Marvel's Spider-Man new episode preview

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I wanna take silver sable

>calling Sable a shrew
>going full Thot Patrol on Carolyn Trainer

Is Otto going to punch Black Cat in this?

So are they really going to have Peter "die" in Otto's body or is this a more kid-friendly mindswap story?

I fucking hate that people just saw pete as more competent when otto took over his body. No one recognized the difference. Why should I care about this show if it chooses to adapt the worst arc?

Peter's stuck in a robot.

Peter's mind is currently stuck inside the Living Brain so he's not going to die.

God, his voice is annoying.

Probably would be fine if it was just VA doing a more serious Peter voice instead of trying to mimic Otto's way of talking.

people really watch this shit?

>No one recognized the difference.
Plenty of people recognized the difference. Even WOLVERINE got it through his thick skull pretty quick. At issue was how they chose to investigate, ie contact nobody that knows how to run more than 3 scans or read the results they had (also Thor completely forgets he has a medical doctorate and is familiar with sufficiently advanced science and shit).

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Aunt May is immediately suspicious in one of the trailers and one of the episodes is about the Avengers finding out and trying to take him down.

There's not many options for good cape cartoons, especially since Young Justice, Rise of TMNT, and Big Hero 6 are on hiatus and Stretch Armstrong got canned.

Another clip

did it got good or something? Beacause I dropped a litte after everyone in new york got spider powers and mastered using them in 30 seconds. until that point the animation sucked, the voice acting, the dialong and the story, everything sucked

99% of the time he fooled everyone. Wolverine was suspicious in Superior Team Up and wanted his mind read but then Otto acted like Peter for a brief bit and stopped that from happening. Otherwise everyone just thought Peter was acting weird up until that point in your comic but then when he's cleared they just shrug and nobody thinks nothing of it until the Venom arc and then everyone calls him out on it. The worst part is how MJ and Aunt May didn't notice. Superior did the most damage to Spider-Man's supporting cast.

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I hope he says the line.

Honestly, none of that has changed. Biggest change is the science school is not longer as focused as before.


It is indeed SPOCK

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How are the cops going to rescue the people in that dangling ca-holy crap that reach

>Superior Spider-Man
>Peter is still a student
Soon much?

>Why should I care about this show if it chooses to adapt the worst arc?
Did they already adapt the Clone Saga?

They actually didn't. Unless you count Jackal cloning himself for his spider-army experiments.

Why is everyone so hung up on all these events happening while Peter is still a student. Spectacular Spider-Man did the black suit arc and Peter was still in high school in that continuity.

Because they seriously expect a cartoon show to pace itself like 30 years of comics.

Not that guy, but I suppose some people think it's a story suited for seasoned, experienced Spidey and Ock, rather than versions of them that haven't been active for more than a year.

Just like adapting Spider-Island was a weird-ass choice since it upped the stakes so high, so fast.


I think it's adorable

when will we get a cartoon where peter is actually an adult again


>Ock ridicules Uncle Ben's dumb "Great Responsibility" formula


Just saw it. It's super good. I'm loving it. Hoping for Spider-Arms on Otto's spider-suit

It's honestly funny hearing the VA trying to talk all sophisticated while keeping it Peter.

Superior Spider-Man starts now

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When he speaks it looks like they just selected his lower head and used the transform tool.
How can a modern mainstream show look this cheap?

Making cartoons has become very easy.

No because they're adapting new stories only, in other words just wanking Slott.

And yet Clone Conspiracy was written by Slott.

Agreed. It's cute

Its just annoying that you basically take peters best quality away immediately, his isolation from everyone. Say what you will about the venom arc in spectacular it really went well with peter always being alone, this and ultimate just invalidate peter immediately by having 3 more spider people in the first season

Best scene of the episode

Scott Menville is great in everything, you're wrong.

>you basically take peters best quality away immediately, his isolation from everyone.
1. That's not Peter best quality
2. You didn't even answer his question about getting mad because he was in highschool.

Yep! I love his take on Doc Ock. It's the highlight of the show!

>Otto making a quip about A.I.M and being very pleased about it.
Funny and adorable.

Who wishes to bang this Sable? Because she is sexy

Yeah this Sable is pretty hot.

I'd bang that Sable webbed up like that

Is this the show where Kamala and Peter pretended to be lovers? Because they should totally be lovers.

Fuck this voice. It's not a good fit at all.

wasn't this cancelled?

Are there going to be any MilesXAnya pics? Because thee needs to be one

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It was just on a long hiatus.

Wait, Oct is young in this universe.
So how's Pete going to bite the big one?

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Well obviously Peter isn't going to die since his mind is stuck inside Living Brain or whatever is remaining of it.

Well if Peter does return to his body. would we expect Otto to be the Superior Octopus instead? Still be a hero, but just being Ock

>Game Peter already knows about Superior thanks to Spider-Geddon
>Otto pulls Superior on Miles instead
>Players get to beat the shit out of Miles

Who is doing this?

How can a show go on that much of a hiatus and still look that awful?

>Just saw it. It's super good

I can't think of another mainstream show that's animated this badly.

Says you for someone who can't have fun

Why? It's good

This was a great episode. Can't wait for more SpOck

I'm looking for more Liz Allen in this season

Because the 90s show was the best

Same here!