what went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Vasquez lost the edge and soften
They look like sausages.
It’s alright
I expected worse.
Nothing, the comics have been great.
This is real? Youre kidding me brother, say it aint so
no Sara
Zim has fucking five fingers
It's a variant cover, it has nothing to do with the actual comic inside.
I know, I read them.
I still hate five finger Zim
It’s a variant retard.
What's so great about her?
Why is Skoodge such a chad?
Tak has not appeared so far
I remember this issue had a cameo of Vinny Vinesauce and it was just so surreal to me for something season
she exists to suffer, much like dib
*some reason
I love when they're forced to interact in low-stakes settings like this where it's either annoyance or bordering on reluctant camaraderie, wish it happened more
Hey Faggots,
My name is Skoodge, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are ugly, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on vortbook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was an Invader in Impending Doom 2 and took it over in two weeks. What planets do you invade, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese alien” planet? I also was top in the Irken Academy and have a banging hot girlfriend and a hot side girlfriend (male) (They both just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitches
based skoodge poster
based skoodge does it again
I can't believe Zim stole this child's pants.
What a creep.
he's a big guy
This is a Skoodge appreciation thread now.
That little shit only wears stockings
They really need to use the rest of the cartoons for new episodes. Especially that one where Dib and Zim travel to the future, that one was fucking great. Would do a great episode.
Is that vinny?
Never mind, Saw this.
Oh neat, my buddy did the art for this.
He's a really cool guy.
It may not be the classic style, but it's fun.
If you're going to do a comic, might as well have continuity.
She wasn’t wearing any to begin with
Guys I’m trying to find the oc co made she’s dibs mom and irked but she doesn’t seem to exist on any other part of the internet? Is there a backup for her somewhere? I’m introducing my friend Zim lore as he’s just started in the fandom.
Tallest Miyuki?
Not an OC.
miyuki is not OC
Skoodge hasn't shown up yet.
I didn't know someone could be this stupid. I mean, we've said her name hundreds of times across these threads.
You mean Miyuki I presume.
She's a character that never made it into the series proper because the series was cancelled.
I don't know when the whole "she's dib mom" started.
I haven’t visited co in a long time give me a break autist
Miyuki's cute
Miyuki is kawaii desu ne. She likes anime.
it's okay
this right here is the only official art made of her, she's barely a real character to begin with lol
because bleedman
Reminder that if Miyuki is canon then Jimmy neutron is a canon IZ character too
You jerk.
Give me arts of her pl0x
Look at Zim’s sausage asshole on the bottom imagine sticking your finger in that and the meat juice spills out over it.
>All of these seemingly innocuous and reasonable threads for talking about Zim are actually just a thinly veiled IZ General
>All of this bullshittery for trash ships and fawning over characters that were either hardly even in the show or never even made it INTO the show
Its a secret to everybody
Don't have much art saved.
This is a bunch of neat little doodles by a neat little user of Miyuki being a Mom though imgur.com
I'm imagining it.
I'm imagining it.
Like this?
Permanently foreverial delitized
Nobody ever tell that guy about the bologna episode.
>I don't know when the whole "she's dib mom" started.
minor headcanon, popularized by bleedman and cultivated by Yea Forums
decent fanfics too
Outdated link. Here's the current batch: imgur.com
>decent fanfics too
link me nigguh
Oh cool, thanks
Fun things are fun.
Just a casual reminder that THEY DON'T WEAR PANTS
I'm guessing Irken Navigators also steer the Tallest in other ways too?
They do, it's just an animation error
But it's hotter to think they don't
>Zim wears fucking stockings
Hhhhhhh, Jhonen why
Hand over your PAK.
Thank you
Aliens don’t like wearing pants Dib!
>Ywn be a navigator going commando every day for work
>Ywn get picked up by the Tallest and have your skirt yanked up for all of the other navigators to see
>Ywn nearly die from embarrassment but get an Almighty Dicking as a reward
why even live?
>it's just an animation error
You'd like me to believe that.
The comics are fine, most issues are pretty fun
That was fucking fast
anyone willing to recommend some good fanfics?
im fine with literally everything except porn
seconding this but without any shipping thanks
I've been reading No Return on Ao3, which is 300,000+ of Tallest backstory and conspiracies. It get's pretty long in some chapters and has some pretty graphic torture done to the Tallest, but it's been my top favorite reads in the past few years.
have this
Oh my god this is adorable!!
Television for Two and The Garage Monologues.
