Has both his parents

>Has both his parents
>Lives in a two story home
>Has his own bedroom filled with toys and games
How the fuck is he less happy than a child soldier forced to kill for an African Warlord, or a Chinese child forced to work in a factory to support his family?
Or hell, even a kid with clinical depression?

Attached: Fairly20Oddparents.jpg (1862x1048, 170K)

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Fair Folk are weird

>a kid with clinical depression?
Depression can hit even the fortunate children.
Also, his parents are neglectful. I'd rather have one parent that loves me than two that are never around.

How many non-whites do we see with fairies?

Reminder that Cosmo and Wanda failed Timmy.

Attached: E26A4522-B45D-4EE1-B5AB-92C52053374B.png (616x825, 175K)

How do you know he wasn’t clinically depressed?

They need to fill racial quota so Timmy got two

It was made by sheltered, privileged people for sheltered, privileged people. I'm not being political here, either, I'm just being descriptive. The show is lighthearted and simply "what if a dumb kid had dumb magic friends who granted him dumb wishes". Don't read too much into it.

To make things worse its canon Timmy wished to never grow and be a kid forever, its not only him, the entirw city ots stuck in the same year forever

Maybe supporting those kids have major drawbacks.

The african child has really fucked up tendencies and wishes for horrible shit?
Depressed kids wish mot to be depressed then lose their godparents?

>Both parents neglect him often, leaving him with an abusive baby sitter and all past accounts such as all his stuff being pink because they wanted a girl and his Dad asking him how old Timmy is when Timmy asked when his Dad's crushed dreams started all point to Timmy being an unwanted child that both parents are putting up with

Knowing this and after a certain point it sorta becomes clear that any mindless neglect they inflict on him is purposeful and they're likely aware of Vicky's constant abuse but just don't care

Attached: 1564420627337.gif (420x315, 1.99M)

Vicky raped him, without Cosmo and Wanda he would have killed himself long ago.

He wears short sleeved shirts.

Yeah, I know, it's just escapist media with a protagonist who's meant to represent the average viewer supposedly, though I for one barely related to Timmy as a kid.
That said, at the very least they could have dropped the whole "only the most miserable kids get fairies" thing. Even as a kid I found the idea of Timmy being that miserable outlandish.

In a world where fairies and magic exist, surely it's not unreasonable to assume that other godkids just wished all of those problems away

>Vicky raped him

>le depression meme

it is not real suffering

>Losing your virginity to a sixteen year old teenage girl
Not really seeing a problem here

>Timmy is the only asshole too dense to realize he could just drop 'I wish none of my problems were problems any more' and live a totally normal life.
Makes sense to me

If he ever did make that wish, he'd lose his fairies on the spot. That's literally the only reason Vicky's still his babysitter, she's why he got them in the first place.

Why do people always forget that Vicky exists? She's the reason he got the fairies, she's cartoonishly evil to the point where she'd dominate the whole world if she weren't a babysitter. She has an evil bug up her ass. It's pretty justified if you ask me.

I haven't watched this show in forever, when did it become a horror story?

What the fuck? When did that happen?


It was a special, Timmy wishes his Millionth wish and everyone celebrates until the council throws Timmy in jail since it turns out he got Cosmo to grant him a secret wish, which are like super forbidden or shit due the abuse/someone wishing a fairy eating bird. Afraid of losing his Fairies when he grows up he secretly wishes no one grows up, and Cosmo to forget the wish, it's been like 50 years since that secret wish. Worst, they age up everyone and no one knows what the fuck is going on.

Christ, how horrifying.