Are turtles black ?

Are turtles black ?

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They were raised in a literal shithole eating junk food without ever knowing their parents or receiving a formal education, and grew up to be violent outlaws. What do you think?

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Oh, of course.

They're green.

I'm pretty sure they're green dude

You can't call them Ninjas, that's their word. And yes, ninjer is just as bad

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You guys ever watched the niggaturtles series on youtube?

Is it anything like Spongebong Hemp-pants?

They're '90s surfer dudebros, the whitest of all demographic groups.

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you remember that time this guy showed up?

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>So dey’ze iz Orkz den?

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No wonder Hun doesn't want his son dating
one of them.

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they have no father
no education
no job
they are homeless
their goal is just eat a fucking junk food
also >muh whitewoman
a nigger bingo

Bowler Hat Billy?

you remember that time this chick showed up?

you remember that time this chick showed up?

no pic*

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What does "Anin" mean?

So that's why they're Hero Turtles in the UK.

Does anybody know where I can find a doujin, comic or (non-shitty) animation of april o' neil being gangbanged by either the turtles and/or bebop & rocksteady?

considering the rest of it is cut off, maybe it's
アニンジャ (aninja) or something?

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Check Paheal dude

They're fucking turtles.

>without knowing their parents
Splinter is their parent
>without receiving a formal education
They received an education in martial arts.
>Grew up to be violent outlaws
Have you seen what the Chinese did to the American streets. The Turtles are doing the right thing beating them up and keeping them out.

They're green. What are you, color blind?

Only in the newest iteration. They're painfully black in that.

I know they are pizza fags


April's hair is her most attractive feature

whydoes her eye go blue

sans undertale??

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