>reverse trap Zim who disguises herself as a human male
>except porn
Those are the only fanfics I read shit
Young Adolescent Red glaring at himself.
who's that?
Okay I'm confused tell me about Miyuki.
Do you not know what a wiki is?
Thats really good art! Did you make it user?
It's my first day on the internet.
I just fucking googled her as soon as I posted that, please don't laugh at me too hard.
Canonically the first Almighty Tallest in the series. She was named after a storyboard artist for the original series who worked on Akira.
Zim became a merchandising phenomenon, and Vasquez hasn't had an original idea in years.
Invader Zim wasn't even that original of an idea.
It just had pretty colors.
Does Dib know?
If you don't mind well-written zadr, I had a fun time with works/15493605/chapters/35967405. There's also a smutty chapter but you can just skip it.
With the comic? I don't know and don't care, I don't read tie-in comics that will never be acknowledged in the show.
They acknowledged the shit out of the comics in the movie.
It was fun seeing all the random references here and there.
The comics are basically a continuation of the show, why not enjoy them? There are some issues that are pretty lame but there are other issues that are great.
>trust no one not even yourself
Can you just give me the name of it because I suck at links
Just use ao3. Time & Space by andystarr
Am I the only ZaDrfag that likes this idea
Nope, I just found it when I reverse searched a pic here
Nigger Zim
Did NOT know that. Is this the only comic that gets acknowledged?? All I knew so far with official comics is disappointment.
Why not? They're actually damn fine as a whole and I love seeing different takes on the character designs. A lot of them are written by Eric Trueheart who wrote a bunch of the show's episodes, it really is just a continuation rather than a tie-in.
It's fine I guess. Zim dressing in feminine stuff because he doesn't understand human gender norms is cuter and canon though
Oh. Cool. Thats how I got this one too.
No because I desperately want to see it too
I personally think the comics get better after the early 20 issues and the first 20 are kinda shit.
They don't reference Zim's smeet in it if that's what you're referring to?
The first part of the movie is taken almost 1 to 1 from the first issue.
Do you prefer the idea of Dib finding out she’s actually female early on, later on, or never making the connection?
I like him finding out, though him being oblivious could be funny too.
Why is Zim's computer always such a rebellious teenager?
I don't think it's actually his and that it's stolen from another Invader.
You know, considering that Tak's equipment all has her voice on it while Zim's has some rando's voice, that's a pretty sound theory.
Convinced. I'll buy the comics one day.
And Moo-Ping 10 is from the comics as well.
And Dib and Gaz use their comic designs.
Theory: Zim used his computer's voice as the basis for Clembrane's since the clone didn't have enough data and got fucked up and I absolutely didn't make this up just to have a reason why Jhonen voices both
They're on TPB if cost is the only thing stopping you
I like to read things off a page via reflected light. My eyes have certain preferences.
Counterpoint: Tak was never backed by the Empire and had to build her technology. A personality scan was better than building a AI from scratch.
That's a fair point. Hers could've just as easily been the exception.
I think you're right
Wasn't he on one of the covers?
How much do you want it to hurt?
Post animation errors.
Know what the best thing about that scene was? It's completely in character for the Prof to install extremely high powered energy beams in his robot arms.
any amount of hurt, i don’t mind
if you’re going to post that one lobotomy fanfic ive already read that
Nick is holding him hostage.
They loves him, they loves him so much.
Even if it wasn't popularized by Bleedman, Dib's mom being an Irken all this time is too hilarious to not gain traction on it's own
I'm sure these are:
But people really like the idea of the bug aliens going commando
Mate lol
What's the error? Is Zim not meant to have his disguise on here?
Pink legs
mspaint requests, give me them again
zim decapitated
Dib Joestar
Tallest Miyuki hugging Gaz
Purple, I don't care what doing
this but with Tak and Tenn
Older Dib and Tallest Zim reminiscing about their old rivalry years after?
Or if that's to complex Skoodge with a lightsaber?
How about Tak and Crystal here hugging?
Seconding this.
Guest artists
Who here is writing fics?
Thirding this. TaTr unite.
this guy
dunno who else
Dib finding out femZim is actually a girl after she takes off her male disguise
Today I will remind them
Why is Zim such a slut
Me, but it's in script format so I'm not sure if people would prefer it traditionally or not.
Red as Blinko Highheels and Purple as Derrick Derpman
How does Tak fit into this?
I was going to but I’m feeling lazy. May possibly drawfag instead if people have Vortian or Resisty requests.
