Toonami General #1

Toonami Drinking Game

Naruto story

Tweeting Info

Toonami Bumps

New Shows

FLCL Panel 2018

Toonami: The Forge - Coming Fall 2019

Attack on Titan Season 3 Eyecatches (Part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck genlock and anyone that watches it

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Yes, I know.

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>Toonami will NEVER air Propane Tank Super
>Toonami will NEVER air strick:LAND
>Toonami will NEVER air Dr. Grill
>Toonami will NEVER air Heck Dorlan’s Fire Force
>Toonami will NEVER air Grill Wars
>Toonami will NEVER air Blue Flame
>Toonami will NEVER air Bobbyruto: Hankruto Next Generation
>Toonami will NEVER air Hankruto: Propudden
>Toonami will NEVER air Propandum: Origins
>Toonami will NEVER air Boomhauer the Third: Part 5
>Toonami will NEVER air My Grilling Academia

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Reminder that One Piece is the greatest selling comic book of al time, WORLDWIDE!

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Tell me who you're voting for for ms. Yea Forums


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The best time of the week has finally arrived! I'm exhausted from travel, but I'll suffer through the night with everyone, the first half at least. I'm ready for the shitty lineup.

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Current Series End Dates:
Dragon Ball Super - October 5, 2019
Gen:Lock - September 21, 2019
Dr. Stone - February 1, 2020
Fire Force - January 11, 2020
Food Wars! - September 5, 2020
Black Clover - TBD
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - TBD
Naruto: Shippuden - March 9, 2024
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin - October 5, 2019
Lupin III: Part V - November 30, 2019
My Hero Academia - November 2, 2019

>Toonami will never air Detective Conan

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>September 21, 2019
The day Toonami dies

>Toonami will NEVER air Evil Con Carne even though it's action-focused

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My images keep getting stuck at [...] until captcha resets and it has been doing this for the past few hours. How aggravating.

Looks like I'll get a night off soon after all.

Best girl Pitou is here first as usual to make the wait for Toonami more bearable

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>One JC Staff Man

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Demon slayer dub cast when?

Chris is guilty as fuck

another week another shit mha chapter
>everyone still sucking bakugos dick
>lol dekus family cries a lot
>endevor just being a little bitch who sucks bakugos dick

Well at least its Super and not Genlock but fuck marathons.

>dragonslop ends
>the week after gets THREE new shows all at once
Where are all the dumbfucks who said Toonami died when Super ends? Looks to me it gets better than ever

its right before the finale i dont mind in this case desu

I hope Food Wars and Clover get moved up when all that other crap ends in the next couple of months.

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11:00 Dragon Ball Super 764 0.38

11:30 gen:LOCK 452 0.25

12:00a Dr. Stone 400 0.21

12:30a Fire Force 349 0.19

1:00a Food Wars 299 0.17

1:30a Black Clover 259 0.14

2:00a Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 267 0.14

2:30a Naruto: Shippuden 241 0.12

3:00a Mobile Suit Gundam: Red Comet 233 0.12

3:30a Lupin the 3rd: Part 5 224 0.11

4:00a My Hero Academia 221 0.11

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Huh neat.

>Implying any of that shit will get Dragonchad's rating numbers.

You losers are gonna be begging for the Big Dragon Cock 2 weeks later.

I'm gonna watch all of toonami and then watch ash finally win a pokemon league

these goats look like shin chan characters

Again we gather for our sport of the evening. Hopefully the intervening days have been kind, or at least allowed you to know yourself better.

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he finally did it?

Demon Slayer and OPM take two of those slots.

It’s just being done to synchronize all shows ending on the 5th

It's not that bad actually. It's not nearly as good as season 1, but that's a very high bar to clear. All things considered, given how half-assed many JC Staff shows are, they clearly went out of their way to find talent for this show, and despite the rushed production there were only two or so episodes that actually felt really rough and low quality.


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Food Wars probably has to be later because of the MEAT.

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Another week another shitty MHA chapter
>Endeavor being cringe awkward tryhard dad
>another jobber villain shows up
>Skeptic's big plan is to frame the heroes for something bad or some equally stupid plan
>break next week because 17 pages is just too much for Hori's fragile nip body
Meanwhile One Piece trended on Twitter

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he will tomorrow hes gonna beat zororak and lycanroc with pikachu and lycanroc and win the league

holy shit the ratings are going to be so bad

Fuck off, the block will do better overall without that crap and it’s retard audience

oda takes a break every two weeks user, and endeavor has always been a cringy akward tryhard

So what other things do you watch/read that isn’t dubbed anime

You ever read or watch any Yea Forums stuff

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That would require taste and weebs don't have that

I wonder if Fire Force will be censored again tonight.

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I envy the MC

You're back!

>went on vacation for 3 weeks
>forgot about gen:lock
ho boy can't wait to see what i missed

At least I'll get to coom to fubuki

We didn't censor it!

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Boogiepop on Toonami when

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Because Dragon Ball brings the big numbers?

Spoiler: Absolutely nothing

When the average audience IQ exceeds double digits.

is this the only time goku has ever stated his full name

>muh weebs
tell us how great steven cryniverse is

For itself

In the dub, yeah.

In the English dub yes. One of the few times Sean made a good decision in his performance. He really pushed to be allowed to say the full name for that line.

>implying normies will give a single fuck about the studio change or even be aware of it

>Criticizing Mangaka taking breaks

I get that you’re a shitposter but you should know that weekly mangaka are basically kept chained in a basement and whipped until they finish their pages for the day, and even some of the best have reported that they get three hours of free time a week because of this

Oda himself has hospitalized himself trying to get shit done on time. They actually make Oda take breaks BECAUSE he’ll probably do it to himself again

I mean, the end result is we get our nipponese picture shows, but sometimes you gotta wonder if the physical and mental toll on the mangaka is worth it. Like, are they even enjoying themselves? Hopefully

Friendly reminder that Bulma hasn't shaved her legs since they left Earth.

Is Piccolo dead?

