Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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I've seen like 10 threads today about trans shit, what is going on

Ah, it's been some time since I've seen this retarded shit. Needs to become more frequent on Yea Forums.

It's called a "backlash", you fucking faggot.

>what is going on
/pol/ is raiding as always
probably russians too, why wouldn't they

really really REALLY trying to stoke fear about trans people. like they're going to be the next ones for Trump to round up.

think about it, chuds have been saying "mentally ill mentally ill" for the last year. now suddenly the response to mass shootings is "lock up the mentally ill". so they need trans people to take the heat off the white supremacists.

if you're rich enough to find a way out of america, now's the time to get out. today it's them, tomorrow it's you.

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>Everything I don't like is a raid!
/pol/ is nothing but feds at this point. It's very unlikely to be the source of any raid that isn't pushing some capitalist or otherwise CIA or mossad agenda. People just organically fucking loathe trannies.

I've never had a crush, that's gay.

>listen /pol/ isn't raiding us, it's stupid to think raids happen
>but /pol/ is literally raided by feds btw

Too many of them have something off about their appearance, so you can usually tell.

No, /pol/ IS feds.

you have to go back

>today it's them
let's wait until tommorow then

Cool band.

>Stonetoss gets posted
This is offensive! Go back to /pol/
>pro-trans comics get posted
This is offensive! Go back to /pol/

You're really really REALLY obsessed. If you don't like it, ignore it.

>probably russians too
I really hope you're joking.

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I've definitely seen trans people that made me go "wow, nicely done!"

Usually transmen.

I'm not gay

You think that's hot, just wait til you see their """""""""""""""dicks""""""""""""""".

>I've definitely seen trans people that made me go "wow, nicely done!"
Sure buddy. If you're telling the truth then you probably have incredibly low standards for what passes for a female.

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Give it 40 yrs

Technically the first part is right, some trans people can pass and it's a case by case basis for how well they do that for someone to find them attractive.
The last part is unlikely though, as trans people are and have always been a tiny minority of the population.

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>some guy posts stupid comics at 3 am every day
>tumblr: "IT'S A RAID"

Just go back. You know you aren't from here, why won't you go back? This place isn't yours, it will never act as you want it to. Why continue to shit it up?

In 40 years we'll have the technology for plastic surgery good enough to fix up any post-op trans people that are still alive.

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Transmen are females trying to pass as male.

if being ugly made someone objectively evil trannies would be welcome on co

remember when Yea Forums would focus on deleting obvious /pol/ bait? I remember.

Futurist myths are always wrong.

these threads are simply uninteresting now
>otherkin come to prominence and the social basis of the transgender phenomenon falls apart

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it's literally the exact guy that's been doing it all week and somehow he isn't range banned.

Perhaps that was before trannies literally took over the board. Fuck Yea Forums if it's going to allow that piss. Trannies need fucking purged from the site.

Shut up niggerfaggot

I mean, I'm not saying people should jump before the parachute is invented, but we do have plastic surgery and it's being improved every year.

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Good luck turning random meat into a functional dick.

I am getting a lot of mileage out of this gif.

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Let's see how long the thread lasts this time.

Can we just get some Assigned Male r34 to spam so the jannies will delete the threads?

If hentai has taught me anything we just have to work on increasing clitoris size.

Imagine being so delusional that you believe in entire country is posting here just to annoy you.

>double spacing
>no capitalization
>blaming everything on russian bots

You're just going to have to dilate.

Is Assigned Male not a comic?

what if I just don't want to date ugly women, whatever the hell is going under there

>there's no way to tell without them telling you
This is what trannies actually believe.

Give it 40 percent.

It's true if they're not transitioning.