ITT, "what the fuck is that thing?" character designs

ITT, "what the fuck is that thing?" character designs

Starting with Bird-Brain from the New Mutants

Attached: Bird-Brain_(Earth-616)_002.jpg (270x379, 19K)

That’s actually kind of cute, in a freaky sort of way.

Skin, before he turned handsome.

Attached: 93630A04-A92D-40FB-976E-8E2EA483A917.jpg (363x400, 24K)

Different strokes, I guess

Attached: birdbrain03.jpg (450x325, 127K)

Attached: 1481218407943.jpg (1988x3056, 2.15M)

imagine that, mutants actually looking like freaks

Bird-Brain is a genetic experiment created by a group of anti-mutant humans

Perpetua. Her design is horrible.

Attached: perpetua.jpg (544x544, 154K)

But did he go for it?
I know I would, if for no other reason that curiosity as to how it would feel

details, details

Oh please, a bunch of us here would fuck the tall pink alien.

Doesn't that describe most 90s mutants? Like a girl that rips off her skin to reveal all kinds of weird shit, burned off face psychic furnace man, autonomous external sluglike stomachs that can break down materials and turn their main body blue, craggy skinned off-color person with random bone growths, being a version of a catgirl that is less cute fanservice and more hairy monster with lots of sharp bits, vampire mouth hands that suck the marrow out of victims...

Isn't this a Yugioh card?


90's was a dark age for character design.

GenX had a lot of unconventional powers.

Homo """Superior"""
No wonder they were called Gene Jokes

Gimme source already

>burned off face psychic furnace man
Jono is best boy and I won't stand for you slandering him like this.

Attached: chamber_art.jpg (668x1000, 133K)

Do you deny his face is burned, that he has has energy, or that he is a man?


His face wasn't burned, his jaw exploded that's different.

No, I just disagree that he's a bad/ugly character design.

He’s missing his jaw and most of the internal organs in his chest.
Although for some reason most artists still draw him with a jaw when he’s got his face covered up.

Attached: DQ95ZYwVoAAUZWg.jpg (1024x577, 103K)

At least he isn't a flaming skeleton like his great^xth granduncle.

Attached: 1989193.jpg (503x533, 132K)

What was his name again? Genocide?


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Genocide, Holocaust, Nemesis, he's had a few.

Holocaust, which is funny because he's mortal enemies with Magneto.

burny skellyman