So what do you guys think of Mao Mao?

So what do you guys think of Mao Mao?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I love Mao Mao Mao.

Excuse you, his name's Mao Mao Mao

I hate badgerclops. Everything else is good

Parker fucked it up by opening his big dumb boomer mouth cause he was afraid someone might think his fucking fursona is gay and that might mean they think he's gay.

Now all the threads will just be the debate about it

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Its good, kinda gay but thats alright

Absolutely based and weebpilled

Too much bromance

I had a pretty good life

And then you showed up, you dangerous, mute, lunatic

Moo moo is for emotional healing and hugs. Watch him please he is very delicate

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Give it time and it'll blow over.

lovely how people keep putting words in his mouth.

>debate about it
You mean be delusional since there isn't a debate anymore

what did he say?

Characters are fun

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BC is easily the weakest part of the show

>Anyone who saw "you know you love me" at the end of Zootopia as 100% proof Nick and Judy are fucking is wrong, but making the case along with other things you noticed is part of the fun of being a fan. Do some people take it too far? Yes. Is it problematic that people see men and women as incapable of ever being platonic? Also yes. I still don't want the creators to come out and spoil that detail because that's part of the fun of waiting for a sequel.

>The graceful way to handle this is to answer a question of "are they in a relationship?" with "I think what we see can be interpreted many different ways because we don't know everything about them and that's part of the fun, but what I see in them is the kind of healthy relationship men often want for themselves but are denied due to emotional barriers certain parts of society demands they put up between them. Openly reaffirming how much someone means to you even among friends isn't done enough because it's so unnecessarily stigmatized. Ship however you like, but know that I'd write them like this regardless of their relationship status."

Mao Mao Mao is as straight as his sword is curved. That is to say, not so much.

I don't know what's going on but Maoclopsfags are seething and I'm pretty happy about that

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Mao Mao is straight because his waifu is Adorabat.

Check his Tumblr, it's all a big nothing burger.

Finally, my Pinkie/Mao Mao ship is closer to being canon

is there a source for this?

1) Orangusnake Begins
2) Trading Day
3) Head Chef
4) Truth Stinks

How’d I do?

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Pedos get the noose

Adorabat and Pinkie are the best characters par none, fight me.

It doesn't have any waifus so I'm not going to watch it

You're a complete faggot.

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Someone should email this to him.

I know you're probably baiting, but he didn't say either of them were straight, just that they aren't romantically involved with each other. It'd actually be powerful if they shared that level of intimacy in their bromance despite Badgeclops being gay. Sure, BC jokes about him "liking" being dipped too low when they strike their dance pose, but that's something dudes secure in themselves do.

I'd hate for BC being outted coming off as "apologizing" for this tweet, but it would be totally organic and only help Parker make the point he was trying to.

Replace head chef with small and you're good

Watch it and then realize how wrong you are.

Pinkie is best husbando, though

But... small didn’t come out this week?

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I'd agree with you if you added Mao Mao as a third in that list

Why is she so bloodthirsty bros?

They're all good but I can't argue with this.

Calm down user the dude's got a wife and a kid

Last thread. Solid advice for anyone in the industry and hopefully it will help him out in the future if he ever hopes to revisit that point.

I don't know but it's fucking great

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> Adorabat > Pinkie > Mao Mao >>> Kevin > Everyone Else > Badgerclops

This is the post that everyone's crying about. Parker deleted it soon afterwards which was a huge mistake on his part.

I know, right?

The only thing I got from this is that creators are not allowed to have any agency over their own characters unless they are LGBT.

Parker said that Badgerclops and Mao Mao aren't gay, just really close. He wanted to depict an affectionate platonic relationship between them because he didn't see that a lot in fiction with male characters, or even in real life.

Now people are screaming at him for being a bigot.

Because she's a bat.

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How was deleting the post a huge mistake?

I don't know, I think he nipped it in the bud before it got out of hand. A reword as per would be a brilliant save on his part.

God be praised, Simmon didnt back down. He just said he wasnt trolling anyone and agreeing with a post. Lets hope it stays this way.

>"Hey kids, can you guess what Mao Mao has that cartoons are long overdue for? Male.....PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP!!! Oh and your gay shit isnt happening LUL"

Smooth, Parker.

Because people are gonna take it as an admission of guilt.

Honestly I know this post is played off for laughs but I see why Simmons posted that now deleted tweet in the first place. I had a similar bromance for years living with a real good friend and it was a lot of fun. Now he’s got a family and lives in a flyover state for his job and I talk with him biweekly to catch up.

I love Mao Mao for a lot of reasons, but his friendship with badgerclops reminds me of how I used to live every day for a long time

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He didn't say they weren't gay at any point

Makes sense. She's so fucking cute, these character designs are amazing.

It took the wind out of the vigilante mob's torches
Stay mad. Faggots like you didn't even bother to read the original post.


Torches don't have wind to take.


Seriously, me and three of my bros used to go around picking fights with drunk shitheads on the docks, and this is almost identical to the dynamic we had in the flat we shared at the time.

I know its just one guy [(You)] posting "No waifus, no watch" every thread.

I'm really hoping she turns out to be an adolescent monster. That's why she wanted to kill Bobo-chan so badly; she was being territorial.

How come retarded incels who've literally had no relationship of any kind at all in their lives always interpret any closeness between two characters as always implying sexual interest?

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People have been doing this since they were kids, long before entering inceldom. It's just a way to enjoy fiction. Like betting on sports teams.

The only reason he'd say they're not gay or you'd be upset if your relationship was viewed as gay was if you thought being gay was bad.

The reason people are frustrated is because Parker's saying he wants to normalize platonic male affection, but he tinged it with the fucking "no homo bro" sticker, and it's the fucking "no homo" mindset that's made showing platonic male affection so hard.

Somebody wake me up when the drama's over kthxbai

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Does anybody else find it weird how touchy feely Mao Mao and Badgerclops are when you realize BC is voiced by Simmons' friend irl? No wonder he doesn't want them to look gay.

>I feel like people didn’t see I was responding to this post to basically agree with it, and that I wasn’t randomly trolling someone. The tag that said “showing friendships like this is important” was nice, and I wanted to say, “Yup, that’s the intent.” while also not stepping on any toes.

Then why'd he add the big "ship what you want but the intent is for them just be bros." That's literally stepping on fucking toes you stupid boomer.

Platonic human contact isn't weird, get help dude.

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>ship if you want
what the fuck can you possibly be upset for?

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all this hullabaloo for nothing

stay classy, internet

The lie has already become the truth user. All you can do now is hope people stop being retarded.

That's not a bad save. I'm sure he'll do better in addressing the situation better next time. I'm actually glad to know that they're not in a relationship, though the ambiguity was funny. As a fan, I like knowing more about the characters.

Now please, Parker, let BC leave the closet.

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My friend and I are called gay all the time because of how close we are, doesn’t bother us one bit. Our other friends joke about us getting married, we just laugh along about it. When we date people, our dates joke about having to “make room” for the other guy, but we’re not actually involved like that at all.

What I’m saying is that shit shouldn’t bother anybody so long as you’re secure in your sexuality.

How? He said that he respects what people ship, but clarified what he intends to do with the characters, which isn't to ship them. Disagreement isn't automatically offensive.

>that tongue
What were the writers doing?


Mao Mao continues to be the most postmodern CN property.


Learn to read.
It's literally saying "you can do this, but this isn't the intent behind it"

That's what he's saying and that's what people are upset about.

All he had to fucking say was "Men showing affection to each other is what we wanted to be able to show because me and my friends got made fun for doing it" and none of this would have happened, but he had to add all the little subtexts of "no homo though" that anyone with a brain can read. Shit, must have so hard for Parker to have to deal with people thinking he and his bros might be GAY. What a fucking ordeal for him being the straight male he is, how fucking inconvenient that fags exist and make it so he can't bro hug and tell his bros he cares because someone might mistake him for a disgusting aids riddled queermo

I did read it. You didnt.

making a scene where Badgerclops has a sloppy makeout session with a beignet

>literally says ship what you want
>has mao mao x badgerclops fanart on the crew's wall
All he's saying is that the show is going to portray a healthy relationship without stepping into that territory, not that they absolutely cannot and never will be a thing

I fucking hate maoclops but these threads were legitimately better when they were spamming their shipping shit than when they're insulting the creator for portraying male friendship in a positive manner

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holy fuck, how did last night's thread get 762 replies overnight?

It's more about how he arches his back and rolls his eyes upward in ecstasy. That's the look of someone on the verge of climax.

in one word: shippers

in three words: shippers throwing shit-fits

>He just said he wasnt trolling anyone

He literally went out of his way to say that BC and MM are not happening. But thats not the trolling part. The trolling part is that he said he did that not because he had to as a copout, but because its MALE FRIENDSHIP that needs more representation.

