Why does nobody talk about this webcomic?
Why was my last thread deleted? Is there something I don’t know?
Why does nobody talk about this webcomic?
Why was my last thread deleted? Is there something I don’t know?
Other urls found in this thread:
I like it
They should've just name him Guy Incognito
nice GIRL webcomic OP
Which is a baby boy or girl?
I asked why it’s only remembered for that and mods nuked the thread, I don’t get why
Okay, these comics are... Something else for sure. Did John K made them?
These are gold. Post more.
No, it's a group of people, but it's obvious they've been influenced by him.
Cool... Is there more? The art is good but some of these are hit or miss.
>Why does nobody talk about this webcomic?
Well for one thing it's not good.
Yes, they have a website: toonhole.com
because it looks like the kind of meme comic that's taylor made for reddit
based dad, if you can't deal with that kind of bantz you might as well neck yourself sooner rather then later, save him some money.
That's an orca though
disregard, I suck cocks
Why do her tits get bigger?
That would not even be funny if it made sense grammatically.
And they also do not attack people.
Wow these are really boring
No more bra.
You would know, phoneposter.
Their stuff is a lot of hit and miss. When they started around 2012 their humor was edgier and the posted mostly porn gag comics. Now it's a lot more 'wholesome' like and their age is showing through their humor.
Orca whales have an insatiable need for human flesh. They always know where humans are, even on land.
How come all the girls are uh
>methhead giving away his meth
That’s just not funny. I’m trying to think of a way it could be better, maybe if the granny started suddenly dominating her? It’s a little less literal but still not really funny.
Are what?
heh boobs
>one of them is black
Go back to /pol/
(Other autistic Yea Forums screeching)
Well that explains why some are good and some are amy schumer tier
These comics are very unfunny. Its just edgey puns.
This is Pebblethrow level
And then you get left-can’t-meme tier
And furry too!
Seriously, don't do this. I am sad for orcas. They are quite possibly the second-smartest species of mammal.
Hail hydra!
Literally me.
>One-hit kill
Holy shit, is that sign made of plutonium?
It’s funny cause feminism is ruining every entertainment industry
Kek, this is a good one
I don't know why but I lol'd.
I guess the expressions sell it.
There I made it better.
JG Quintel?
manlets btfo
Dear god these are bad. Just... so bland and obvious and unoriginal.
Is this some ironic thing?
I don’t get it
>Is this some ironic thing?
Nah, that's just how they are
when will they learn?
Part of a masters in sociology is study in Marriage and Family relationships.
>one of them makes fun of transexuals
>bunch of Yea Forums users appear who start calling them generic and unfunny
I dunno I find it more humrous and fun. Like it's actually trying to tell a joke
Doubtful. These are the kinds of comics that make it into your local penny saver or whatever. Start buying local event fliers and you'll start to appreciate the effort that goes into syndicated gag a day strips like Garfield.
This is a lot better, good edit user
This fucking one got me. That's so retarded.
Who know who was also very intelligent? Ted Bundy.
the fuck does that have to do with kicking a table over?
Based and redpilled
The guy went through a rigorous entry process to get a job, with high qualifications, just to be a waiter. Which it turns out he was ill suited for (which is even more ironic given his education).
Because it's set up to look like he's having a fight with his wife while on the job.
Oh god my dick
Some of these aren't really that bad.
Hey look it’s exactly like when people post Stonetoss
I like the lesbian and tits ones.
This shit is gold
You know what? These are fun, they're like a more adult Garfield. Nothing "bust your gut funny" and a simple "heh" funny.
Uh oh did Shadman write this one
Based centralist comic
That's fucking awful.
Well, there's a precedent...
This one intrigues me
Where'd they get the picture?
Made me chuckle. Congrats
It's also obvious a few don't speak English very well
Nazism is less offensive than not crediting artists.
I... what?
Guy died and is in Hell.
The joke is that a guy dress as Karen for Halloween.