Probably better than most seasonal anime lmao

We need mor King Kai

they will definitely notice the massive downgrade in both writing and animation

Was he ever actually living?

I like adult swim shows, though I don't really watch adult swim anymore except for Toonami. Back when I was in college though, Aqua Teen, Squid Billies, Frisky Dingo, Boondocks were all my jam. Back in the older days of AS, I loved Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen, Harvey Birdman, etc. I like R&M too, one of the few cartoons I've watched in the last 5 years for more than 1 season before getting bored and dropping it.

I haven't really liked anything CN has made in the last 10+ years though. Korra was fun for about 80% of season 1, but it became a slog really fast. I think I've finally grown out of western kid shows, I used to like them well into my early 20s, but they can't hold my attention anymore. Think the only reason I still like stuff like EE&E and Courage is nostalgia, though I swear EE&E is pure gold even to this day.

I don't think so, Tim.

I forgot Kami was a thing

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Does King Kai have hair?

guess what's coming to toonami

pic and twitter link completely unrelated

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>When the average audience IQ exceeds double digits.
Yeah, I'm optimistic about next year too when Super and all the shonen shows end

have you seen the announcements?

Ya see that little knob at the top of Kami's staff? That's where he keeps the ointment.

has he seriously never won one before

Piccolo spends more time jobbing than I can remember

How did the Nips feel about Namek retconning Piccolo's demon origins?

Are we doing this again?

idk he did pretty good in the tournament of power

>test results came back
>triglycerides are through the roof
>white blood cell count has increased
>doctor wants me to get an ultrasound of my liver
How fucked am I?

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That's one of the worst shows on right now, but keep on thinking that is all of western animation and I'll think MHA is all of anime

Yeah but don't get too excited, been tremendously busy the past few months and haven't really had the time (or motivation) to keep up with the threads. Maybe I'll spread the good joy of the caped baldy just in time for the grand arrival, but who knows.

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No, I think it was in the same episode with the boob censor a woman landed on his face and the ass sitting was fine, it's literally only bad if a male does something to the female. Even the shower scene was kept without edits.

Shit heel Goku is the best version of the character

stop drinking


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They watch Super with a smile, it’s gonna be fine

It's extremely obvious though, when character designs change and the animation is also noticeably worse. Even when the animation is good, it's very stiff compared to season 1.

>his species still tells time in base 60

>oh no japs actually have some work ethic!
3 hours of free time is well more than what is needed

Goku is just fucking with him at this point

Linda at least made Frieza credible

Well, first return on "liver triglycerides" talks about fatty liver disease.
Appearently greatly increases the likelihood of a heart-attack or stroke.

Recommends healtier diet, and possibly taking Omega-3 suppliments. As well as exercise.

So, moderately, but possibly defuckable.

It's most wonderful time of the week again!
>I still cannot post images

.But will they care? OPM probably still has enough clout to its name with normies that they'll still tune in because it's new OPM.

It's the same source material dude

>Still think EEnE is pure gold

Well, it is

What do you mean? Nearly everything Goku does after turning Super Saiyan is intentionally meant to piss Frieza off. Frieza is supposed to sound like a dumbass that thinks he still has the advantage.

Maybe 4 years ago it did, but now?

Super looks like FMA in comparison. OPM season 2 is one of the worst written shows I've seen in some time

fuck the French

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how do hours and days work

2003 or brotherhood?

>OPM season 2 is one of the worst written shows I've seen in some time
You obviously don't watch much anime, also your comment is nonsense because it's just adapting the manga, exactly the same as season 1.

Now you're just baiting

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I'm pretty sure a fair amount of them were complaining that it looked like shit while it was airing, although a bunch just gobbled it up too. 2nd season wasn't nearly as popular as the first and seems to have been forgotten as soon as it ended. The Toonami audience will probably not care though, yeah.

>this got by just fine
Did Demarco let it slide since he was so quickly called out on the last edit?

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Dude they’re literally working themselves to death

Reminder, in America the female body is abnormal and disgusting.

>I'm pretty sure a fair amount of them were complaining that it looked like shit while it was airing
Yeah but those guys are still one step above the absolute mongoloids who only watch dubbed anime that airs on TV. Also, being a huge casual tends to make people extremely poor judges of quality because they don't watch many series and thus have a very small sample of shows to look at. Objectively speaking OPM s2's quality is above average for a seasonal action show. It's a huge step down from the first season, but the first season had sakuga animation literally every episode, coming down from that still gives you a lot of leeway before you hit "shit" territory. OPM s2 actually still has decently animated action in it, it's just not as fluid or frequent as season 1, and overall they had to cut a lot more corners.

The way I see it it was fine because it wasn't a guy doing anything to a woman.


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i enjoy it

How much is this just Goku fucking things up for giggles?

one punch man's second season is bad compared to season one but it still looks great compared to garbage like super

That means they are paying more taxes which is good


Peter boob honks all the time

>Toonami will never air Kamen Rider Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One Zero One

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>won't be the BD run
Oh this is gonna be good.

Almost two and a half hours until Toonami starts, what are you doing to pass the time? Since I already 100% KH3 and saw the new trailer for FF7R, I got my hands on a NEW copy of Nier Gestalt. The combat system isn't bad, but jesus fuck the HP pools on bosses for Hard mode. Though I also got my hands on .hack Last Recode, but I'm a little burned out from KH3 grinding for synthesis materials.

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>It's not that bad actually
fuck you and fuck JC staff, I had just one fight I was hyped for. Look how they massacred my boy!

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What's his gimmick this time?

Demarco's standards not AS'

In other news they found the test pilot to the lost jojo movie

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You got unlucky then, that's one of the two episodes I remember being really rough. They seem to have focused most of their attention of Genos for some reason, I can't remember any of his fights being as bad as Garou vs Metal Bat, also most of Garou's fights actually look decent to really good, for whatever reason they decided to have that one be one of the budget saving fights. Also the tournament final with Suiryuu, that was very unfortunate.

