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Attack on Titan Season 3 Eyecatches (Part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Oh shit actual continuity again?

Best girl

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Glad they gave her a fat ass to go with her mondo tits

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>wake up
>see this
What do you do?

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We're reaching the end, almost there

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The best show Lupin is finally on, post thieves.

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>Sayla's first decree was to have every man fuck her senseless

The plot thickens

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Attention citizens of /tg/! My name is Inspector Zenigata, and I am hot on the trail of infamous criminal Lupin III. If you have seen any sign of him or his gang, please, let me know. It's very important that I capture him.
He's after our dubs.

Attached: Inspector Zenigata 1.png (295x672, 119K)

Another night with my Lupin bros.
Hope you aren't sleepy.

Nice to see you straddlers again this week.

Everything I can.

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Wonder how the hell my antic became a lavish garden

Probably grab her tits before something goes down

>Check wallet
>Check valuables
>Slap self to make sure I'm not dreaming

>realize I have an instant boner
>but then remember who she really is after decades of watching her
>then think the only thing I have of value are three very well used sexdolls
>decide to go for it anyways

Lupin the Third? More like
Poopin out Turds

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Which would be the best girl in a rule 63 situation?

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Oh hey Albert

I swear Lupin being on this late is both a blessing and a curse

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Don't fuck with us, Lupin.

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Lupin dive into her tits.

Zenigata! He's right there!
The post below mine!

breasts > ass

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Who was Lupin the 2nd?

>Lupin vs the Military Industrial Complex

And might I ask, inspector, how do we know you are not this thief Lupin himself in disguise?

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All of them.
Literally all of them.

Use google.

Rip that mask and suit off Lupin

>it's a CIA destabilizes a third-world country episode
I hate reruns

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>world wanted thieves
>get in futuristic vehicles that already know their names
how will this end well?

I don't disagree.

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Is she supposed to be in Alfheim?

Yes but actually no

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>You'll never have a golf cart voiced by Stephanie Sheh

Attached: Ichigo's brain is full of fuck.jpg (645x621, 41K)

>CIA performing extraordinary renditions and false flagging attacks on third world countries
Too real.


This world is a nightmare.


This is the future if anti-smoking ads have their way.

>robot cars with guns will hunt you down if you light a single cigarette

You can count on me, Inspector!

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>no cigs
What's their policy on vaping?

Because some people think that every week, and it never proves true! Lupin just laughs as they frustrate my investigation.
In any case, do you SEE any stolen dubs on me?

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"How much did I pay for this?"

>Actual military action in gundam has gotten people discussing it more than many of the past few series
Makes me pretty happy. I really like the franchise and it's been bumming me out how much /tg/'s been coming to hate it lately.

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 127 (of 131)
11:30 GEN:LOCK 7 (of 8)
12:00 Dr.Stone 3 (of 24)
12:30 Fire Force 8 (of 52)
1:00 Food Wars! 11 (of 37)
1:30 Black Clover 86 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 48 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 266 (of 500)(Finaly Halfway)
3:00 Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin: Advent of the Red Comet 11 (of 13)
3:30 Lupin the Third Part 5 14 (of 24)
4:00 My Hero 57 (of 64)
Week 381 of Toonami

9/28 DBZ Marathon
>Demon Slayer-OCT 12TH
One Punch Man S2-OCT 12TH

>Ratings for 9/7
11:00 DB:Super: 764,000
11:30 gen:LOCK: 452,000
12:00 Dr.Stone: 400,000
12:30 Fire Force: 349,000
1:00 Black Clover: 299,000
1:30Black Clover: 259,000
2:00 Boruto: 267,000
2:30 Naruto: 241,000
3:00 Gundum: 233,000
3:30 Lupin the Third: Part 5: 224,000
4:00 MHA 221,000

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*brown music starts playing*

Ami is true best Lupin girl

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>no Devil Breaker with Kyrie's voice

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Seeing the northern lights with Fujiko...

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Future is now old man

I think it was implied to be a water gun that would put out any cigarette one would light.

But it was true last week! You aren't fooling me, Loopan

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Just realized I've heard Jigen's voice before in Gundam.

Only if we include lactation.

>Slender woman in a suit with a hat covering her eyes
>maybe black lipstick to replace beard

I agree


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I assumed Goemon could handle it

>Fujiko in suspenders


>ami spending time with fujiko
why are my parental red lights going off?

I'd like to see her northern lights. ;)

so that's how Lupin makes his masks

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He's Richard "fuck the non-disclosure" Epcar.

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Made for sex.

>3D printing masks right on the spot

Huh, so he 3d-prints his masks...

I'll kill a Yak if it means I get to eat it with Ami.

As she said it, they wouldn't serve it to couples either. It's a dish that people only make at home. I think I've heard of the concept, but the ever-capitalist US doesn't have an example.

now he does

must we really argue?

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I start to fade around the commercial break.

Nazi Gohan!

Sure thing, officer! I'll keep a lookout for that crook!

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Lupin is playing all of you like fools!

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Well, yeah. Either way, those masks are some magic fucking shit.
3d-prints in seconds, changes bone structure... fits perfectly

>CIA is using a training exercise as a cover for our false flag, coup attempt.
Getting kinda real in here.