>doesn't offend trannies
>doesn't get purged by mods
>doesn't get spammed to page 10
Huh, i realize now why people on Yea Forums hate tossboy
They worked hard for that graduation
Wearing revealing cleavage? It's probably more comfortable than shoving in your big balls of fat into a restricting fabric.
That doesn't make cents to me.
You know, 60% of trannies DON'T commit suicide.
These are all -like literally ALL- so amazingly lame. Nice artwork in general though, beats the zeitgeisty blank-character trend
Even small boobs can look huge when you squish them up to your chest with your arm like that.
Ah, thanks.
These are almost funny.
This is true
Hippity hoppity, the poison's my property
>white girl and black girl together
The best fetish
No he’s clearly not fucking the child user.
that sheep grill is cuter than miss piggy
Is this guy still drawing for them? I miss this stuff, felt a bit like something out of MAD.
This would actually be really badass kill in a jason movie. Is there a horror scene similiar to this in a movie?
Pretty sure there was an episode of Bones where a magician got murdered like this. I think a high-powered circular saw was involved during a live show?
Yes, it's mostly his older work that looks like this. His style has changed a bit through the years.
>cart is empty in the first panel
>has 2 babies in the last panel
>he's holding the same box and talking to the same woman
So did he leave, do all that stuff, and then come back months or years later to pick up the same box and talk to the same woman about everything that happened since he took her advice?
I wish, magician Jason would be cool
>Which is a baby boy or girl?
learn to read, esl faggot
this is good
>"sheep grill"
>Not knowing Lambchop
God bless higher education.
I think maybe that they were next to him this whole time and he was just having a flashback.
But the cart is clearly visible in the first two panels and has no babies in the exact spot where you see babies in the last panel.
Is he the guy that made OP's comic?
So what I'm getting here is one of the people writing for toonhole is a lazy fatass.
40% is a very high number user. Although for what it’s worth I think it’s just unhappy people who made a drastic change to try and be happy only to realize they’ll never be happy. Like it has nothing to do with them being a tranny the change just let them realize, it’s whats inside that counts not what’s out and there insides are just rotten to them.
I chuckled
This is a good one
She's also like 3 years old.
He just likes that brand of whatever, and the lady's a regular customer.
Do you know that people can't reproduce with money too
Fucking retard
>40% is a very high number user
60% is higher, though.
I could argue with you that your statistics aren't even accurate or even reflective of transsexuals themselves, but if they were, the simple point I'm making is that 60% is bigger than 40%.
No, it was another guy. They usually leave their names on the side of comic. The guy you're asking about is Mike.
Oh wow what great and mentally stable group
How delightfully devilish
There's suspension of disbelief, and then there's just eating whatever internally inconsistent bullshit an artist feeds you without question.
Almost as mentally stable as people who take statistics from memes seriously.
that's because it's still a new fad and they only realize their mistakes 5-10 years after the surgery.
Well from the stuff posted here, I can't seem to find him on any of the newer strips.
it's called saving time by not having to redraw everything, spaz.
>that's because it's still a new fad
Are you genuinely a retarded zoomer?
Has Superman ever had a black girlfriend? Feel this would work better if that were the case, but I doubt it.
It's a goddamn pun comic strip not a novel you shit for brains retard
Oh my fucking god the inconsistencies of some dude having children with money
And the doctor is holding one the babies in the labor panel
You're not even good at being a pedantic try hard
2/5 killing themselves would be considered horrendous for any group. It would be a cause of national investigation if it were politically correct to do so. Even actual diagnosed mental illnesses such as depression do not have that high of a number.
For comparison
>About 7 percent of men and 1 percent of women who have ever been diagnosed with depression die by suicide
The "Well it's not 100% yet" as rationalization isn't exactly comforting .
Problem, officer?
Oh, you're right. I tried to check his twitter but it looks like he deleted all his tweets?(they usually post the strips they do onto their own twitter) I wonder what happened.