Thinking about writing one but haven't had time to start due to a 60 hour work week. It's about Purple being executed and Red escaping and going on a revenge mission against the Empire. Can't decide if I want to make it just straight up revenge or center it around degenerative brain damage and memory loss/personality death.
Alright I’m fucking curious what race are you anons
Its Tenn user
I always imagined Red as being more of a grunge metalhead but maybe that’s just because of Wally.
Cute! CUTE!
Hell yea user! This is cute!
Could you draw a Vortian smugly looking at the camera as some Irken tech is malfunctioning and hurting an Irken in the process (since most Irken technology is just repainted Vortian shit)
It was originally a comparison down to see how close Zim really looks to Tenn so it could be Tenn, trap Zim, or rule 63 Zim depending on what you want.
holy fucking cute user
White masterbread here.
Stale piece of whitebread
Asian but not like Miyuki
Rat people
Southern Cactus
Is it as bad as they say or is it mostly alright?
Zim reacting to Pic related
Also, look at it's filename to find what I think of you Mspaintanon
I like to think they’re rule 63 Zim.
Fuck on a table drone
thanks bro
Your birthday will determine your new ship,
Jan - Zim
Feb - Gir
Mar - Dib
April - Gaz
May - Tak
Jun - Membrane
Jul - Red
Aug - Purple
Sept - Skoodge
Oct - Tenn
Nov - Miyuki
Dev - Lard Nar
1-3 - Zim
4-6 - Gir
7-9 - Dib
10-13 - Gaz
14-15 - Tak
16-17 - Membrane
18-19 - Red
20-22- Purple
23-25- Skoodge
26-27- Tenn
28-29- Miyuki
30-31- Lard Nar
>Zim with Zim
I am okay with this.
>Dib with Red
Sure, why the hell not
Dib and Tak
So... trap Zim and Tenn?
>Membrane x Tak
only a gigachad like him could handle her i guess
Well, their color schemes match I guess?
And saved.
>Skoodge and Miyuki
Chad Skoodge strikes again!
>Red and Lard Nar
oh boy.
A mix of both could probably work. Make sure to post it in one of these threads when you finish
Are Vortian horns sensitive like Irken antennas are?
I don't know. We haven't talked about Vortsex at all to my knowledge. Might've missed that ONE thread that did, though.
>dib and zim
>Gaz with Gaz
Hope you like assbabies user
>Miyuki with Red
Genuine question, why doesn't anyone unironically ship Miyuki with any other Tallests? I can get behind this!
Just pretend it’s with r63 Zim
Perfect! Thanks draw bro!
Let the faggotry into your heart, user
Vortians in general need more love in these threads. They’re the second cutest ayys in the show
Jan 13
Zim and Gaz
But... it's already my ship
>Gir with Red
the gloomy Gothic atmosphere is gone and now everything is calarts
>Membrane x Tak
Hey that's the image I requested in another thread.
would you believe me if I said I've met someone who already ships that
Lard Nar encountering an earth goat for the first time.
Is it the weird Korean fanartists?
Skoodge wearing sunglasses and being cool.
Zim in the movie even references that irkens can't become chairs. In one issue of the comics he becomes a chair.
GIR x Dib
Will do.
>Superior ZaSr
I’m feeling autistic tonight. What are some characters from other cartoons or videogames I should draw as Irkens or Vortians.
Nah, Miyuki is for Membrane
Irken Isaac Clarke would destroy me. Please destroy me.
>Tenn with Dib
I don't know about this...
No, it was someone on Tumblr. I can't be fucked to go looking for it now.
Very sweet.
Batman and Robin
How about Plankton?
>inb4 that rare promo art of spongebob characters as Irkens
I just wanna see more
You're a fucking angel from on high do you know that?
Pic related
>And that time you stole all those organs
>Mm-hmm. I've still got a few, you know
He makes REALLY good waffles.
Zim and Gaz
Jan 12, I also already ship them
Very good user
Everything got too round and smooth.
Sure, but, why isn't anyone shipping Miyuki with another tallest? There's gotta be SOMEone out there, right?
>Tenn X Membrane
I don't know how to feel about this...
Charlie Brown
>hey what do you guys think of random lore theory
>Zim is cute! CUTE!
>RaPrfags UNITE
>Florpus fucking sucked I miss the old show
>Skoodge is the most chad Irken to ever exist
>Miyuki is still alive and fucking Membrane!
>human disguises! human disguises!