Because the post he replied to had the tag "#even if it't not a ship thing" so Parker was addressing that aspect in the context of a reply. Re-read the original controversial post in the context of a reply and you'll see it's more of addressing the shipping aspect in an ambiguous way.

So to you the only way parker could have responded to that was by saying "no fuck you they are gay" to a fan who he felt understood what he was doing with his own characters.




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You forgot Slim Pigguns.

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>Went out of his way
Read the tags of the original post, holy shit, you're mad just because you want to be.


Soulless Damned Avatar of the Ruby Orangusnake when?

I think they've been together so long, they wouldn't know how to function apart. Even the snake half makes hooting ape sounds.

>tanuki character
>make her female to avoid giving her HUGE TESTICALS

I wouldn't go that far and this is probably bait, but yeah. I can see how it can come off that way because it's really hard to convey the idea that people thinking "dudes showing affection is bad because it's gay" is bad without addressing why people think it's bad and also what specifically what isn't bad. I don't believe he has a problem with gays or blames the existence of gays for why being affectionate with other men is frowned upon, but there is a better way to word it.

>mao mao separates them
>they panic
>accidentally end up beating mao mao in their panicked teamwork
>realisation that they actually work better apart but hate the idea of not being together

Coby crying “Tanner’s nanner!” actually got me a little worked up.
I’m a sucker for that kind of sad shit

Liking a character or person doesn't mean you want to fuck them.
You're a part of the problem

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It's so dumb... it's just so fucking dumb he's such an idiot I want to die

>Oh, we're the worst criminals!
>But if I have to go to the ends of the Earth

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Coby and Tanner are gone

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Not out the way. The point is males can be close friends without being gay.
The fact you have a problem with this is exactly why it's good that the show recognizes this

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I disagree with his delivery, but I agree with what he's saying in that that level of bromance is hardly explored. They're both serious guys to an extent in serious situations, but they have time to say "I cherish you" in unison after hug closely and whispering into each other's ears. Their relationship is beautiful regardless.

holy shit
Orangusnake Begins is a really smart name for an episode. It not only shows Orangusnakes backstory, but also how he started something within pureheart ruby.

Wait, who am I even responding to at this point? I'm not mad, and I was trying to shed light on how this whole situation got so bad. Parker was replying to a post that mentioned the ship in passing so Parker did the same. People seem to have misconstrued Parker's message on shipping and the "but" afterwards to mean that the gay ship and a healthy friendship are mutually exclusive. What I see it as is Parker was making a healthy friendship first and the shipping is optional.

Parker never said anything about Mao Mao or Badgerclops not being gay. Just that they weren't together.

Although probably Mao Mao is straight and Badgerclops is whatever Grif Kimmins is

I like to imagine they only separate in private, like to go to sleep or whatever.

He couldve at least not LIED. He says he didnt step on anyones toes, except he went out of his way to say they are NOT a couple because tv needs more FRIENDSHIP.

i really wanna see more of the orangutan doing stuff on his own. he seems cool.

Which one is Coby, and which one is Tanner?

They already did a joke about tanukis and HUGE TESTICLES

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What did you say?
Answer me!

Coby is the cobra, Tanner is the Orangutan.

O shit

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Except the problem is you have a problem with them being gay.

Tanner’s the one with the nanner

Not having a problem with them being friends, it's really about the wording. Hell, he could have said the exact same thing but worded it just has a relationship without toxic masculinity and everyone would be okay with it

>Sheep dude is voiced by Chris Prynoski
>is named Krispy
>wears Chris' distinctive hat

>coby's name comes from COBra
>tanner's name comes from oranguTAN
why am i just realizing this


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That heart is going to be endgame. Mark my words.

There was nothing wrong with his wording. He said something without any ambiguity. It's okay to ship those two, but the intent of their portrayal was to show a close and affectionate male friendship. It was nothing about toxic masculinity, it was nothing about shippers being wrong. Just being happy that people recognized the friendship between those 2

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That was a misquote, it was meant to Sorry.

...nyoh my god

>Their names match their species.
I can't believe I didn't realize the pun.

The problem isn't them being gay or not gay. The problem is Parker worded it like an idiot that gives the feeling of it being "We don't have platonic male affection because people mistake it as gay"

Well he's not wrong

>Male friendship is never recognized in cartoons!!

>Literally only male friendships in cartoons

Not that guy, but he said they were friends and likened them to friends on a different show. Friends who didn't end up romantically involved and stated it was "a thing I've never really seen with male characters and thought it was overdue."

Not a problem with them being gay, its just not is happening.

>There was nothing wrong with his wording
Then why are people upset?
If his intentions were really that clear then no one would be upset, but the way he phrased it ends up conveying those feelings poorly

He said theyre just friends, dont even try to act like he didnt shoot it down.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Why y’all going full tumblr?
I know for a fact Yea Forums gays are more chill than this.
I’m just gonna assume false flagging from here on out

How the fuck could he write that and be like: yeah this sounds good, just expressing my opinion and my intent, not gonna trigger 700+ post on Yea Forums or make the fags angry.

i still ship badgermao and you all literally cannot stop me

>The only reason he'd say they're not gay or you'd be upset if your relationship was viewed as gay was if you thought being gay was bad.
Being viewed as gay if you are straight IS bad. It reduces your mating options and chances. Public acceptance of homosexuals has negatively impacted platonic love among straight males. InB4 "fragile heteros" or whatever other shit. We should honestly just lynch LGBT shitters again. You're a minority and we let you win us over with empathy until you could turn into a bunch of irritating harridans.

We all knew that, but to say "Theyre not gay, and not because of the network, but because I dont want them to be." is cold to the fanbase. Let people dream for gods sake.

Are you fucking SEEING all this fucking mess?

No I cannot. You do you, user

>"We don't have platonic male affection because people mistake it as gay"
That's not what it says, that's what they're making up to feel persecuted. He just says he was made fun of for having close friendships like that.
He said that's the intent of the show. The ship doesn't need to be canon in the show, that's not shooting anything down. "Ship what you like"
No one, basically fucking no one, wants to stop you.

>If his intentions were really that clear then no one would be upset
Do you really think that because there will always be someone or some people that won't understand.

>He said that's the intent of the show. The ship doesn't need to be canon in the show, that's not shooting anything down.

Again, he said that theyre just friends. That is shooting it down.

People being angry doesn't mean he said anything wrong. He worded what he said perfectly well, they're just angry about what he's saying. That's not a failure of communication. That's the fanbase of this show because hostile and toxic because something they ship isn't necessarily canon.

Fuck i thought i had escaped the shipping war but i didn't. Fuck everything i just want a regular MM thread

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>he said they were friends and likened them to friends on a different show. Friends who didn't end up romantically involved and stated it was "a thing I've never really seen with male characters and thought it was overdue."
He basically posted a spoiler about something people were having fun figuring out for a bad reason. I don't believe he meant anything negative to any part of the fanbase, but it really was a wording problem.

Shipping attracts some weirdos. I wouldn't be surprised if it was truly one person getting mad actually mad.

The reason why he said they are not in a romantic relationship (he never mentioned their sexuality) was because he was responding to a fan that shared the same sentiment as him regarding their relationship and wanted to reciprocate.

Affectionate male friendships.

Saying they're just friends in the show isn't shooting anything down. You can still ship it.
What? There was no spoiler in the post. He didn't say anything about the plot of the show,

Nobody is stopping you. Not even the creator despite what some retards may say.
If you wanna be make them gay, go for it. Just dont cause shit and everything will be just peachy.

What in the world makes you think this? Have you not seen how they react when mods deleted their post?

In his line of business, this is less an unavoidable mistake and more of an easy mistake to make if you aren't careful. He chose his words poorly and showed a lack of understand for part of his fanbase. He should know shipfags like ambiguity and he made it unambiguous for reasons he stated poorly.

it's a 7/10 show, like many others
ok-tier, doesn't stand out

>He should know shipfags like ambiguity and he made it unambiguous for reasons he stated poorly.
Not saying something that pacifies a few rabid and toxic members of the fanbase is not poor wording.

>Saying they're just friends in the show isn't shooting anything down. You can still ship it.

First of all yes it is shooting it down. Secondly yes I can still ship them but it's not as fun anymore, the God of their universe said fuck you to that.

The comparison to characters not romantically involved does not spell out the entire future of badgermao if that's what you're implying. In his post, he makes no mention of a relationship between his example characters Ann and Leslie.
Also, the keyword in that quote is "I've." Parker is speaking from personal experience, he himself has not seen this sort of deep friendship between men and he wishes it to exist. Maybe he never saw Scrubs?

you're down on the floor and this cat gives you this look, what do?

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Who gives a shit faggot? They're his characters and he can say they are whatever he wants. Go fucking cry about how some cartoon animals aren't buttfucking each other. Maybe go make a fursona to fill the hole in your life.

I think it's just alright. Some of the episodes get pretty meh and either do or repeat obvious lessons but it's a kid's show so whatevs.
If you meant Mao Mao Mao, he's a cool dude who doesn't afraid of anything

Spread my asscheeks, obviously.