That guy's voice sounds REALLY fucking familiar.

Mr High Priest, I'm CIA


If 123 went down.

Lupin. She'd probably wind up being a much friendlier version of Fujiko.

I want to have my first kiss with Pitou!

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Tis the nature of the world

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Not everyday you see an Eastern religion as a front for shady government dealings

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>ad astra ad on toonami
wasnt this guy the martian like 5 years ago?

Good work citizen! Keep your eyes open and... WAAAAAIT A MINUTE!
That's Jigen right next to you! Find someplace to hide citizen, I'll take care of this!

Attached: Inspector Zenigata 2.jpg (350x224, 14K)

The US supporting an anti-capitalist coup? This really is fiction!

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They kill you extra-hard for that.

Yeah, okay Lupin.
Cuff em', Inspector.

That was jason bourne.

These old spice commercials make me wish I had a social swagger life.

>I'll kill a Yak if it means I get to eat Ami.

>backup stream stopped
>king's lounge isn't back up yet
At least I caught half of Lupin. Best girl.

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any of you guys have any plants? i got two rubber plants ive grown from a single leaf i stole from one in a market two years ago.

>those numbers...

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refresh it. it's 3 minutes ate but still work

Let's not fight.

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Bad night for streams

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My wife Pitou is so cute

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Thanks user

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I wonder who you are, could it be Satan?

Conflict is human nature. Yet, without it, it would be boring.
Still, occasionally there will be one whom you can appreciate every aspect of.

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look zeke its 3:33 am so I'm not about to debate you. you hate the gundam that's cool, I think the early gundam designs are cool. and I like a lot of the other designs the armor works just as well as the minoviskey particles and is just as silly .the whole premise if fucking scifi but my verisimilitude is intact and that's all that matters

although I will agree the corefighter thing is dumb but you just ignore that bs like tomino eventually did.

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I'll put a stop to this.

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Look, even if you aren't Lupin in disguise, maybe you should just let me hold onto those dubs until we get this all sorted out, since I'm a neutral party and all.

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What are you talking about, I-
WAIT! Lupin planted these fake dubs on me! He's trying to get me arrested so he can get away!

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>how come?

Yeah, it's working now.

Bad night in general.

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I will seal you with this 7 you popimposter!

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The reason Hacker Girl doesn't like Fujiko is because even if it was a ruse, seeing Lupin get shot really upset her, right?

Fujiko/Ami pinoff series when.

You know his face is caved in, right?

>shake hands corporation
Did I hear that right?
Wait, so what does Mola Ram want the CIA to help him with, and are they being set up as not intending to keep their promise?
Jesus Christ
>you will be queen
>and a puppet
And you guys thought we wouldn't get into Zeta...

Attached: Tayuya3.jpg (259x194, 11K)

Get out of here you amateurs! I have serious work to do!
Do you SEE any other Inspector Zenigata's wandering around here?

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oh well

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Well glad king is finally back

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And Fujiko has almost the same haircut as her.

I would like that except with just Ami.

Inspector, there is clearly something amiss here.

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Eh, the GM is a fine counter-point to the Zaku.
But eh...

Gundam was doomed to never be a real war series as soon as Mobile Suits went from being powered armor to giant robots.


The only reason to desire to live in a Gundam universe is hoping you:
1. You aren't a mook or jobber.
2. You get to pilot a mecha.
3. You don't fight the MC who has all sorts of bullshit plot armor and a Gundam.
4. You get a cute waifu to impregnate after the war is over or during the course of the war.

Debate me.

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how did he turn into lupin?

As a matter of fact, I do!

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Well we can't trust you now inspector

That's kinda low

>this bitch is stealing my look

Lupin actually looks pretty cool in Zenigata's coat.

Oh thank god.

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At least we made it through most of the night without any streams shitting the bed. But yeah its been pretty bad.

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Yeah! There was one on the screen just now!

Zenigata is literally just Lupin with a hat and bigger sideburns. It's not a hard disguise.

>cat suit Ami
Oh no. Please no. Fujiko's right there don't do this to me.

>Ami in a catsuit

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I was able to get the official simulcast working with my parents' cable credentials, but I wish we had more redundancy in available streams anyway.

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shut it down

[Shut it Down intensifies]


Who's voicing that CIA who sounds like an Kentucky senator?

the only universe i wish to live in, is right under the legs of the girl in your pic

gundam is an odd duck, I for one dig it. some people don't care for the space politics, I love them as well as the mech bs but I also love the non mech designs, that and I'm a sucker for oneil cylinders and a pretty well grounded scifi.

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>Lupin really fucking was Zenigata
Can't make this shit up

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Can her brown girlfriend come along for the ride?

She's absolutely adorable in that getup. Really needs some hugs, though.

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>Ami in a bodytight leather suit

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You forgot
5. Being an engineer who designs or maintains the Gundam

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Being a Zeon soldier who doesn't follow the rules about uniforms automatically makes you a badass ace so I'd want to join up because of that.

>more waifu abuse
please no more...

zenigata not neing real and being just a character played by lupin would be a big twist


>ami already on omega stealth tier levels of greatness from spending about 50 hours of time total with the lupin gang


>her getting beat
now back to feeling bad

the rollercoaster continues

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I always use the official stream to save bandwidth on the unofficial ones for the anons who really need it.