I keep forgetting Push got a movie, so jokes about it always catch me off guard.
Not only does the joke work better this way, but the artist is technically still credited.
>whores whore themselves for stardom
>claim rape after they're rich mega stars for even more attention
i remember this comic cuz i drew this
Is this the group that made the “Nice Girl Hormone Supplements” comic?
And keep your mouth shut
It eventually caught up with him when his son knocked on his door...
It's really all in the eyes.
This gourd makes me uncomfortable.
Here you go user, this will let you see his work. And pic related seems to be his last posted comic which was in November 9, 2018
Why user?
Cream goes well with pumpkin
yet the 40% do
Flip a coin next time you see your "totally mentally stable" transgender friend, who wouldn't freak the fuck out and punch you if you misgender them, when a normal person would shrug that off.
If its head, they live
in the movie terrifier a clown saws someone in half, but does it vertically
I'm not the one having the breakdown...
That could just as easily have been written by an alt-right. If you don't want to bomb Assad you're Hitler after all.
Is it a coincidence that the bab looks like Don Rickles?
>Not “Nice Girl Grave”
The right truly can’t meme
they not a girl
grave says jeff
Your idiocy is pretty mind boggling that goes without saying
I chuckled
This shit is hilarious.
60% is higher than 50%.
You're not very good at numbers.
They don't, actually, that's just a meme. But even in the context of the meme, that's still the minority.
The odds of getting heads or tails on a coin flip isn't actually 50/50 anyway, the weight of the coin naturally skews it toward one result over the other.
But this isn’t following the rest of the comic’s logic, which is that the other guy is bullying him for looking like a girl
When you're using a coin as a metaphor for a statistical possibility, however, it's understood that you're trying to invoke the concept of a "50/50" chance. A metaphor doesn't need to be literal.
40% attempt suicide not actually follow through but I don’t expect you to care
60/40 is close enough anyway, though.
nah, this one's decent
Unironically though, fuck everyone.
This is actually good, why are Yea Forumsmblr trannies seething about it?
the rate also drops to 4% after transitioning, which is just 1 percent higher than the general population.
this is the family guy of webcomics
Probably got cancelled for some of his earlier comics
They aren't?
Not at all, actually. You've got 10% difference in one direction, and then a 10% difference in the other direction.
One of them may a light jab at a transexual and they have no humour about themselves so they’re all having mental breakdowns
how enlightened
Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Oh, baby...
Is there any record of this happening? It does sound like something ancient romans would like.
ISIS theme intensifies
Leprechaun 3?
subtle kek
I wanna fuck that pumpkin
I liked this one.
>not Ctrl+Alt+Del
No it doesn't.
They seethe about everything. Every thread that doesn't have a specific topic or has some topic tangentially related to politics has them rolling around, screaming about it. All of these webcomic threads is just a timer counting down to when it pisses one off and makes them throw a thread-wide temper fit.
Yeah...good art but very trite humor.
Is that the Incredible Hulk?
What's with the fucked grammar?
Looks like Zen Pencils
You got it sideways user, most of the #metoo crowd are C-listers at best, those that actually did turn into "rich mega stars" kept their mouths shut.
Nice, you can see their slits
True rightists are anti-war, user.
I support monarchy and peace.
Is the person who wrote that just salty that he can't get away with groping people? Because I'm pretty sure most people don't particularly like it when TSA agents do it either.
>Life sentence for fucking an underage girl
That's a little extreme isn't it?
>lmao you studied something other than STEM, enjoy working fast food
>sociologists are supposed to be good at understanding people and relationships, but they can't deal with simple human interactions, isn't that funny?
Even as someone who thinks sociology is kinda shit, neither option seems funny.
Louis Lane was black in Superman All Star
>Is the person who wrote that just salty that he can't get away with groping people?
Oh, most definitely.
You forgot, chemical attacks, threatening people with guns, shootings, and attempted murder on the Antifa Side
I want to FUCK that bluehair.
