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We just had this thread

i dont get it

How many time can stonetoss tell the same joke in a different way?

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oh look further evidence that /po/tards are nothing but a disease

Stonetoss rely on a stat on suicide rate of trans as an attmept to make a point while ignoring that this stat doesn't link the suicide directly to being trans, as rejection by families ans ostracisation also play a key role, as well as the lack of access to medical treatment. it also ignore that those who follow hormonal therapy have much lower suicide rate.


lol fuck trannies

It's literally one guy.

it's been literally one guy for months.

Never underestimate just how badly one person can shit up a board if they're devoted enough. See people like Barneyfag and Ruggarell.

Fuck off tranny

Yeah. It's some dipshit who regurgitates Yea Forums shitposts for cheap pops but doesn't realize that you're not supposed to take this site seriously.

that's some dyke-rah poster levels of autism if true

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Fucking autism

The world will be better off once you an hero, Red

simple principles of propaganda as emplyed by hitler

>Avoid abstract ideas - appeal to the emotions.
>Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
>Give only one side of the argument.
>Continuously criticize your opponents.
>Pick out one special "enemy" for special vilification.

quoting directly from hitler's book
>Propaganda must not investigate the truth objectively
>all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas
> These slogans should be persistently repeated

It's not like /stormfront/ pushing propaganda on Yea Forums is anything new
This guy's just a huge faggot about it because he's butthurt Red/Stonetoss got outed as a neo-nazi

>Rightist "humour".

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Yeah i checked the archives. Based on the times of posting, cross referenced with the /pol/ archive, I've come to the conclusion that it really is just one person. They don't even post them the same day they're up.

And you're holding Wojack up as the pinnacle of your leftist humor?

Stonetoss should continue making this joke because it still makes trannies butthurt.

/pol/, and by extension Yea Forums, would be so much better if stormfags never found this place.

>And you're holding Wojack up as the pinnacle of your leftist humor?

Nah, I'm pretty far left but explicitly leftist humor is mostly just as lame and hamfisted as explicitly rightist humor. It's one of the very few reasons why we should keep liberals around.

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l-leave /po/ out of this

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Its funny that you think this is some racist white nationalist conspiracy theory.
Like unironically glimpsing at a Stonetoss comic creates a new generation of Klansmen.

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You don't have to be from /pol/ to hate trannies desu baka senpai

>Page 10 has threads that have been without a reply for almost two months

/po/ is too pure for this site.

>Stonetoss comic creates a new generation of Klansmen.
nah that was the after affect and side effect of cringe and meme culture getting normalized.