I want to get into more super man comics. Does anyone have any recs. I like the family stuff before bendis through it out the window, and I like the Chinese Superman stuff
I want to get into more super man comics. Does anyone have any recs...
Superman For All Seasons
Ok, I'll look into that
For a good modern origin, I like American Alien. It starts out really comfy with issue 1, Dove, and its so entertaining by the end.
These lists repeat themselves a bit because they are old.
All Star Superman is great but might be hard to get into unless you know a bit about Superman already.
Thanks for the recs, what about the new Year one book by frank miller is it worth a read
I mean...its got a few good Superman stories in it, especially a young Superman...but it really isn't a year one because it spends so much time earlier than that. Its good though, Frank's best in years honestly.
Yeah i gathered from the trailers for the book but I'll totally look into it.
All four of the New Super-Man trades have been ripped and I would recommend them. I bought the first three and have read and just not bought the last one since I'm waiting for it to be on sale.
is the comic run called new superman?
The only one you need
No, different guy, basically a teen gets imbued with Superman’s Chi by the Chinese Government
The reason why i'm asking for recs is because i want to get an tattoo of pic related (I really like the fleischer superman symbol) but i haven't read a lot of superman comics and I don't want to come off as a poser. btw is Grant Morrison superman run any good? I liked his New X-Men run but when the run was coming to an end it was a little flat
My bad my post wasn't meant to reply to you
But I've read that version of superman and i really liked it
A lot of people recommend Grant’s AC, yeah, but you know, even if you don’t read all the great Superman comics, it’s all right if you get a tattoo, not like people are gonna quiz you.
>The reason why i'm asking for recs is because i want to get an tattoo of pic related
>but i haven't read a lot of superman comics and I don't want to come off as a poser
Lol . What a faggot
Say what you will about me. I already like the character so why not get a tattoo but i also wanna talk my shit. I like the mythos and his rouges gallery i just wanna know more about the character. Parasite is pretty based
Listen buddy if you're so concerned about what people think about you to the point where you'll read a bunch of comics you don't even like to justify your tattoo, maybe don't get a tattoo in the first place.
Jeez, dude take it easy on him.
Very true indeed user
Go to reddit if you want a hugbox.
I'm just saying if he cares THAT much about what people think, he's almost certainly going to wind up in the 50% of people that regret their tattoos and want them removed.
My advice? Get a nice big poster or painting of Superman and get it framed. Or buy a t-shirt. Don't be an idiot.
Look i see what you mean, I already like the character. I'm like that when it comes to music shirts. I don't want to get until I've actually listened to the artist works, so I'm applying the same logic with this tattoo. It's just how i operate if that makes any since.
If you’re into animation, there’s STAS, All Star Superman the adaptation, Superman vs the Elite, the JL episode of The Man Who Has Everything (Moore approved, by the way) actually JL and JLU as a whole are good,
I'm defiantly buying those on itunes for sure
Also Mark Millar’s Superior if you’re looking for stuff that doesn’t directly have Superman but gets the right feel.
Grant Morrisons action comics run is the greatest Superman run ever written but it might be really confusing to someone not intimately familiar with Supermans history.
Read Superman #1 (1939). Will give you more knowledge of the character, I'd say read Action #1 (38) but Superman #1 is the version they wanted for the origin and Supermans debut.
these are great. is there anything similar for Batman?
Superman: power within
Comraderecs yeah
Batman has so many recommendable comics it doesn't fit in a single image. Google "best Batman comics" and there will be endless lists for you
Peace on Earth
Superman Annual 11 for the Man who Has Everything
Superman: Brainiac
Kingdom Come
those are good entry level points for new readers while also being some of his best stories
Ugh. Of all the Superman origin stories available (Man of Steel, Secret Origin, Superman Year One) I like Birthright the least.
Birthright seems to be the most accessible and has a lot of great moments but Man of Steel is better. Secret Origin is trash imo, I really fucking hate it worst Superman origin ever
>Birthright seems to be the most accessible
They're origin stories. They're all accessible.
I actually liked Secret Origin, Luthor Lottery was my favorite part
For someone completely new to comics Man of Steel might be a bit dated.
You got a point. Love JB's art tho
That was the only good part
He's great. His whole run is underrated and necessary to read Exile which is absolute kino.
No arguments here. The story in particular where Luthor offers the waitress a million dollars (or whatever it was) is one of the best Superman singles I've ever read
Let me tell you something.
Read “All Star Superman” and “Superman: Year One” later, not now. They depend on you already knowing a good deal about Superman lore for you to fully appreciate it, especially All Star Superman.
Read something like Man of Steel (1987) and Birthright first. Start from a solid origin story and read some cool little stories on the side. Then work your way up to the more popular stories.
All Star Superman is best experienced a thousand Superman issues later, but it's still excellent with only a cursory knowledge of the character and his world, which everyone should have because of his effect on pop culture.
I don't think that was in byrnes run was it
Yeah it was. Can't remember the issue but it was
i bought all the man of steel trades and just remember waiting for that to pop up but it never did
It was. Byrne says it’s his favorite Superman issue he’s ever done
It’s called 900 Miles, it was in Superman #9
Thanks. I'm not good at remembering issue numbers
damn I need to dig up trades and see if it got omitted or some shit
What other single issue Supes stories would you recommend? I've been wanting to get some back issues on the weeks when my pull is light.
What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way?
i'll look into it user thanks.
Ugh like I said I'm not good at remembering issue numbers. There's famous examples like Action Comics #775 (What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?) or Superman Annual #11 (For the Man Who Has Everything.)