Because black people are monkeys! Hilarious!
Dad jokes are inescapable.
>Chemical attacks
Aka "milkshakes". Hilarious.
>chemical attacks
Some rando reporting to the police that they found cement in thrown milkshakes is hardly conclusive, assuming that was what you were talking about.
Isn't there a pedophile island somewhere where they keep them there indefinitely, even after they served their time, against their will?
I mean, they're all autistic weirdos that wear suits despite being in jail, but still.
>guy gets hospitalised due to this
>Hardly conclusie
.... What
For a guy who was allegedly gravely injured, Andy Ngo was already doing his "journalist" tours the very next day. But gotta hand it to him, his pity party campaign landed him a some thousand dollars from gullible right wingers.
John K?
I don't know, but I read "pedophile island" and didn't think anything nice about it.
She got aroused and the increased blood flow engorged her tits. This is how tits work right?
English grammar has benn inevitably fucked since a few years ago. all due to all the ESL shitters infesting the Net with no desire to improve.
>facts are memes
lmao epic
Yeah, pretty much.
Little did you know, you were replying to an ESL.
That's Lambchop, you pleb
The Banana Splits has a kill like this.
There's a difference between intelligence and charisma.
There's nothing wrong with the grammar. He doesn't love cleaning* windows, he loves them clean.
By the way, I'm an ESL.
Buh buh buh buh No It Doesn’t buh buh
you a retard. Most people posting here are calling the comic a hit or miss thing. Which is true, some of the comics sucks.
The nu-atheism comics that the occasionaly draw are cringe-tier.
That's actually scarily accurate. What the fuck?
But shouldn't it be "there's nothing I love more than cleaning windows?" The original order makes it seem that cleaning windows is the last thing he can love before exceeding his quota of things he loves.
Can confirm, as an EFL and someone who got a literal perfect score for English reading on my SAT.
He doesn't necessarily love the act of cleaning them, but he does love the final product, that is, the clean windows.
And the joke is that he loves the final product because it confuses birds.
It would make less sense to be "I love cleaning windows," as the act of cleaning doesn't kill birds.
No that's fine, my issue isn't there (I mistakenly wrote "cleaning"), it's the word order. Placing "more" before "I love" instead of after it.
He was hospitalized because he also got punched around.
Literally this
Most meth dealers sample their product
Oh, I hadn't even noticed that. You're right, that's wrong.
I'm pretty sure it's rape and sexual assault ruining every entertainment industry, actually.
Like, I'm sorry, I went my entire fucking life without raping or groping someone or masturbating in front of a random woman. It's not exactly a high fucking bar to pass.
Lois Lane turned black for an issue in "I am curious (Black)"
Literally me
You do realize that blackmailing someone "You won't get the job unless you sleep with me" legally IS rape, right?
Please tell me you fucking know this.
>for attention
Name 5 women that did that.
If you can't name them, I guess they didn't really get much attention, did they?
Ah yes, that's much better.
As someone who developed food allergies later in life and can never eat chicken again, this comic speaks to me.
Off the top of my head Asia Argento and Rose McGowan, that's not 5 but I'm not that interested in celebrity drama either.
"Help, I'm supposed to be writing a funny comic but I can't stop being horny!"
About McGowan:
>When The New York Times revealed in October 2017 that she was part of a settlement involving movie mogul Harvey Weinstein in an alleged sexual harassment case, McGowan declined to comment.
In other words, she didn't say anything at first until New York Times exposed the facts, and she had no choice to eventually say the truth.
In other other words, she was fine with it as long as she kept making money off it.
How, nigga? Just like, walk away, lol. Nobody is making you attempt to be a celebrity but your own ego
this is just a rebranded kelly comic with more panels
I dont get it.
>using this pic post-Dayton
Oh no no no no no...
>>using this pic post-Dayton
You have to be a disingenuous retard to keep treating that shooting as politically based simply because the guy retweeted Elizabeth Warren once.