You're pretty shit at wording posts yourself. You basically might as well have just said "Fuck em."

This has to be bait.
This is also bait.

This thread is full of retards baiting eachother, can someone make a better MM thread?

He spoiled the "are they/aren't they" and "will they/won't they" of Mao and Clops. Major plot point? No, but it was a mystery.

Wake up.

Please continue! Write some fics while you're at it, they are a fun read regardless of my own ships.

That's not poor wording.
Fuck the people who are harassing Simmons for talking about his experiences and how they influenced his characters.

Absolutely fuck those people.

How is the creator saying theyll never be a couple NOT shooting it down?

In the show.
That's not a mystery.

Yeah, he can say what he wants and he can make his mistakes. I'm not sure why that makes you so mad.

the show really seems to fluctuate in quality. some episodes are fantastic, hilarious, and leave me wanting more, while other episodes just play on boring tropes and are either underwhelming as fuck or downright terrible compared to the good eps. i'll keep watching though, i'm a fan.

at least, when looking at the responses for the "I was agreeing with someone's tags" post, only one person is still giving parker grief, everyone else is chill

Ok. How is the creator saying theyll never be a couple NOT shooting it down "in the show?"

plus the different board teams all have similar "good episodes and duds" track records

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Mao mao heroes of pure heart versus the forces of evil needs to be banned from Yea Forums for good. The janitor is justified for what he's done and I report this garbage every time it shows up. List of offenses:
1. MANY spam threads
These threads cover up the board and give the rest of Yea Forums and new people a very bad impression of us, it doesn't help that they are always the most worthless, banworthy and shitty threads imaginable.

2. This show is fucking trash
This show is terrible and filled with cliches, mediocre writing, and bad characters. It attempts to be funny with SO LE RANDUM XD and xXxEDGYxXx humor and occasionally panders to its dumb fuck audience like the gay ass furries with 'suggestive' things like the I cherish you line.

3. The people in these threads are literally bad people.
They can't fucking post anything intelligence, its just pure stupidity, shipwars, uncontained horniness for a shitty BADger and shitty posting not to mention you guys have gay furry porn that you post on a regular FUCKING basis. How the fuck are these threads not even /trash/ed yet?

In conclusion I hate you and your show and I hope you all die alone and friendless.

Well fuck Simmons for his "There wasnt enough 'no homo' growing up." bullshit.

There have been multiple cartoons with explicitly confirmed lesbian relationships.

It's not that much of a stretch to think Mao and Badgerclops is a will they/won't they when they're literally throwing out lines like "Light of my life/Wind in my sails."

this isn't the 90s where gay relationships were by default a no

Maybe because he didn't want to make them a gay couple the first place.

And of course the one person still harassing him is called "badgermao-is-canon."

I thought you said he didnt shoot it down. Glad you gave up faggot.

They need to hurry up with the sisters
would rather have imcest than fags in these threads

It has nothing to do with gay relationships or not. Romance isn't a mystery and saying characters aren't sexually attracted to eachother isn't a spoiler. Saying Mao Mao isn't going to fuck Tanya Keys wouldn't be a spoiler either.

I'm not that user you dumb fuck.

Maybe it's just my sense of humor but I love the general writing and pacing of the show, including the trope episodes. I actually love the trope episodes more than I should because of sheer presentation, a way to tell literally the exact same plot in a way that still gets me laughing. Plus there's an absurd amount of detail fleshing the world out, miniature jokes that you'd have to be an autist (guilty) to spot, and moderately obscure references that hit the present day sweet spot of recognizable but not normie-tier. I love this show too much and I'm sure none of my friends will like it as much as I expect them to.

It does though. To say that their relationship is like the characters from a show that has already ended and established that they're just friends and to state the intention is to show a friendship like that is to spell out what they're going to be, what he had intended for them. True, he's literally saying that's what they ARE and not what they will be, but splitting hairs with semantics like that is reaching a little too far for me. Literally any word of god tweet of "Darth Maul is in a gay relationship with Grievous" can be countered with "They said Darth Maul IS in a gay relationship, as in he's gay RIGHT NOW and speaks nothing for future arcs where he finds out he's really straight!"

It won't happen in the show, but you can still ship it and make art, and fiction, and post, and love badgermao. Ship what you like, he's not shooting it down and he's okay with that

Then nobody was talking to your stupid ass and you made a shitty post.

Why are you using "didnt shoot it down" in place of "you can pretend it didnt happen?" Theyre not the same thing.

Bend over.

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user dont be that faggot. Anybody can respond to your post no matter how shitty it is. Like right now.

>hahahahaha self aware humor to appeal to overweight incels who can't get control of their own lives like the rest of calarts but with a dash of weeb

It wasn't even relevant. I asked how he didnt shoot down them being a gay couple and saying "Parker didnt want them to be one." isnt any kind of defense. If anything it supports ME more.

I wanna see the kings boipussi getting destroyed by mao mao.

>I thought you were our age
fuck my ships suck

That comment was weird, but appropriate considering it's a mystery how old they are exactly.

Counterpoint: Ann and Leslie were just an example, he wasn't creating new characters just to be clones of them. Also again he doesn't explicitly say they aren't gay.
>Ship what you like, but the intent is to show a positive, affectionate male friendship without fear or reservation
He basically states that when designing Mao Mao and Badgerclops, he designed them as great friends who don't feel shame in expressing how they feel about each other. The unfortunate wording can be portrayed as a soft deconfirm, but the beautiful thing about their friendship is it doesn't matter either way. They love each other deeply and platonically and them being gay for each other wouldn't increase or decrease that. He also never says "just friends", rather he says that they are great friends through and through.

You're not pretending it didn't happen. You can recognize something isn't canon and still ship it

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>Romance isn't a mystery and saying characters aren't sexually attracted to eachother isn't a spoiler. Saying Mao Mao isn't going to fuck Tanya Keys wouldn't be a spoiler either.

Romance and fucking are pretty fucking different user. You cant compare the two. Thats like saying "Saying Simba and Nala falling in love isnt a spoiler because theyre obviously not going to fuck onscreen."

Ever thought he never intended them to be gay in the first place? How could he have shot it down if he never wanted it in the first place. He doesn't mind the ship but it just won't be canon.

You can, yes, that doesn't mean it wasnt shot down. This isnt about fucking PERMISSION user.

>How could he have shot it down if he never wanted it in the first place. publicly saying theyre just friends to all his fans maybe? Dumbass.

Reread both posts in logical order with a level head. Parker never shot down the ship, he simply stated that it was important to establish a lasting friendship while leaving shipping up to the fans. Neither the show nor Parker will confirm nor deny the ship. Also it's important to realize that neutral is not the same thing as a denial. The show will continue to be ambiguous and both camps who take a step back will be able to enjoy it.

I love me a man who can cook.

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Ignoring naysayers and doing whatever you want, as long as you're having fun and not hurting anybody, will eventually make you one of the most powerful beings on the planet. I fully support your endeavors, I love BadgerMao too.


>Saying Simba and Nala falling in love isnt a spoiler because theyre obviously not going to fuck onscreen."
I wasn't being literal when i was saying "fucking"
Simba and Nala falling in love isn't a spoiler.
Mao Mao and Tanya Keys being in love or not isn't a spoiler
Snugglemagne and Pinkie being in love or not isn't a spoiler.
This isn't a harem anime, what relationships the characters enter into isn't a spoiler.

No, he said theyre simply friends and that theres no chance that thats because of the network. They are just friends by design. Its dead, user, it is not ambiguous, stop fooling yourself.

He's not gay though, sorry.

How is that being shot down if they were never gay in the first place?

do femanons actually want to fuck this?

It wasn't shot down, it's just not canon. You don't need permission. He wasn't giving permission. He was just talking about what the intent of the show is. Which has nothing to do with what you ship or not and should have no impact on what you ship or your enjoyment of your ship.

and regular Anons

You have a pretty conveniently fucked definition of the word "spoiler"

That's not confirmed. He's just not gay for Badgerclops but man when Snugglemagne calls does he come running.
I'd fuck Mao Mao and I'm straight

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Counterpoint: I already stated that in my Darth Maul example and you're dumb.

Based and buterapilled

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So is this what MM threads are going to be like now? Badgermaofags shitposting until we hit post limit and try again?

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I don't even ship them, I just realize that Parker did in fact intend ambiguity despite poor wording. Saying "JUST friends" would deconfirm the ship but he never said that, he said they ARE friends and didn't mention a romantic side.
is this bait? i gotta stop biting and saying the same thing over and over

I literally just explained how the creator saying that they are only friends is shooting any chance of them being in a relationship down and you idiots are still like "UH.....WAIT, WHAT WAS SHOT DOWN AGAIN?? I CONFUSE!"
For fucks sake.

eh, kinda?

