This is bullshit

this is bullshit

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stay mad snownigger

the hammer did budge a bit tho

I saw it as "worhy, but not 100% worthy"

I mean, it fits, but not for the reasons Russos claim.

I always imagined it bulged because Cap can, but he didn't wield it because he was doing it simply for the hell of it, not exactly noble reason. Hell, even Mjolnir not embarrassing Thor right in the middle of party would make more sense than "yeah, Steve just didn't feel like it"

Seemed more like, "You're worthy, but you don't need the hammer now so stop fucking with it."

>and character X is totally LGBTI+ but we are not showing it yet or in the next five movies

Define "worthiness"

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I took it as Cap was worthy and would be able to lift it when it mattered, not just fucking around at a party.
Anyway the Russos didn't work on AoU so whatever they say about his scene is irrelevant anyway

like, I don't disagree I just wish the Russo's would shut the fuck up and let a moment in the movie just exist as it's own thing with out them having to suddenly explain it.

Thor was able to lift it at the same party.
I say the Russos make complete sense. Lifting the hammer is an all-in-one deal, either you can or you can't.

Of course it's bullshit. Russos are adults talking about what a comic character can do in a fictional movie. These dudes are faggot manchildren for even addressing such a thing. "My dad can beat up your dad after school by the bikeracks," kinda retardation.

This lad

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This. The ability to wield it is situational.

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This is exactly what I thought when I first saw the movie. Why is this controversial?

No no, white people don't like to be called snowniggers,
The appropriate term is snow trooper

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why does thor look like he-man

I don’t believe it. Steve’s storyarc wasn’t over yet. He still had to defend Bucky from the government. Maybe Thor ‘sensed’ Cap’s potential during that scene, but no way was Cap faking it to not hurt Thor’s feelings.

>Anyway the Russos didn't work on AoU so whatever they say about his scene is irrelevant anyway

Whedon corroborated their interpretation.

Why are people bothered by this revelation?

There's no partially worthy. There is worthy or unworthy. That's it.

Because it's dumb, user.

That's how I felt it was supposed to be. The hammer just acknowledging his potential. Cap was still looking for Bucky, hiding that Hydra killed the Starks, he doesn't really trust everybody fully, he has a lot of depression/guilt etc.
Makes sense that he has evolved and become worthy as a finisher for his arc.

How is it dumb?

>He says while browsing a comic and cartoon board on the internet

It's not smart

>Please explain this plot detail
>Oh, he just didn't feel like it

Steve is such a Mary Sue holy fuck.
Russos weren't the directors of the film, they had nothing to do with this scene. I don't care what they say about it.

Because it’s clearly not how the scene was potrayed in the actual movie? Cap pulled very clearly, and it only budged a bit. The sheer momentum from Cap’s pull alone would have been enough.

Not you have to retcon it as Cap psychically affecting the Hammer so it wouldn’t budge at all so he could not humiliate Thor.

He could lift it in Endgame, he could lift it in Ultron. I like the idea that he realized he could lift it when he touched it, so he faked it, but messed up a little which is what Thor caught.

How is it not smart?

He didn't, he didn't want to embarrass his friend.

He was faking it really well, he fooled you like how he fooled Thor.

I always assumed he couldn't lift it then because he was thinking about it, like of course he can lift it if he has to but doing it in a moment of pride isn't very worthy.