You are Lupin in disguise, I have proof!
Look, a picture of you with the mask removed!

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Was that a fucking grenade she was about to pull out?

>I want information.
>I will achieve that by choking the girl I want information out of.

Just embrace the most Patrician of fetishes.


Attached: Inspector Zenigata 7.jpg (728x1223, 156K)

Man, fuck america.

Shoot him?

Only during the sol school life episodes.

Airboarding. Choke her until she about passes out, then let up. Repeat until the information is forthcoming.

How high is Lupin's IQ?

Are you sure about that? Your waifu loses the war, goes blind, and experiences a massive memory loss and just wants to live her old home town now that the war is over.

I mean that is a big negative to you who fought on her side.

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I thought the same thing.

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I really thought a gun was going to pop out of his ass for a second.

Ami a cute.

I'll probably use the official stream from now on, I had switched to King's stream a while ago because the sign-in on AS's site didn't work for me for some reason.

Over 300 according to an old Green jacket update?


The nonmecha designs really need more love, especially some of the ships designs.

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Dammit, Lupin died AGAIN?

Top 10 anime betrayals.

>Dodge a bullet
>Can't dodge an arrow.


>Lupin being a fucking badass saving Ami in the last moment
Tonight really is the qt rescue night

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This is the 3rd time Lupin has "died".

Wait, I missed it, did the girl fucking shoot Lupin with an arrow?

Damn Yanderes

Lupin's weakness, cute girls

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Stop hurting my American feelings lupin

>It's a three-parter

That's it for our show folks! Lupin's dead! Goodnight all!

she didnt know that ami and lupin are friends

He wasn't expecting the arrow.

Yes, Pajeet Princess Arrowed Lupin.

nah gundam was doomed as a real war series when the space magic became the real focus. the giant robots are fine their a vehicle in literary sense to tell a store about the war rather then the war itself.

Attached: winter war.jpg (736x480, 84K)

Just catch the arrow, bro.

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>I used to be a thief like you, then I took an arrow in the back

THAT'S FOOTAGE YOU GOT FROM LITERALLY ANOTHER COUNTRY! We're in /tg/, not whateverthefuckistan that shot is from!
Look, you've all wasted my time. Lupin is getting away and I have to hunt him down! Keep your dubs safe until next week, ya hear?

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Lupin btfo


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I used to be a thief, but then I took an arrow through the spine

A likely story!

Time for the only show that matters on toonami.

Around pajeets change your sheets.

How many times is this nigga gonna die in one season?

God, Ami is incredibly cute. Anyone have a good full body shot of that catsuit she wore?

Gundam's a lot like star wars that way. Once the space magic starts becoming the primary focus it stops being as interesting.

Which is why some of the best UC shows don't have space magic, mostly.

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Where are these two from? I like their designs.

We're getting MHA S4, r-right guys?

Eh, that's likely the large intestines, maybe the small and liver.... possibly a kidney.

It wasn't the spine, it missed his vital organs

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30 minutes left in the night. I may have been forced out for the majority of it, but I refuse to leave my post. I filled in the time by playing video games. You guys holding up alright?

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huntsman requires skill

It's 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm watching Japanese cartoons. I've lost control of my life.

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See ya next week, pops.

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there are plenty of side stories that focus on the war stuff with little to no space magic bullshit.

See you next time, Lupin!

and the spleen. Don't forget the spleen.


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Yep fine as usual, ya grump.

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just give me the coochie


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Incredibly slow computer tonight. I was going to comment that maybe Ami was just jealous of Fujiko's jugs but maybe she's jealous because she wants Lupin after that ending exchange. Either way it's cute.

As do I.

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You had more distance between you and the shooter than he did

lol I remember some of the /m/ threads about the hell that is mobile infantry in the Gundam universe.

Welp, I got shit to do tomorrow
RIP gold for me this week
Goodnight, /tg/

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Super's been over for hours, user.

>He thinks MUH REBELS is the most interesting part

It was never one or the other, it was both existing in the same universe, as well as the idea of "used" spaceships and weaponry.

Better than last week at least, I guess I'll do the final stretch

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Welp, that's the end of toonami for me. It was real,guys. I'm going to bed.

Thanks for the double dose, doc.

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Just stay up all night, you weakling.

TFS mind

It'll definitely help this thread if you post a lewd of her

yeah despite the CGI ms igloo and ms igloo 2 are some of my current favored gundams because of his alternate focus on the other aspects of the war, like how fucked the feds were on the ground war before the GMs

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This is a legitimate line said in the Dub for Dragon ball

Still awake as ever. Still sad to see the night go by so soon. Especially since I'm not getting enough time with the girlfriend these week.

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Layton Brothers: Mystery Room. It was the first Professor Layon spinoff before the Lady Layton game. Think something like the Ace Attorney Investigations spinoffs.

Attached: Mystery Room title.jpg (630x420, 83K)

Fine. But not because you told me, I wanted to

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I'm getting real sick of My Hero Academia unnecessarily staying on the block and keeping us up late. I already don't like the show, and now it's just being annoying.

