According to this trailer, this movie will be very Wednesday-centric. If that's true, how disappointing.
Addams Family
But is she more the innocently scary girl or fatalistic teenager kind of Wednesday?
They have to capture the kids market, even if isn't the entire focus of the movie. (But even if it's a major part it can still be entertaining. The pacing of dialogue is less mugging-to-the camera and more just being kooky.)
The smartly smug outsider, even in her own family.
did they make wednesday gay and make her corrupt a prep girl into a goth gf?
Nah the prep did that herself.
because wednesday made her want to be have and be the goth gf
Everyone aside from the family looks horrible
that's a code lyoko forehead right there
looks like genius sheen
Is this going to have a generic "be yourself" kid movie plot?
...It's Addams Family. That's the whole point.
That's not even a 5head, that's like a 6 or 7head.
That's some REALLY bad animation for 2019
Is Wednesday the Lightning of the Addams Family?
Why do all the non-Addams characters look so fucking awful?
Wasn't the point being a funny family who likes things like rain and dust?
This shit's gonna bomb so hard
I hate her design. You can't make porn out of it
>Addams family property
>Wednesday hogs the limelight
Every fucking time
Then sexualize her mom. Supposedly Elvira is based on her.
Wednesday is the protagonist of the franchise.
She has the most to work with as a character. The parents are well-established in their identity so won't have conflict, and Pugsley is consistently proto-Bart.
The Addam's Family aren't suited to the kind of conflict you're thinking about, and post-movie Wednesday is the weakest of the lot since she doesn't have a personality outside of being a vicious little deadpan girl, like a proto-Mandy that's never the butt of the joke.
Generic girl problems.
Damn, masturbating to her in this style is gonna be difficult.
>Gomez isn't voiced by John Astin
Come on he's not dead yet.
Man they did that style on purpose, if she was close to being cute, these threads would be wild
>kids in school plot
>for a movie no less
how is this not straight to DVD/streaming?
She isn't exactly a sexpot in any version.
So...the Wednesday goes to summer camp plot from Adams Family Values but it is the whole movie? Aaaand instead of being slight caricatures the whole school is straight from one of those shitty animated Dr. Seuss movies?
Morticia doesn't look good in this movie.
You're joking right?
There was a clear middleground they could have gone for. Just draw Addam's comic design of her and slap on the noose pigtails.
>mob against the Addams
Again that? Why not something in the vein of the first movie?
I could forgive that awful lightbulb-headed design if she were just a small supporting role, but here we fucking go.
the head
look at the head
that gif is a better character design than Wednesday.
Pre-Ricci she was quite upbeat about things
I thought the designs weren't that bad but it's that garbage over designed characters in a realistic world shit Illumination does. As a result everything looks terrible, do they just reuse rigs and slap on new textures? I don't think Illumination has had a film that actually pushed forward 3d animation since like DM2.
The plot is just going to be Wednesday brainwashing some girl to be an Emo Goth girl.
Why does her forehead grow in every new incarnation of the addams family
Here's how to make an Addams Family reboot
>A gay couple and their daughter have just bought a new house next door to the Addams (that's why they got it dirt cheap)
>Hilarity ensues (the daughter being the audience surrogate)
is that sheen from jimmy neutron?
>the floss is for zoom-
>How dare you enter this house like that!
This seems very un-Morticia. The Addams Family parents never seemed like they would scold their children for becoming normal, merely be surprised or at-first disappointed, but force themselves to be supportive. I always considered them a supportive family.
Could they have chosen an uglier design for a supporting character? I'm not even saying to make her attractive because lolifags are annoying, but more visual appeal for a character that's going to be showing up a lot would've been a lot smarter.
She's a little girl with an unflattering hair style and beady eyes.
This, their chatacterization is a bit off
Little Sister flavor is better than older sister flavor.
This. Their whole thing is that even though outsiders see them as weird and react as such, the Addams also find "normal" people strange but aren't spergs about it. They don't quite understand why other people don't share their tastes but it doesn't stop them from being friendly.
They openly wept and cursed to the sky when they saw their baby was becoming cute and blonde.
I've jacked off to worse.
Why does it have to be a female character that's the surrogate?
>Wednesday drifting away from the family
>conflict between her and Morticia
Did they just recycle the plot from the musical, but with a non aged-up Wednesday?
The voices are terrible. Whoever did the voice casting fucked up big time. Morticia would not talk with this annoying ass valley girl vocal fry.
Girls have funnier reactions against scary shit.
Yeah, this. Not a fan of their Gomez either but Morticia's voice alone makes this unwatchable
A boys with two dads would be too many male characters (and somewhat has negative correlations)
>The two dads are very overprotective and don't really like the Addams family at first (they think they're dangerous)
>A gay couple
Those faggots would be stranger than the Addams family and take the spotlight away.
It's especially disappointing because I know Charlize Theron can do better. Also Oscar Isaac somehow botching a Spanish accent is kind of baffling.
I hope Pugsley is allowed to be his own character this time around, never cared for his "i'm my sister mindless goon" rutine from the movies.
>Stock Wilhelm Scream
It wasn't even used Ironically
Heck the old Animated Series did better, even Fox Kids had more Soul, and I believe had a Married with Children reunion at one point.
Honestly when you've had the Apex of Adams Family on film you cannot top that on Film again.
Man, it's a good thing I'm a Wednesdayfag or I'd hate this.
I'm a Wednesdayfag and I still hate it
This year is nothing but box office bombs for animation
I think it's just Parker. The size of her head and the position of her face is bad. These twins look fine.
