What was up with those ghetto ass names?

What was up with those ghetto ass names?

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Holy fuck I never even noticed, also Austin was a faggot

Thicc black thot
Hispanic cholo
Fatass black bitch
Head nigga in charge

tasha is russian
tyrone is irish
Uniqua is about as ghetto as the names Gracie or Bella
Austin is English, though it may be more european than that
Pablo is from spain

>Thicc black thot
my dick's one weakness

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>Tyrone is irish

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>Uniqua is about as ghetto as the names Gracie or Bella

It really, really isn't. THose are like maybe a 3 on the ghetto meter at best since they're just the nicknames for Grace and Isabella used as full names, which is admittedly pretty ghetto, but Uniqua is like a 8.7. Since about the only thing more ghetto is Shaniqua or Shaniqua Naynay.


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Why is corrupting grace into Gracie any different from corrupting unique into uniqua?

Because grace is a name and unique isn't a name?

You have to excuse american whites, they think they know so much about European history only to fail miserably every time

Because Unique is not a fucking name.

I never noticed that shit


Idk, was the writer black or something?

Bitch! Pablo was the nigga in charge. get the fuck outta here.

Hispanic ghettos are still ghettos

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Austin is p white trash name

Could pass off as a wigger name.

Only difference is that 300 years ago some people decided to name their kids after biblical shit and Grace kept getting used instead of Temperance. Most names are arbitrary corruptions of old languages or history.

The fuck kind of name is "Uniqua"? Never thought I'd see a preschool cartoon character with such a ghetto ass name.

Austin is a turbo white trash name. If you name your kid Austin they will grow up playing with WWE action figures and have ICP posters plastering the walls of their trailer well into their 40s when they will ultimately die of overdosing on crystal meth.

The reason she's named Uniqua is because nobody knows what kind of animal she is

Furthermore, what kind of hellspawn creature is she supposed to be? The rest of them are recognizeable animals (Except Austin who's kind of ambiguous but I'd say he's a kangaroo)

You wanna say that again? We couldn't hear you.

Attached: backyardigans of destruction.jpg (1024x768, 187K)

Fuck, that looks way too good

requesting art of this

It's time.


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>reading Austin as Autism.


Pablo just isn’t a ghetto name period.
Pablo Picasso?