Playing BL3

SD cards

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Watching Kino's Journey.

Tanya on Toonami when?

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original or 2017?

Is this before or after the finale?

So if frieza had trained at all in his life he would've totally croutoned goku?

Making my usual Toonami snack. Well, prepping really.


cute duck


How are you enjoying it? It's one of my favorite series. A lot of people new to anime who go back to watch the original complain about the scanlines and the show only being available in 480p.

The week before the last episode.

I'm starting on it.

>Childhood friend recently gave birth days ago.
Why do husbands name after themselves?
I feel a bit depressed.

How was your week,guys?
>had dream about fighting skellys with huge 70s news anchor wigs
>realize a post I made in 2017 has become a small response pasta
>found that possum in my mulbrerry tree

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Pretty good. I didn't have class yesterday or Thursday, and I finally got a computer working for my Client Install class.

>The FFVII remake trailer
I really fucking want this to be good and so far it does, but I've been let down by Square before

I wish it was March already so we could just know how shit or not it's going to be.

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I miss my cute friends Kana, Pets, Mosan and Hijiri!

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>find out awful project I've been stuck on for half the year is finally going to end soon
>nerve wracking talent review coming up
>got sick yesterday and only now starting to feel better
>bottle of George Dickle whiskey for Toonami tonight

Zero One is actually pretty standard as far as Riders go. He uses Prog-Rise keys to transform (basically authorization to transform) and gets a sick cybernetic suit based off an animal (base form is, true to Kamen rider, a Grasshopper. He also has a falcon form, a tiger form, a polar bear form, and a shark form). Also, the MC is heir to a huge tech corporation that creates AI humans a la Blade Runner, but the AI actually enjoy their jobs and only go rogue if someone corrupts their code, which obviously happens or we don’t have a plot

The monsters are decidedly less standard, because they’re mostly human shaped, but with animal parts tacked on. Furthermore, enemies are based off Extinct animals, with the implication being that the villain wants humans to go extinct.

Also MC didn’t want to be pres but he already became Kamen Rider Zero one so he has to
And he wanted to be a comedian before this, so he tells shitty Japanese puns that we don’t understand because we’re not Japanese. But they’re bad in Japanese, too.

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its gonna be shit like kh3


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I'm willing to have hope. KH3 isn't nearly as fucking atrocious as Yea Forums has shitposted about it. The biggest thing I'd agree is they backloaded the plot too hard. And I think they're just mad Union got some plot relevance.

I was in Minneapolis for work

I don't.

>The biggest thing I'd agree is they backloaded the plot too hard.
thats been most every kh game since 2 tbf

You know what really bothers me about Dragon Ball? The characters never fight enemies differently. They just power up and suddenly the attacks that weren't working do more damage.

which pasta

holy shit the smash bros story mode is long as fuck

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how dare you rip his snazzy outfit

BBS was fine since the KH2 secret ending was intending to build up to it. Also most of the secret reports should have been either a cutscene or you seeing it yourself instead of having to rush through the tag team boss fights to unlock the Battle Sites.

With this kind of problematic dialog?

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Mung Daal's furious response to Lex Luthor for calling him a cunt.

Absolutely everything about the game looks amazing to me. Except the combat.
Every time they put out new footage I get immensely hyped then I get reminded what 90% of the game experience is going to be like.

Only if you're bad


link? not familiar

For Ultimate? Pro tip: get the spirits that make you giant and metal, once you get Bowser you can 2-3 shot virtually any stage before your buffs wear off. the best!

Wow, rude!

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One can only hope. KH3 is not an unplayable mess, like you said and how most Yea Forumstrads treat it, same with XV, but the gameplay just unsatisfying to me, with it either being unbearably easy or fucking cheap. To say nothing about the plot which frankly was embarrassing even by KH standards

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How did your team do this week?

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Drawing fat/chubby and huge breast request in the Yea Forums drawthread while also trying to work on a birthday drawing for a friend

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>tfw Daniel Johnston died
Pretty bummed really. Otherwise uneventful.

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Went to a presentation for VITA, a program for volunteering to prepare poor people's taxes for them. I just might do it. I had a dream I was play-wrestling with a qt blond tomboy. I mentioned her soft tummy and she started blushing super hard.

>Only two classes this semester and homework's starting to burn me out already
>keep having to edit the Final Fantasy Unlimited entry for So Bad It's Horrible Anime on TV Tropes because the guy who submitted it keeps adding onto it with his ESL grammar
>Jam is taking forever to finish his new Kinky Kunoichi pic
>finding myself getting more pissed off at people not liking thing than usual

So yeah, okay week. At least I managed to make a decent throwback ACTN bump still out of an episode of Dumbbells.

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>except the combat
I like that they actually want you to pay attention to the game and actually made it important to actually use your abilities to actually get anywhere. I am terrified that many boss battles are going to become wars of attrition like doing a low level Dark Souls run.

The combat worries me, but what worries me more are those fucking ghost things and the new OC AVALANCHE member. Both of which fill me dread

i dont care how good you think you are

ive only half way cleared the map and that's 250 fights

yeah but in the way lh2fm fixed a lot of problems with kh2 like being piss easy and no one to really fight outside of one secret non replayable boss, re:mind looks like it will add the same amount of boss fights one on one, plus letting you play as any warrior of light and use limits

and that's just the first map
And several shorter variations apparently.

Who's ready for tomorrow?

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Not as much as I miss my even cuter friends Hidomi and only Hidomi because she can actually carry a series on her own. :)

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Ashley is cute


>actually carry a series on her own
Yeah, carry it into the trash.

Other than my manager still being shitty with the work schedule and ignoring me saying can't work those days and that he needs to find someone else. alright I guess

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the plot was basic kh no real twists outside of kairi dying a second time. also the gameplay in kh has always been easy in the base game which is the only versiosn ive played which I replayed right for kh2 so it wasnt a problem for me

I miss this april fools
What a fucking mind game

you better be fucking with me

That's what I don't get about modern SE, they seem to want to turn FF into anything BUT FF.