>wouldn’t it be silly if Zim was a forced trap waitress on foodcortia then got fucked by Sizz, the Planet Jackers, and those those prison aliens until he was so full of cum and he was paralyzed from the waist down
>hey I’m a drawfag/writefag/fagfag look what I made
>who will win the Irken vs Vortians splatfest?
>I think ZaTr rocks!
>I think ZaTr sucks!
>Irkchan roleplay
>episode ideas!? EPISODE IDEAS!?
>Dib the smeetfucker
>anyone want to see this horrible cringe art/picture?
>hey look at this it’s Gaz/Tak/Zim’s hybrid Irken assbabies
>nicktoons crossover
>Zim’s cunny
>is DaTr still alive
>what would happen if...
>ZaGr dirty fetish shit like handholding and playing vidya together...
Ryoko as an Irken would be neat.
Parasytes are aliens right?
C-Could you draw this with Tallest Red and Purple? P-Please?
Neither would Dib when he realises he's dating Zim with eyelashes.
I think I've seen a few people ship her with Spork.
That reminds me,
The user who starts this seems absent this thread.
>Irkchan roleplay
That was fun stuff.
>used to drawfag for Yea Forums once every seven months ish
>have drawn at least 30+ things for these threads in the past 3 weeks
You guys are like morphine and I can’t stop for some reason.
>>hey what do you guys think of random lore theory
So post it
He posts that copypasta in every thread now.
Same, I went four full months without drawing a single thing and have drawn every single day since I started visiting these threads. I don't share the majority of it but just the existing discussion and enthusiasm here is very inspiring.
Draw Dib holding a plasma cutter and screaming "FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR TALLEST!"
Same. It's very surreal. But it feels nice to draw for fun like this for once.
eyyy, same birthday
We love you too friend
Just remember that we love you drawbros! We are simply at awe with the dedication and talent you all provide!
Invader Zim causes people to draw more like it's some drive.
I have a confession. I like the Bigdad Gaz porn but I don’t see it as Gaz but just as some random thicc thot for some reason.
>for some reason.
Because it is just some random thicc thot and not Gaz
Feels like it's been the last couple of threads missing it now.
Challenge yourself. Draw any IZ character with a mouse and nothing else.
Has it really? It does feel like a while.
I've been in a bad art slump for years, but these threads combined with boredom at work are slowly inspiring me to draw again.
>Membrane and Purple
Now that's a crack ship if I've ever seen one
For me it's a combination of having fun with all the expressions and also that the characters are relatively easy to draw.
I've been busy working like 14 hours straight. Only just got home. With that said...
I already did this when anons were clamoring for a Tallest Tenn
I used to make shitty comics about Burgerpants for /utg/ using only a mouse and msPaint years ago so this brought me back.
>no (You)s on this
Oh my god I love this
Aw man, that sucks based Tak bro.
Well said user! Never change!
Whatever happened to that user in the Hospital?
All I know is someone asked if he's okay and he replied "No."
I hope he makes a good recovery, whatever's going on.
You know this kinda makes me wish that weaver would draw something Zim related. I wonder what he thinks of the series.
Same. I really hope its nothing serious, yet at the same time they say he's "not ok"
I hope he is tho
>ZaGr dirty fetish shit like handholding and playing vidya together...
Gaz lightly cups Zim's face with her hand, and he immediately freezes.
Pretty much every single person that Zim has ever met has hated him, so he has never experienced physical affection before and has no idea how to react.
He likes it, but he's also really scared and confused, so he settles for just leaning his face into Gaz's hand.
Whatever reaction Gaz expected from Zim, this isn't it. He's clearly overwhelmed, and she's starting to feel like shit for putting him in this situation, so she tries to slowly pull her hand away, only for Zim to push closer into her hand.
He's not smiling - he's even tearing up a little - but it lets Gaz know that he doesn't want it to stop.
So she doesn't. She doesn't try to push things any further, of course - that might break him completely - but they stay like that for a long time.
Took me back to 2006 drawing on oekaki with a mouse, please god never again
I dare you to name me one Nicktoons character cuter than Zim
Teodora as an Irken, please
thank bruv
He Stronk
He Chonk
I’m happy to hear that. It’s all about the process. I stopped drawing for awhile because I felt like others were far more advanced than I was and it pushed me into a slump. It wasn’t until I managed to take seeing better art as motivation to get better myself. When I see artists far more skilled than me I no longer think “I’m such a shit artist” but “I’m going to work my ass off and improve so that I can do that one day!”