>no u
>coping this hard
I am really upset with you, user.
Just think of the lives that would've been saved if he wasn't radicalized by those fringe lunatics.
enlightened centrist anime fan shooting WHEN?
I mean, the tally is still disproportionately skewered towards right wingers so I'm not sure why you're pretending to be any better.
No it isn't
Sexual harassment, possibly extortion.
>yes you do
>yes you did
Live the fucking goalposts alone already, user.
Bunch of tossers.
A milkshake laced with rubber cement asshole, but yeah keep misrepresenting an extremist group, I'm sure that will not embolden them to take even more extreme measures.
why does no one talk about MY comic, thats what i want to know just kidding i know, its cause it sucks
I'll agree with you, Andy Ngo could have been bullshitting and may have scammed a bunch of retards into giving him money.
The fact still remains these assholes are assaulting people, because they are too emotionally and intellectually stunted that they can't debunk ideas with words.
If defending these people is the hill you wanna die an than by all means follow your dreams.
for reference, at least two of these guys (Ryan and Chris) actually work on the animation industry: the were both boarders on Uncle Grandpa (with Ryan being promoted to director near the end of the show's run), then Chris did boards for Close Enough and Victor and Valentino, then they both ended up on the upcoming Looney Tunes Cartoons shorts (Ryan as a director, Chris as a boarder), though Chris is now at Sony
That's good news, their jokes aren't always good but I like their art. They'll do a good job on Looney Tunes
2 tweets vs multiple gunmen straight up admitting to being inspired by Trump, sounds totally even. You’re so smart user-kun!
Well there was that guy that shot a senator and 6 other people at a baseball game.
The Dayton shooter who described himself as a leftist.
And that kid that shot those mexicans in Plano TX, whose manifesto had more in common with an antifa handbook than it did with any white supremacist writtings.
But sure keep misrepresenting, it only makes your arguments more concrete.
>Both sides are dumb
>Unlike me, a truly enlightened fence-sitting spineless faggot who hasn't had a real opinion in his whole left except for "lol you guys r dumb 4 caring about stuff"
>taylor made
Yeah how dare that guy make fun of 2 political extremes, doesn't he know there are only those 2 options and nothing else.
this would be funny if they didnt make rudolph look like a crackhead
>people should be held accountable for what they say. Doxxing is a-okay
>but, ah, big surveillance is a no-no, please.
Nah being a centrist doesn't mean you have a mix of opinions on things it means you have no opinions. Because when did anything far right of hitler or far left of stalin even mean anything?
>Let's kill all Jews and minorities
>Let's prevent the right from doing that
BASED boomer
I don't get it and I feel like it's really obvious
You know there are Anti Semites in antifa right?
I want only white customers in my shop. Antifa wants to force me to accept customers I don't want.
>"kulaks deserved it"
>ukrainians? "no such thing"
>"liberals get the bullet too"
Not liking Israel because it's just causing more issues in the middle east and only exists because we told the Palestinians to get off their land isn't anti Semitic.
This reminds me of the user that told a story about being at seaworld or something and then one day he swam naked with an orca he had been wooing and the orca figured out that the user got horny whenever he saw her mouth(He was into vore) so the orca glomped his hands in her mouth and then slowly suckled on them and when user calmed the fucked down and didn't resist, she slowly swallowed him, into the whatever chamber thing they have after the teeth and before the stomach, and kept him there, massaging him until he calmed down again, masturbated and then he was "spit out" after he started crawling out.
I have a strong feeling it's all bullshit but I thought it'd be interesting.
>Lets take way peoples right to peacefully protest and voice the concerns, while we physically assault them. Also, let's kill all white people, and anyone else who don't agree with us
>Let's protest the left's attempts at doing that
Then why are you labled an Anti Semite when you do?
Also A lot of antifa Support Islam, and Islam is an inherently anti Semitic religion, there is literally a passage tgat states don't trust tge Christians or the Jews.
