ITT: More Channel, it's never enough.
Channel edits: Sunday funday
Other urls found in this thread:
it begins (again)
i didn't even realized we reached bumped the last time
that's how successful channel is
how successful this...
Is Spinel the Kefka of SU?
Just going to repost this here, people have been asking about Pearlanon's art a lot. I've got a well sorted Mega of his works and I keep it as up to date as I can. It includes characters other than Channel, in SFW and NSFW situations. Also includes some of the OC gems he's drawn, such as Comfy Pearl, the Pearl next to Channel in this image. Enjoy, and if you want to keep track of his works easily, bookmark it. If it's his and it's SU related, I put it in the mega. If it gets colored by someone and I see it, in the mega. If it gets a tasteful edit, in the mega. Channel drawings will go in the Channel subfolder of the Spinel folder no matter who else is in them for ease of locating them.
New additions folder is emptied and sorted a few days after the end of each month.
Requesting this colored in please
Time for a drink!
Yes, please, repost everything pearlanon we love you, im still listening to the channel dream theme
That’s mega, user! teehee
Someday, these threads will end. People will move on. Drift away.
SHIT, forgot to spoiler
No need for a repost of everything when it's all conveniently sorted. Plus the mega has 772 files in it, and growing. Here, have something he did yesterday.
I want her puffy vulva and the nipple window reeeeEEEE
I doubt it.
Only was me and truthfully, I'm not a fan of image spamming. The only thing I'll post from now on (besides this post) will be something an user ITT inspires me to draw. I'll just be lurking in the background, participating in any fun discussion.
Spinel riding a merry go round because she deserve some fun
Others might, but I won't. Channel is best thing that came out of this board for me and I'm happy to be apart of it
checked and blessed
What if meido Channel straddles you while you play vidya? She gently caresses a finger up and down your spine suggestively while nibbling your shoulder, giggling as she can feel the slowly engorging bulge in your pants start to press into her soft crotch. Imagine she keeps doing this while you carry on playing vidya, teasing you. Soon she uses her stretchy tongue to pull out your dick and she leaves the tip resting at her opening. It’s hot and wet. She is patiently (and smugly) waiting for you to thrust, but you are using your willpower to stop. She knows this, and sighs with a flutter of laughter in her tone.
She does this all the fucking time, you haven’t managed to finish a game for months.
Channel enjoying a candybar.
>you haven’t managed to finish a game for months
that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make
Imagine you give in and thrust, but she preempted it. She pulls away and gives you a soft, playful bite on your neck, and snakes her tongue into your mouth for a passionate kiss.
”You want me? You gotta tell me you want me. Say it.”
ffs dude this is a blue board.
Spinel getting tangled in playground roundabout
as someone who was avoiding this board as to not have the movie spoiled until i watched i, (it didnt work) I finally got around to it. what are these channel edits exactly.
Hope this was what you had in mind user
More holiday Channel would be good. For Thanksgiving, maybe her pulling a turkey out of the oven would be nice. Or setting the table. Halloween is coming up soon. What would she dress as? Somehow I can imagine her doing Tinker Bell.
they are edits of spinel turning her into channel. it’s that simple.
lookin good. Well, not GOOD, but I think you hit the mark.
I kek'd loudly, good work user.
>Electroswing stops
Dear user who requested de familly kameha gif with channel and user, im sorry but the lights went out and i didn't save because im a double retard, i'll try to finish it quickly sorry for the delays
thanx user this give me a chuckle
Who's her vergil?
Ain’t no problem, user. I’ll wait 6000 year if have to, keep up the good work.
>What did they expect?
Cheer up clover cut.
"You can hide that body, but the faggotry? Whoo! There's no covering up."
What are the chances that this will make it on the Channel the Movie soundtrack?
Who's who?
>We're Goku
>Channel is Gohan
He's really fucking small, who's gonna be goten?
Stevanon of course
shouldn't we be gohan?
channel coming from the sky to help us sounds better imo
fuck off
She looks like she's enjoying playing floor noodle, I feel Steveanon is overreacting.
That's amazing user. nice job
.... thanks?
fuck...ok that...i kinda like that idea
>tfw you don't get the reference
I can't believe it has 113 plays. I'm pretty sure there's an user listening to it on loop and it kinda makes me feel like I might not have done as bad a job on it as I thought.
