Best Yea Forums Masks

Attached: Batgirl-DC-Comics-Cassandra-Cain-classic-g.jpg (500x1001, 47K)

Orion (helmet not mask but whatever)
original Venom before his teeth and tounge got out of control
Cyclops visor should count as a mask too, prefer with hair exposed instead of covered
Moon Knight
Iron Man

Yeah, helmets count.

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Attached: Danse Macabre 015.jpg (1949x3029, 1.04M)

That's such a great image.

Attached: Azrael #16.jpg (600x917, 117K)

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Where did those teeth come from?

This mask is really expressive, but only when Damion Scott is drawing it

Attached: ds42.jpg (510x780, 128K)

prefer skin-tight masks to be expressive. They convey more emotion. Thus, making them easier to empathize.
Unless you just want your character to be an intimidating image of power you 're supposed to see as a fore of nature.

Hard to tell if that's her tongue or her bottom lip.

I really like Grifter’s mask/drape thing

Makes me think of Deadpool for some reason. Harper Row/Bluebird wore one like it too.

Attached: Grifter.jpg (600x926, 98K)

You reminded me.

This mask right here. It's very simple, but it's got great flow. I want to see it in a good show some day.

Attached: IronFistMask.jpg (564x758, 41K)

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It'd be fun to watch the tail end of it flow in fight scenes.

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Thoughts on masks with ponytails?

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Remind some of some fan art.

Attached: batman_and_robin_beyond_2_by_phil_cho_d2joyyx-fullview.jpg (900x1165, 81K)

A classic.

Attached: rorschach.jpg (750x534, 152K)

For a moment, I thought that was Grifter
You disappointed me

Attached: 76407-125512-grifter.jpg (400x581, 144K)

But she's blue?

Probably from the people he killed

I kind of like that idea.

Attached: 4736061-batman_beyond_by_lgsg_9sniper01.jpg (900x1125, 368K)

They look gimpy and stupid. If you really need them to have long hair, just pretend they go bald the second they put on the mask.

Alternately, and more realistically, just fucking give them short hair you cowards

Attached: Ultimate_Kitty_Pryde.jpg (269x370, 26K)

> Long hair
She got away with it.

Attached: Ten Mask.jpg (890x1339, 342K)

Makes me wonder what the eye meshes are made of.

By pretending she went bald as soon as she put on the mask. Do you see any hair lines or lumps?

None at all, and that's odd.
Maybe it can be tucked in?

Attached: Ten Dead Man's Hand.jpg (400x600, 31K)

The only artist in the series sides Scott who came close was Leonardi. Pity he only drew the full on mask a handful of times.

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I kind of wonder what it's like for her to breathe in it.

It's just an aesthetic choice, nobody makes mask hair as some kind of concession to the reality of the maskless design they just want to put hair on the mask, sometimes the hair is even fake hair on the mask like Batwoman and Spider-woman. A lumpy mask would just look shitty.

Mask this tight would probably suffocate her

Yeah. There must be some microscopic breathing holes.

Any typically maskless characters you'd give one too?

I kind of like it when characters go a little more casual, and non-flashy.

Attached: Ski Mask Barbara.jpg (666x1024, 176K)

cass' costume was only good when she looked like a smol horror villain, not a little girl in a gimp suit

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Spider-Man, Rorschach, Batman, Dr. Doom and Wolverine.

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Oh yeah and the Spawn mask is pretty cool too.

Also Moon Knight.

And since helmets were ok I'm going to throw in the Dredd helmet as well.

She just phases a bit of her eyes through to peek.
That or fictional one way fabric lenses.