If youre going to argue semantics and pretend nuance doesnt exist youre free to fuck off, especially considering PARKER MADE THE POST TO AGREE ABOUT HOW THEY ARE NOT A COUPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Youre not even aware of what fucking happened.

It’s trolls trolling trolls at this point.

Someone make them stop. Please.

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It'll pass. This happens with every show when a ship gets deconfirmed.

No other show has the creator making tumblr posts deconfirming ships.

But he never wanted them to be in a gay relationship in the first place you dumb fucking retard. I'm sorry your gay ship isn't canon but you can still make your gay fanfics and art.

What was shot down???? Your ship is fine, just go back to posting images of badger humping mao mao

And him announcing that is the action that one would call shooting down the ship, you fucking braindead moron.

I like it, a shame about the curent Drama though, hope it doesn't fuck up the show with the Outrage culture. I like the Cutiepies.

is orangasnake a school shooter

>What was shot down????

Can't make this shit up. You literally copied my strawman. Am I being trolled?

I'm sorry for shitting up the thread, user. I promise to never do it again.

The guy said you can keep on making the ship, it's just not canon you dumb fuck.

It won't. People really over estimate how engaged most of the shows viewers are with the internet fanbase. I imagine not even 1/20th of the show's regular viewers follow Simmon's tumblr or will ever even see that post.
It's only a few very vehement shippers who are upset their ship isn't going to be canon to the series lashing out.

Which means it went from ambiguous to shot down, you idiot. You realize this is all from the perspective of the FANS, right? Not the writers?

it's sad that current drama outshined the latest episodes, it was nice to share experience

btw, Orangusnake Begins>The Truth Stinks>Trading Day>Head Chef

Well, shippers be cray cray, that's why you shouldn't bother arguing or acknowledging them, then again, maybe this can get funny if it spirals like Zutara did. Just imagine, How I Became Yours: Mao Mao Edition.

Just get 4chanx and start hiding threads left and right. Yes the thread will start looking depressing but at least we won't feed them attention.

No, but when a ship gets deconfirmed by two charaters hooking up onscreen, the same drama happens.

Swap Trading Day with The Truth Stinks and it's perfect

Well that's your problem that you though they were gay. Hell I thought they were gonna make them gay but I kinda like the bromance they got. It seems like you're just thirsty for repersentive in a cartoon.

>Well that's your problem

"I don't have empathy" isn't an argument, try again.

It kinda is.

Let me see if I understand this retarded argument.

One side thinks that the ship exists independently of any in canon relationship, so even if "the idea that the ship is canon" is shot down, "the idea of the ship" itself is not.

The other side thinks that "the idea that the relationship is canon" IS the ship, and that stating it isn't canon is the same as shooting down the ship.

Is that about the size of it?

>you're friends are just pretending to like you
jesus who's the real villain

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They have shit tastes if they don't.

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If you want to argue how much of an unemphatic asshole you are, it is definitely an argument.

Orangusnake Begins>Trading Day>Head Chef=The Truth Stinks
All were fucking amazing though, especially after last week had some less than perfect episodes.

Snugglemane. That fucker hides something big.

Ship and gay fags ruin everything once again.

I am in the same boat I really close to my bros as well the thing that makes people think that they are gay is probably because most think aborebat it there adopted daughter

also why can't they be gay like that would of had been really cute two gay dads

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I mean, I would, but personally I prefer Snugglemagne

lol look at this crybaby bitch

Can we talk less about drama and more about how Coby and Tanner are adorable

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Why did Coby even turn to crime anyway? He's such a sweet kid who doesn't deserve to be mistreated. Think it's anything like Mao Mao Mao, where his parents were legendary criminals and he just wanted to be like them?

And if your gonna act like a whiney bitch because your gay ship isn't canon, then maybe you should off yourself because he never wanted them to be in a relationship in the first fucking place. He never "shot down" your ship. In fact he supports the ship but it's just not gonna happen in the show. Are shipfags this fucking crazy?

>Are shipfags crazy?
Yes. All of them, not just the gay ones for the record.

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have you tweeted a thank to Parker for shutting down the fags and keeping Mao Mao great

They need some kind of Disneyesque montage set to "You Got a Friend in Me"

I hope we get to see them separate from time to time.

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You're not even trying anymore, you're just slamming your head against the keyboard. While still spouting the "HE DIDN'T SHOOT IT DOWN BECAUSE HE DOESNT OWN ANY GUNS OR SOME SHIT." nonsense, you dont even know what the fuck shot down means.

i like how tanner hasn't actually changed appearances since he was a child

>environment activism
Can one creator be so base

At this point I'm angrier over how fucking stupid you are than the ship thing.

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>bite the pillow i'm going in raw

Personally my take away from all of this is to not overhype myself for episodes. I don’t think small or Tanya keys could have possibly met my expectations after I spent several weeks building those episodes up in my mind. Meanwhile I expected orangusnake begins to be average, and received everything I’ve ever wanted instead

Well it's true. He didn't shoot down the ship.

You're emotional, you are even doing the "you scream because you silly" thing. If you're upset about the ship that's fine, but don't pretend that the show is ruined or that parker is a bad person because of this. Also don't pretend that we should care about this because this is clearly a personal problem of yours. Same thing is you're unable to enjoy a ship unless is ambiguous or officially confirmed, its your problem.

I'm not pretending anything, you're the one pretending that Parker didn't confirm it as non-canon.
Or, at least, you did, now I guess it's "Okay, he did, but I don't care."
Why'd you waste my time?

Overhype also leads to anticipation when CN fucks us with long waits. Kinda hard to not be hype for the show at this point, but I get what you're saying to not hype up the individual episodes.

Mao Mao Mao is ruthless

He's so goddamn handsome in every frame he's in. Well, except for maybe "Sick Mao."

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Why are you wasting my time bitch? you still have not explained why this is a problem to anyone that's not you.

Right, I alone caused this controversy. Look how powerful I am.

He’s so cool and pretty!

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shit user I see it now I see parker bigger picture maomao is gay for the king it all makes sense now

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>Emotional... manipunation!

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she's growing up to be a fine young woman

BlueMao is the true ship
since Mao still wants to impress Blue

Is Parker aware of all of the porn Mao Mao gets?

Can't wait to see her dad.

Parker could've just said, "I wanted a really affectionate relationship like what the Parks and Rec girls have for my characters" and it would've been fine. Instead, he tried to do what the usual showrunner thing to do is where they tell overblown, "I wanted to do something REVOLUTIONARY for cartoons! Something that you NEVER SEE BEFORE! Something that ALWAYS HURT ME AS A CHILD so I wanted to CHANGE THE INDUSTRY!" explanations.

Marco can't just wear a dress because it made sense for the story. He has to wear a dress because Daron has this emotional story to tell about when she was a kid or some shit.

>future psychopath

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Fuck off. He made a post trying to steer away from the discussion about Parker’s Tumblr post, but of course a fuckwit like you has to draaaag it right back.

>you dont even know what the fuck shot down means
Do you? For something to be "shot down" it needs to stop existing. People still ship them, don't they?

Dude all the guy said was, "Hey it's fine if you ship them, but this is what i'm going for."

Like I get that you guys are used to being given everything your screaming infant faces demand but that's about as polite and reasonable an answer as they come.

Those big palm oil bastards. We should have just started shaving women bald after the microbeads bullshit.

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I want to see more of these two.

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Do you throw fits like this when you don't get the kind of cake you want on your birthday?

>they lived in a tropical forest
Oh no...

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He's a writer talking about the intent of his story.

Why do YOU need to be catered to in every fucking cartoon that comes out? Why is it every time a man in a show isn't a fucking murderous robot he's got to be on the 'spectrum like you're claiming the new world for fucking spain?

>Why do YOU need to be catered to in every fucking cartoon that comes out?

Oh God, the fucking "Why does everyone have to be gay now?" braindead posts. There are still no prominent gay couples on CN, so shut the fuck, your shit makes no sense

That's not what it means, try again.

And here's the thing, there doesn't need to be one.

It's going to be like this forever now, sorry. Despite the posts saying you can ship them anyway, every shipping post is going to met with "Hey reminder that time Parker said theyre not gay? Rekt."
Im ready for /trash./

Here's the thing, I'd like one, and what you want doesnt match up with everyone. Who knew.

Why does Chubbum switch from being green to blue at random

It's just how Chubbum is

How does Adorabat's VA scream like that? That can't be good for your voice.

No idea but it turns me on

And same goes the other way around dipshit. What point are you even trying to make at this point? Like, what are you even arguing about? Every single one of your post is just you trying to justify why you feel the way you feel, but you still have not made an argument explained why we should give a fuck.

I hate badgerclops. He's super annoying to watch about 80% of the time.

>I just practiced!