Ah. Thanks. Never played a Devil May Cry game.
that's so fucking cute user.
i heard it a few times it's a really interesting song, feels weirdly comfy idk how to explain it because im dumb
>He never played wacky woohoo pizza man
Oh No user! you're missing on a lot of stupid shit
if you ever want to play it just play either 3 or 5 there's not too much story
Tis pretty fun and dumb shit, but nothing too crazy, ok it is pretty crazy, but you'll live.
>wacky woohoo pizza man
This is what came to mind.
pretty much, but edgier, and he actually loves pizza
I liked it enough to download it. It's not a drawing, but it's going on the Mega. This image is cute by the way, love her shy expression.
Pearlanon if you're doing requests later could you do an user reaching out to Channel trying to convince her to stop the injector?
You just don't stop impressing me with those expressions i love them and by proxy, you.
Good grief user. You've never played dmc?
I can't believe jotaro was an unlockable character in DMC 5
Channel bless you, meganon. I love you
I think that channel SUCKS
Thanks for making this drawing user, it makes my stomach all tingly and happy
I have a great need for all of these channels to be colored
thanx user , i am going to save that feeling...happiness...thanks user
Say it again and see what happens...
Kinda sad mods don't care enough about Yea Forums to ban generals like this
This one's definitely subpar.
>every time
s-stop it..this SUCKS
>Ban good clean fun
>Autism is almost completely contained and hasn't gone sour or nuclear
Well hey, the vast majority of Yea Forums is made up of dogshit content anyway, so why complain? What, you want to discuss Korra or The Loud House some more?
what are you going to do, ask channel to hug me to death?
yes actually
trips confirm it
Death by hug hug
Last thread was artifically fast because of the GET frenzy
I think your trips SU-
Requesting Groovin' Channel
She will do that
Reminder that every thread has been blessed by Channel
It'll take a while, but I'll get it done user.
Guys, what if Punished Channel happily stroking the small baby bump of her belly
>Murdering Channel
Greg pls leave
It's a sweet sensation over the dub
Oh, what a situation that don't wanna stop
No Bane edits?
then I'll keep telling her that she SUCKS til she let go off me
spinel wearing this dress
There are two kinds of anons...
Channel will survive impregnation because she knows it’s your fetish and loves you
Exactly what I was thinking. Wonderful
Pregnancy doesn't mean death for a gem, Rose wanted to give her gem up. Gems have the choice to pass their stones along or not. If they really wanted to, gems could find a way to give a kid a gemstone without sacrificing the mother.
Protect until old enough to be a waifu
Love these, but I must disagree with the two types image. Where's the third type, "just wants to be her friend and have fun"?
appreciate it mate
it''s so hard to choose
>Why not both?
Another gem, pearlanon.
Husbanons are chads
That's a lesser dadanon or a cooluncleanon.
oh fuck, drawfags pls...
Cute, but you really think Channel has no female fans?
anoter homerun by pearlanon, i kinda want to know, What's the pearl in pearlanon?
does it have something to do with pearl from SU or is it unrelated?
She does have female fans
No females exist here, only traps
what if i wanna protecc AND fucc? husbands protect their wives and wives also protect their husbands. and they fuck.
What if i want to protect the corrupted one and fuck the base one?
i want to hug her so bad, should we just freezer ourselves until waifus are abailable?
Protect or Fug applies to them too
Nop , i have two x chromosomes and i like her
Let's accept it, both options apply to everyone...we want to protect her and fug her
user...When you're on Yea're a man
So you're one of those XXY freaks, eh?
This is still my favorite picture
nop , just two x chromosomes and nothing else
Best one so far thanks user
How many times must I say SHE CUTE
Why does SU work so well with Anime References?
Fuck...forgot to attach image.
W-what do you mean user?
Why did Channel cut off her lower two twintails?
s-still no!
holy based, that's amazing user.
She's trying to intimidate you
Yes, yes she is.
he largg
Because they’re both for babies
Spinnel with boobs...huh...interesting
He's drawn a lot of Pearls and got that name in /sug/. If he ever wanted a new name, I'd address him differently to his wishes.
Oooh, very nice, she looks ready for a date there, but also annoyed. Like she's having to wait for someone. Don't keep her waiting anons.
When I first glanced at this image I thought she was holding a giant schlong, what have I become?
