Could anyone defeat him?

Could anyone defeat him?

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What if Buu absorbs Doomsday?

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*blocks you're path*

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Litterally no one could beat him

What's with the shoes?

jesus christ how horrifying

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Oh shit nigga got the tims

Would he be weak to radioactive rocks created from the destruction of planet Vegeta?

Why can't weebs fuck off?

this board is an Yea Forums colony

Yes. Plenty of characters.

>Could anyone defeat him?
Batman with prep time

>I literally cannot stop bringing up Goku v Superman in one form or another
I'll kill you

At least weebs actually watch cartoons and read comics unlike the Yea Forums crowd.

Even Seth has admitted Superman would win.

What if Buu absorbs Kirby?

>blocks his path
>snaps fingers
>dream wins

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Jack Chan, in a ladder, chair, and table factory, juggling a baby and very fragile chinese artifact, while not wanting no trabble.

He’s just gonna Punch his way out

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I honestly hope we get a DBZ/DC or Superman crossover just so we could get something like this.

Here’s a fancomic

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Thank you Powerman.

Suuuuuuuuperman could

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Anyone multiversal or higher

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But planet Vegeta got full on deathballed to dust... He's fucking invincible!

Shut up. This is the closest we've had to Yea Forums and Yea Forums getting along. Let this last a bit.

What's with the pictures of a horrified crash bandicoot in the back ground

I can't fathom why Superman would want to fuse with someone significantly weaker than him. It's like if you have a million dollars and I have a thousand. If we join out bank accounts you're going to get practically nothing.

Fusion multiplies I think.

Wouldn't having a symbiote be a liability?

>being this new

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Okay OPM, but what about Crablante?

its a bump in power regardless AND now he has access to power multiplying saiyan forms

I think that'd only work inside the Dreaming. Dream is powerful yes, but I don't think we've seen him come up against a superhuman in the waking world. Then again being Saiyan or Kryptonian probably doesn't mean too much to Dream compared to actual gods.

Kryptonians and Saiyans can beat up Gods though.

Other way around.

Everyone calls you sunflower

Its insulated by the buu.
Or it adapted.

Saiyans can become gods

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Dream creates Gods

This multiversal gigachad

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Loses to Superman alone

Dream is the kind of thing that Gods answer to.

lmao supes could knock his fucking block off

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>Uses ki insead of sun.
>Gets much stronger. (Obviously Superman is stronger than a sun ray.)
>Convert energy to Ki. With spirit bomb shit?
>Omnipotence definitely.

Freiza who keks

Superman has no more ki than an average person, the fusion wouldn’t have much synergy.

technically correct, but his Ki is quite a fair bit more powerful than the average person. If he trained it, he'd be incredibly strong. The chinese guy who absorbed New 52 Supermans Ki got a whole bunch of powers. Worth a read.

..and because post crisis and new 52 superman were one and the same at one point and recently rejoined again, Superman should be capable of everything Kong Kenan can do. With the training and understanding of Ki that Goku has, this fusion would be able to use it to the full extent immediately. Magic blasts, magic immunity, dimensional travel, telekinesis, ability to turn into a ghost form. Throw all that ontop of the standard Superman and Goku powersets and he'd be insane.

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But that doesn't make any sense.
Doctor Manhattan came into existence by having his intrisic field subtracted, which is basically being annihilated (I am guessing it's a suppression of the strong nuclear force) and repeating the experience did nothing.
What can Superman possibly do? Punch him really hard? Hit him with super-hot eye beams?

Of course the series rightly establishes Superman as a hypercausalic linchpin for the Multiverse.

And I guess another version of him could literally punch reality...

>post crisis and new 52 superman were one and the same at one point and recently rejoined again

Is that really what happened, though. Superbro died and turned to ashes and his power went into Kenan.

I really need to re-read that. Although I have little hope of it making sense this time.

Yeah Superman has played in power tiers he rightly shouldn't have, many times. To say him doing something "doesn't make sense" is just setting yourself up for being wrong. Not that he actually will fight the Doc, but you get the point. If he REALLY needed to, he could do it.