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Yes but my laptop still needs to be refreshed like every hour because of freezes. It gets bad enough I'm forced to hold the power button down instead of doing it the better way.

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>like how fucked the feds were on the ground war before the GMs
I mean they weren't that fucked, Zeon wasnt able to gain air superiority and Operation odessa was mainly won through conventional means with only a small amount of GMs.

Meant for this But here's another

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Is their anime worth watching? It had one didn't it?

Gundam girls get my dick hard for some reason.

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post pics of her, use imgur if need be

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The feddies were absolute crap at all war theaters.
Probably why the Zekes thought they could win a ground-war in Neo-Russia.

Necrophilia is wrong!

We had a pretty constant theme tonight.

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Only the recent game got an anime, though Alfendi and Lucy do cameo in the final episode. Which has sparked questions of either another season or a Mystery Room anime

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Thats the stuff

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Grow up? I'm 38-years old!

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Women getting a reality check?

Any of you female? I ask this because of the ratings thread last week and someone metioning that waifu posting causes others to masturbate and nohomobro and to lesson this or denial or maybe even acceptance like Black Saturn in SuperMansion a few days ago would be alright but still, any femtoonamianons?

asking for a friend obviously because none of you turned me on and caused me to orgasm

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I mean to be fair, even *I* learned that in first aid class.

You know, if even if he has a point, this crisis actor has the most annoying voice in the world.

Who's on the right?

Don't give femanons reason to point out their gender man.

Don't you think the guy was overreacting just a bit over the "this looks bad" comment?

Would you believe them if they said yes?
I wouldn't.

>her brown girlfriend

on september 29th, this user learned the truth

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I'll always love how that actor goes from shitting on him to back in character.

Hell no.

Why you gotta do that, HG? I don't even have a comfort fetish and I'm feeling things.

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It's meant to be Megumi. I was kinda running out of steam so hers is the most messy. (I also ended up referencing the manga more heavily than I would've liked)


>is that your only line
>you're terrible at this
>shut up!

Thought so, I just wasn't sure without her braids

I love this part because Bakugo fails due to it. Retard.

I'm glad y'all are fine, mostly.

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Shit, my fucking heart

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I do hope it gets one, Lucy is really cute and would be fun to see MR get some fresh life breathed into it

Attached: Lucy and Placid Prof.jpg (1280x953, 135K)

No image limit shenanigans tonight it would seem.

I never really draw crying so I just saw an opportunity. That and I REALLY wanted to draw short haired Yuzuriha, if it's not obvious by how lovingly I rendered it compared to the others.

Yes and no.
Deku should have back it up with some supportive reinforcement or a quip.
Having a hero say the situation is bad when their rescuing you would probably make you worry, knowing even they find the situation bad for them.

There're always image limit shenanigans.

the zekes were able to run roughshod over the feds up until the Odessa counterattack, then when the feds got their shit together but until then they were losing ground and men to zeons fast new panz- I mean mobile suits

well yeah zeon was the first real threat they faced probably since the foundinging of the federation makes sense that your pretty shitty when your only opponents are isolationists and single coolonys

Attached: mobile_suit_gundam_the_08th_ms_team47.jpg (1720x1225, 432K)

You ever watch a show, like it, end up hating it but STILL watch it because you've already invested so much time you may as well see how it ends. Well I've been watching that preacher adaptation. Shit.

Attached: bd5d6ef5fc32d1acd03f0d8e64da91a4.jpg (1500x2121, 244K)

I got two dicks

>dickgirl,firecat thing, Vegeta, and Mega me all cry tonight
>Deku doesn't
What a strange night.

Yeah, another thing they teach us in first aid.

What the hell did I even miss?

Attached: 1528626529172.jpg (640x1136, 54K)

Rough night for the ladies, appreciated nonetheless
>Night of begone thots

Attached: smug_muscle_cop.png (524x285, 48K)

Well regardless of whether there will or won't be, I'm not going to be involved this time.

Attached: Tayuya Curse 1.gif (480x360, 3.64M)

Lots of waifu abuse

Attached: 1558993201630.jpg (1447x2048, 297K)


A lot of tears and ryouna.

Attached: Felicia Gamecube.gif (600x538, 68K)

You seem to underestimate how much I want Ami to sit on my face and record for the internet my orgasm she caused in that soft, almost emotionless voice of hers as she slowly accepts the smell of my cum and wants more as she ever so softly positions her live streaming phone so she can have both hands free to fondle my testicles as she ever so slightly tightens her pussy to stroke the both of us for maximum pleasure with fujiko watching from her laptop half a world away saying "that'll do pig, that'll do"

Attached: 1562474691750.jpg (600x1011, 136K)

Attached: 74740337_p4.jpg (768x981, 219K)

Bad things happening to cute girls and bailed out at the last possible second

Attached: dd13mqh.png (2083x2083, 642K)

Reeee stop having different morals then me

Are you running for president?

Could you imagine what it was like being a Zeon soldier on earth when the federation finally decidedto fight back? Shit must've been scary when all of a sudden a huge counterattack just springs up and fucks your shit up in just a few days.

Attached: 51393364_p0.jpg (2236x3264, 1.62M)

Based frenchie.

Suddenly I'm not that upset I missed it.