What the fuck was wrong with turn based battles? It doesn't need to an ARPG, or a hack and slash, or a Souls-like.

When did they become so self conscious?

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>ash wins da league
>guzzlord comes in and eats time and space and the universe resets for the new anime reboot


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hope you enjoy fighting the final boss 3 times

Honestly, pretty sub-par.
I continued my frozen, blank state all week. It managed to even suck the joy out of my wednesday game-night.
My balls have hurt off and on all week, and currently do, especially when I stand.

Though, today, I went and got a new (used) fan for my car's venting, and now have ac again. And more importantly, defrosting for when it finally bothers to get cold in a few months.
I finally have a plan of action come monday for work, which hopefully my two weeks of paralysis haven't damaged my reputation there too much.

If I follow through on it though... is the question.

As always, my kitten remained a refuge for my soul. Though it makes wanting to get up earlier than I have to that much harder.

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Is this that movie that aired in one theater and then never again?

user you are in the world of light, you still need the rest of the fighters in the world of dark, and the world of light and dark

>Jiren Uchiha

That ffvii remaster is promising

mixed bag
>saw an old friend haven't seen in months
>got a new pair of boots for free
>up and coming comedian I'm a fan of got a new gig on SNL only for cancel culture assholes to come for him the same day it was announced
>Saotome Senshu confirmed for getting axed with just 4 more chapters to finish up
>Hokkaido Gyaru oneshot I liked got serialized and first couple chapters already TLd

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Slaughtered them all. Like ANIMALS

She had cute feet for sure!

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I wouldn't call Xion coming back for literally no reason, Xigbar being the master mind, and that stupid ass secret ending "no real twists" but whatever.

Besides that. Even just the standard shit was bullshit for most of it. Aqua might as well as not even been there for how little she contributed to anything, same with everyone else

Yes very

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I keep thinking of that gundam character
See above. I wish i never lost her.

As always, it is bizarre how they manage such terrible production with almost 400 people.

Are you Autist Whisperer?

Wait so what's his wish?

Chill Dimitri

Why did El Hermano do it...?

He wants his master back.

Ding dong the witch is dead

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>I wouldn't call Xion coming back for literally no reason, Xigbar being the master mind, and that stupid ass secret ending "no real twists" but whatever.
toy story and bh6 were all about the org trying to bring xion back. they she turned good when her heart inside sora took over the body. xigbar had always been implied to know more and have bigger plans than xehanort. and the end was a random nonsense kh secret end like with riku and bhk in 1 or the power rangers in 2

To wish back his family or master back.
anime was never really clear
I honestly don't even remember what he wanted in the manga.

A lot of those employees are probably friends who got hired just to give friends a job when the studio was doing well.

Aren't there Secret notes in the game that explain how Xion came back? Or is that for Roxas?

In the manga he wanted his master back. Here its not really clear what he wants

I miss the Ningen Arc. Zamasu had the best memes and we didn't have to put up with Zeno every five seconds.

Started going out on early morning walks around the city at around 5AM. It's pretty comfy, no fucking kids or teenagers out being loud and it feels less congested. Wish I could go out earlier but I'm too much of a scaredy cat to go out at like 3 or 4.

>toy story and bh6 were all about the org trying to bring xion back.
Why? She was a fucking puppet that outlived her usefulness in the game she appeared in, why the fuck do they care about bringing her back? For that matter, how the piss shit do they even remember when her existence is literally tied to Sora's memories?

They were more focused on the gatcha tie-in game.

I'm going fishing while waiting for Toonami

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roxas but its obvious form the context clues in toy story and bh6 on how to recreate someone from data, and puppets/toys with hearts they were trying to revive xion. and then roxas said he had an emotional connection which brought him back when he said xions name

As soon as you knew Xigbar "wanted a Keyblade" and got Xehanort to "give him his" and then when you find out who used to own that Keyblade, you pretty much can put two and two together to realize he's one of the morons from before the Keyblade War. Him being Luxu was the bigger twist.

female legs there?


Attached: Episode 128 preview.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

>but how can he hold up
not very well

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>Why? She was a fucking puppet that outlived her usefulness in the game she appeared in, why the fuck do they care about bringing her back? For that matter, how the piss shit do they even remember when her existence is literally tied to Sora's memories?
xion can copy abilities and has a keyblade and also yes people forgot her but the data of her creation and time in the org still remained. also also xemnas was from the past and would remember her

>Vegeta loses
>Goku gets Ultra Instinct again

There, I just saved you 30 minutes of screaming.

Fish you say?

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>just ate 3 grams of decarbed weed

gonna be a fun night lads, especially when vegeta jobs

I remember before the epilogue was leaked when people pieced it together from the secret report of him pretending to be retarded and loyal to a scapegoat for a keyblade

Literally all of them will flop. They won't get anything like 700k in ratings, it'll be more like 400k since it's all the old shit that's already been simulcast.

that's not really a spoiler


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>form the context clues in toy story and bh6 on how to recreate someone from data, and puppets/toys with hearts they were trying to revive xion.
Honestly pick this up going through the game and was was glad we got the ice cream trio back. Days may have been a poor game but damn if it didn't make me care for Roxas, Axel and Xion.

>decarbed weed


Isn't that the truth...
It's honestly more of a spoiler when someone who isn't Goku DOESN'T job.

wtf is decarbed weed?

>VA who voiced the fat kid tried jumping on the kick vic bandwagon

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I went home.

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Is it really jobbing?
He never real stood a chance in the other fights.
This seem like a regular lose for once for him

it's the state where weed becomes an "edible", after it's heated up around 200F instead of combusting it.

Does she pleasure herself with that fish?

>playing MGR revengance for the millionth time
>trying to form an opinion on IT chapter 2 which I saw today
>kinda disappointed I guess

I went to the gym and the TV had a local ad for some restaurant with an actual soiboi face

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Mostly been working on my old car getting it ready to gift to my Aunt and studying.
In the middle of Hyper Neptunia VII, going through Blanc and Vert's paths.

