Who is best Scooby Doo villain?

Who is best Scooby Doo villain?
For me, it's the Space Kook.

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I don't remember his episode but I like his design
Also what the fuck was Creeper supposed to be? Is he literally just a creeper dude ?

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A zombie?

I have to agree, OP
The Snow Beast is pretty good too, just based on how fucking extra it was
>building a gigantic, pilotable animatronic dinosaur to smuggle oil out of the Arctic in totem poles

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i really want a PG version of dead by daylight with scooby doo as the theme

>Werecats ate people for hundreds of years
>The Witch tried taking over the world
>Phantom Virus literally just tried trashing some college project and died for it just like the other two
He did nothing wrong.

I always thought he was supposed to be whatever Mr Hyde is.

I remember really liking this guy because of how cool his eye looked.

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this, also this guy (though he's pretty generic by today's standards)

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I actually think there's something really cool about the villain designs from early Scooby Doo. They're all really simple and effective designs.

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Was the guy behind the mask white or not? I can’t remember

This fucking guy

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Mono Tiki Tia is fucking cancelled.

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these stupid cunts + miner 49er

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Damn dude, the first season had a cool cast.

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Couldn't remember what this guys name was a couple months ago so i just kept calling him creepy space gook

Scrappy Doo

>ghost of captain cutler
best villain ever.

he just wanted to play baseball and make his daddy proud
he did nothing wrong

I confess Space Kook scared me when I was 6. It was when all the ones came running out of the hangars and it just didn't make sense anymore and I was starting to think he was real.
We cool now though

Cutler was the guy who disappeared and then disguised himself as his own ghost, right?

not really good but I remembered them just for the sillyness of the idea.

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Who are the best non-OG, non-movie monsters?

Space Ape from "What's New" was pretty neat.

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And Demondo from 13 Ghosts was great with his "trap them in the Sunday funnies" plot

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Based and spookpilled.
That nigga is my avatar on playstation. My buddy rocks the ghostly gondolier.

I always thought the evil toys from What's New Scooby Doo were cool. Them and Miner 49er, who was literally just an old man. Even the live action movie had to make him scarier.

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Alright all,of these are definitely great ghosts, except the miner who's just and old man with a pickax. As for my favorites, 10000 volt ghost was nice and The phantom sheet ghost

Out of all scooby villains it's this fucker who gave me nightmares.

yeah I think we can all agree that Miner Forty-Niner is probably the lamest Where Are You! ghost(his true identity is creepier than he is), and probably pretty high up on the list for the whole franchise too

The Creeper is supposed to be a phantom Juggernaut.

I think he's pretty great

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Things that couldn't be made in present day

I mean obviously.

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Was he the the one with that crazy cackle?

Yeah Kook had a great cackle.

I like Space Kook's design

You know, Scooby Doo villains would make up a fuckton of money if they cashed in on the ridiculous shit they did to hide their crimes. I'm not sure what practical purpose realistic dinosaur mecha would serve, but there's money in it.

Movies, sell it to Spielberg or whatever and cash in.

You know if I was in the Scooby Doo universe I'd totally hire a bunch of the villains for practical effects

It has to be either The Black Knight, Cutler's Ghost, the 10000 Volt Ghost, or The Creeper.


Space Kook is great, I also love the Luna Ghost from the opening of Scooby-Doo: The Movie. I'm glad they included him in the Crystal Cove Museum with all the original monsters.

fuck my pic i forgot my pic aaaahhhh fuuuuuckkk

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Thanks for making me look stupid mate

its okay i also look stupid we can look stupid together

Redpilled. Second is the clown.

I'd watch a Scooby Doo movie about the gang chasing after a guy who's practical effects are so good they make people question what is real and what's fake.

Wait wasn't that the plot of the second live action one.

The phantom had the same cackle too, and I think he used it first

The Dinosaur Spirit look cool, it reminded me of the Two-Headed King Rex from Yugioh

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Sounds like it

>He ends up making up an entire fake place to draw the gang in
>Everyone there is hired, the entire history about it is fabricated from the inside out
>When they finally do catch him it's just a fucking robot

Well user I've got good news

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He was supposed to some zombie type motherfucker.

You think creeper was based off the zombie from the beginning of night of the living dead? Now that I think about it they do look similar

It was a pun on the song Jeepers Creepers

Not to mention they've done that pun in-show as well so it's not very surprising to be honest

The episode is literally named "Jeepers, It's the Creeper", It's the 2 main words in the title.