This but with Spinel and Channel reacting to their punished versions.
our brain is corrupted, user, we can never go back
Draw pregnant punished channel happily stroking her baby bump
She has stretchy powers, so it's bound to happen. I'm sure she can stretch herself elsewhere as well
Then I will leave the collective consciousness of Yea Forums forever
Here's a better more readable version
>ywn tell spinel you don't want to be her friend
>ywn hear her laugh, thinking it's a funny joke
>ywn see her pupils shrink to the realization of pure silence
>ywn let her skip a heart beat, forming a small gasp escaping from her mouth
>ywn see her face immediately reaching in front; having big eyes having swelling tears
>Spinel could effectively vore you if she wanted to
>Th-that's not funny...user
>that's not funny at all-
>Implying it would be the other way around as she begs you to chew her ass like gum
>"Sike! It's just a prank bro!"
>Her face contorts in several emotions.
>"user! What the absolute fuck is wrong with you!"
channel would say that.
i like to imagine channel is just spinnel but she's been living with us in Yea Forums for some time so she curses quite a bit
is there like an arcive or something were i can find all this guys art?
I would love to hear Channel use modern swear words whilst also keeping her 30s lingo
>Diamonds never come to earth
>Channel decides to just leave steven and crew to find someone and explores the world
>We find her somewhere and become friends
>She lives with us and learns to browse Yea Forums
Has anyone done this one yet? I'd greatly appreciate either Spinel, or Channel.
You could literally grab a handful of her ass and stretch just that handful to chew on it with a pink strand hanging out of your mouth like the long long man commercials
imagine you could use ctrl + f
A random doodle idea that popped into my head.
>gee user you sure are a cuck
>ywn tell her that that was just a joke
>ywn hug her after that while she start crying of joy and then the two of you smile
>ywn experience pic related
what color are those suits user?
>the white background
Pretty based though
ok now this is epic
They are the gems in black.
they look so goddamn cool, i love them even more now
“Ya gonna nut inside me or what, bo?”
I'm smiling and feeling genuinely happy.
What if you are a dadanon for Punished Spinel. Because she doesn't stop being worth protecting when she changes and evolves
>Golly gee that guy was a real nigga .
Channel edit when
Headcannon adopted.
>bank heist scene featuring Spinels
Very different, but the pose/position of the two made me think of pic related
I Love MIB 1 and saw it like a 100 times because they used to air it ever fucking day
are the other ones worth watching?
“You’re a cool cat, but you’re still a fucking winged faggot.”
>"oh ho? Are you singing?"
>he actually did it
MiB 2 is ok, MiB 3 is shit, MiB 4 is fucking awful.
I liked this one
>Yeah, I can't redeem your ass if I don't sing enough
>Gee willikers user that guy is a fucking manlet look at him'
>"my user...sss"
MIB was my favorite movie as a kid. Watched it every chance I could. The second movie is good. Not anywhere near the level of the first one. The third one... Well. It's not the worst movie. You could watch it without thinking you wasted your time, but you might not exactly be happy you did. I refuse to see the new one.
well then...guess im sticking to 1 kek.
Can we make this canon, and expand it further?
>well I'll be a monkeys uncle that's a real twink, what fag.
I’ll expand you further
DUDE, Same! i loved the first one i watched it every time it was on tv!
I guess i can give 3 a try thanks user, this was a comfy interaction
>Just can it, wontcha
>You will never walk with Channel/Spinel in the beach
Can we get channel praying
>Woowiee user look at that Nig-
>You put your face over her mouth
>Ch-channel we can't say that in public!
>Wah-but we say it everytime online, i thought saying that was based!
>Everyone stares at you
dubs of depression
>Golly user, I thought you were kidding when you said they glow in the dark!
you guys didnt seem to appreciate my picture of spinel sitting on a bench
so here's something else
MiB 2 doesn’t break too much from the formula, but the bad guys suck and the movie’s script isn’t as good.
Number 4 is retarded. She’s a plucky girl who basically gets everything handed to her. Barely has to work for it, gets into huge gunfights in public and hardly gets a reprimand, gets all the cool guns right at the beginning, is super smart and knows everything ever, but also has good instincts so she’s perfecter than perfect, the bad guys are lame, and other grating things. Avoid.