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Anybody got daemon x machina? How is it? Also been dreaming of gundam.

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It is the fish she craves

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Oh, I know what an edible is. I've never heard someone use the word "decarbed" before when describing weed.

I hear it's mediocre.

it's the correct term, edible is soccer mom friendly marketing terminology

>*wakes up after being stone for 30000 years*
>*immediately helps plot murder*

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doesnt that process vaporize all the thc

It is one of the few times Vegeta actually jobs not even as a meme. He just came off of defeating Toppo which Goku hadn't even come close to doing in the anime He's also been hyped up throughout the entire tournament, got a new form, and got the most eliminations for U7. It was very disappointing for him to go out like that. The manga handled it better having him be right next to Goku fighting to the last second before they eliminate Jiren.

t. game journalist

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If plotting to bomb people is how things roll in the future you don't wanna rock the boat.

yes, that's why some people will vape the weed then re-use the leftover decarbed weed as an edible (e.g. me)

more bang for your buck

i disagree because the cuckgeta face in the finale is amaxing

>You'll never see Annie again.

Who else would you trust? These people play a ton of games and they have more experience with them than any ordinary gamer.


It's OK, Jessica is the only girl Morty needs

Is this one of the few episodes where Jerry isn't presented as a loser?

This is your cooking partner.

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Espeically considering what Morty did to ethan


Oh right, it's the showdown against Shitomiya tonight.

What's wrong with the writing, is it the fault of the manga?

His parents being cuckholds doesn't make him a loser?

he's shitposting

So is the joke that the dad dude a racist?

I remember back on New Year's Day of 2002 they did a DBZ marathon and mentioned it wouldn't happen again until 2020. Does anyone else remember that?

would marry

but if you vaporized all the thc already then arent you just eating a shitty salad

Not really? It'd be one thing if he raised a cuck.

New chapter out yet?

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I personally prefer their New Years Evil Marathon

No, it's that he finds it weird that his elderly mother fucks a younger man, who happens to be black, right in front of his dying father. He's not racist, the joke is that he's just the only that finds it strange

The joke is that his dad is a cuck and everyone else is acting like that's normal.

This Bushido son of a bitch is pounding Charlotte's cunt and basically you are fucking stupid

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not really but I guess they kept their promise

Everyone is now dead.

He's shitposting, but this season isn't as satisfying since it ends in the middle of an arc.

>it's a vegeta episode

She's a Christmas cake in the epilogue. She devotes her life to feeding her guests and has no husband or children.


Why didn't you protect her smile, /tg/?

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perfect to wife then, she stayed pure



Why didn't he just say Yea Forums?

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>people on the internet who are only turned on by pictures of japanese teenagers
Golly, who could that be?

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I knew the series goes to shit but I didn't think it get this bad.

Pretty ok week for me.
>Stopped being a bum and started applying for work
>Realized my weight has been plateauing for a while now and its due to weekly hangouts with friends where i fuck up my diet.
>Started to get back into Python to help someone create a database/mock website
>Went to FNM, expecting to spend 15$ on standard draft. Turns out it was a modern horizons draft, so 30$ entry
>Was worth drafting it from the pulls i got
>Decided to treat myself for the week by having the worst cuban sandwich in my life.
>Did a good amount of exercise to balance out the cheat day. Went for a two hour walk, followed by an hour at the gym.
>Started to play Nier: Automata. Pretty good so far.

Aside from not catching up on this season's anime, its been a pretty productive week, compared to summer days of taking it easy

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More like 500-600 by being right next to FG. And they won’t have any gigantic valleys between them

People with shit taste.

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She tells you to put your fingers wherever you want.

What do you do?

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Put the helmet on mute.


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>Rick says there's no such thing as God
>complains that people aren't celebrating God on Christmas

Watching your wife fuck a man while you're in the closet is pretty niche.

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>got bit by my cat a few days ago and got sepsis
>get to watch Toonami from the hospital tonight
This week I learned that cat bites are almost equivalent in danger to most venomous snakes. Who knew?

thumb in the pink 4 in the stink

So can the body people hear outside noises like cars and yelling?

get better soon

Reminder that Morty fucked up anatomy park 2 and the people in it

>this episode originally aired before the cuck meme got out of hand

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I was surprised when a Simpsons (i think) episode was airing the other day from like 2008 and I saw the word cuckold. I've just become used to it being a modern thing.

Does Papa Johns think having Shaq on the board will help them escape their racist public image?

>end of the week
>got my PS4
>beat X4 with both X and Zero without cheats
>relaxing with hot pizza and an ice cold Steel Reserve
Who else /comfy/


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Shaq is a big brain for business. The racist public image tanked the company value, so he was able to get in cheap.

He really just likes to fuck around. He doesn’t need to be on that board, but it might be a laugh so he does it

>>relaxing with hot pizza
wish i could be doing this right now but no everything has to fucking suck ass and i cant even eat in my room right now because of dumb shit, and i have company so im lucky when im not being barged in on to be asked to borrow my computer, and one of them is playing a network intensive game so i cant post shit over like 600 kb without it fucking up our shitty ass internet

shit why is relaxing fucking impossible, i hate trying to situate things just to be able to get almost relaxed and then it all fucks up anyway

It won't help them escape their shitty pizza.

what happened i missed the racist thing

Is the WoW Classic meme dead?

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papa john said the nigger word and his pizza tastes like cardboard.

it's 2019, no-no words are more important to a restaurant than it's food quality

>Papa John says nigger
>they rename John's Favorite and try to get away from him in order to repair image

I just noticed that the president in this episode was white,What sloppy craftsmanship.

They only watch for the memes. They won't even be looking at the screen.

The novelty wears off fast. People hyped for it are quickly realizing they aren’t 13 anymore with infinite free time needed for grinding

oh, thanks
i haven't eaten their pizza in years and even my parents say its not that good, i remember liking their pan pizzas that you used to get at taco bell when i was younger but i think that was actually the last time i had them at all

oh well, time to cook a tiny food lion pizza

I had to take this red pill when old school Runescape came out. My nostalgia goggles made me forget 95% of your time is spent doing the same inane task over and over

Who's on the pill?