Why was it okay that Mao Mao and the gang bullied the Sky Pirates for so long? He knew he could kick their asses easily and did it every time. Part of me feels that the Sky Pirates would willingly leave Pure Heart if given the chance.
Probably raised on the wrong side of the tracks, maybe he always had it rough as a snake with no friends. I want to know why Tanner turned to a life of crime. Orangutans are supposed to be good boys man wtf?

maobager would of had been the first well done gay relationship in cartoons

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I wanna tickle the heck out of Mao Mao Mao. He's so cute and he would get mad at me, but that just makes me want to tickle him more.

I want to make him purr, too, when I do it, so that I know he likes it and he's all tsundere about it. Nyeheheh tickle tickle tickle!

You didn't "shoot down" someone if they get up afterwards. Same with an idea.

Best sweetiepies, no doubt. I love whenever they show up, just enough to make you want more.

>Like I get that you guys are used to being given everything your screaming infant faces demand

You're still alive, so not really.
I'm tired of these "There's no gay males on Cartoon Network but somehow the gays are turning everything gay anyway!" dumbasses. Where the fuck is it?

>Why was it okay that Mao Mao and the gang bullied the Sky Pirates for so long?

Because they're evil? They want to steal the Ruby Crystal and won't let up on it. They can leave whenever they want but they choose to stay here.

It means he flat out stated it's never happening in canon, instead of it just being logically assumed because its Cartoon Network. This isnt that fucking complicated, why are you so braindead.


I'm tired of gay people that make me ashamed to like dick.

What makes you think it was Cartoon network idea and not his own idea? That not fair to assume that.

That's not what I said. Nor would I say that anyway, because Parker said the opposite, idiot. He said the reason they're not gay is NOT because of the network. Do some research.

Hey Yea Forumsmblr. This thread is a complete shitshow and I'm ashamed of all of you, so here are the descriptions of the last two episodes that we know of:
Sugar Berry Fever
>Mao Mao tries to hide his love of cobbler.
Captured Clops
>Badgerclops is tired of his responsibilities at Sheriff's HQ, so he joins the Sky Pirates.


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I'm curious about the family code against cobbler, as well as how Mao Mao grew to love it

>Captured Clops
The one I'm looking forward to the most just for more sky pirate shenanigans

Who even cares anymore? Shows over.

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You know, after Orangusnake Begins I think that BC is "joining" the sky pirates to investigate on what happened with the pure heart.

Then why the fuck are people mad that he said they're not gay. They can still make gay fanart.

what the fuck makes you say that?

Maybe we should run away.

I’m worried about Mao ballooning into a fatass, but excited to see him being embarrassed about liking sweets.
Likewise I’m worried about Badgerclops continuing to be shitty, but excited to get more sky pirate development

I have a question: why did Badgerclops turn into Adorabat at the end of Trading Day? What am i missing here?

what a baby

>Then why the fuck are people mad that he said they're not gay
Going by twitter post some of these people are legitimately unstable.

was one of them newfangled Jokes folks keep going on about

Because why the hell did Parker go out of his way to deny any possibility of it?

I think the episode will either be fetish fuel fatass Mao Mao or tweaked out drug addict Mao Mao. I'm hoping for the tweaking drug addict because it's funnier and more in character, but we know how Parker can be.

Didn't someone ask about it or something. It was posted on tumblr so someone was gonna pop the question.

The user on this thread is either trolling or just want to vent since he seems to be arguing with people just for the sake of arguing, people on twitter legit are saying some crazy shit, and you should not take them seriously.

I love this show, I watch it while doing runs in rougelites and it keeps me happy.

it´s like watching hilda but even more simple an cute.

No, someone made a tumblr post about how amazing it is that they're friends and NOT gay and Parker was like yep, I love that part too, that they're just friends.

They’re great.

But how is it funny?

adorabat is CUTE

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Well either which way, the fetishes will latch on to it.

I think the most baffling thing about this situation is that this wouldn't have happened if Parker had said anything. He was trying to give a harmless insight into the character's relationship but completely fucked it up and pissed people off. I guess since the show is (as far as we know) on thin ice already he stopped giving a shit.

Okay, here's the official ranking of the newest batch of episodes:

1. Orangasnake Begins
Perfect use of characters and side characters with total awareness of stakes and plot progression all tied together with a touching resolution and a funny lesson.
Right off the bat, calling a laser gun a "laser tube" played with that hilarious line of self aware censorship.

2. Trading Day
More plot progression with BC's feelings as well as world building as we get closer to figuring out everyone's ages. It's great that Mao was able to keep his role as the straightman in the craziness of the episode due to the robotic arm sort of painfully hacking into his body.
"Oh boy, suck time!" WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS

3. The Truth Stinks
Here we see BC in an OOC moment that's probably easily contradicted by any of the previous episodes. I mean Mao criticized his cooking and he didn't explode and Ultraclops was about how they walk all over him. Someone who explodes at criticism wouldn't find themselves in that situation. It also goes counter to how he comes off as generally shameless and a "total chiller". Still, there were funny moments and that beignet make out session was too hot for TV.
Mao Mao harassing Kevin is the best.

4. Head Chef
Didn't think they Mao Mao would be the art guy and BC would be the science guy when it came to cooking, but cool. They made it work. Predictable moral didn't weigh it down too much since there was more Snugglemange and Pinkie.
"I'm so glad they legalized it!" Another odd line.

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Because of the incongruity-resolution theory of humor

BC will either just be messing with Mao and the Sky Pirates, Mao will be in on the joke as they just want an excuse to spar, or BC will finally make good on his threats to run away which seem to cross his mind everyday in the wakeless nightmare that is his life.

It's crummy like water

Go fetch some pokemon creatures you little brat

It's a reference to the music video for Thriller. Overall it was a bad decision to include not only because the zoomer and younger demographic might not get the reference to 80s pop iconography, but because the joke just doesn't work. Clops decided against doing the voice and didn't really adopt Adorabat's attitude or mannerism. In fact, he decided against doing the voice square one. It's just going to scare the kids.

>not wanting to get banged the dude with a clear need to prove himself because of an inferiority complex caused by his 5 older sisters

not gay but the sex would be nuts. literally and metaphorically suck his dick and he'll blow your mind

I never watched the show but from the clips I've seen on twitter it seems pretty good.

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Cat dicks are gross

>zoomers won't get the reference to one of the most popular music videos of all time

Not that user but, true.
We need more humanized Mao that actually looks good

>Fags proceed to throw an autist fit when a pair of bros are stated to not be gay

It is his show. If he didn't intend them to be gay then they aren't gay. He's not even being a dick about it. Its just how it is.

>We need more humanized

>zoomer and younger
The "and younger" part is more important considering the ads that play are meant for kids younger than 15.

>fags act like fags

what else is new

We can’t all be furries like you

We get it, you got your wish, gays remain off CN, thanks.

That counts as an autistic fit to you?

You don't even have to be gay to see it as a bad move or to see that there was a better way to handle the situation.

Not him, but yeah it's very autistic.

We get it, you're a faggot.

What if you're gay and don't think it was a bad move? Dude, said it in the nicest way possible while responding to someone else. What would you have said?

Ive never seen the thriller music video

>What would you have said?

Nothing, or at the very least I wouldn't have said "They're not friends as a copout, they're really just friends."

You don't even have to be straight to see it as a bad move or to see that there was a better way to handle the situation.

>"I think what we see can be interpreted many different ways because we don't know everything about them and that's part of the fun, but what I see in them is the kind of healthy relationship men often want for themselves but are denied due to emotional barriers certain parts of society demands they put up between them. Openly reaffirming how much someone means to you even among friends isn't done enough because it's so unnecessarily stigmatized. Ship however you like, but know that I'd write them like this regardless of their relationship status."

Have fun liking the inferior gender.

> we don't know everything about them
But he does. He literally made them.

I didn't say that. Did you quote the wrong post?
Educate yourself. Skip to 4:40 if you just want to get to the music.

Does the target audience for this show really care about romance?

The fact is is that some people are just happy that fags got BTFO, regardless of how much harm Parker actually meant. He probably didn't really mean much by it, but he said some stupid shit and the damage is done.

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I know it's been mentioned previously that Blue seems to be a reference/tribute to Blue from Blues Clues, but I'm surprised no one's mentioned everyone's favorite Sky Pirate Boss Hosstrich is a reference to Boss Hoss from Dukes of Hazard.

Attached: boss hoss.jpg (801x1000, 63K)

>mean things
grow up

I think the voices are annoying but otherwise seems fun

You're so cool, not caring about stuff.

>caring about mean things some one said online
grow up

>The fact is is that some people are just happy that fags got BTFO, regardless of how much harm Parker actually meant
I just want to watch and talk about cartoons without people getting mad at dumb shit


Most of those characters have gay fanfic user.

did you make that meme

And none of them have the creator making a tumblr post saying that they're just friends.


>Simply confirms that his characters aren't gay
>T-that's some stupid shit!

So what? He basically deconfirmed some people's headcanon by innocently answering a question. Are people seriously pissed about this?