The post that started it all...
fucking kek
>Gaz and Gir
Pls no
>tfw I kept spamming for a drawanon to draw something about how Zim looks like Tenn
>now all this
Ahh... les fleurs d'avril...
I’m still a little sad we never got any headcanons on how Dib would react to any of the Trap Zim stuff
Co ona tam mówi ?
How would the other main Nicktoons react to Zim anyways
>Lard Nar with Zim
I think this is the first time I’ve seen this pairing ever
Should I have Zita or Gretchan appear as a minor character in my fic?
finally an image that describes her as she really is, a defective, mental wreck
I like it
The more the merrier, user.
Requesting devil trigger Zim, Skoodge, Tenn, and optional Tak
>Baby Vortian hostages start looking to Zim as a second parent
Now both Zim and 777's kids have two dads.
Would Tenn dislike Zim? She’s one of the few people he didn’t fuck over.
He did try to destroy their homeplanet that one time and killed two of their Tallests.
He indirectly fucked her over thanks to that shipment of defective Sir units she got that were meant for him?
He didn't even have anything to do with the mix up, but he'll end up getting the blame anyway
That was entirely the fault of the Tallest and the screw head ayy. You can blame Zim for most things but you can’t blame him for that.
He was going to help save her with Skoodge in the unfinished episode so she might have ended up being one of the three people in the entire galaxy who tolerated him.
Just found this post on tumbl
Looney-mooney tumblr com/post/182035510804/ive-been-rewatching-invader-zim-recently-and-i
How many of this is true?
I’m not going to tumblr. Give me a summary of what they’re saying.
If I was Tenn I would make Zim dress in drag so I could have sex with myself
Most of the assertions here are either pretty surface level ones (like, Zim is smart in his own retard way, we all knew this), wild theory (Irken tech conspiracy), or just flat out fanwank (show ending with a teamup between Dib and Zim, which we already all know wasn't the plan).
>I’m not going to tumblr.
>Earth has. A suprising amount of Irken Technology.
Considering the show's kinda a kid's version of Futurama, I doubt it's Irken. There are plenty of alien lifeforms on Earth in the show (and comics) but there's only 1(maybe 3) Irkens there.
Was literally confirmed in the episode no need to make a tumblr post about it.
I agree, it's one of the reasons I really like GIR. He's interesting.
I actually hope the series end with him just fucking over the Irken empire.
I think one of the writers said that was what they'd plan?
Don't know about that.
>Earth tech is on par with irkin tech
>Tak has been living on the planet for quite a while
>gir is relatively competent for what a sir unit should do
>Zim is over protective about earth
This. The show obviously takes place in the future.
This is all like base level stuff most real fans of the old show know.
This is just objectively untrue.
>Zim is almost always the one who actually fights
He's the worst fucking fighter in the fucking show. Even Dib could kick his ass. Literally every time he's in a fight, either he cheats or he just gets beat up. He wasn't programmed to be a soldier, he's a fucking nerd-ass scientist fucker who doesn't know how to throw hands for shit.
>he hasn’t read all the unreleased scripts and listened to the audio recordings at fan conventions of them
>he doesn’t know all the Resisty members names
>he doesn’t know where all the bloody Girs are
>he doesn’t know every single revealed fact about Irken biology and culture
>he doesn’t have a folder with 500+ images of Zim getting fucked
To be fair no irkin can actually fight
Oh yeah, I forgot.
I don’t know I wouldn’t want to take on Sizz-Lorr
Wait, no, Sizz-lorr can actually fight.
What was planned for the end of season 2?
the hivemind strikes again
Keef comes back.
God I wish there was more porn of him fucking Zim
I'm pretty sure Tak can, probably Skoodge as well.
I think there's enough user. What we really need is some TaTr porn, and we have a confirmed draw user working on this as we speak.
I would draw you some TaTr porn but I only draw degenerate porn and you seem to like it pure. I did draw you them making out awhile back though.
>tfw you fuckers draw porn but no one wants to draw Zim being cut in half by a circular saw so I have to do it myself
This person is also a ZADR shipper so their view is already skewed.
Even if we like the show not everyone is into guro.
I thought ZaDr shippers were being hunted down on tumblr now
>Going to tumblr
Yeah i'm just joshing you guys
Still freaked how safe this fanbase is considering the gore (skinning, organ harvesting, vivisection yuck, etc) in the show.
that would explain their last argument, then. It sounds patently like a ZaDR shipper sentiment.
They have done a very poor job trying to shame IZ ships out of existence, mainly because some of these ships are older than the people expressing outrage over it.