So this takes a bit of explanation, but it's not overly complicated. It's not you missunderstanding Kenans series, it's I think you lack info on the Superman recent history.

"Post Crisis" Superman, right between the point where he was sent to the saved worlds that Telos watched over in Convergence and the point where the New 52 started, was "split" into two by Doctor Manhattan. One became New 52 Superman and the other went on believing he was still Post Crisis and for all intents and purposes he mostly was, just missing a part of himself.

Why the Doc did this has yet to be established. However, an amusing tidbit is that if the Doc did not do this, there would not have been a "Superman" in the New 52 at the start.

So New 52 did his thing for a while, until he died. Indeed his spirit/power went to Kenan, however at the same time, "Post Crisis" had been living in the New 52 canon for several years. When New 52 died, PC Supes interacted with his essence and reabsorbed part of it. This fucked him up and Swap Thing had to help him get get used to it.

A little while later however, during a confrontation with Mxy, Superman (and Lois btw) met the spirits of their New 52 counterparts and full merged back with them.

So right now there is no difference at all between the current Superman and the one that existed as the current one from 1986 through to 2011. If he's not the longest lasting 'canon' superman, then he's gotta be getting close.

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I see... Hmm.

Also original supes was from 1938 to 1985 (if we assume Silver Age Supes was someone else. He didn't die or disappear... 'Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow' isn't canon as such. Hmmm.), so 47 years. So if Post-Crisis Supes makes it he'll be on par in 2032.

I am still a bit mad they did not commit to the New 52.

>Yeah Superman has played in power tiers he rightly shouldn't have, many times.

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You sure? If you ask me, I'd say that's a stretch.

There is no circle of Hell deep enough for punsters...

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That's cause punsters have huge dicks


So has Hal, well everybody really

The world of fiction isn't ready for that...

Because he’s Superman.

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That's nice of you to say but I wouldn't stand a chance.


Lol the really astute call me Rudbeckia Hirta

Why does he have Colossus arms and belly?

I need a battle. Now.

Goku has abilities Superman doesn't have access to; Saiyan abilities, zenkai boosts, ki sensing and ki blasrs, and decades of martial artist training. Plus the fusion is not an addition, it's an addition that then multiplies several times.

Another way of putting it, imagine if Superman was as powerful as he is, then going Super Saiyan on top of that.

Any reality warper

>Ki sensing and Ki blasts
And these are superior to his super senses and heat vision how?

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Why the bandages? Fusion doesnt works like this, specially the dance

Not necessarily superior, just additions to his arsenal. If someone can fool some of his senses, why not have a sense that backs that up? Not to mention ki sensing amplifies the normal senses as well, so his super senses could be amplified even further. The same goes for hear vision; heat vision amplified by ki. Or he can use Ki and save his solar energy, alternating between the two energy reserves for efficiency. Using solar energy for defense and healing with ki amplified superpowers as offense.

I know they're there for meme value, but how do the Dragon Balls help Thanos in a fight? I don't think he'd have time to stop the battle to make a wish.

Reminder that eventhough Goku is more powerful, Superman is more bullshit, so...
Bullshittery > Power

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Damn, Seth conceded

Time gem? Just freeze time.

Cucked yet again.


he's the same retard that said Z Broly is stronger than Z Gogeta

Remember that time when superman was going blind?
Ki would've helped him a lot
Also saiyan sekai + the crazy kryptonian regen would be like adding infinite to infinite

Kirby could do it easily.

not at all

imagine sex with kirby

What advantage would the Symbiote give to that fusion? Doomsday and Buu cover anything already.


Don't become one of those freaks, user.


I guess The Main Man would be able to find a way.


Yes Steven prepare to be redeemed


I could, but I don't feel like it.

DC is taking their sweet time doing it. Marvel had a crossover with AOT and I think they also did something with MHA. JL/DBZ would be a top seller.

Ben using upgrade on Hal's GL Ring and combining their willpower



Darcy Lewis could.
Felicity will.
Chloe Sullivan has.

>Implying Hal needs Ben to win


Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan

OP's pic doesn't make any sense. To fuse that way you have to be of a comparable power level.