Tape a couple of these to your feet and you'll get half the experience
>your face over her mouth
that's kissng user
I'd be scared if she started browsing Yea Forums and watching rekt videos
Nah it's just a mouth hug
mr anderson
>check it out check it
>Taking eating ass to a whole new level
Why do I feel threatened
Makes me want to watch it again actually. Channel brings the comfy, I'm just glad to be here to enjoy it. Good talking to you bud.
nice pic, user, can you make a channel version?
>you guys didnt seem to appreciate my picture of spinel sitting on a bench
I didn't get the reference...
Keep it that way.
Very pleasing make more
>Pardon My French, user, but that guy is a faggot!
Its a reference to this silly user
very 80s relax ad me like what me see
>Hey Channel have you seen the hamster lately
>Microwave starts beeping
Yes, this.
And nothing else.
please tell me this isn't an edit
im working on one
>"Symptoms may include gem erosion, lost sense of time, depression, heart swelling, seizures, and in many cases death"
You should draw Channel and the other Spinels working at Subway
Yea Forums LOVES subway
It’s not.
I definitely wanna see that
delivery, ill do a quick sketch before bed if i get a request
K-kono spinel da... kono spinel da!
>ywn see rolling tears that seeps from her red, swollen eyes
>ywn watch her trembling arms outstretch themselves; forming slimy spiraled loops as her head bows down
>ywn hear her voice cracking, barely able to hold it all in while she bawls
>ywn see her face switches to various emotions of sadness, anger, disgust
>ywn let her experience all the flashbacks over and over again
>ywn repeat your sentence again
>ywn tell spinel that you don't want to be her friend anymore
>ywn tell her one more time as a big hand grasps your arms, desperately pulling you closer to her
>ywn experience her mutterings; barely able to say anything at all while she wants one, final hug
>ywn cast it aside
We all got the idea of sharing a comfy bed with spinel
But what if spinel was the comfy bed
>user, what does based mean?
>Oh it's..a way of saying something is good or worthy of paise, something like that
>Woah user this hamburgers are based
>Woah user this cushion is really based
>user you're based
>ok you actually used it correctly this time!
>This bar of soap is tasty and based!
Channel handing user warm milk before bed
You're hurting my stomach user.
>ywn pull out a ring
user stopping Channel from saying the N-word in public because she browses Yea Forums and doesn't know any better!
im happy to hear this thanks user
based newfag channel
>Channel, please
>whoa this comment is based! s-should I post that?
>if you want
>Oh, I got a reply! It says... based retard
>Wait, I dongetddit. why is he saying I am based if I am also retahded? Don’t they contradict themselves?
>That’s kind of the point of that reply, Channel.
>Di-did he just... insult me?
>Hmph! Let’s see how he likes my wojak!
i like this
Well user if we're gonna be an asshole we can take it even further how about this
>ywn love her and spend all your life with channel
>ywn spend every single day of your live making her happy
>ywn become old and sick as she watches without being able to help
>ywn see her face as you fall into the abyss of death and she cries your name while her gem heart breaks in sheer suffering and despair for her loving one
Holy fuck user, you're killing me
Please. More.
Channel edit now.
Does any user have a png of Spinels gem?
>Oh, user! I got another reply.
>His text is all green and there’s an arrow. Why did he call me a... greater than wojakposter? Does the arrow mean my comment was good?
>No, Channel. He’s “implying” you.
>Basically, most people hate wojakposting, so he’s calling you out on your “faggotry”.
>This place sure is weird. Should I call him a niggah?
>That’s usually the next stage of this form of argument, yes.
>Ok! Now we wait and... presto! He replie-DAMMIT HE POSTED THAT FUCKING GREEN FROG AT ME AGAIN
>oh ho are you gonna shitpost?
>user look! someone posted a funny image
>It's the fucking banana
>Everyone seems to love it so many anons are posting it!
>She's so happy you can't possibly tell her that is ironic shitposting and that the banana is actually unfunny shit
>you laugh with her looking at bananas
>greater than wojakposter
my sides
i hate all of you, but i hate myself even more, for laughing so much at this shit, fuck you
>should i call him Niggah?
Is the implication that this is innocent/loving/stupid channel lapsing into punished channel with that last line?
I've figured color editing! Truly my progress goes in leap and bounds.
i don't see why not
itsu demo I love you kimi ni Take kiss me...
Here's one
Where is my pregnant Channel?
Love her little tongue sticking out, nice work Pearlanon. try not to stay up too late.
we all gotta start somewhere user, you did a good job
my sides, user, you better stop
What did he mean by this?
