Dumbing of Age

haha awkward

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Why does Danny, the milquetoast Dumbing of Age, simply not go through a slutty, recently out phase and have sex with the other Dumbing of Ages?

He already fucked Mike

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I thought Mike fucked Ethan.

Wait, there was a Mike/Danny slipshine?

What's Willis going to do next after Dumbing of Age ends?

DOA's never ending



Good job there isn't a plot with a known shooter being out on bail or anything. Really good that we're getting this sub-Cathy Guisewite shit right now.

Booo this is bored. Get back to Joyce Willis! Fucking hack.

You mean David Brown

Let it wither on the vine as a forgotten plot.

It'll come up, just not for another couple months

How the fuck did Toedad even get bail? Wasn't that car chase on national news?

because he's christian

>How the fuck did Toedad even get bail?
The people in his town paid his bail because he's a good Christian man otherwise and it's unfair that he got jailed for trying to return his daughter to the righteous path.

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Nobody's been bothered to rip slipshine in a while

Imagine having porn so mediocre that nobody bothers to pirate it

the perfect crime

The joke is that he has over 2000 suckers giving him cash on Patreon

Which is surprising since I'm pretty sure none of them like Toedad to begin with.

doesn't Dan Shive have like 5000 patrons?

To be fair, Shive does vaguely fetishy stuff

yeah but it's all cheesecake at most while David actually does full blown porn.

I keep seeing this ad on the site. It refuses to go away.

It's not an ad.

People say Shive has a transformation fetish but personally I don’t buy it... I think he’s got a exposition fetish because I swear, 70% of EGS is just him explaining how shit works.

That's just his autism wanting people to fully understand his lore.

Yeah, but you can actually see the vaguely fetishy transformation stuff on the EGS website. Willis' porn is hidden behind another paywall (I think?)

>Willis' porn is hidden behind another paywall (I think?)
yeah it's only available on Slipshine.

Who actually pays for Slipshine anyways? Porn is free and easily accessible. Ever since it started it's been a black hole through which I stop following artists, beginning with Lesnick himself.

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>Who actually pays for Slipshine anyways?



Has Jim's Big Ego admitted to spending his Patreonbux there?

The band?

>Porn is free and easily accessible.
You do realize that the majority of that "free and easily accessible" porn only exists because at some point there's a lot of people paying money for it, right?

Porn pics and comics have been freely accessible since the inception of commercial internet, and porn videos have been freely accessible since the introduction of broadband. I've been downloading porn without paying for it for over 23 years. Who the hell is shelling out for any of it?

Joke reference to Jim Sterling, a vidya breadtuber who uses a song by Jim's Big Ego (no relation) as his intro.

I know


>Who the hell is shelling out for any of it?
Hundreds of millions of people. Porn is a billion dollar industry. The top porn patreons bring in tens of thousands of dollars per month. Most of the free porn on the internet is either A)Pirated from a paid product or B)A small sampling put out to entice you to buy a paid product

>Who actually pays for Slipshine anyways?
At those prices? People with more money than sense.


>extra first-period charge
what the fuck

The most expensive plan is only $12/month (including the first month extra fee into the average).

That's the price of 3 or 4 comic book floppies. Less than the cost of a recently released DVD.

I'm guessing they do that to discourage someone from signing up for one month, downloading and sharing everything, then waiting until later to do it all again.


Yeah, but you're paying that for Willis porn and Moon Over June

Despite ostensibly going to a megachurch, they couldn't actually raise his bail and needed Amber's dad to cover the rest. Which brings up another question on how exactly Blaine expects this to help his quest to get Amber kicked out of school and how he could afford to do this considering his main gripe is that he's broke from paying Amber's tuition.