mode or her new comic, The Infected: Deathbringer (lol). Besides who cares? I get people are angry at her but I haven't heard one single person who actually gives a fuck about who Alec Holowka was. It's just another thing to be angry about towards Zoe. For the record I really liked Aquaria, it was really peaceful and zen-like to play. I didn't really like Night in the Woods. Poor guy, I hope he's found peace whereever he is.

>Best writer
>A woman
>With warning hair no less

But Jesus, I'm sure she's the DC comics writer who could easily kick the rest of the roster's asses. Girl is broad.

great taste bro

Imagine unironically not ban evading on Yea Forumsmblr.

She's the forst comic book writer with a super power, the power to make you kill yourself.

I dunno, Rob Liefeld likely has the same talent.

Her writing skills are so good it took a human sacrifice to get that kind of talent!

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Five Guys.

Look how hard she's trying to suck in that gut

I look at her and feel unrelenting disgust.

>mfw would unironically hatefuck all these (((problematic))) women

from Anita to Zoe

Oh, yeah. Goddess Mode was so great it caused the entire imprint to collapse.

speaking of that, finally tried out what all the tumblrinas have been fawning about and watched benedict cumberbatch's sherlock on netflix
>first episode is some guy who supposedly can talk people into committing suicide
>holy shit thats some 20000 IQ shenanigans right there, cant wait to see how they explain this
>its just some old guy forcing people to take a 50/50 chance at gunpoint

did people really only like this because of the gay baiting?

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imagine being Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis and Neil Gaiman and writing the the definitive DC VERTIGO titles and making some transcendent comicsthat changed the industry just to have some gamergate turboSJW cancer destroy it. I will never forgive Zoe Quinn.


Is she though?

What? For fucking up comics? Bullshit. For all the shit she's done Goddess Mode was the least controversial and arguably least shit of the nu-Vertigo line. It's not good don't get me wrong but shit man, she isn't ruining comic books.

She didn't ruin video games either for that matter because Depression Quest is barely a fucking game. If you want to blame her for something blame her for #MeTooing some guy to suicide. Don't blame her for ruining comics, that would actually be impressive and she doesn't have anywhere near the patience to actually do that.

>I have to fucking filter Zoe Quinn again because you faggots can't stop stalking her every move.

There's so much shit you could be reading, playing or watching but you choose to do this. See a therapist.

She sold sexual favors for positive press. She is a whore. She whored herself to journalists. She is unworthy of respect.

How does it feel that the more you attempt to own her the stronger she gets?

She'll be in charge of DC's next big event - Countdown to Dan Didio getting blown and then #MeToo'd
Coming (lol) 2020!

Tactical nuke incoming

She is a murderer

Well there goes DC comics

Infected deathbringer

You're largely correct. She didn't ruin comics, her being given credence in any field is a sign everything has already been ruined.

>holy shit she got someone killed
>i gotta filter this because i don't want to hear about this
And people wonder why the world is going to hell.

>violent crime down
>murder down
>life expectancy up
>the world is going to hell
Yeah, the world totally needs more people like you.

Nah, Rob Liefeld's power is to make someone healthy to die of a heart attack.

>The best DC Comics writer.
The sad part is, you CAN be more wrong.

Best as in actual best or Best as in "terrible but I'm being ironic"?

>Writes character who vows not to kill anyone
>Kills someone in real life
What did she mean by this

>trump putting children into concentration camps
>mass shootings every other week
>everythings fine if i just ignore it
Keep your head in the sand faggot.

Concentration Camps? You mean, guy really did have an oven for walljumpers?


>children go into camp and then die of starvation/illnesses
imagine being so fucking ignorant of the world.

>For me, it's Zoe Quinn. The best DC Comics writer.

Unironically true. Name another DC writer in the last 10 years that has provided more entertainment, debate on their works, or made you feel anything other than bored.

Dammit let's talk about the real tragedy; Donna Troy. How bad will this affect her character?

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>children into concentration camps
What discrimination against particular races, forced labor, or conditions that are not better then regular jails are facing people who are going to return where they came from since they came here illegally

What IS her character?

do regular jails jail children and then starve them to death? If they do well i've got nothing to say, you win this argument.
also regarding the
Its simple common sense,her statement and tweets are completely incompatible.
>he kept me imprisoned and i couldn't leave
>Im planning to meet up my friends today
>I bought my tickets and im planning to leave in a week this is my last day with him
Of course you would know this if you actually paid attention to anything at all.

Can anyone give me a rundown on why she is so hated?

>starve them to death
Citation fucking needed
And where do you want to store them for a temporary basis as they crossed illegally?

Long story short, she is a liar.

She has blood on her hands for what she did to the Night in the Woods guy.

a history of lying and each them it gets worse, now she accused a man of rape until he killed himself. So some autistic anons who recognized the pattern went searching through her tweets and surprise surprise she was found out to be lying

Luxary homes and hotels just like the Europeans do.

She's not a cause, she's a symptom

She forced him to be a coward?

There's no way she(they) is going to top her(them) magnum opus.

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>"Siccing an internet witch hunt mob against a suicidal, mentally ill man is perfectly okay!"

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why shouldn't it be? Yea Forums would be fine with it if they were doing it

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Yea Forums isn't parading online as an anti-bullying organization. Or crying about being harassed on Twitter all day.

Hey Zoe, you looking for people to add to your body count?

they would be if there was something to gain from it

It lead to deal world consequences for him, he got kicked off of his game, and his partner threw him under the bus

But they're not. Hence why they're not hypocrites.

>losing your job, friends and family due to false sexual misconduct allegations isn't real


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she didn't accuse him of sexual misconduct

>Unironically true. Name another DC writer in the last 10 years that has provided more entertainment, debate on their works, or made you feel anything other than bored.
Zack Snyder

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>DC announces a book by her.
>She opens up her Twitter again, claiming she's innocent and of course that she's harassed because she's the real victim.

Thats why she became relevant again. And not on Yea Forums but here.

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