They still look pretty awful. Not AS bad, but they're still ugly.
It’s as if they only focused on making the Addams look good.
>biggest star in the film is Chloe Grace Moretz
>Yea Forumsfag seething when she's the star of the film
If you couldn't see this coming then you are a complete and utter RETARD. That goes for everyone else ITT and double for you Doom Patrol cucks.
>Biggest star.
user, Charlize Theron and Oscar Isaacs beat her in that regard. Hell, Finn Wolfhard beats her in that regard currently.
This is literally the plot of family values.
This IP doesn't come cheap.
You know something is wrong when the non-Addams characters look more disturbing than the Addams Family.
Comics Wednesday is more kinda sad and wan, not a smartass.
I'd still hit it.
>Just give me that bowling pin look, senpai
So the animators exaggerated her head a bit. It lets them make her eyes more expressive than the classic Charles Addams model - plus, she's easier to make stand out among the normies.
Family movies usually focus more on one character, though usually the parents.
I actually don't mind her head, it helps make her feel "off" like the rest of the family, but her cutesy large pupils don't seem to mesh with that.
This looks like a very usefull app
>According to this trailer, this movie will be very Wednesday-centric
They want the 'Disney Princess' audience.
i hope they make it like this
>you're weakening the gene pool
what did she mean by this
She’s come to the conclusion that she is the child that got all the positive traits of the Addams couple, while Pugsley got all their negative traits, and that therefore Pugsley needs to die before he can breed so that those negative traits die with him.
I think she’s a little confused about how exactly genes actually work, and that as brother and sister, she and Pugsley actually share very similar genes, whether they physically present similar traits or not.
It's a little weird how he's outlived the entire cast of the original except Wednesday and the guy who took over his role 30 years later.
The 90's movies went a bit overboard with it too.
those girls are a fashion disaster, oh my god.
This, why are people upset?
People like to get upset over nothing.
Still one of the top personification of Gomez and Mortica outside the original show.
Those twins look creepier than Wednesday to me for some reason.
wedensday is exaggerated enough she registers less uncanny
> "You thought it was Wednesday, Spongebob, but it was me! Squidward!"
> "Oh, that's stupid! Squidward's not a day!"
Yeah. The twins are too human for this animation style.
Did you know that the YTV series took place after the movie? Turns out that Pugsley ate the baby.
The CG work in this is abysmal.
Because I expected a movie about a FAMILY with an ensemble cast be about more than one character.
Would everyone complain about all of them being undeveloped then?
I'd limit the mains to two. At most three depending on how long the movie is.
Looks very generic and has a bad artsytle.
I never understood Puglsy's shtick. He just seems like a lol-so-gross boy.
All the more reason to give him a decent role in this.
That Gomez is too tall and handsome.
he was more of a jimmy neutron crossed with bart in his earlier appearances. blame the 90s movies for reducing him to that because he was actually the smarter of the siblings before.
So, Wednesday was the idiot?
I like the VA for wednesday. Everything else is kinda bland and uninteresting.
The environments and lighting look really good.
Shame the character design is Video Brinquedo level trash
Why does there need to be an idiot?
I guess that could be done to smart characters too, though.
Also, someone for the smart one to bounce off of. Be a verbal punch bag.
All the non-main characters look like rejects from The Lorax movie.
What's with the gay flag?
>Finn Wolfhard
Imagine believing your own memes
That Parker chick is fucking HIDEOUS holy shit.
Also the story looks pretty generic.
they look like fish-human hybrids
needs a lovecraft reference
no, she was more "innocent macabre little girl"
That’s what the uncle was for. Pugsley was the mad scientist of the family.
She and Pugsly had pretty chunky subplots in the live-action films.
For me, it's Wednesday
They combined her comics persona with the ricci live action one it seems
How does her body support that head?
I like the noose pig-tails. Everything else looks terrible.
Why are they half-assing a movie they want to make money?
'Oh it's for kids, it doesn't need to look good'
'Apparently the Addams Family just doesn't sell tickets, better ignore that property'
I'm glad i don't much care about the Addams family otherwise this would be very upsetting. Looks pretty bad and like the kind of thing where somebody assumes "stylized" character designs don't have rules.
they at least went by the old style with a few changes
This is fucking Fanboy and Chum Chum tier
It's Sunday.
So are they going with Fester being Gomez's brother, or being Morticia's uncle?
According to wikipedia, he's Gomez's brother. Also they're going with Grandmama being their mother.
Doesn't hit quite the wonderfully morbid spot like the old movies, but some of it makes me smile.
Rainbows in a child's world just means playful or innocent instead of gayness.
>this movie will be very Wednesday-centric
well, wednesday was always the best character
>(sigh) You're weakening the gene pool
the 90s cartoon version is also good, but that's because she's based on this version. Unfortunately, because of the popularity of a more morbid Wednesday is, its no wonder whenever something new involving the series comes along, the focus is always on her.
Does anybody knows the budget for this? It looks like it's even lower than some of Netflix's CG cartoons.
It's like if all the secondary characters were made by amateur stop motion
but they were still supportive to the baby IIRC
Jesus Christ, how fucking tight is Morticia? No wonder there’s so much passion in their romance after 3 kids.
She looks like she came from Fanboy and Chum Chum
Kinda looks like that weird fast food show on Nick. I don't remember the name of it but it had puppets and shit
Mr. Meaty?
This shouldn't of been CGI. Looks terrible.
See now that works.
>It's another 'weird good normal bad' animated movie where the villains are just regular white people, everybody will inevitably compromise in the end
And dropped.