They should learn from the other 40% then.
>every time “you either have to want black people fuck your wife or want to exterminate them all”
More like
>let’s exterminate all Jews
>let’s do everything we can to help Jews at the expense of everyone else
cunt here
a good reversable bra beats having my boobs pop out at the top anyday
No one thinks about sex that much.
What a shame
You idiot
Give examples of the left doing that. Its the right making anti semitism illegal and donating billions to Israel.
He wants to fuck him dummy.
Give examples of them right doing that
>y-you first! It’s okay for me to lie because I think your lying!!!
>But this isn’t following the rest of the comic’s logic, which is that the other guy is bullying him for looking like a girl
wrong. he's (rightfully) bullying him for being a faggot.
>And that kid that shot those mexicans in Plano TX,
Not that user, who's that?
how long is your manifesto?
>antifa instead of leftists
>ignores the antifa who literally murdered people in Dayton.
> a mix of opinions on things
This is politically what's known as independent.
> it means you have no opinions.
This is called ambivalence.
Centrism is neither.
>everyone must be either a right wing extremist or a left wing extremist!
>not writing killed himself at 28
>funny comics thread turned political
Cant say im suprised.
Blame the people who when you make one light joke at a transexual's expense cry
What emotion is that face supposed to convey in the last panel ? Is he going to fuck the bird ?
That's pretty impolite, the hotel helper should've at least pushed the cart for the poor guy, those two bags look heavy
>basketball is white
You had one job
I felt this was an unsatisfying end to the character. It really cut her story short of any resolution.
you think this thread was made for literally any other purpose?
>Hey check out this cool comic
You are the problem
There's a Dexter cartoon thing where he kills one of his victims that way
>You do realize that blackmailing someone "You won't get the job unless you sleep with me" legally IS rape, right?
Every day Yea Forums finds new ways to disgust me.
I dread to think about the type of person who would unironically make a post like that.
Exchanging things for sex is the oldest, most basic transaction in human history.
Based as fuck
>2 tweets
>calls me disingenuous
Is this loss?
user it's always loss. Any collection of four panels is loss.
Neat. I’ve never actually seen dexter, is this like a webisode separate kind of thing, or is it based off an episode from the show?
There have been 0 Antifa murders
Webisode. First season of this cartoon is based on three kills briefly mentioned in flashbacks in one of the first season's episodes.
I'm curious... when you make posts like this, do you think you are being convincing?
Like, what exactly are you expecting here?
"You know that group of anarcho-communists that exists for the sole purpose of causing political violence? Well, they get their asses handed to them every time they try and start shit they can't finish, so that means they're okay!"
>Dayton shooting was not politically motivated and shooter had no connection to Antifa whatsoever
Womp womp
>you know that movement that has opposed fascism through means of civil unrest for almost 100 years? Well as of 2017 they are now the bad guys for some reason
>not thinking NY post is going to spin the fact
Hahahahahaha laugh at the retard
>all shooters are alt-right Nazis except when they're antifa, then they're most definitely not politically motivated unlike all the others
Heh, retard.
>they're antifa even when they have no connection whatsoever to the movement, we just call anyone to the left of Dick Cheney "antifa"
>for some reason
They are violently opposed to the basic freedoms we enjoy in a secular democratic society. That is the reason they are "bad guys".
Hell, even as a leftist you should be opposed to antifa.
Because not only are they the ones constantly instigating violence, making your side look like lunatics... but on top of that, they lose.
Not only are they violent retards, but they make the left look like even bigger pussies than they already are.
>They are violently opposed to the basic freedoms we enjoy in a secular democratic society.
No, they counterprotest at neo-Nazi rallies lol
>they're alt-right even when they have no connection whatsoever to the movement, we just call anyone we dislike "Nazi".
>all those trashcans they've "counterprotested"
What a fucking joke, lmao.