Ah thanks, this will be perfect for the simulator
are you rea-dy?
I love you pearlanon you're amazing never stop being so awesome and imaginative
No, no more
fug I wish I could animate
[Spoiler]Don't worry user, it's gunna be the last one
love this Spinel Pearlanon, she looks like she's singing her heart out. No pun intended.
She's in your mind and your dreams user, just like pregnant Spinel is in mine. Go to her, she's waiting for you. I'll visit my own pregnant gem dream soon.
>ywn feel your swishing arm casting her last grasp aside
>ywn realize the tips of her fingers almost giving up with a twitching force as her mouth drops in despair
>ywn shrug off the thought, walking away to only get that annoying feeling of being touched by her again
>ywn turn your head, looking at the miserable face washed with tears that cries out to you
>ywn tell her that you never wanted her in the first place
>ywn tell her that you found a new friend, someone better than she'll ever be
>ywn see her cries stop; having her stretched limbs drop on the ground along with her knees
>ywn witness the sweet silence once more as her pupils twitch rapidly as sweat rolls down her face
>ywn see her mouth twists into a large smile, showing all of her teeth while laughing furiously
>ywn hear spinel speaking to herself, assuring that it's all a nightmare
>ywn see spinel hitting herself across a wall, hoping that she'll wake up
>ywn tell her that it's not a dream, but this is reality; the truth
>ywn see her stop, one more time
Please don't bully me spinel-chan.
I feel like she's dancing, moving her hips from left to right, some sort of white cat man, am i correct? a-non?
Is Comfy Pearl female or male?
one last job...
Shit I need a version of this now
ok, now it started being funny. how far can we take it?
>ywn come back as a ghost to haunt her every time she stops thinking about you for even second
>ywn see her start to find someone years later only to haunt her and remind her of you so she has to say no and be alone forever
gems are sexless, user
I mean, the lyrics are from fukkiretta
Now this makes me want something inspired by this
Alright, which one of you was it?
based pearlfag
my drive is dead so have mercy on my paint drawing
Holy shit user...this...i think this is one of the first youtube videos i ever saw, that's some nostalgia right there, im gonna have to hear it now
W-what is that expression channel?..
is it love or disgust?
>Implying that's not the DOSE
user's been sick for a few days now and channel is a bit drained from taking care of him, even if it's out of love
This is nice. Thank you, user.
>ywn be sick around Channel
>Channel won't gently read to you your favorite threads while you're in bed
>Channel will never reach in her noodly hand to check your forehead while she's in the other room
>Channel will never fight gently with you over you refusing to take the disgusting medicine even if it will help you
>ywn see Channel's bright smile when she sees her favorite shitposter all better.
This is amazing thank you for fulfilling my request
Last hoorah
wow that's awesome
See user im not crazy! Y-you're crazy! there's the cat!
>She will never take your temperature
righteous shit my man
Of course there's the cat. That's why I posted it
>I had the exact same thought when writing that
what if I animate this?
Then the world would be a little less sad
she is married to user. they eventually have a hybrid child named "Cerise"
Well you'll make at least three of us in this thread glad you did.
taking requests
>just like always, i love you!
>take me away with your kiss
>i will never forget you, my precious memory
Truly a song for Channel
chanel kissing spinel
Spinel getting tangled in a playground roundabout
user stopping Channel from saying the N-word in public because she browsed Yea Forums and doesn't know any better
Well, at least I got an instrumental out of seeing that post. Was the instrumental included in the CD or was it recreated?
Channel and user playing D&D, with Channel getting upset that user isn't taking her campaign seriously
Yo, haven't posted anything new today at all. Kinda hit burn out a couple of days ago after drawing all those Channels.
Just gonna reopen requests. Gonna keep it slow.
Why are chest gems so lewd
Channel sleeping in a bed looking very comfy
>have mercy
It's fantastic, user! I love it. I'm glad my scribbles could inspire you to draw something!
i have a no-text if anyone wants it
Channel with a chessboard and yarn asking
>Is this what you meant by "board" and "threads"?
or just anything kinda comfy
channel getting nerd rage
Can you do Channel doing something similar to the "best friend" pose from the movie, except instead of saying best friend it says "based user" or something?
actually..the text is perfect but post it anyways!
based user, thanks for all your hardwork in the previous threads!