Charlie's pretty noteworthy for kinda being the first monster in the franchise that was actually real.

Came here to see if someone posted Red Herring already.

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I always prefer that movie as an authentic Live Action Scooby-Doo Theatrical Movie, cause unlike the first one where it just felt like a crude parody (hell even the original script had Shaggy as a stereotypical stoner and Velma & Daphne as Lesbian Couple, all with a PG-13 rating instead of a PG rating), this movie feels like a bigger episode of the original show (which is what all TV shows adapted into Film should do) and does more with it with tons of faithful fan service to series with the returning monsters from past episodes being turned real and causing havoc among Mystery Inc's hometown

Never owned the original so my only experience is with the second one.

>hell even the original script had Shaggy as a stereotypical stoner and Velma & Daphne as Lesbian Couple, all with a PG-13 rating instead of a PG rating
got a link to that script?

Same thing, it's one of those examples of a sequel being better than the first. Was the cotton candy glob even a real ghost in the show or just a gag?

Oh, somebody posted my answer immediately after the question was asked. Sorry you did not get the attention you deserved.

Well, the closest thing I saw was in Cyber Chase when the Tar Monster got covered in Cotton Candy, but apparently there was a Cotton Candy monster in the early issues of the DC comic

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Well, I heard it from Pan Pizza during his retrospect on how the late 90s and early 2000s were trying to make Scooby Doo more darker


That's actually really funny.

...so Mystery Inc. VS Mysterio?

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Sorta, I guess.
Gotta love how the Creeper has like two echo fighters in tier B.


Different Time

I love the goddamn cackling

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I don't know. Maybe it was lame in execution. But I like the concept of old man ghost haunting mines

>I don't know. Maybe it was lame in execution. But I like the concept of old man ghost haunting mines
exactly, it's a sound idea they just failed miserably at making him actually spooky

>Phantom at D
Yeah I know it's just a guy in a stereotypical sheet ghost costume but there's something about him that's just charming In a silly way

He had the best design but for some reason Cartoon Network never played his episode when they were doing Scooby Doo reruns.

That's how I feel about the mummy. Sure it's just a plain old mummy, but there's something fun about this one. Maybe I just loved the whole thing with him calling out "coin! coin!" over and over again as a kid.

Maybe the list should add more ghosts anyway

they did but it was rare as all fuck

you could clearly tell they were having fun with that entire episode

Episodes that took place in urban environments always felt far less impactful than stuff that took place in the middle of nowhere. A rural manor is a far more interesting location than, say, an office building smack dab in the middle of the city -- there's nobody around for miles, opposed to an urban setting, where population density can be factored in.


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Was it because he was too scary? Don't know but I do recall seeing it on tv when it came on

Oh come on now user, the very first tv series just turned 50 so we're talking about at specific show

remember the one episode he actually did something?

Ditto with episodes that took place during the day time. It just seems wrong. Much like Batman, Scooby should always happen at night.

Nah, it was just a roll of the dice whenever there was a scooby doo bomb, always got 2 good episodes an ok one and a bunch of not so so good ones.

Oh damn, that really was a killer lineup.

>Hey, who turned out the lights?

Alright, best and worst ghost
Space kook as op put it definitely up there even though I haven't seen the episode much as a kid, the green ghosts were also a favorite of mine, that one came on first when's had a vhs of a compilation. Worst ghosts, maybe the miner as stated previously, I can't seem to come up in the top of my head some bad ghosts since I haven't seen the show in awhile

Any claim that the writers were bad has no merit


Name me ONE monster Daphne didn't fuck off screen

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Charlie, because he doesn't have a dick.

But that's not what those posters are saying?


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Wlat about comics villains?

Speaking of Scooby Doo villains and monsters, not enough love is given to the chase sequences with songs

Any villain riding atop robot sharks automatically makes it to the top 10.

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His laugh freaked me the fuck out

He's described as a phantom in the episode, his whole gimmick was walking through walls.

>putting THE SHERIFF at the bottom

He's pretty noteworthy in that he's not really a monster either, and the actual culprit isn't trying to commit a crime either. It's really surprising just much they played with the format of the show considering it's episode 8 of season 1.

There was an awesome Space Kook cosplay at DragonCon this year.

>not really good but I remembered them just for the sillyness of the idea.

Weren't they the ghosts of freezer burned vanilla, chocolate and strawberry icecream that went to waste?