>Are people seriously pissed about this
Yes. Someone made like 10 twitter post pretty much saying that

Do you seriously have no empathy and can you not realize that some people wanted a prominent gay male character in a CN show for once?

>Ib something similar to "I don't care deal with it."

And yet somehow you guys are bitching about it.

Eh then they can fuck off and just not watch. Won't affect my enjoyment any.

What's "it?"

what's the sauce then? I want to gauge how buttmad people really are over this shit but I'm too chickenshit to visit the main tag or search Twit right now

What a surprise, I predicted your response correctly.

> I want to gauge how buttmad people really are over this

Do something else.

>He basically deconfirmed some people's headcanon by innocently answering a question.

..What question? He didn't answer any question.

Didn't two dudes in OK KO get married? I don't actually know so don't bully me.

They're all Word of Gay.

Ah okay.

From what I recall

>Boxman and Venomous hooked up
>Army dude and monk hooked up
>Carol and Gar hooked up
>Enid and Red Action hooked up for a bit. However after a good chunk of time passed one of three things happened. Rad acted as a donor for their two kids, Enid ultimately ended up hooking up with Rad, or Rad Enid and Red Action had a three way relationship.

The last bit was pretty fun when it first aired. Everyone did a double take at that.

I'm assuming that the fans of this show like it for the fat anthropomorphic animal character as you like to fantasize about him having sex with either yourself or other fat anthropomorphic animal characters.

Also bunny and broccoli hooked up as well

"Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day."

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Here he is

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Are you really asking that after decades of cartoons having romantic plots and subplots?

I trust he didn't mean anything bad by it, he just should know that it's kind of spoilerish to say if they are or are not a thing as we're trying to figure them out early in the show. I love your image, but he was implying that there are no shows that has a bromance like his where it can be mistaken for gay, but they're just affectionate. And they're both serious dudes in a comedy show. Yeah it's semantics and splitting hairs but that's the only way what he said makes sense.

I didn't see anyone comment on this, but it's weird that Badgerclops has two eyes here even though he was shown to have his eyepatch at a young age. I know this is from Mao Mao's perspective but it's a weird detail for him to "exaggerate."

Attached: tumblr_0c75c4b1b7a325f15f339315237644b6_c3f98b83_1280.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

Unless that's his eyepatch glowing and I'm a retard.

Didn't notice that, but yeah it's weird. He also gets buff so it's probably Mao just being unreliable. It could be that he has a robot eye under there that he reveals when he unleashes his final form and that's just the glow from it.

I chortled.

Even though I'm totally Badgerclops here.

>It could be that he has a robot eye under there that he reveals when he unleashes his final form and that's just the glow from it.
>and that's just the glow from it

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>badge time

Maybe he isn't actually a cyclops and wears one because it is cool, hence the inconsistency?

Let's face it, Badgerclops definitely has the personality that would fake something like that.

When you ship two unlikely characters that's just something you expect and prepare for from the start.

But a creator coming out just to deconfirm your ship is a rare honor of getting shit on.

>Adorabat gets the genocide ending

Terrible. I love it.

It's probably his dead eye. Didn't need to wear the eye patch with his gay scene hair covering it up. He's been a cyclops since he was a little kid.

>Shining Finger parody

Attached: professor.jpg (200x200, 6K)

>All 4 fetish episode are made by red

>Parker has been pinned for the fetish episodes the red team has made
>All he's done was approve of them
Parker once again get the shit pinned to him even though he probably has zero idea whats actually going on. Parker is the scapegoat.

That’s pretty much how it always goes for cartoons, from what I’ve seen at least

>Braap + Vore

Cyan and yellow teams are best in my opinion

Does this show have any overarching story progression or is it purely episodic hjinks?

I'm glad that despite be a hack, Morbi's keeping their nose clean because they know mlm likers are fucking freaks who need be gassed.

>5 hours later
>at 412 posts
I thought these threads where normally slow?

>Bao Bao's revenge
>Thumb war
>Fetish episodes

There's some acknowledgement of past episodes' events but it's not one big story just yet.

Definitely the latter.

Nothing breathes life into threads like C O N T R A V E R S Y

The latest meme drama greased the wheels quite a bit.

They usually are but i guess everyone’s hungry today or smth

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With my ship dead I've kind of stopped caring about this show. No wonder this show wasn't really that popular outside of shippers, now I get it.

There’s a smidge of progression but not nearly enough to be considered deep lore

Exit is in the top right, user.

Enjoy your dead threads then, cya.

just looked on Twitter. I was fearful that there'd be posts with multiple thousands of likes roasting Parker directly leading to him making his account private, but all I could find were expressions of mild disappointment with a few hundred likes at most, with the odd rabid asshole here and there getting table scraps.
pic related

Attached: 1544556410363.gif (250x250, 262K)

>Today I learned that Parker said my ship will never be canon.
>I don't know, I think I'll just run away.

I hate you, I hate you Mao Mao!
Can't believe you tore my dream in two!
Don't come near me now,
I don't want to be a bigot like you!

Attached: 75698741_p74.jpg (1200x983, 219K)

This one is good.
Unless it’s pedoshit

You can view it as a platonic or father/daughter thing if you don't see Mao Mao x Adorabat as a couple.

Adorabat saying she wants the same hairstyle as Mao Mao. He comments that her hair is too short for a ponytail.

Persimmons is my guy
we need to start rounding up tumblr people and just putting them somewhere. like maybe central africa. tell them if they leave they're bigots for not wanting to live around black people

While not Yea Forums related, those raving lunatics are the same people who bitched about dragon quest characters getting in smash. Just looking for reasons to be pissed 24/7

Attached: HOES ETERNALLY MAO.jpg (500x500, 57K)

>long hair human Mao Mao
Thanks I’ll take twenty

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Legend of the Torbaclaun was some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while.

Attached: Crichton_Leprechaun_Amateur_Sketch.jpg (269x187, 7K)

user the hole legend of the torbaclaun
is reference to this news segment
maomo is the most based show this year

Great, please do. That's been the point of this entire debacle. It's okay to ship Badgerclops, but wrong because Mao Mao x Snugglemane is where it's at

>the actual pipe flute
Every time

I love this show

this is one of the best references since it funny even if you don't know what it based on

>You, one person, is responsible for the majority of discussion
Don’t make me laugh.

Based and barbpilled

Most people like the show for the show, Badgermao was a minority and most of them are going to keep on trucking.



They're arguably stronger now that the weak shits who decided to drop the show after that tumblr post. We're now left with the dedicated ones.

I'm probably the the most dedicated and I'm a step away from just never visiting again until like 3 weeks later when this stupidity is hopefully forgotten and I can post Badgermao again without the Parker nonsense.

Imagine watching a show to fantasize about who the main characters are or aren't having sex with.

Slow threads aren't a bad thing, I doubt we'll see much of a dent in the traffic.

Kid, I guarantee you everyone over the age of 20 only watches cartoons because they want to fuck the characters.

sure man absolutely everyone in existence over x age only does x thing because x, that's not total bullshit or anything.

Attached: 1561788614500.png (527x527, 179K)

And I¨can guarantee you that not everyone is as petty as you, people who lake badgermao will still ship them, you're the only idiot here throwing a tantrum because "it can't be official anymore"

Also, weren't you leaving?

>is he gay?
>omg literally cancelling this show right now


When you're older you'll understand.

And the funnies thing is that he never said anything about being gay, he just said that the ship is not canon.

I'd rather have the reverse.

Not even

Holy fuck, do you fags need everything?

We would be in the same situation.


Who's "we?" Fuck off.

Please tell me this thread is 100% parody and you people don't actualy give a shit about shipping in this fucking show

Please tell me your life is a parody.

It's pretty much one guy.

>People are screaming that this is queerbaiting
>While wishing that they just left it unconfirmed because they still know Badgermao would never actually happen
>Because apparently leading people on with teasing the possibility of a gay relationship isn't the textbook definition of queerbaiting

Attached: 1568378624913.jpg (1920x1080, 640K)

*One guy left

>on Yea Forums
>wondering if something is parody
Literally every post on this website is (ironic) shitposting until proven otherwise.

Yeah, kinda weird, being honest now is baiting.

Well, you're still here aren't you?

I'll take queerbaiing that goes nowhere over queerbaiting that's confirmed never ever.

How are the people who claiming that these two are gay any different than trannies claiming that a clearly nontrans character is trans or an advocate for trans rights?
Not that I think about it, it's probably the same people

>”Adorabat has a rich inner life”
What did Adorabat’s dad mean by this?

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How the fuck would that benefit me any to turn guys into girls

>being this desperate too bitch about trannies
just go make a fucking static clinge thread.

Attached: 1568480910310.png (1892x1892, 2.67M)

I'm not, I drew the closest comparison that I can think of.

by being a retard

I believe it was "rich inner light"

That sounds like something a faith healer would call ADHD.

you really didn't think of the exact same shit that happens all the time, you see with even the slightest bit of ship teasing in straight ships?