>Breaking out of my pain
>Nothing ventured – nothing gained
>I’m my own master now
>Bear the mark of my scars
>Shedding blood underneath the stars
>But I will survive somehow
user this is really fucking good.
Good job
i like it this way
If you can write greens why not just write a good one? It's really that simple if you want to be recognized
user and Stevanon coming back home from a night at the bar to Channel doing something kinky
Can someone make channel eating cake? Because that's what I'm doing at 1:30 in the morning.
original source:
Just wanting to say thanks for all you've done! Love your work. You deserved a break why haven't you been posting before this, you're amazing
Now you see why I offered up the Mega of his art at the start of the thread. It gets bad at night in /trash/.
user, are you ever going to stop listening to it?
fuck that's based user
S-so this is the power of getting inspired by pearl user
Could I ask for a Jannel riding her broom, like a witch? I appreciate your work!
That reminds me, has this been edited for channel yet?
So what the fuck is Channel. Like I get Spinel + Yea Forums(nel) but why is this a thing?
Never ever
Thank you so much user you have brought me happiness and laughs
Man... comfy pearls a cute gal where her gem?
Because we are enjoying ourselves.
im not stopping , i might create an account just to give it a heart or whatever you do in soundcloud.
i love it, it sounds like some sad castle level from a psx rpg, no wait. actually it reminds me of a song from Digimon World for psx...or maybe im crazy idk but i love the song!
punished channel edit when
On her chest user. Much like Spinel and Channel's gems are.
Obviously but how/why did this start?
No but I drew it.
I haven't visited Yea Forums for so long, but since channel/spinel. I'm lurking more often.
feels like good times of /su/ and /sug/.
Keep up the good work everyone.
i love her fucking face user nice job
Channel is a gamer?
she's been living with us for some time and we're showing her how to use Yea Forums but doesn't realize she can't say it outisde the site, that's the current canon...apparently, idk
How'd you know?
Well she was about to say the gamer word
>"You don't understand, Steven brought the gems into society! We now live in a society!"
>"Channel please calm down, you don't know wh-"
I need spinel with a gun aimed at steven saying "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE" now
This, right?
Yeah, but with a hard ch, like check.
I'm gonna eat this whole fucking cake.
Looks like Channel had too much happy juice
Remember to sleep early anons, channel wouldn't want you to get sick!
Channel kissing CG pearl for user
>in panties
>on my bed
>it'll never happen
why must I suffer so?
Cakes are not for fucking, user.
Do you want this cake?
Requesting channel edit of this
>Channel: Get some rest user, you deserve it.
>Punished Channel: Stay up and shitpost waifus, fag.
fug u punished channel i'm sleep
What would Channel taste like? Mint chip? Sour apple?
Like a sparkling glass of Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.
Sour apple sounds perfect
gorilla spinel
>mint chip
sweet channel
>sour apple
punished channel
Punished channel continues to be the most based version
spinel bouta twerk
Wait... she got some good cushin' there. How did I not notice before? All ass, no tits. Mama likes...
I just figured out that Spinel's story can be summed up by sour patch kids
this thread is CRINGE
Thank you so much for sharing your opinion user! Channel loves to hear what you think!
>trips of love canceling out dubs of hate
our girl truly is blessed
Based Channel poster telling it how it is
Why do I like this pink and sometimes green idiot?
The frame a second later with her hands on her cheeks would have worked better.
Like this?
I thought I left this chapter of my life in the past...
In the process of drawing yours right now, gonna draw her a friend though.
You mean the "Your new best friend Spinnel" bit?
Thank you for the support. Make's me happy knowing that people enjoy my work.
You got it chief!
Do the impossible, break the unbreakable?
>nobody wants to draw baby bump channel
feels batman
She's really cute and silly and is one of the most unique characters to come from the SU series. She's more sympathetic than the rest of the gems and has one of the most realistic reasons for being so crazy and filled with hate. Mommy pink went to get cigarettes and never came back. Fuck her.
Also she's based on Rubber Hose animation. She's perfect by default just for that.
And to top it all off? A majority of Yea Forums relates to her. Because she reminds us that some of our friends abandoned us or just stopped talking to us too. She's one of the best things to happen to Yea Forums.
is there a spinel version of this?
Sorry, but I'm pretty tipsy
but what about baby bump spinel?