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with kirby


Sounds like it would suck.

>Implying those two brown haired dumbasses wouldn't be hilarious working together while Azimuth and the Guardians roast both of them
I wonder how the GL corps would interact with the Plumbers

Supes transferred his excess energy to Goku, bringing them into equilibrium.


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Probably be that GLC has way more seniority

Goku lowered his power level to match supermans, pretty simple

I think it's odd to bring up that instead of Exodia or the WWE title.



now close your eyes
while you imagine sex with kirby

Gets BTFI by the Ultra Fusion of:
>EX Fusion of the strongest Goku and Strongest Superman.
>EX Fusion of Chuck Norris and Shaggy.
>EX Fusion the Omni-Creator (From the Superpower wiki) and The Father.
>EX Fusion of Power Man and The Son.
>EX Fusion of me and The Holy Spirit.
Who then replaces Peach in the Super Crown, Potara fuses with it, and wears himself using portals.

>Power Man
Fuck I forgot the hyphen.

>Start arguing over what attack to use
Rook is also prime green lantern material
Guy Gardner would be a blast with Kevin and Argit

Thanks user. Gotta check it.

Dream can do whatever the fuck he wants. He doesn't because of "rules" but he made the rules up, he can ignore them if he feels like it. Death points that out more than once.

>Superman/Goku Family Kamehameha Punches you

>Jiren fuses with Doomsday

They're timbs
It means he a new york nigga

my sides


or the timbs. lol


His Sense of Right allies will set him straight

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Goku considered fusing with Mr. Satan. Power levels are irrelevant to fusion.

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Because that’s a potara fusion retard. Power lvls Doesn’t matter when it’s potara. Fusion Dance like OP’s pic you do need the same power level


Looks cooler

None of these guys could defeat Darkseid with his meme Villain Sue powers
>lmao ackshually that wasn't the real Darkseid, just his projection
>lmao Darkseid's true self is beyond your understanding puny mortals
>lmao if you destroy Darkseid's true self you destroy the world so he still wins

Yeah, and just before that he's made a comment about how it would be "the equivalent of increasing a power level of 1000 by 1". Power levels do affect fusion.


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Archie sonic slaps. Don’t @ me

Thanos without the Death Note? Weak.


He’s pretty broken in his in comics. Here’s a video explaining why a lot of the characters are bullshit. Just go to YouTube and type in Archie sonic

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Not even Captain Puzzle?




please don’t doxx me

I don't even read comics. The statement.

DB Gods =/= DC Gods

I have a theory that he isn't actually strong, his punches just act as an irl version of Minecraft's /kill command

Superman would not get along with a fight obsessed tard who'd risk the multiverse getting deleted just so he can satisfy his fight urges. Not to mention a horrible father risking his son and planet's life, also helping his enemy recover, just for a "fair fight".

Cute mustache

Pretty sure power levels have to match in order to do fusion dance, and since superman is way stronger than goku this could never happen.

Timbalands are canonically the shoes of the strong and the mighty. They’re Ford tough.

you faggot. Everyone knows Thanos drives Holden.

Yes he can.

power levels are irrelevant in all aspects. It was a made up measurement.

you can lower your power out put plus they could use the earings to fuse for an hour.

Only if they stole his food.
Considering Goku's appetite that's likely.


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Yawgmoth is an A+ villain but I feel like his setting is on a significantly lower powerlevel.

Looking at this thread I realized since DB started in the mid-1980s there are probably ACTUAL boomers (non-meme, people who were born in the late 50s/early 60s and into anime/comics) who probably started this fucking discussion like 30 years ago. The world turns and turns and still nerds debate who the best is well past their youth.

>suddenly conscious that I'm IN my 20s right now and don't want to waste them like those 80's boomers did

>>suddenly conscious that I'm IN my 20s right now and don't want to waste them
You will. No matter what you do, you'll end up thinking you did.

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If you're on Yea Forums, it's already too late.

Make the most of them. I got a degree, bought two houses, moved three times to different states, got married, and fathered a child in my 20s. You can do it.