Lily is such faggot for making this garbage vid

Lily is such faggot for making this garbage vid

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I legit believe Lily has mental health issues. Not because of gender dysphoria, but because they're always so passive aggressive in their videos, all they do is bitch. Like, even when they praise X, they feel the need to add "good thing X is not like Y, Y is so fucking atrocious, and it's not even trying, if you like Y you have shit taste etc. etc.".

Once every so often, the abomination that is "Lily Orchard" does raise what has the vague resemblance of a good point. Then it opens its mouth, and suddenly its drowned out in garbage.

Like the long breaks between episodes. That's a good point.

I'd talk about Korra- because that was a show I didn't drop after a few episodes out of boredom, because it was just so bad I wanted to keep watching it -but again, any semblance of a good point gets drowned out in self-aggrandising crap.

So remember kids- if you want to waste time watching some guy tearing apart Koora, just watch E;R instead.

Also, watching this psycho get BTFO by its somewhat-closer-to-normal brother was hilarious.

Why does she sound like a nebby anime reviewer?

why is their avatar hot?

I like Longform Analysis stuff and i would say that one was pretty funny with the swings and misses, best enjoyed in contrast to E;R and Whats-Her Face? Robuddies? since it is basically the same opinion (SU is Garbage) for wildly differing reasons, which makes for a interesting comparisons and contrasts with how people overreact to CRYING AND SINGING and methods to approach it. Best Longform i seen is definitely the 7 Hour Pokémon ORAS one.

I definitely won't be rewatching this one anytime soon (I watched it when it was new).

TL;DR for those not wanting to watch it: "Steven Universe is Garbage because it promotes forging Bigots like Space Hitler and bla bla bla Bismuth has Minority Coding and decipted as villain and DASS RAYCISS." and think there was some nuggets about animation stuff. That is how it went on the top of my head anyway.

well, a broken clock is right twice a day.

SU's morality is very much indeed fucked.

>Best Longform i seen is definitely the 7 Hour Pokémon ORAS one.
I'm so glad that one exists. People meme on IGN's ORAS review for being too hard on it with "Too Much Water" but the truth is "Too Much Water" was being too easy on it by not addressing its billion other flaws that aren't just things shared with the original game.

>manly-voiced tranny complaining about SJWniverse for 2 HOURS
Who is watching this? Good lord.

Lily and E;R should just fuck already
Politics aside, they're pretty much the same person prove me wrong

They're a trans thingy (pretty sure male to female), and want to believe they are much more attractive than they actually are.

>Jerry Peet commissions art of himself as an attractive brown woman when he himself is none of those
top kek

Listen, I don’t care. All i want is to get a link to that one mlp fanfic she wrote about her self insert (who was twiggy’s daughter) getting fucked deep by her mom’s massive futa cock. Do you have it? I gotta see it. Not for masturbatory purposes, but for scientific purposes. I NEED to see what this guy’s prose is like, and I need to see how she approaches writing erotica.

>this video sucks, everyone go give it more views!

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When she started talking about the show and describing all its flaws I agreed so much
But it soon devolved into vitriol and claiming Rebecca sugar is a Nazi or racist or whatever,

But it is right, every single point in that video is correct.

That's why you should always TL;DR when posting a video. But really views means fuck all for old videos anyway you ain't gonna get em trending and shoved in public eyes, unless you for some fucking reason don't have Adblock/uBlock or equivalents (No Ad Loaded = No Revenue for Maker), so effectively your view is only used for Trending/Popularity counts, which as said, will do fuck all when the video is this old.

The real issue is that you get even more garbage in your recommends unless you paused Watch History, something you should probably already do if you actually click on Yea Forums Embeds.

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quick, someone post the political compass that shows a video critical of SU in each political quadrant!

> well, a broken clock is right twice a day.
I read "broken cock" and had a sensible chuckle.

Wow, really wow you only call him faggot

You, I like you. Yep, ER and Lily are basically the same shit but in the other side.

This is the same person that has called moviebob a great mind, saying that Lily has mental health issues is a understatement.

>use female avatar
>not even hide the deep voice
>act in everyway like a male

Stop. You're only making it worse.

Yeah but it's so profitable to have brain problems.

Lily is a faggot for being mean to Josh Scorcher, who is a good boi and did absolutely nothing wrong

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Can you explain to me why people go to her for cartoon criticism and analysis? Like, all she does is spew her liberal agenda like how that cartoons need more LGBT representation and how conservatives ruin everything for everyone. She is such a retard and a genuine psycho when it comes to her attitude. Even her own family avoids her like she has a fatal disease. The rest of the brony community hates her because she brings politics into everything and the whole drama with Josh and Toon are prime examples of it. She paints Josh as such an evil tyrant like he caused a mass genocide, all because he called out her BS. And don't get me started with how she could be a possible pedophile.

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the real question is why anyone would look for children cartoons criticism.

Go to Kiwi Farms and I think they have links to her fanfics.

He threatened his own mother on twitter and told her he'd break her nose AND he writes a comic where his pokemon was raped and wants to fuck him. I think it's safe to say the guy is a mental case

HE just talks a lot. People like long videos confirming their biases, whether they're well made or not.


Don't forget EZ:PZ. They're all pretty much just the same person, just with a progressively deeper voice the more left they lean.

He also loves to call Sugar a nazi lover, despite her being Jewish and him being a trannie who pretends to give a fuck about Jewish people

I dunno about that. E;R has put more hours into bitching about Korra than Peet has into SU but at the end of his Wan videos he really gives Bryke some slack, admits they’re still talented and responsible for one of his favorite shows. Peet seems to feel genuine disgust towards Sugar and seems like he wants her dead or at the very least #cancelled. I get the vibe that E;R bitches about cartoons because it’s fun and that Peet thinks he’s actually making some kind of moral crusade.

Well i am now

>Glass of Crummy Water
But I wanted Pokemon creatures!

EZPZ is a complete faggot who tried to smear Sugar based on the words of the Bikini Cowboy cuck, who got fired for showing her fanart of he and Pearl together like a creepy sperg

This dude needs to stop dipping into random British speech patterns. This is dipping into some genuine Multiple Personality Disorder territory.

>we need to talk about tranny e-celebs
Fuck you

>Kill La Kill is regressive
Well he certainly has the mentality of an ugly woman.

How come she uses an avatar and doesn’t show her face in videos?

This further emphasizes what an anomaly Dr. Girlfriend is. Sexy character models with guy voices just don't work outside of her. "Lily"'s gross voice just makes the cartoon more repulsive.

Because she's a transgender woman who is uglier than her avatar lets on


Can you post a photo

Dr. Girlfriend is an actual character who endears you and does other sexy shit to the point you forget her voice.
This is just a talking head that occasionally appears but ultimately you're not linking it with the voice.


Butt Witch from 12 Forever tho

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Yeah. About what I expected.

>Butt Witch
A goddamn shame at that, too.

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