Attached: 1560674178940.jpg (1200x675, 122K)

Attached: ACFBFF46-4CD3-49B0-9010-6A94198CCCDD.jpg (540x559, 44K)

Welp, thats all for this week. The streams were a bit shoddy, but it still has been fun watching with you all! See you all next week and make sure keep your waifu close till then!

Attached: sample-21dd58f4a9374e60c859cb66b7fca841.jpg (850x792, 151K)

Oh no, I could definitely tell. The level of detail in the sheen of her hair says it all.

I really wish my cats would stop pulling up the god damn vents, I never know if they're in there or not.

It's a shithole, but it's OUR shithole

Attached: ash n burg.png (975x615, 648K)

Attached: 0F7781D2-B16C-43FA-B676-216174B6204E.jpg (480x480, 49K)

Yeah... Firecat practically had an entire dance routine worked on her...
And that's just Fire Force.


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Attached: cc0d07c80f54f58656dd9a2e5b061fb3.gif (670x536, 1.41M)

shleep shnug shmuuuuug

Tomorrow, you!

Attached: 026C91DA-2930-4BAD-8CE0-DAD33EB36681.jpg (531x328, 31K)

Attached: Gold.png (601x598, 48K)

thanks user

Attached: 1449266522016.png (649x937, 118K)

Block is actually looking like it’s improving a lot next month and I’m motivated to stay safe again

Attached: 7D312981-19E3-47A3-8C3A-9147B4EB3E12.jpg (749x687, 50K)

Have a good week everyone, I'm going to try to get back on track with my diet and exercise. I slipped up and now I'm way off. We're all human, and we make mistakes. We just have to do better each time. You're only human if you fail, you only grow stronger if you keep going. LATER!

Attached: Goodnight tg.gif (750x550, 897K)

Time to hit the sack toonamibros
Sleep snug Smug
Good Luck Little Duck
Thanks bro

Attached: 1554390503161.png (414x551, 196K)

Well, until next week, Good night and good hunting.
And may your best girl give you what you need to see the beauty in this world.

Smug Snugly.

And you as well.

Attached: a43ab1c28c2e1be2d02195836e8732a54544b29c.jpg (624x1000, 409K)

Attached: Good Sleep Popuko.png (704x690, 692K)

G'night fellas

Attached: thank YOU.gif (330x274, 2.95M)


Attached: 1445147057501.jpg (4102x2892, 1.71M)

Night anons of /tg/ see you all next week!

Attached: DEE9E12A-1C22-4C0A-86BD-9530873783ED.png (466x352, 348K)

uuuuuuu 2uuuuuu

Attached: WHOOOOOOOOSSHH.png (1280x800, 287K)


RIP in peace kohai

Wish me luck on my move this month, friends!

Sleep snug, smug

Good luck, little duck!

Sleep tight, Popper

Be safe, Kaguya!

Attached: sleep.jpg (512x612, 97K)


Attached: Bang.gif (500x335, 1.18M)

Attached: 1567947224654.jpg (1024x580, 43K)

Sleep snug, smug

Good luck little duck


Me too

Sleep tight, popper

Later, bitches.

Attached: Link's done.gif (500x226, 374K)

Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the desu of the board
She is spamming out the desu
Where the maidens of wrath are stored
She has loosed the fateful desu
Of her terrible desu sword
Desu is marching on

I have seen her in the replies
Of a hundred thousand breads
They have builded her a garden
Laced with ribbons and with threads
I can tell apart her visage
From those two eyes, green and red!
Desu is marching on

I have read a fiery desu
Writ in polished rows of jade
For all who would condemn her
Of Suiseiseki, be afraid!
Let our heros, Desu Legion
Come swiftly to her aid!
Since desu is marching on

Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Desu is marching on!

She has sounded forth the desu
That shall never call retreat
She is sifting out the dreams of men
Before her desu-seat
Oh, be swift, my heart
To march for her, be jubilant, my feet!
Our Desu is marching on

In the beauty of sakuras
Desu was born across the sea
With a spirit in her bosom
That transfixes you and me
As she tended to the soul trees
Let us keep our boards strong and free!
While Desu is marching on

She is coming like the desu of the morning on the waves,
She is desu to the mighty, she is desu to the brave,
So the world shall be her desu, and the desu of time her slave,
Desu is marching on.

Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Desu is marching on!

Attached: 6e296f0d99c8033a7a54f535a3e54b2fee92a9b0359a9aef1458d2c8ae432038.jpg (680x598, 90K)

bye bye TG!!!

Goodnight guy,have a good week! Can't wait til comfy fall days! See ya!

Attached: JELLY FUCKING DONUTS.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Later all. I'm off to draw for the night until I either pass out or get tired.
Night all.

Attached: Therapy reminder.jpg (500x379, 34K)

Sleep snug, smug.
Good luck little duck
Sleep tight, Popper

>you begin to doze off, you start feeling itchy in places
>hear a mosquito buzz by


Attached: 1927362718.png (320x320, 75K)

Aaaaaaaaand that's game

This night had its ups and downs, but it wasn't anything too crazy a few moments notwithstanding. Super was fine enough, Dr Stone is still strong, Fire Force had a rocky start but finished well enough, and Food Wars was great as always.