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Their pizza has gotten consistently worse.
It used to be solidly mediocre, now it is actively bad.

Usually Yea Forums shows and some movies.

I recently just watched MTV's Downtown, Started watching Summer Camp Island and Final Space.
I also just watched Train to Busan recently

At least Domino's tastes better

sounds like a girl worth waiting thousands of years for her to wake up

What pizza do you sluts like to get nowadays?

I like Marco's or Dodo's.

I stick with Domino's. Their pan pizza has that perfect crispy edge

I really thought Shaq was older than mid-40s. Huh.

Your mom usually pops in a totinos when I visit her

muthafuckin JETS

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But she's dead, user.

Never heard of the place, but that looks good.

His appearance has aged him some

What hentai have you been watching?

In an interview on ANN, the writer explained that the entire point of the final arc was to finally make Souma x Erina canon when he couldn't think of a way to do it for the entire manga beforehand. So he introduced Erina's half-brother as a man who wanted to steal her away, superhuman chefs with magical cooking skills, and another tournament arc.

Is Beggars Pizza any good?

east of chicago

But then who was pizza???

Little Caesar's. I'm poor and the $5 pizza lasts me 4 meals.

>I couldn’t think of a way
>so I went absolutely madman mode

they arent too common but god damn are they good

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>There are people in this thread who eat chain pizza
>Not eating at a local pizzeria
>Not eating pizza out out a stone/wood top oven
Fucking savages

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Marco's is alright, they're in my area, and on is actually a few blocks away. Feel like they've kinda dipped too, but their thin-crust is still acceptable. Though it's been a long while since I bought from them.

There's a local place that makes a glorious St.Louis style pizza.

I rather like Mod Pizza. Dunno how wide spread they are, but its basically Chipotle for pizza. And they have a beautifully tart lemonade.

Used to be a solid Chicago style place as well, but they shut down and went Frozen aisle only... and its never the same.

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Papa Murphy's
Hot Box if I'm in Indiana.


>....but for some reason I can't get good shows

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My dad makes our pizza homemade.

Usually Ceasers but their sauce man, it fucking upsets my stomach. More often I rely on Digiorno. I remember when they stopped selling normal pepporoni for some fucking reason and I had to eat Freschetta and that sucked. Marco's is pretty nice, there's one like a minute away from my Dad's combined with the Family Video we have. Its strong ingredients also fuck my stomach but oh well.

Hope he's damn good at it.

They're charmingly cheap

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Anyone remember a couple years ago some user here ordered a pizza, went to pick it up, only to discover the pizza place he ordered from had been out of business for months?


I don't eat anything local around here, lots of Hispanics near me. No idea what kinda shit they put in seemingly normal foods. I don't wanna get diarrhea whenever go out to eat.

Costco's pizza is pretty good

>Worst girl wins
>In an extremely retarded way
And I've been enjoying this so far

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but then who was phone?

>local ghost decides to fuck with user over pizzas
What a sad afterlife.

He gets the shows fans want. And fans don't have a history of watching actually good shows, they just watch tripe.

They couldve made Souma x Megumi canon. JUST FUCKING SAYING

Tbf he has been getting the newer shit respectively recently

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Adult humans are too big to be at serious risk from most snake bites, and puncture wounds are very prone to infection. Things were a lot more dangerous before antibiotics were invented, and people in the first world tend to forget that.

Iirc he posted here complaining and said he was gonna check out the building and would report back. He never posted again

The Usual.
>started reading Beastars since my friend kept trying to get me to read it.
Pretty good stuff, neat art style and all
>Played and completed everything in the beta test for Megaman X Dive
Pretty solid game, lots of potential. Cant wait for the full game to be ruined by RNG when they rebalance it.
>did some fanart of OK KO to see if I could get Ian's attention and therefore get some more eyes on my artwork
Didn't work

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user, we really don't do anything different because to do so costs a shit ton of money.

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NOBODY but him wanted Lupin or Gundam back and he got both of those

>He gets the shows fans want.
If that was true Boogiepop and Part 5 would've been on by now

>get ad for local brick oven pizza joint in the mail
>30 FUCKING DOLLARS for a large pizza

Yeah, no thanks. No way it's 4x better than a deep dish from Caesars.

Was he a simulation?

He can't get shows that don't have dubs, Also it's literally one guy who wants Boogiepop.

Are you?

Dominos pan pizza is better

>the ghost made him into a pizza

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>Also it's literally one guy who wants Boogiepop
Oh how wrong you are

Yea this is what turns me away from a lot of local places. I don’t mind paying a little more, but it’s gotta be a damn miracle if you can tell me your pizza is $25 better than Little Ceasars

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I'm you're going to spend money on food, at least have it be edible unlike the garbage Ceaser's puts in a box

At least get a fucking Tombstone and bake it.

>he never posted again
S-surely that’s because he found his pizza and was just too busy eating it

Lupin is one of the good shows he got that was snubbed by the audience. Gundam was a failed attempt to pander to the nostalgiafags and he doubly botched it by picking up IBO of all recent Gundam series. But even if he'd gotten one of the good Gundam series it probably wouldn't have done well, because the Toonami audience are largely braindead.


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Boogiepop is literally who garbage, even Yea Forums has forgotten about it at this point. It’s literally just you

I'm not him though!

Ghost made him so many pizza's now he's too fat to leave but fat enough for them to eat

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Listening to my friend complain about how one of my other friend doesnt like him very much for the seven thousandth time.
My entire friend group was supposed to be watching anime but then we got stuck on this topic for like two hours.

Holy friggin crap /tg/!

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Oh, remember to vote for Legs Go All The Way Up Griffin

No, it's just you. It's super obvious, nobody else ever mentions that show.