>Read like a fucking book
>Only known as "The pure TaTr user"
But yeah, I absolutely love what you drew me, draw bro! If your willing, would you draw Tenn trying to seduce Tak, and Tak just goes along with it?
I have a legit experimentation, test tube, and dissection fetish because of this show as a kid but I don’t want to make the threads weird by talking about it.
Sizz is a big and wide exception, he's more than just an irkin
Getting SOAKED by gaz and running away from zim's ship, even though her ship have offensive capabilities, are not good indicators of fighting skills
And skoodge is a good Invader, but only that is confirmed
I’m done drawing for tonight but possibly tomorrow. If I forget remind me in a later thread because I’ll draw it but I don’t have a good memory for things I’m supposed to draw.
You got it user!
>trying to stop ZADR
It's like trying to drain the ocean with a sieve. Not even tumblr outrage can stop a ship that big that's been around for that long.
Every other ship involving the Membrane kids is getting fucked, though.
If anybody wants to know what Zim sounds like when he orgasms: wes-bian.tumblr.com
Anyone ever get around to making the Zim moans compilation asking for a friend
I won't allow ZimGaz to die. I'll go down fighting if I have to.
>In the first episode Dib says “maybe they’ll name your autopsy video after me”
>In nanozim Dib says “soon your Zim cuts will be spread across an autopsy table”
>In bestest friends Zim has an imagination sequence of being in a test tube captured by scientists
>In the same episode Zim later has another imagination sequence where he is in a test tube surrounded by dancing people
>In attack of the saucer morons Zim has an imagination sequence where he is cut open, his organs pulled out, and then floating in a test tube
>in dark harvest Dib says “it’s just a short trip to the nurses office, then to the autopsy table, then you’ll just be another segment on Mysterious Mysteries”
>in the same episode he is shown drawing Zim strapped to an autopsy table being dissected with his organs pulled out
>in Dib’s wonderful life of doom Zim is kept in an test tube with tubes hooked into his eye, tongue, and arm while Dib reads data recorded on him
Dib has issues, just like the rest of us.
Is this your fetish compilation reference, test-tubeanon?
OG Dib a creepy little unhinged asshole, this isn't exactly news
We already discussed this, the more fucked up a show is the more wholesome the fan content is to fill in the gaps.
Did I miss any? I would like to rewatch the ones I missed if any
I'm leaving this here: ask-prolife-invader-zim.tumblr.com
>no zootopia abortion comic edit
Shit blog
You really gonna make me do this user? When I have finals this week? Fucking hell.
This is hilarious.
This show is responsible for how I am
That looks like shit.
Zim edit of pic related when?
This is some advanced autism...
No there isn't, and it's not in the way of you getting your tatr lewds
I'd love to see Zim get dissected.
>tubes hooked into his eye, tongue, and arm
His arm was probably removed, there's a part where the tube breaks off and his arm is mostly gone. Wouldn't be surprised if his eye had been taken out in that sequence either.
It’s real degenerate hours now
Oh I forgot!
>in the Florpus movie Dib has an imagination sequence where Zim is in a test tube in a straight jacket with devices hooked up to his brain presumably numbing his mind
>presumably numbing his mind
Speaking of the movie, I'm kind of disappointed there was no fanart of Dib or Gaz in the handcuffs. If any drawfag is out there, I'd like to see anything involving that.
Go to bed Dib
holy shit YES
We need more Dad Zim
I fucking love the art in this issue but then they do me dirty with that half assed school fence on that one page.
Anyways kudos to whoever did it, they did it great.
Zim would literally be the perfect wife.
Alright it’s saturday night niggers tell me your weird sexual fantasies involving invader zim characters
I want to watch Red and Purple snuggle, hug, and kiss
The best.
I like when Dib gets bullied and when Zim screams
NuZim completely lacks the dark tone and horror themes that made the setting actually interesting, made the characters entertaining, and made and silly humor work. The style of setting Invader Zim had was the most important element. Without it, no other element works as it should. Also the redesigns fucking suck.
>Zim being a forced trap waitress on foodcortia and getting whored out by Sizz-lor in the dirty bathrooms for 5 monies
>Zim being captured by scientists and floating in a cold test tube with tubes in him and treated as a lab experiment
>short Zim being used as a lap warmer and fucktoy by tallest Tak completely at her mercy
>Zim being captured by humans and put in a petting zoo where he is forced to endure humiliating affectionate treatment all day
>Zim being forced into being a prisoner camslut on lewdcortia until he is broken emotionally
>Tak and Dib having wholesome conversations and having femdom fucking in her ship
>Gaz and Zim holding hands and sleeping in the same bed
I await your judgement
I just want to kill an Irken and then electrocute them back to life. I think it'd be funny haha. Or maybe rip their eyeballs out of their skull.