In all cases I'm glad to have spent with you lot, and I look forward to doing it all again next, especially since a certain CG shit stain is leaving


Attached: dd14ftf-pre.png (894x894, 368K)

good morning anons how was your week, and what are your plans for the next week?

Attached: 2FcVWN6r.jpg (2591x3889, 236K)

Here's one final reminder that One Piece is the greatest selling comic book of all time, WORLDWIDE!


Attached: WorldRecord.jpg (655x814, 129K)

praised be thine desu, forever and always

>get a boner while firecat is catching a beat down
Should I be worried?

Night's over, and from the sounds of things it was a doozy. Might look up the episodes over the coming week, but finding the time might be difficult. Personally I'm just glad to be back home and watching anime with you fuckers. I won't be going on another trip like that anytime soon. We'll see you guys here next week, so until then sweet dreams and happy waifus.

Sleep snug, smug.

I always do, even long distance.

Attached: 1557650946360.jpg (1700x2338, 1.48M)

sleep snug, smug
Good luck little duck
Thank you!
sleep tight, Popper

Personally waiting for winter and hoping for some snow. The east coast has been getting some these past few years but I remember when we used to get only a bit. Then there was that year my dad got stuck in the driveway and since then it seems to be fairly reliable to get a nice white glowing ground with full coverage. Hasn't been as bad since then I don't think.

Fall is cozy too. Makes me remember my days in elementary school during recess.

Oh shit, Superjail! I loved this show!

Attached: Rorschach goes to super jail.jpg (800x1973, 546K)

May she bloom in your dreams tonight.
I'm gonna turn in.

Attached: 1566009588133.jpg (1600x2298, 554K)

May cat ladies soothe your slumber, Felicia bro.

Attached: 1551605361400.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

>over 140 images left
Well we got it last week

Attached: 1565293142072.jpg (1500x2000, 303K)

Seriously, what's with that tongue tie?
It wasn't just for that pun, was it?
Well there's still a chance it was caused by something else.
So pay attention to all your boners from now on and look for similarities in the situation. I think that's the scientific method. Or at least, the closest thing to it I can suggest specifically.

Attached: Tayuya.png (2048x1536, 999K)

sunday - lots of water, some warcraft
monday - rake lawn, maybe fap
tuesday - mow lawn, definately fap
wednesday - south park day, sit and watch southpark from noon to that nigger version of superstore
tuesday - complain that it is not friday
friday - waste my time walking around various stores shopping for groceries on a week by week basis like an old cunt who should be euthanized
saturday - nest my house in preparation for toonami and go to subway with an extreme obese "sandwich artist" who limps around everywhere knowing that diabetes is about to take her foot as i try to not make eye contact with it knowing its fate and buy a 20lb bag of ice
sunday morning post block - fap so hard i almost pass out and continue to rub my uncut head in hopes after almost 20 years hope to attain the strength, willpower and energy to go for the second orgasm

Attached: __morichika_rinnosuke_and_remilia_scarlet_jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken_and_touhou_drawn_by_ichiba_youich (1023x722, 75K)

We need to get the posts up so it will sink by morning at least.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-04-41_02.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Wow, and I wasn't even around to help.

Attached: c1885.png (1280x1024, 1.58M)

Anons in this thread are pretty good at letting it die, usually.
Based Muscle poster and a few others helped out

Attached: 1500508641526.jpg (1766x1184, 152K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 01 [720p]_00-16-44_14.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

I'll have to call it quits here, unfortunately, but at least Robin user is back to pitch in this week. I'm sure it'll hit the limit in no time.

Attached: __sejuani_league_of_legends_drawn_by_hushabye__ea5b630e82299165fe082cdebdd83e1e.png (1074x1000, 902K)

nice tits in superjail?

Not terribly reassuring

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-09-21_07.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

>superjail episode
can anyone explain to me the spanish fly thing? seen it a few times and passed it off as a joke but now while at apex drunk it has me thinking

Attached: [Deetruck] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 09 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)_00-14-06_04.jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

I love that guy!

Well shit, now I gotta kick it into overdrive.

Attached: 1549791176279.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Well have a good one user.

Attached: 1501861551098.jpg (1024x1024, 85K)

Attached: 74054713_p0.png (1800x1500, 2.52M)

>a few others
Does that include me?

Attached: GundamsdontkillpeopleIkillpeople.png (410x800, 30K)

Oh right, have a good night.

Attached: 1549188425682.png (1080x1620, 1.47M)


Attached: 1539140925167.jpg (588x588, 59K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 07 [720p]_00-19-55_20.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 10 [720p]_00-16-02_19.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

And a good night to you, one of our various cat lovers. I sometimes feel bad about the shit you get.

Attached: 1546774129708.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 10 [720p]_00-18-31_20.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Sleep snug, smug
Good luck, Little duck
Stay safe dub dubs
Sleep tight, popper
Goodnight Toonami General
Set Sail
Stay Gold.

No big plains for the week. I plan on seeing It: chapter 2 this afternoon. 3hrs is makes it a long ass movie. I've heard its good. I hope it is.