Attached: 1568440411280.png (2022x1033, 1.61M)

But an inner life is a real expression while inner light is not
Or someone who makes excuses because they can’t deal with their messed up kid

What episode is it, I'll check the subs

I believe it's a case of "please don't spoil the fun". When creatives show instead of tell, it makes the show a better experience while you watch. Sure, extra information about certain things can be fun to know, but blatantly saying "you can be wrong if you want, but they're just bros and I think that's great because there aren't that many bros like this on tv" while the show is still ongoing kind of sucks the fun out of it with an added "what do you mean there aren't that many platonic bros"? He makes a decent point, BC and Mao being that vulnerable and open about their feelings with each other is refreshing and great to watch, but sinking the ship so blatantly just does the fandom a disservice in that it essentially "spoils" conversation and speculation.

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Right. I'm suddenly reminded of that KotH episode with kid who bullies Hank. His parents said he had a "precocious sense of adventure".

I wonder if adoradad is also the one who told her she has dense bones, because she said it in the same tone of voice

>BC and Mao being that vulnerable and open about their feelings with each other

I feel like this is pretty exaggerated. They're not THAT open. We still dont know much about whats been ailing Badgerclops with his mom and insecurities and "stuff hes been going through" and most of Maos Maos dad stuff was kind of forced out of him.
And not even by Badgerclops.

Attached: wtf1.gif (589x333, 1.44M)

Again, have you read the post he was commenting on? he saw someone who understood what he was trying to do and he decided to comment on it, not to shut down anything but to reinforce someone's perspective. If you think he did it because people was going to crazy on the gay ships you're delusional.

Attached: inner life.jpg (1152x1296, 348K)

That perspective was "They're not a couple, they're just really good friends!" though.
Which, you know, shuts down them being a couple.

are the subs official?
one of the last "I think I'll just run away" gags from Trading Day was missing in that.

So? it was never going to happen, he didn't even asked people to stop shipping or commented on his characters sexuality.

Also I would like to remember everyone that legend of torbaclaun ended with everyone going apeshit for taking something inofensive out of control. You need to know when to stop.


SO what you said was fucking wrong, the end.

Remember that the same episode involved everyone having a good time and Mao Mao ruining it.

They’re on the CN app, I don’t know how they could be more official

Parker really is Mao Mao.

Telling someone you cherish them after holding them close as a sort of routine thing that happens is pretty open and vulnerable. I understand that Mao doesn't like to be touched all the time and Clops is a toucher, bu that's not a wall. In fact, Mao has been more expressive with his feelings for BC than BC has been for him.

>If you think he did it because people was going to crazy on the gay ships you're delusional.
Now where was that implied at all in my post? Speaking of delusional.

But yeah I read it. If someone wrote about how much they appreciate Mao and Shin's relationship being explored and what it means to them and Parker replies detailing the more ambiguous aspects of it that would have been explored in the entire plot of their episodes, I'd also feel like the show got a little less fun because he's telling me where they are headed instead of showing me and letting me enjoy the ride.

Adorabat hungers

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Their super close moments are one-off jokes that aren't even consistent. And there's only a handful of those even.
Mao Mao has said nice things to Badgerclops like 6 times in 20 episodes.

Attached: wtf2.gif (589x333, 2.4M)

I remember when Parker posted this tweet about a month ago (before all the new episodes came out) and I thought it was weird because nothing major happened on the show yet and everything was (relatively) quiet on the fandom side. Now I realize that he was playing 4D chess and everybody's losing their fucking minds.

Parker is a genius. It's all according to plan.

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inb4 Parker goes the complete opposite way and decides Badgermao is canon, causing actual real chaos in-line with the Torbaclaun episode.

Not happening, God hates me.

You're clearly blowing this out of proportion by intentionally misunderstanding the situation. At least I hope it's intentional. You even throw in a "so?" and continue in an irrelevant direction that's convenient to support your mindset.

There's no real need to argue with you, Parker clearly has my back on this one. See? Something good came of this!

People seem more pissed off at his point about a lack of affectionate platonic male friends in cartoons causing homophobic bullying than him shooting down the romance, from what I've read at least. They say the lack of gay male characters in lead roles is what causes such bullying and that he should focus on writing a gay character whose romance is taken seriously.
As much as forced romance bullshit bores me I do see shoving Shoverclops out of the closet and giving him a love interest is the most likely recourse here

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It's kind of cute actually; Mao Mao is verbal and Badgerclops is physical.

I think Parker underestimates what a close relationship is.

They're not shipped for how intimate they are with each other, they're shipped because they're more like because they're an old married couple.

lol, fuck gayfaggots; I guess.

There's nothing here to misunderstand, people is mad because the ship can't be ambiguous anymore. Sorry that I don't care about the things you care, but this has not diminish the show's quality or changed my perspective on parker as a person, if it happen to you then that's your problem.

Or because, you know, bobo was a dangerous monster.

she's too young for a diagnosis

most basedest sweetypies

Shipping shows that people are deeply invested in your show, saying "yeah don't get invested" feels like shooting yourself in the foot.

There were some really dynamic shots in the newest eps. Have they all had that and I just didn’t notice, or did different people work on the art direction in these ones?

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I hate that now that'll be seen as "recourse" when really it's organic. He even wore his pink sunhat in an episode where he wasn't seducing anyone. It feels like it's something that would unceremoniously happen.

Now that I think about it, it could be revealed in an episode and it might not even need to be censored depending on how it's handled. He's that great of a person, so him liking dudes doesn't even come off as "political" or "propaganda" as shitheads would like to misuse those words.

Unfortunately, you're going to make your insistence on being misinformed everyone's problem.

Enlighten me then fagman, what's so troublesome about the statement that could possibly require 2 whole threads of your constant bitching.

People keep going on about Badgerclops this, Mao Mao that, and I'm just reveling in freeze-frames of the show's background art. It's great.

>Parker was bullied when showing physical affection to his bros
>Wants to make a show about how you're allowed to show physical affection to your bros
>The route cause of the bullying of men being affectionate is the fear of being perceived gay
>Parker proceeds do the equivalent of "no homo" by sinking the ship when he could have just said nothing, counter productive to the message he wants to convey and feeding into the mindset of being gay = bad

He shot his fucking own foot trying to get his message across

If you're reading this as bitching, you just aren't really reading. So you can reread and I'll tell you though Parker didn't completely and intentionally shut down Maoclops shipping, he made it clear how they don't have romantic feelings for each other and likely never will and states his reasoning as a need for more "just bros" characters as if there were ever a shortage on CN or anywhere else. There's a good point in there, but it comes off as poorly thought out.

lives entirely in her imagination

Adorabat is chuuni as fuck and it's my favorite part of the show.

Wind that down to 15 and yea pretty much. There is literally no other reason for someone to want to watch childish shit if not for the characters stimulating something inside

I'm more homophobic than most /pol/tards and I agree, Parker really jumped the gun here.

I watch Mao Mao because my life is cold and bleak, it makes me feel something for eleven minutes and the idea of shipping Mao Mao and Badgerclops didn't occur to me until the scandal popped up.

And I get this, but I don't think he actually feels compelled to say "no homo" as if being gay is bad, I just think the way he said it shows he's caught up on the importance of normalizing bromance, something that is already quite normalized. His want to show that and explore a relationship like that is fine, but drumming up its importance in the face of the lack of gay canon male leads hooking up (something people who hate the "surprise lesbians" would often bring up themselves) comes off as awkward. True, playing the representation guilt olympics is shitty, but that's why he really shouldn't have started it from there in particular.

The whole deal earlier stung me raw, but Parker didn't intend to offend or disenfranchise anyone, and I can't get mad at him for it. So what difference does it make if he said he doesn't view them in a romantic light? It's a cartoon, and means whatever the viewer takes it to mean.

I feel like we should just put ourselves in the /trash/ after both these threads have just been massive shitshows

Attached: from the person behind Baman Piderman.png (492x272, 86K)

He basically told shippers their ship was not canon. And that always goes south no matter what sexuality is involved. Shipper most of all lose their shit when two fictional characters on tv to not go the way they wanted.

Attached: [email protected] (163x152, 30K)

It's been fun, actually. Engaging in conversation about a creative's interaction with the audience is fun. Makes watching the show more worthwhile for me. I don't know about you, but I enjoy the meta of it.

I'm gay, I've lived with non-canon ships my whole life.

But this is the first time in my life that the creator himself has gone up to say NOPE. Just good friends lul.

This is uncharted territory and I'm a little scared for the show's future. At least it'll be remembered, one way or another.

This. I don’t even care about the badgermao shit, I just want to see the new episode discussions.

Right and generally it's more fun to be let down in canon than for it to be spelled out for you so early on.

I just assume furries are gay by default, i blame the furfags

FUCK we didn't even get around to talking about Badgerclops' JO crystals!