That moan compilation can't come fast enough
These threads re-awoken my need for aggressive femdom and ZATR is the perfect candidate for it
I can’t unhear it.
I guess I draw som ZaTr tonight. Suggestions?
Tallest Tak pulling lap warmer Zim around on a leash while she instructs soldiers.
I want to CUDDLE Zim!
Tak pinning down Zim to the floor with her foot triumphantly and turned on
Male Tak playing with Female Zim’s antennas while she’s trying to focus on something and incredibly flustered.
>every other ship gets weird rape-y fetish posts constantly
>except ZAGR, which is always cute and lovey-dovey
Why is this? I'm not complaining, I just want to know.
>Gaz and Zim holding hands and sleeping in the same bed
Goodness me, user, this is a blueboard
They both tolerate each other and like each other to some degree?
I want to be a guinea pig for experiments on the Massive. I want to for some reason be one of the few that can host eggs for organic reproduction, in case of emergencies. I want my genetics to be used to create taller irkens. I want to be a slave kept for entertainment, for being such a rare species to find in the empire. I also want to be used for stress relief, when i'm not hosting valuable eggs.
alternatively, I want to rape Zim.
Can’t explain it but I don’t feel bad using my degenerate fantasies on the ayys but can’t do it for the Membranes. I only like wholesome stuff when it involves them.
Is that referencing this?
Because I go HARD
>PurplexLard Nar
But that's f-forbidden love.jpeg
>tumblrinas and /pol/tards in harmony and peace because of their love of Zim
Don't ruin this, SHUT UP
>Lard Nar getting spitroasted by the Tallest while they eat snacks
It's just what happens when you like gay shit AND conquering militaristic dictatorships.
It’s just so beautiful.
Wasn’t really feeling this one. Maybe it’s the leash, drawing for so many hours, or because he got promoted to bed warmer.
I think that maybe we should stop posting about all the weird sexual things we want to do to Zim. I mean hasn’t he suffered enough and it’s completely disrespectful, why not do it to Dib instead?
Forgot to crop.
I appreciate you so much.
Jokes on you I've been both for years. knows what's up
Tak pining and tickling a pissed off Zim, regular or genderbent
There's nothing gay in IZ though.
Also mocking him for having such a weakness would be cute
Keef was a little homo and you know it. No straight guy's head is that absorbent.
Stoodge and miyuki. Fucking disgusting
>he has poor absorbancy
Was this drawn by Max G?
If it was it would look good.
This please.
Its an unbreakable bromance
You’re a terrible human being.
You are a complete blessing.
>tfw no bro to chant "Hoes mad" (x24) in unison with
I am glad that I at least have these threads, and all the great anons in them
I love you
Im glad these thread exist, ive never had more fun in a long time
It will be a sad day when mods finally try to purge us.
This is cute.
Based as always
I don’t want to be the alien tonight please I’m so tired don’t make m
Poor Zim
Best part of female Zim is Richard Horvitz could still voice her
How about Enter the Florpus?
Everything looked wrong in that one.
I’m sorry I’m tired. Request again when I’m more awake. Goodnight lads.
Sleep tight.
This. Jhonen literally cut corners. I miss the overbites.
I like the idea of Zim being naive when it somes to sex, so teaching him and helping him along... and then his natural desire to be the best kicks in and getting pinned down by his pak legs and getting tentadicked.
Getting spitroasted by Red and Purple while they casually keep eating snacks and talking about blowing things up
I just like to think that Red and Purple are really casual, yet loving and intense with each other in general
ZADR that involves either struggling to dominate each other, something escalating from trying to figure out how the others genitals work, or the simulation where they're brothers
Dib in space in Tak's ship for a long time needing to jerk off, and her computer scolding him yet helping talk him along
An Irken's dick size is directly disproportionate to their actual height. Since Zim is the smallest Irken, he has the biggest cock among his people. And it's a cartoonishly gigantic monster cock that's larger then his own body. This is perfect for Gaz since she's a total size queen and Zim is quite frankly a match made in heaven.
Zim and Gaz like to cuddle and hold hands together in bed.... Whenever he's fucking her in the mating press position
The animation in the movie was all over the place, did it bother anyone else?