Attached: 1410848393653.gif (200x200, 2.09M)

/tg/ its the late hours and i have to ask... does anyone else miss those baked nacho cheese doritos?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 10 [720p]_00-19-18_21.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 07 [720p]_00-19-28_18.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Well if you helped out then yes, would like to see a gunpla painted as dale.

Attached: 1505492218660.jpg (1024x1024, 81K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 09 [1080p]_00-21-58_03.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [720p]_00-14-59_03.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

I actually miss those Doritos collisions bags they had.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [720p]_00-15-12_04.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

I saw IT2 today. I don't want to spoil anything but, and this isnt plot relevant,pure comedy and not a single scare. I still had fun though.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [720p]_00-17-09_07.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

Well thank you for the recognition.

Attached: A True Gentleman.gif (500x300, 1.28M)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 03 [720p]_00-18-16_08.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Based stone cold

Attached: 1496645729102.jpg (1200x1600, 158K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 05 [720p]_00-03-55_02.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 07 [720p]_00-08-09_02.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-18-42_13.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-18-43_14.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-21-40_17.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Less than 100 to go for both limits.

Attached: OH YEAH.gif (400x225, 2.56M)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-21-44_18.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Symphogear XV - 11 [720p]_00-21-48_20.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Attached: 1491976706096.png (700x875, 253K)

Attached: 15. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:00:2 (1280x720, 121K)

Do you think we could ever get Raildex on Toonami?

Attached: 16. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:02:3 (1280x720, 144K)


Attached: 16. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:17:1 (1280x720, 96K)

Attached: 18. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:02:4 (1280x720, 110K)

Sleep smug, snug!
See you around, Death Gun
Based Yuukanon.
Glad to hear it. Even though I'm kinda gonna miss Super in a weird way. Keep those feet guarded!
Good to know. Hope it works out longer this time around.
Sleep tight, popper!
Keep that bug spray by the bed too!
Another long boring, tiring week. Hopefully things will be a little bit easier after this next week, but I doubt it. At least I've got something fun to experiment on.
Yes. Ryona is the worst of fetishes, equal to scat and futa.
Take care, Robinbro. Hopefully you get to enjoy the block again at least by the end of the month.
And goodnight to you as well! Hope you have a good time at the theater.

I miss any flavor that isn't motherfucking nacho, ranch, and the flavor of the year they want to push. But ESPECIALLY Blazin' Buffalo and Ranch.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't have a lot to say this week. We're one step closer to never having to see Gen:Lock again, but even that seems paltry compared to the marathon lurking at the end of the month.

But even so, please continue to persevere through life's struggles, if only so we can all regroup on these coordinates and strife the block with our wit.

Glory to anons! Glory to Toonami!

Attached: Zechs salute.jpg (432x322, 52K)

Remember to season all further posts to prevent bumping

Attached: 18. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:11:3 (1280x720, 146K)

Too much old content the block would have to catch up on. Only reason Food Wars got a pass was because it was an emergency and they got S3 dub premiere rights out of it

Attached: 19. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:17:4 (1280x720, 112K)

they could give us atleast one cute moe anime. but that stupid action only rule gets on the way.

Season my posts with what? Paprika?

We've done a lot of long runners. Just start from the beginning and work up to the present.

Attached: 13. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:09:4 (1280x720, 110K)

Based not char

Attached: 1515488590782.png (871x1199, 341K)

Raildex is action though, so it could work. It also has a perfectly serviceable dub.

Attached: 13. A Certain Scientific Railgun (To Aru Kagaku no Railgun) [BD 720p H264 AAC][kuchikirukia]_00:08:5 (1280x720, 138K)

Action only rule got dropped. Non action shows have a slim chance now

No, different series.

Attached: 14002c5ff53bd60b2f6861c2db864f71ef88fa02bcfaf8570cf35312df5214fc.jpg (660x682, 74K)

Yea, in the past. 2019 Toonami is only looking at dub premieres and near simuldubs. Unless Demarco can secure some kind of deal for exclusive rights to the next season, he isn’t gonna waste a slot running through all that old content

>thought about spelling it wrong for this but didn’t
>you figured it out regardless

Attached: 1567851730328.png (700x1017, 181K)

Gundam Origin isn't a new dub though is it?

Attached: [Cleo]Haiyore!_Nyaruko-san_W_-_12_(10bit_BD720p_x265)_00-22-40_11.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Wasted gets

I didn't even think you were going for anything. I just independently decided to turn it into a joke as well.

Attached: 83d6d891702aa77414b28d6460d15aed2079adfd97117ffb950ef48c93b61139.jpg (756x1000, 79K)

Nah the Origin dub has been out for awhile, its definitely a weird pickup guess Demaro thought gundam still had a place on the block even after the horrible ratings IBO got.

So I'm finally watching Toonami in the dorm lounge again. Man this brings back memories. Sort of painful memories, but I guess not every important lesson comes from the lecture hall.

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Attached: 1567328044995.jpg (737x768, 84K)

Wow, I leave for the bathroom and all this happens.

I love you, Stone Cold! I stunnered one of my cousins in your honor.

I salute and thank you, my comrade. I hope all here can look forward to better times soon.

Attached: 1545560762978.png (720x1280, 987K)

Attached: Worse Company.png (648x800, 908K)

Do you think Flip Flappers could work? I mean, it's fairly short, and rather interesting.