>we're arguing in bad faith because that's all we ever had
The absolute state of r*ghtoids
this one's pretty funny
>rightwinger goes on a shooting spree
>"We disavow his violent methods. Don't do that."
>leftwinger goes on a shooting spree
>We disavow
Pull the other one. It's got bells.
>Thing that happens in the case of over 90% of all terrorist attacks in the US
>Trump defunds domestic violence divisions
>Things that are rarer than a blue moon
Kek, you're so invested you can't even try to make the point without trying to repeat the "a-a-and they're pussies too!!"
>being this angry because someone questioned some random comic on the internet
Are you the artist yourself because you're losing your shit for no reason you spaz
Starting a fight, and then proceeding to lose said fight makes you a gigantic pussy, yes.
>/pol/tards claiming they disavow it when there literal first instinct is too shift the blame on other people with le ebic one drop rules ,convince themselves it's always a falseflag conspiracy, or just straight up celebrate it.
/pol/ here.
I disavow it.
Mass shootings are not in any way a solution to the illegal immigration problem.
Actually, they are a solution, just not a good one.
then congrats on having a shred of empathy more than your brothers my man.
I like comics
I don't believe you mean it. Even Muslims give their money to support victims of violence, which is more tangible than anything you've shown us. Do you do anything other than shitpost about disavowing violence in one post and then endorsing it in another?
What an absolute chad
The shirt is made of shrinkwrap, duh.
Check my 7
Then explain and . Or do you want to continue to pretend these aren't funny either?
No, you removed the joke.
>Even Muslims give their money to support victims of violence
The first thing out of Muslim's mouths after the daily jihadist attack is "Fuck the infidels, I'm the real victim here, we might hypothetically face backlash for our assbackwards terrorist ideology!"
God, I hate how this board can never have a thread celebrating any webcomic without humorless bitches like you making a stink about it. I mean, in what universe are and obvious and unoriginal? Or ? Or ? Just fuck off.
Batman doesn't have a superpower. Superman does and is the most powerful being on the planet. Hence, him asking any normal person (much less a powerless "superhero") what power they could have IF they could have one is a massive dick move.
I'm sorry people don't like your mediocre comic
Your comic doesn't contain enough trannies for Yea Forumsmblr.
This universe.
You're not even worth arguing with.
Nigga are you blind? That's an orange basketball.
>brown hitler
It's a Jewish thing. You wouldn't understand, goy.
The joke is that Bruce Wayne dresses up in leather fetish gear and beats up on disabled people and retards.
Had a school teacher that unironically did this. Told us at the start of the year he kept his windows spotless wanting on if the local crows to fly into them. Showed us this long pole brush he bought to clean some of the he higher windows.
Spring quarter, mid-lecture
Teacher: what was that?
Student: a bird just rammed into one of your windows
Teacher: yes!
I feel like this is just a zig-zag ad. Like why be so specific on the type of papers?
But he does give money to charities tho..?
>Under the new name, Bruce started several campaings for charity to help those in need.
Have you ever seen a jew on Chanukah? They all look like that.
It's a satellite photo
These are all objectively funny:
Kill yourself.
Yes, that's literally what happened. How the fuck do you not immediately understand that time has passed? Because they're wearing the same clothes? It's a fucking webcomic.
Well this one is ripe for edits
I lol'd. Also, whoever this artist they're clearly influenced by John K's art style.
Uh huh
i do but i get off on that so
The Christchurch shooter's manifesto seemed more left-leaning too, and he made a point of saying he didn't support Trump.
What a sad way to cope.
Better punchline would be "Observation".
>The Pimp takes care of his wife and kids even though she looks like fucking Jabba the Hut
Is the pimp a decent person?
>The Christchurch shooter's manifesto seemed more left-leaning too
How fucking delusional are you.
This one reminds me of a Perry Bible Fellowship comic.