Yea Forums doesn't talk about it because there's shit to talk about every season to tard.
You can't dwell on the past for too long.

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That’s the issue, there are no good Gundam series

Nice, but predictable
>Demon Slayer
Nice. We knew months ago though

What do you guys think the third show will be?

>IBO of all recent Gundam series.
Isn't that getting a game adaptation?

It's gotta be Mob Psycho II, right?


Mob or possibly Fairy Tail

>Dying Orphans: The Game

I hope not. I hated that opening song. Autistic schoolboy can't even ask out the girl he likes. And then there's?

Fuck, I guess im failing then.

Most I know is G no Reco is getting a movie apparently
Which means it might be getting a season 2

high guardian spice


that's exactly what Pitoufag would say

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TPN is getting a game?

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They would've done that back in 2012.
Time to fuck.

>tfw have no idea the context of any of these memes

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I'm just gonna have her eat everything until she can't move

The schedule is already packed. Third show will probably be in the back of the block, so I hope it isn't something I actually want to watch.

Nah, Naru/Bort hour can still move down a slot so they can work it in.

I was another president would die in office.

Best time with the best people once again.
Got sum pizza, water and might bust open some ice cream if I'm feeling extra fucking fat.

Let's do this.

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>Boogiepop and Part 5 on at the same time
Would be excellent, especially if the King Crimson and King of Distortion arcs played at the same time.
Yea Forums is usually shit and isn't the standard of which the quality of an anime should be judged on

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user i don't work with my wife in the kitchen.

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God I fucking hate the FG jokes where they do something sachharine and then it ends with them crying for a minute because tonal shifts like that are obnoxious and cringe inducing. Why would you ever write that.

How did she fit so many tests in between her tits?

I don’t give a fuck about quality. If not even the reddit refugees will keep a thread up for something on Yea Forums, it has zero relevance

>Slam Sans shitters anytime I fight em online


>Emma eating Mother
>Emma eating Norman or Ray

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On top of old SMOOOOOKEY

But user I'm Canadian

>internet explorer
What the fuck are you doing

Eat shit Ass ta, Souma is the new Chad


Yea it’s ok. It’s one of the better ones on the block, but in a few weeks the competition is gonna get stiffer

I change the channel when it's on, so no

I like the nobles.
Everything else is peasant garbage and filth.

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Charmy is the best character




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>sad kot collage.jpg
Fren, that's not me.

Thoughts on Tamaki?

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She has a special D.D. (Dimensional Distortion) cup B.R.A. (Bent Reality Apparatus) that allows her to open a pocket dimension in her breasts

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There was a Boogiepop thread on Yea Forums just yesterday.

Move away from Super and prove your worth. Not that you will get a chance, since you are outta here after next week. And you won’t ever get another season with RT going down the drain

Can't wait for Primal to flop so Genndy has to come up with a new excuse after he accused Toonami of pulling down Jack

Cute girl,would molest

>that old tale
Why would you give up the most manly part of your body for a woman.

It was better when Pyromancer wasn’t dead


>reee Toonami killed Jack
>p-please advertise Primal during Toonami

>Airing on regular Adult Swim instead of Toonami.
>Getting a short release in select theaters.
If it flops, it's going to look so embarrassing.

If she didnt wanna be molested, why does she dress half naked and as a maid and a catgirl?

How many ad deals does Shaq fucking have?

>tfw the only stone oven pizza place in my small town is gone
>Pizza Hut is now the only place to get pizza from.
>if I want any other pizza its either store bought frozen or I have to make it myself

Small towns suck. All the comfy, but nothing to do, none of the cool shit.

>watching local news before the block
>some guy got arrested for killing crop field by hooking up the crop sprayer to a tanker of Mountain Dew
And here I thought Florida man got to have all the fun

>AHS 1984
>its theme is Friday the 13th
I sense kino

He thinks ads are fun so he does a lot of them

Fair enough.

>Wanting a cartoon made by a passionate and talented creator to flop
>Thinking it will


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It’s what plants crave!

>theater release
Yikes. Somebody thinks their dick is a lot bigger than it actually is

He's quite the business man.

>Chris! Come down here!
>Chris falls out of a window


Say Duke, how'd Duke Nukem Takes Forever sell?

Halloween > Friday 13th

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be the change you want to see

>no dialog
>just grugs adventure
>uses those god awful Hannah barbera sound effects still despite trying to come off as serious
It might succeed pointed at the right audience. But Genndy thinks the right audience is the wrong one

Oh we doin this now?

Nah, I already gave up on this place.
If I my new place was ready to be moved into by now, I'd be long gone and probably eating some good ass pizza.

Time to get the virgin michael vs The Chad Jason memes goin

Somewhere, there's an ear of corn or a tomato snowboarding down a big ass mountain.

>show Toonami fans would like
>show AS stoner crowd wouldn’t like
>Genndy: dont you DARE put it on that dogshit Toonami block!
It’s goint to flop because Genndy is a blockhead

>Uses Hannah Barbera sound effects

Really? Don’t remember that from the trailers

>he doesn't spend most of his day making fires

these students will all go on to vote for Bernie "Free Stuff" Sanders

What DOES oogity boogity boo mean?

He's talking about the dinosaur sounds


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When I was a kid and played yea that was what I did a lot of the time. Mostly because it was cheap and I could actually afford it

Can't wait for his mandatory government-assigned waifu program

>watching old FG as they run it
>as soon as they reach the post cancellation season "these damn kids make me want to put a bullet through my head"

Wait Bernie is rolling out the waifubots?

Do it with Terry Bogard to piss them off. Smash players don't know who the fuck SNK is.

What about Andrew "$1000 per month" Yang?


He's just Ken with a hat. Why him and not, say, Mai?