Attached: I think they took the text from Wikipedia.png (2208x1242, 2.32M)

Sleep tight Saber

Attached: 1523597842710.gif (301x301, 1.67M)

Attached: D3Q5jlQUwAAQJ-6.jpg (1024x768, 47K)

>welcome... to this horse's anus
> :o

Attached: [Cleo]Haiyore!_Nyaruko-san_W_-_12_(10bit_BD720p_x265)_00-10-26_05.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Definitely can't fault anyone tonight on their work ethic.

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Attached: 1555917310997.jpg (1220x2048, 378K)

I mean how many people even know that show exists?

Attached: 1543140444571.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

sometimes i wish i had a God calculator to calculate the amount of semen she caused to fall

Attached: 1567927541254.gif (389x498, 1.92M)

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It caught Yea Forums's attention while it aired, but also being lesser-known might mean that TBS could buy it for cheaper than some other shows.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 23 [720p]_00:20:26_07.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Attached: 1495015113878.jpg (450x650, 118K)

Use Fermi estimation

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hataraku Saibou - 05 [720p]_00:18:57_04.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

>warning me for spamming when I haven't
Fuck off jannies why don't you give it to the other waifu posters

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 01 [720p]_00-07-31_02.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

Pitou poster?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka - 11 [720p]_00-13-36_06.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

Maybe someone reported you or some shit. Happened to me once.

Attached: 1540724562942.png (600x800, 255K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 12 [720p]_00:10:05_15.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX - 08 [1080p]_00-19-21_08.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Hell, it was during the middle of the block as well now that I remember it better. I think I pissed someone off that night.

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Attached: 1517729337154.gif (540x446, 1.91M)

>this athf scene where carl has a cardboard cutout
think during the revival assuming they find frylocks VA after the hurricanes he will upgrade to a sex doll?

Attached: 1419604479947.png (708x1000, 688K)

Forever one of my favorite images of her.

Attached: 1533475021944.png (798x908, 591K)

I am now reminded of the Robot Chicken "Book of Your Life" sketch
Thank you for that.

Attached: disco-flail-007.jpg (960x720, 1.7M)

Frylock's VA lives in the Bahamas?

Attached: 1530453130237.png (1120x1568, 3.03M)

The mods like to abuse their privileges, I once got banned for posting "furry" for posting a picture of Carrot in a One Piece thread and it wasn't even nsfw.

Likewise, anons.

Attached: 1552026694690.jpg (1111x1449, 135K)


Attached: 1562908165320.jpg (1428x2336, 691K)

That's some gay shit right there.

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Origin only just recently got a TV edit

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Sleep tight Saber

Only took him 20 years, guess that pretty much confirms they are dropping him as the main character from the new series.
The dub for it isnt new though

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What region? I haven't followed Pokemon in a long time.

Bullshit. I won't fall for your lies.
>It's real
Oh no. Oh fuck, oh no. THE APOCALYPSE IS COMING!

It's just so cute.

Of course he fucking won the league that was just barely made. Fuck those writers.

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Well Toonami couldn’t air the OVA. Like I said, they will consider old stuff if there is some kind of special circumstance that makes it worthwhile. For example, having a proper cut for a cable showing

Its just a filler league like Orange Islands was right? Its not like its a league that actually matters.

Some bullshit island one that’s barely a cut above the orange league

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Time for bed

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>all this autumn stuff coming out
Time for the coziest time of the year.

Night, user.

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Oh yea that invisible man jav stuff is nice. She's getting it good too.

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you guys have any plants?

>Alola League
Talk about a pity prize

I hope one day Oda gives her another western outfit. It was a really nice recurring motif pre-timeskip.

Invisible man was one of my favorite old memes.

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Like house plants? yes

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Bump limit hit. The other one soon.

No, it's not really something I've ever thought about. Maybe I'll get like a small potted plant or some to spruce the place up.

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It is considered a beginner's league like Orange Islands, but even so, it's still one more win that Satoshi has ever had.

Those fucking vagina bones, god damn. I hope there's a scan of this somewhere.

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That cloth is enticingly low

Yea if she walks it would fall. Look how loose it is,

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I imagine there's nothing under there.

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Oh shit, one of my favorite images now in color. Not enough of the great promotional art gets uploaded online. They have to be somewhere online, damn it.

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When did she wear that dress?

Chapter cover. Oda is /fa/ as fuck.

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I know you're there.

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Oh, just take it then.

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Love and beauty.

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Congratulations on making it, goodnight all and see you next week.

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Finally, its over.

See? I knew you were there. Good night.

Goodnight Robinanon. Good luck on future Saturday nights and less busy weeks.

Waiting games are certainly something. Time to start the longer one.

It's not looking good, but I'll keep my head up. You do the same.

Week always goes by fast for me

Same, it's getting kind of eerie. Feels like a few days in total.

It's no joke when they say time makes fool of us all, and that only gets worse the older you get.

You must eat all the eggs!

Wow still on page 6, Yea Forums must be absolutely dead right now.

It's interesting when it slows down like that, even Yea Forums can slow a bit which is nice.

pasta mixed with barbecue sauce and mayo is pretty good

Cherish your waifu and keep her in your heart.