What would you say is the single greatest webcomic of all time?

What would you say is the single greatest webcomic of all time?

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transdimentional brain chip

Bittersweet Candy Bowl


Hmmm. He's starting to get more crass.

8-bit theater


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My favorite is Alfie probably. I like Perry Bible Fellowship, Oglaf, and Nedroid a lot too though.

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>its been nearly 10 years now since it ended
Where does the time go lads

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Muh nigga.

>Where does the time go lads

Into the Oblivion Machine.

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Unsounded. There are some runners like All Night Laundry, SSSS, and 8-Bit tho.

What do you guys think of Demon?

Problem Sleuth

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It's not PBF comics, so no.

This, then Kill Six Billion Demons, then It Hurts

A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible

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What the fuck.

Looking at the other comic the guy has done I think thats the main point of the whole series. To make people have that reaction
I did like this one though

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Most of the strips are about shit that goes wrong in tragic but nonsensical ways.

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This is objectively the best A Lesson Is Learned comic. Don't @ me.

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It's a "really makes you think" comic, but I mean that in a good way

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jerk city

Possibly 3rded but it kind of feels like a cop out answer.
Will we ever see more with that /fit/ brown caravan guard?

>and now I fuck an ugly goatman!

I finally have an incentive to draw up my will

you can't fucking snap a birch, those fuckers bend almost as much as incase's sexuality, go take a hike in a forest one of these days you polish cunt

I have nothing but respect for comics with uninteresting art. They have to stand solely on the writing, and that's pretty difficult

go read one punch man
the original webcomic, i mean

Nedroid? Riceboy?

I feel like you have to at least have "one-off gags" vs. "story" for this question.

That's how I feel about Arthur, King of Time and Space.

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Jesus these are horrible jokes but I cant be mad because the set ups are so perfectly paced I'm actually in awe 10/10 would read in my newspaper funnies.

You can do whatever you want in life

how the FUCK did it take this many replies for the obviously right answer.
I will agree with this for comics I am currently following

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wait what oh god

Stand Stay Still Silent?

Kit 'n' Kay Boodle
Hathor the Cow Goddess

Fuck off I liked moon over june. A little.

I see you can read

Me too, kinda

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I know it's a meme because he posts here, but I'm unironically invested in the plot of Swords at the moment.

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The one that's bisexual and was in denial about it? Yeah Incase said the entire next chapter is going to focus on her and Marco.

Actually scratch that. I was thinking of what he said about Vera and Cillian. I'd be shocked if he got rid of Lydia though.

Romantically Apocalyptic