But it's right there
>hey its me ur daily dose of channel
no it's channel you dumb.
It's alright, it's still pretty good work. Don't force yourself past your limits Pearlanon, but also have fun. I know my limits, I'll catch any others you happen to post tomorrow. Night night channelfriends.
>You mean the "Your new best friend Spinnel" bit?
pic related
>preggo tiddies
Very nice.
just erase the extra hair lines and look, pregnant Spinel. Not Pearlnanon, sorry if it bugs you when people remove lines from your work.
>You mean the "Your new best friend Spinnel" bit?
pic related
yeah, think I'll call it a night myself. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so be sure I'm ready to draw Spinel and Channel dressed up in cute Halloween costumes.
In the meantime, goodnight, channelfriends. I love you.
Didn't ask for this, but this is cute! Every drawing you post is gold every time
I need a comfy spinel/channel sleeping image to post for moments like these
So what happens to Yotsuba? Does she disappear like moot?
I miss you in /trash/sug/
rest well. Hope you'll drop some lewds off in /aco/ sometime, or somewhere.
guess what user? there was one on the mega.
I havent slept since the last thread, im actually dying
I actually spent the whole day yesterday drawing a comic of the whole scene with Steveanon as Spongebob and Yea Forumsnrad as the random fish but Windows updated while I was in the shower. Gimp doesn't autosave and I only manual saved while doing the initial linework. I'm super cut up about it and I'm not going to redo it.
You know what? You're okay, Rebecca Sugar.
Should always save when you go away from the computer, user.
Reminder that Saccharine said Spinel is toxic and she wanted her to be frustrating.
reminder that she's right
Yeah but she's also made to be relateable and likable.
>Wake up in the morning, have to wait 30 min~1 hour for Spinel to wake up so she can untangle her arms from you
Sounds comfy
>Spend the morning convincing her that just because you were mean to her in a dream it doesn't mean you're going to leave her
>Drive her to her therapy session. She keeps trying to convince you that she's all better and doesn't need therapy anymore
Worth it
>Can't take her out to eat at a restaurant because she'll spend the entire time making sure you don't look at anyone else
Implying I would look at anyone else
>Follows you to the bathroom and stands by the door until you're finished with your business
>CONSTANT need to console and comfort her, will call you up in the middle of work to ask if you still love her
>Will hate every single friend you have, won't accept that you're capable of having more than one friend and that it's her
I don't have friends
>Will burst into tears in the middle of normal conversations because she's suddenly convinced she doesn't deserve you and that she's dragging you down
Literally me
>If you ever turn her down for physical affection or sex because you're too tired/busy then she'll overthink it and become convinced you don't love her anymore
If you don't give your gf a quick cunnilingus then you don't love her.
>Almost certainly going to stop taking her medication at some point and become even more violent/emotional at the tiniest thing
You have to be there for her anywag
>If you ever do try to break up with Spinel then get ready to have her show up at your door for weeks, will stalk you online for months/years
Why the fuck would I do that?
>threats of suicide, threats of murder, threats of murder/suicide, etc, etc
Clearly a sign that I need to be a better boyfriend.
based copypastanon
user no you're not supposed to be nice.
>Not supposed to be nice
>In a Channel thread
I'm sorry user, but you have it backwards! Kindness is heavily encouraged. But it's fine if you don't feel like being nice. Channel gets that life can be hard for you and it's even harder to be nice.
We need more Channel bullying Reddet
Is it wrong i waifu both spinel and pearl? and zone-tan
I only just started drawing for these threads, I guess I learned that lesson the hard way.
At least you know now, user.
I want to draw some Spinel expressions! What haven't we seen yet?
You know that people in a relationship talk, right?
Spinel has some issues, but she's not 100% delusional, I'm sure she'd listen if you'd tried to communicate.
That's more of a comfy sharing the bed pic than a comfy sleeping pic
God damn it. You're right user.
I haven't been impressed with Zone's work in a long time.
Thank you for posting what you did make. I appreciate it bud.
Even babby spinel listened when steven told her to not do things (like her shaking him when they first met). Pink was just too much of a bitch to teach spinel that a good balance of work and play is healthy
The character zone-tan can still be appreciated in isolation from her origin
For future works, is there a plugin for GIMP that autosaves?
are you OK?