It looks a bit like Rick & Morty now.
>R&M crossover episode with Invader Zim
Would actually watch an episode of that show for something like this.
I think that was the point?
>Zim shows up
>Painfully unfunny improv
>Rick uses his god powers to win
>The End
>You'll never live to see the episodes and future seasons were Skoodge moves in with Zim.
Why even live?
Not much Miyuki here but good art.
Beware the Ides of March user.
I got Miyuki Miyuki
is the movie a sign that we'll get another season of IZ and they were testing the waters?
or is this truly the end?
I'm working on more DaTr But I've been sick for the past week. Pic related is spoiler.
Continuation of this: fanfiction.net
Good taste
Based on comics, Irkens have no knowledge of their physical anatomy.
Despite being grown in hatcheries, most modern Irkens retain full reproductive function.
Irkens have a natural elasticity allowing their bodies to contort to fit any lover
Male Irkens produce an absurd amount of goo (semen) during ejaculation.
Despite not knowing he has a penis, Zim is ridiculously hung for his size. Upon discovering his first erection he immediately calls the Tallest in a fit of panic, whipping it out in full view of the Massive's bridge.
>Male Irkens produce an absurd amount of goo (semen) during ejaculation.
Can they keep going for hours too?
Also going by the AU that the Membrane kids are alien hybrids, Gaz is the only (hyooman) female that can safely accommodate his insane girth.
>t. Dib
I feel like the movie is testing the waters to see if a continuation of IZ is viable, but that decision rests on Jhonen and he's being cagey about it.
God, Day of da Spookies would’ve landed in my top 5 had it been made
Jhonen's main issue from the interviews I've read/watched seems to be that he loves working on IZ when he has the budget and good people around him, which he's been forturnate to have when he does make it. The Nick execs were a hassle back in the day and he hated that part of the job. He also has a hard time working on something solely "for kids/teens". He says in multiple interviews that he basically would love to give the majority of a TV series to some people he trusts, with him being in a supervisor/occasional writer role, and then he can do his own thing that involves people's heads exploding and their brains going everywhere in a gory mess.
I think the demand has always been there, IZ left a huge impact on a lot of people that continues to this day, and many more teens and young adults seemed to enjoy Florpus even if they didn't watch the series.
To me it looks like if it'll happen will be a concern of right place, right time, right people for Jhonen.
I think it's also the reason Jhonen prefers working on the comics. He can supervise, pop in the write an issue and then go off somewhere else to work on other projects.
Vasquez forgot the co writers added the edge to Zim
Do you think Zim would succeed a lot faster if he just stopped relying on Gir for help?
People find this good?
>loud noises
>in a comic
Go back to your SU containment thread retard
The art still degraded, it's rounder and brighter
Meh, not good as the show also mentioned above.
Speaking of Vinny i am loving his astral chain playthrough
Big speech bubbles where that's what it's meant to convey is still a random loud noise, you retards.
And Vasquez himself was edgier back than
It used to have black humor
>Complaining about loud noises in text form
Hey user, your autism is showing
Never noticed to be honest
>It used to have black humor
The tv show? No. Pretty sure they were still just yelling really loud and saying random things.
I'm saying the series hasn't changed since it aired, and you autists just don't know good cartoons, faggot.
Why are you guys responding to it?
Let's continue talking Zim.
>M-my series isn't bad and cringe!
Cope more
>There will never be a Symphogear x Invader ZIM crossover.
It exists
This looks better than the movie
why is ange so based
post more human tallest
>Tenn and skoodge
Uh, that's kinda hot.
Would Tenn really be alright with Skoodge having a side chick?
Here you go.
I like this design more than Bleedmans. His looks like submissive lab assistant while this one looks like the genocidal political dictator she really is.
Shit this looks fantastic, nailed the imposing nature that being the Tallest would have (except for R&P but that's them so)
I am going to rape Zim
>Shirabe and Kiri-chan not dressed up as Tallest Red and Purple.
One job.
I agree, this just screams "I'm taller than you so do as I say" I just wish I knew who drew her
The design is good but I can't stand that hair.
What’s wrong with it?
Look like a secretary or math teacher.
I just hate updos and it really doesn't seem to fit the tone of the setting
she looks like fucking sarah palin
I think it's the same user that drew the popular human tallests in these threads
Update never
Spoon feed me plz
Bleedman's was a generic woman in a labcoat. Really there was no indication of her identity except the glasses, although she did kind of look like Gaz with dark hair.