There's a couple single issues I remember from Busiek's run, Superman #649 (a story about how an old woman believes Superman is an angel that she can summon with prayer), and Superman #666 (I always remember this one because of the Satanic numbering and the guest pencils from Walter Simonson.)
Hope that helps somewhat
Addendum: Oh fuck how could I forget Superman #400. One of the best single issues ever published and by far the best Superman anniversary issue there will ever be. Everyone who hasn't read this should.
This issue, along with Maggin's novels (Superman: Last Son of Krypton and Superman: Miracle Monday)
The digital-first Adventures of Superman series (that was later printed in issues and trades) is super underrated imo. It's an anthology series so there are a few turds, but some of them are the best Superman stories of the decade, pic related.
Unironically: Superman Up, Up and Away. It's by Johns, but he must have been on something when he wrote it, because it's absolutely fucking fantastic and quite underappreciated. One of the best Clark stories ever.
Superman 1
It's also by Busiek though so that's probably it
Morrisons hyper crisis.
Start with Morrisons new 52 Action comics, then his JLA run from the late 90s. And then End it with all-star superman.
It's funny how Morrison wrote the perfect superman run in 3 different titles across 3 different decades.
>Hating on John's.
Lad his flash from the 00s was amazing too.
I'm inclined to say it was all happenstance, but this is Morrison. I would not be even slightly suprised to know he made them fit deliberately.
You might be right. I really do love his GL stuff too.
fucking based
while action comics is the beginning it feels like his final word on superman so should be read at the end imo
Let me amend it, action comics up to and including 1000
As far as I'm concerned, Supes and Action have been on hiatus since Benis started writing.
>Morrison JLA
I didn’t care much for electric Superman in the first issues, but he did some cool stuff. I think regular supes came back around when starro was invading the earth in that jla run
I read Jurgens rebirth action comics run and I enjoyed it and then bendis came around and acted like Jurgens run never happened, and turned Superman into a detective for some reason.
Goddammit just get Bendis off of Superman
>turned Superman into a detective for some reason.
You know Clark is an investigative reporter right? It's great when we get to see him do that shit.
Is Morrison JLA worth reading for Superman himself though? I'm a huge supesfag but does he do much in it
Yeah but being a detective is different than being a reporter.
He was more like Sherlock Holmes than Clark Kent
Not him but not really it’s more of a solid team book than a Superman book
according to comics not really, he's still not as much of a detective as batman. While it lasted it was a breath of flesh air to have clark on the ground in action comics like the old days and doing some investigating
I generally don't like team books but fucking love Morrisons action and ASS think I should read?
Kingdom come is shit.
no u
Pick up this
That’s because it was a joint project with Kurt Busiek. Same with Last Son, which, if I recall correctly, has him working alongside Richard Donner for the story.
I wish Mario Puzo had written a Superman comic or novel before he died. His involvement in writing the story for the Christopher Reeve is understated.
If you're looking for the older material then start with Edmond Hamilton. He wrote Superman, Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes. Al Plastino and Otto Binder created all the kooky Silver Age mythos of Superman that Alan Moore paid homage to in and Whatever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow? which is probably my favorite. Like all the older comics, there are some good campy stories and some real stinkers. Their Supergirl was just as good if not better.
Does Superboy count? Karl Kesel run is great. All the Legion stuff is fantastic from. For more Legion then go Shooter then Paul Levitz and Giffen.
From the newer stuff, I enjoyed Peter Tomasi's run and see pic. As you can tell, I love the Superman family.
I would recommend everyone to read Lois Lane comics from the Silver Age. Supposedly Morrison was a heavy reader of this title. He would read them with his sister. Read Kirby's Jimmy Olsen which would lead you to the Fourth World.
You need to read DC One Million.
World's Finest' by Dave Gibbons and Steve Rude for that Supes and Bats fix.
is volume 3 more superman focused or did morrison not writer 1 and 2?
He wrote like 4 volumes of JLA. Volume 3 has some good Superman shit in it
thanks friend. is he electric in the 1st 2 volumes? I'm in the triangle era for superman titles around zero hour, how far off am I from him going electric? A lot of the writing is pretty trash to mediocre so its a struggle to get through right now.
Superman is back to normal by that volume which was published in 1998. All I know is that electric Superman had something to do with him coming back after death of Superman. All I know is electric Superman started like 95-97 era in Grant Morrison JLA so he was blue for like 2-3 years.
Also in the JLA run he’s like a badass 90s superhero and not the big blue scout. You’re not gonna get him flying school buses past the pyramids or helping children with cancer or stopping people from jumping off of buildings. In fact the first issues of Morrison’s JLA are more Batman focused than anything. But if you wanna get books with Superman in them, then get JLA.
I don't need Superman to be a teddy bear 100% of the time, I love Golden Age superman so gimmie that rough edge
>golden age supes
Unironically get Bendis’ run
I'm already reading it. Really enjoyed the start of action its lost it a bit though with Leviathan. Superman while weak story started well because of the art/
I bought issues 1013 and 1014 of action and the first 4 issues of event leviathan and I’m not looking forward to reading it.
As long as DC doesn’t get King on Superman and AC it can’t get any worse than Bendis
It's one of the most commonly requested inks. I don't see that one that often so you do have that.
then watch the fleischer cartoons on youtube and read some golden age superman
There are five of them now. That means nothing. You have to specify.
the original in 1939
But wasn’t that issue where King wrote Superman boxing a good read?