Another drawfag here, taking some quick requests. I should warn you though, my drawings lately have been feeling quite cursed, sturgeon's law and whatnot.
draw spinels feet
I demand the most cursed image you can conjure and I want it right now
Spinel/Channel saying, "You worked hard today, it's ok to rest now."
Mostly represent the old stuff and the animations I grew up during high school days
Make spinel look like this, please
Ah yes, the image that made me relapse into alcoholism when it was posted in good times
if not for the fact and anyone and everyone linked to shitven universe are pure turbo asscancer, id actually jerk off to these waifus
This with Spinel.
Damn user
Alcoholics rise up
>anons of Yea Forums thought the movie's gonna suck ass
>turned out to be decent; or they enjoyed it because they relate so much to the main antagonist
>Spinel is best girl. Nay! She is /our girl/
>draw anons join in on the party
>first few threads were blessed with constant GETs (there were 2 quads in a row)
>It's meme magic, isn't it? Isn't it meme magic?
>she's a fina addition to the OC Yea Forumsllection, she's a perfect cut s well
quite a surprise, and wouldn'r it be funny and ironic if she actually becomes an official mascot (at least on Yea Forums in one year)?
These threads are so fucking wholesome Yea Forums you make me happy
It's great to hear that you're happy user! I hope these threads will continue to make you happy for a long time!
This gave me a good chuckle.
Up to no good
A+ work user, got a good kek out of me
And it all started with this
And really got rolling with this
Channel is the embodiment of love of course it's all we be.
I am glad I could share this with you, fellow channon.
what should be on the cap?
i was thinking 9999999
I bet all this attention will just make Spinel's inevitable abandonment to the waifu wastes and introduction to all of Yea Forums's past and forgotten waifus hurt her all the more.
Requesting channel in green pantsu.
The threads may or may not die out, but my love for her won't.
sad reminder
>Spinel when user goes to bed
this is a really good one
Channel pick-pocketing
Requesting a picture of Spinel/Channel on the couch with user unable to reach the remote because her arms have circled him in a hug like 30 times.
Would be fine without the gay “noone” reddit meme
channel replacing richard dawson?
or fuck anything with channel on Match Game '74
fuck you I choked on my drink
Excellent work as always user, you make me very happy
omg. uguys. omg. omg. omg.
i just realized.
Bender might be ideal for trace-overs.
Very cute user. Thank you for sharing. Your work is a treasure.
forgot a layer that was turned off.
I'm thinking of getting a saiga or pic related but pump action version.
Which one fits channel more?
Requesting Channel edit of this
i chuckled
>497 replies already
jesus bros
>threads picking up speed every day
i spent way to much time on this crappy picture, its a proof of concept for any draw friends that want to pick it up.
user's in here really need to stop saying their art is shit. The fact that they cared enough about Channel, that they felt enough of a spark in their heart to make something, even if it's just a bunch of green scribbles on a paper is amazing. I'm so happy you shared this drawing of yours. I don't even get it, but it makes me smile and laugh. Thank you for bringing this light into my life user. It looks great. I hope you continue making whatever it is you love to make and keep improving no matter what.
What is this?
bless you user
I can't get dubs unless I post on Yea Forums
Apologies if you feel disappointed that I lumped you all into 1 image. I still wanna do more request and I don't wanna take waste too much of everyone's time.
>spinel feet
fucking based
It's aight user, you did well
Ooooooo, very cool looking art style user. So expressive!
My selection of gets: gotta check 'em all!
I excluded a few just to make this post shorter
Thanks, always felt insecure since my artstyle isn't exactly "pretty", especially when everyone else has been posting some GORGEOUS channels here.
Her face just before she snaps breaks my heart
thanks based check poster
Confusion followed by pure rage, why can’t the rest of the show have this good animation
I mean, most of the complaining I've been seeing is that the characters are off model and the action is weak. I think the facial expressions have always been on point.
I don’t think it was confusion. It was the dawning finality that she really had been forgotten, that her existence to the only person that mattered was no longer. And the spark that ignited her rage was Pearl mentioning nothing about her.
>page 7
oh fuck guys
This threads been up for less than 12 hours.
It's quite exciting that things have sped up so much.
So, time for a new thread then.
wait 'till we get to at least page 9 as always
Fuck. there's no greater high then the daze from just after you wake up.
busting a nut deep inside a raw cunt after she begs you for it comes pretty close
Hey, pretty good, friend