>Squidbillies is still alive
>Aqua Teen dead

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All Bernies are good Bernies

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I already piss people off by winning because I play Kirby

the virgin michael myers
>cheap Will Shatner mask no one remembers
>uses a wimpy chef knife
>can't even kill his sister Laurie Stroud
The Chad Jason Voorhees
>iconic mask that everyone knows and recognizes
>uses a machete AS BIG AS HIS DICK
>has gone to Outer Space
>kicked Freddy Krueger's faggy pedo ass
>kills irresponsible teens who drink and fuck
>Played by Kane fucking Hodder

Have you watched/read Gunslinger Girl yet?

Good thing there's none of those around here. It's only half long runners and soon to be even less. :)

Wait wu-
>Rising TackuMan in Smash

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S/he is supposed to be evil.

meme candidate

We actually don’t have that for once so what’s your problem?

Yes. They say the top 20% of Americans control 80% of the women.

Who the fuck even likes squidbillies?


I he had not fucked around so much, he would then also. Took a big pile of sloth and hubris for him to lose on Namek.

I do

>Just ken with a hat
>Next sentence immediately ousts himself as a waifufag

Every time
He’s the face of the company, and Mai is not. And calling him Hat Ken ignores all the differences between the characters.
Furthermore, Mai is not even the most popular SNK girl my man

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So is Bernie giving me a waifubot or nah?

>black jesus season 3

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Yep! however the spotlight was taken from him by that gay skeleton.

Well you must be mentally deficient.

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>Charlie Murphy is kill

I did see that.
How the fuck did I miss Terry?

>Tfw heard the check it out theme and got excited for half a second

Its a good show but without Charlie Murphy its gonna suck.

The same people that like Black Jesus apparently.

I remember my dad liking it around the time it first aired and used to reference it. Think he forgot it by now.

Slink can only do so much

Isn't that a good thing?

Charlie Murphy carried the show and he is dead

>seth voicing god

But Black Jesus is good by comparison

Giggity giggity goo
I'm coming to rape you

>Yuri that low
That's a shame.

I’m retarded and gay, what show on the block will appeal to me most?

Alzeimhers will do that





You are a gay casual baby man

These chicken fights surprise me literally every time. They start at the most random moments.

He said retarded AND gay, not just retarded.


>Dude chicken fight lol

Nah lupin has tiddies occasionally

>Naruto isn't gay
>Naruto and Sasuke aren't totally gay for each other

They are always good

Bad taste

>chicken fight

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What are your top ten?

Naruto is the single most homoerotic show on the block, no other show has the MC kiss his boyfriend.

Giant chicken fight but its you versus demarco can you win?

>Family Guy is now displaying more action than we will see in Gundam, Lupin, Bort and Dr Stone tonight

The reversed chicken fight is the best

You couldve just said Bort.

Gundam is going to have a big fight are you retarded?

I whip out my phone full of fanservice screenshots and melt him where he stands

Of course I can.

Are you talking to me?

It's the best time of the week, with best girl! And the best place to be is home, baby. I am exhausted as hell but happy to return. I trust you guys and your waifus have been in good health?

Uh oh.


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Was that the only upskirt in all of Family Guy?

So do you or do you not want action

he's old as fuck, I could whip him

It's more explicit in Naruto, which also had that trap kid.

Images still don't load on wifi for some reason so I have to use mobile data on my phone to view them

Yeah a fight keep the viewers awake!

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Weird to see that scene happening before the chicken fight, look down, then look back up immediately as its rehappening.

>What the hell is CPR?


I only now just got that cleveland joke years later

Slow Cleveland > regular Cleveland

Spent a third of it a couple states away, half of it traveling, and most of today and yesterday trying to rest the pain away.

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I don't take regular shits anymore. I TAKE DAD DUMPS.

IBO was a few months ago user

Wish this was standard so phoneposters had to literally pay money to browse this site.

Couldve fooled me, all Gundam looks alike anyway

Anyone else think Fire Force sucks?

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We ended up catching turtles instead of fish

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Jokes on you, im a phoneposter and my data is UNLIMITED
No just you

The only consistent critique I see is that it has Soul Eater's problem of the author diving headfirst into arcs and not really caring for world building

No i actually have taste. If nothing else, it’s keeping the action on full blast

its painfully average but lacks the charm BS has

>Season 2

Don't eat turtles bitch.

BASED gary

Pretty much this, but it's still enjoyable enough

What the hell is a larbage?

I like it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Enen no Shouboutai - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.20_[2019.08.23_18.20.46].jpg (1280x720, 99K)


I've seen worse.

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I'm sure Meruem would fuck with turtle, also penguin

it's trying way to hard to be the next my hero academia

It's pretty mediocre, but I'm pumped as of the last couple episodes.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Enen no Shouboutai - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.15_[2019.09.13_17.28.44].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Mostly, but it is good to hear things go well for you.

Been listening to CS Lewis' "Out of the Silent Planet," most of today. It is interesting. Very classical sci-fi, as a man is abducted by two other scientists and taken to an odd alien world which has a breathable atmosphere.
The rest of the details, I suppose should be left up to the reading/listening. Though, I will say it seems to build on a line of thought about aliens who had not fallen like man that was in "Mere Christianity," iirc.

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Garbage produced by lesbians

So the new She-Ra?

So Steven Universe?

Are you sure he isn't in debt to the mafia or something?


not so much that it sucks but something about it just feels off to me its completely put together but it suffers from pacing issues. I was barnes and nobles the other day going to buy something else and I thought of buying some fireforce but really couldn't muster the will to buy it.

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why is echo ken with a hat counted as a seperate character is it like mario and dr. mario

>Check Kiwifarms on a whim
>Thousands of posts about some people who are mostly private
>They found Shadman’s real name

What the fuck? How do they find all this information and how do I avoid these people? Legitimately spooked

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Now that sounds like it might be up my alley. Glad you're alright.

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I hope he gets harassed into quitting, we don't need degenerate shit "artists" like him.

Just don't be a public figure or piss off anyone on the internet unless it's anonymous.
probably got found out because he has a patreon and shit that his real name is likely connected to. If you're not an "internet personality" most people probably don't give a enough of a shit about you to stalk you like that.

Sucks is too strong, but it's nothing special.