Could hal jordan imprison a chaod god?

Could hal jordan imprison a chaod god?

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Considering that green lantern rings operates only in the materium... no. Besides how he would apprehend a pure warp entity that only exist inside said Warp?

He'd just go in the warp and go HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG BEWARE MY POWER and beat him


Nothing in 40k could stop a single full power Lantern, let alone Hal.

A choad god? As in he's the god of that space between your balls and anus?

That's a taint god. Slaanesh is the choad god.

>AAAAA! My face is a fat guy's belly button! AAAAAA!

You're thinking too small OP

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So hal is capable of destorying the warp?

patently false. Even a mid level psyker could take most lanterns out.

This man right here could dick anything into submission

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Unless GL rings could generate a gellar field equivalent... he would be dead the moment he steps in the warp. Also
>will power of a single being
>against the collective reflection of murder and violence of a whole galaxy given "form", intellect and will
No, just no.

Hal has beaten the embodiment of willpower of the DC Universe, universe trumps galaxy

At full power? Maybe not destroy it, but he could definitely seal it off.

A mid level psyker is always half a second away from imploding into daemons and can't even blow up a single star system. Meanwhile, a single Lantern can contain hundreds of rogue singularities.

Kharne is multiversal

>tfw no big tiddy Eldar gf

What exactly is the Warp?

Space Hell dimension

This , but it's also the corrupted realm of souls. It's basically the afterlife.

Ah. How big is it? Infinite?

>A mid level psyker is always half a second away from imploding into daemons and can't even blow up a single star system. Meanwhile, a single Lantern can contain hundreds of rogue singularities.
It's rock paper scissors, m8. Lanterns have no defenses against psychic powers. Their rings can't defend against it. You could literally disassemble a GL's ring atom by atom with PK and they could do jack shit to stop you.

>Run on willpower
>No resistance to mind control
Excuse me what?

It spans the entire universe, but it's pretty much calm everywhere that isn't the Milky Way.

You haven't read any comics. Shut the fuck up and piss off back to /tg/ with your 40k wank.

I don’t think Hal could implode an entire universe. I think he could beat universe busters but I don’t think he could bust a universe.

PK isn't mind control. And GLs don't have any advantage vs mind control vs a normal fucking person. They just have more will than your average person. They don't have super will powers. They have super powers that run on their will.

Meant brain.

He doesn't need to. The only hostile portion of the Warp is the Milky Way and maybe the area surrounding it. He can easily get rid of a single galaxy and the parasites in it.

Ah. Yeah he could bust a galaxy.

About that.... Hal’s ring is his power limiter.

Comic book characters can do anything if the writer wants them to.
Theres no rhyme or reason to try comparing power levels or feats when all you have to think is "what would happen in an offical comic".

Don't the chaos gods get off of slowly destroying people with willpower?

Khorne and the rest of the chaos pantheon cannot be contained.

Khorne is anger and rage. As long as those emotions, he'll still be around.

Well the Elves managed to imprison a sex god in AoS so it's not outside the realm of possibility. The real question will be how secure is the prison?

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since fucking when?

Idk what the most impressive feat of a single Green Lantern is, but since the rings work off of TTGL logic, I assume it's something retarded, like punching out God or recreating the multiverse, so yes, easy.

Since the beginning of AoS and it's still ongoing, though they've been hinting the bonds are weakening and Slaanesh's daemons are still looking for a way to free hem

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So who's the Swamp-ass God then?!

That would be Nurgle, as he has the stankiest grundle of them all

Hal probably can't alone, he'd need some Lantern backup.

Ion could though. Kyle, Sodam, whoever.

Could ringless Hal? Hal’s ring is his power limiter now. He defeated Parallax Sinestro without it.

>4 years ago
where the fuck have i been