Now, there's only a 40% chance you start feeling better afterward, if you don't I'll give you a bigger dose.
oh wow it's this same "joke" i heard before every day for the past four years
quick someone compare blacks to animals so i can laugh twice as hard
>which is more tangible than anything you've shown us.
god, I hate how the left refers to themselves collectively as "us" and "we". Even when you're not talking about politics, you act as if there's only you (the normal, sane left) and everyone else (literally nazis).
mad tranny
see you in a year... oh wait
Leftists are the majority so they can say that.
I laughed.
>your comic
Unironically kill yourselves so future webcomic threads--not only Toonhole, but every goddamn joke comic thread on Yea Forums--can be spared your cynicism and lack of a sense of humor.
Glad you agree.
>wanting to kill all trannies but too much of a pussy to even fantasize about it, so you obsessively fantasize about them killing themselves instead
man this doesn't even have a punchline but i need to show my solidarity against blacks so i'm going to call it BASED and REDPILLED
No more delusional than you for thinking that only the right is capable of terrorist acts fueled by racism.
If anything it has a better punchline than the original, you philistine. The black guy calls the white guy a snake and the white guy calls the black guy a gorilla.
>Leftists are the majority
They actually believe this.
>Tranny is literally asking for someone to kill them
Nobody said that, they only said the pure objective fact that right wingers commit over 90% of terrorism in the US. How come you don't like statistics when it's about you?
What was the original?
Offering a frisbee in exchange for credit information.
Because it's disingenuous to include jihadis as if they're Republicans.
Oh, I LOVE that statistic, user. I think it's bullshit, but I'll gladly join you in celebrating it knowing full it well it incorporates alt-right attacks. I can't stop you from grouping the alternative right with the right, but it's a free country, user, believe whatever bullshit suits your narrative.
He was talking like a retard due to injuries. Took his brain a while to heal.
In the USA right wingers are usually pro-Israel and leftists cuddle up to anti-Semitic Muslims.
>expecting Yea Forums to read comics
Really, nigga?
I would’ve fucked her.
Funny but goddamnnnnnn
If trannies are so mentally sound and not at risk of killing themselves then why do they constantly demand that everyone support their degenerate lifestyle because they're so fragile and at risk of killing themselves?
that statistic treats anyone who uses a firearm as a right-winger even if they're a self-professed communist lmao.
>The alt-right isn't right wing
Now THIS is some galaxy brain shit.
well yeah, it's a bunch of larpers who refuse to adopt the third position label because they think they're 'special'.
It's literally in the name, you illiterate faggot: ALTERNATIVE right. They actively persecute right-wingers whose ethinicity or religious views they don't like. They are not Republican, which is you and I both mean when we say "right".
Maybe it's just because I spend too much time on the tubes, but when I think right-wing the first people I think of are Ben Shapiro, Paul Joseph Watson and Richard Spencer.
>Richard Spencer
Renowned and self-avowed white supremacist. It's fair to describe his views as similar to the alt-right, so sure, he fits that label.
>Paul Joseph Watson
I'll admit I don't know a lot about him, but Wikipedia says he no longer identifies as alt-right. From what I read there it seems he believes in some far right conspiracy theories, but he doesn't seem to believe in white supremacy and has apparently feuded with Richard Spencer.
>Ben Shapiro
100% Jew. The Jewiest Jew to ever Jew across America, and an actual target of the alt-right. In a 2016 analysis by the Anti Defamation League he received more antisemitic insults and threats from alt-right operatives than any other conservative news figure.
>Richard Spencer
>white supremacist
he's a federal agent and a literal faggot. he's also not a white supremacist, he's a pan-europeanist larper.
either you're an astroturfing kike or you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about and spout buzzwords you heard on CNN. I'm shooting for the latter.
Now this is funny
Why can't you enjoy 4-panel comics about the positioning of people in a hospital like a functional human being instead of having to robotically respond every fucking time with the same phrase you don't even find funny? Especially when context already blows into you that it is that comic?
>Black women force white women to prostitute themselves
What is he trying to say!
This version is better