Parker's original post happened less than 24 hours ago. It really has been less than a day, as tiring as this all has been. I don't think it's be this bad all the time.

you really don't want these threads on /trash/ i mean yeah there's a higher chance at genuine discussion but there's also no rules and going to be a shitload of porn.

Attached: 1565667277015.webm (1920x1080, 945K)

They're mostly bisexual that ESPECIALLY extends to the few female furries

And this is the problem with every person who wants to perpetuate this "controversy". You are putting too much weight in his words, and even putting words that are not even there. I know you are going to start again with the "people care about different thing" shit but seriously, don't you think you're the one blowing things out of proportion? So he took agency over the characters that he created to specify why was his original intention about the relationship, so what? This should not be an issue, this should not be "shooting yourself in the foot". If you want to ship them go ahead and just do it, he is not even telling you not to, in fact, he said "go ahead".

This. /trash/ fucking RUINED Zootopia. Like holy shit, you have a wonderful setting and all you want to do is FUCK IN IT?!

Anons will forget in a week, Tumblr will seethe until the end of time, and 95% of the show's viewership will never know this happened.

Talking with Anonymous has no consequences unless you start acting like a douchebag.
Talking with Twitter and Tumblr will get you stuff added to your list on what people can use against you.
Knowing that Parker was a Newgroundser makes it worrying what the twitards are going to end up digging up unless they go full Quinn and make up something about Parker eating a man alive or some shit.

Attached: firefox_2019-09-14_22-17-08.png (912x544, 308K)

It's only a single movie. Wait, is there more Mao Mao content than the entirety of Zootopia, time-wise?

Where did he get those anyway? Did he make them? Buy them?

How exactly did /trash/ kill Zootopia threads?
I get that there'd be a bitchton of porn but it's not like these Mao Mao threads haven't constantly dredged into sexual content.

Twitterfaggots are already trying to dig up his history of vore, but he can point to the fact that he didn't write any of the obvious fetish episodes. I strongly doubt the Newgrounds history will come back to haunt him, but you can never be sure about how far cancel culture's willing to go. Damn all the drama, I just want to see more of Adorabat doing adorable shit.

The witch might be hustling that rock on the down-low.

The crux of your argument is "so what" and "he gave you permission to be wrong if you want". It's amazing that you typed that much without making a case. I don't even know how this is a reply to

Parker has a history of vore outside of Mao Mao (and the one twitter post with tiny tiger)

>Twitterfaggots are already trying to dig up his history of vore

original poster, that meant to have a ? at the end of it

most of the people who are butthurt about this on Twitter are sparkledog furfaggots, how are they fucking judging anyone lmao

Not really, this is a really common thing. Shippers invent a ship. Creator/author/director says that's not happening, the shippers lose their goddamn minds and start lashing out.

Got any drawings?

Furries basically fucking anything in any way imaginable at all times, unless I am informed they do not. But the default is that all furries are hedonistic pansexuals that go after any hole they can.

They're anonymous and aren't depending on this to keep their families fed.

It's the type of people it attracts there. /trash/ board culture is porn first, meaning that most discussion became about who's fucking who and "can we get more porn of ______". Yes, there's some champs in there who are above that, but it really falls to the wayside to the point of any discussion of real news goes ignored. Any fics that are ship free and read like Disney official shorts are unheard of if not completely obscure. I don't want to see that happen to Mao Mao.

They were about the same as pony threads that you could not make it through 4 replies before someone posted porn or felt like reminding the thread how much they wanted to fuck Judy or Gazelle.

You keep saying that but every single post you keep making is "I feel wronged with what happened", I don't care if I can't convince you otherwise, just stop shitting up the thread. If you think that you can't like the show anymore because everything you like is "wrong" then leave already like you said you would a few hours ago.

>Creator/author/director says that's not happening,

Since when? I know this happens a lot IN the shows themselves, but I don't think it's that common for the creator to denounce it.

Uhhh I nead a Source on that

I'm glad that this was the case. It makes for a neat dynamic that I hope gets explored more. Like an episode where they get separated from their perspectives.

You clearly aren't reading my posts or are intentionally confusing me with someone else, but I'm really not sure who because you aren't describing anyone in this thread that I've seen. You're hung up on an impression you have of someone else and you're projecting that onto my posts. I really hope you're trolling and not just someone with a fascinating mental condition.

There is a tv tropes page all about this, it's not new or unique

Are you new to....every form of media of the last 20 years or something? Or did you just land on Earth today?

> Adorabat will remember that

Ha, and you say I'm the one who uses too many words to say nothing. Anyways, are leaving or not?

I dont see anything thats the opposite of

I wonder if towards the end of the series Adorabat will start to question all the advice she's been given as it's full of contradictions and inconsistencies. It'll end with the general moral of "life is complicated and hardly makes any sense, but we're all in this together, trying to figure it out, so please be patient".

Absolutely. Honey's design is too good to not see more frequently.

Attached: The Fuck You Say To Me You Little Shit.png (610x770, 673K)
ctrl+f "word of god"

Uh, these aren't creator comment examples, these are in-universe.

It's hard for you to think anything is being said when you aren't reading. And I'll be sticking around. These threads are fun.

Does that mean... Parker is responsible for a new trope?!?

well user, im going to be honest with you, i fricking love Mao mao, it gives me hope for the future.
i remember when OK KO started, i did like it, but the magic that it had slowly dissapeared over the episodes, however with mao mao i can feel that magic getting stronger and stronger with each new episode, there is no bad episode of mao mao and i cant wait for more episodes to come out, btw, when are we getting new episodes?.

Attached: adorabat (2).png (1690x1774, 220K)

I dunno, but I specified I meant creator, not in the show.

that's why I said ctrl+f "word of god" retard

Attached: 1.png (810x133, 22K)

"creator" also works

Attached: 2.png (823x133, 24K)

You're just reaching here, you have no argument and you failed here. This has literally never happened before. Now fuck off.

I don't know, probably in around two weeks. I've been trawling Tumblr these last two hours and it seems that no-one's pissed about it, just a bit exasperated.

The fuck do either of these have to do with a creator claiming two obviously gay characters are not gay?

I wanted the opposite of

Pic related was attached to the same post. At this point it's one dude getting pissy at Parker in the main tag while the drama is cooling down.

Attached: Mao Mao Drama.jpg (400x575, 84K)

Parker never confirmed that the two aren't gay in and of themselves you goalpost moving bitch

Attached: 1558648539903.jpg (431x450, 68K)

This makes no sense to me

>Mao Mao and Badgerclops are a very real and believable gay couple, all their nuances shout gay in almost every episode
>Parker "Lol kidding guys, no homo!"

What the fuck does he honestly expect here? The show is 90% queerbating with no payoff. Was he just trying to attract viewers only to tell, don't show every single time?

i think you guys are completely over exaggerating this drama

it late thread all ready past bump so I will post this not anything bad but we all know mods are going to take it down in the morning enjoy

Attached: EEcxcr6U4AAzXH-.jpg (1199x1200, 153K)

Pretty sure the show will have to go over to adult swim if they ever time-skip and unveil the adorable psychopath that she'll eventually end up being.

it is kind of sad, this series is a perfect method to introduce positive queer couples in a different format than two random dads of a side character, and can actually produce something relatable for queer kids who would be watching. But then Parker had to go full MAGA and ruin everything.


I don't think anyone's going to take the bait.

here's the thing
>side characters
>bg characters
>side characters. Mr. Ratburn's husband doesn't have any character other than icecream
>bg character
>Last episode.

Why can't we have m/m representation the same way we do f/f reps, like Garnet?

>that snout
No thanks

I am literally going to run away.

Attached: ok.jpg (3150x1370, 948K)

or he could have shut the fuck up and let queer kids have a positive role model queer couple in an action show of all things

That's the point he's trying to make. Our homophobic society has conditioned us to think mannerisms similar to Mao Mao and Badgerclops are gay, but they're not, they're perfectly healthy in a heterosexual context and that's not a bad thing. I've seen little kids accuse other kids of being faggots for putting their hands on their best friend's shoulder, or hugging a friend, and that shit's fucked.

Vore is a weird but harmless kink. What the fuck kind of turbosperg is gonna try to "cancel" someone over that shit?

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I fucking love this gag

So wouldn't the logical solution be to show that it's okay to be gay instead of to SHIT, NO-HOMO it?

The show looks amazing
ya dude one of the first things I noticed

Yeah, it's not like he's into sounding or scat or anything.

All of the mechanical arm's lines are hilarious.

I'm confused here, their mannerisms cause straight people to think
>Whoa, that's gay
And want to stay away

Meanwhile gay people are seeing the same thing and saying
>Ohshit! That's really gay!
And they get really pissy when someone informs them their ship is not real.

So it kind of looks like....everyone assumes it's gay and reacts to it.

I think that's what he's trying to get at. Close, physical intimacy between men isn't sexual by default and all he did was clarify that.

>All of the mechanical arm's lines are hilarious.
Going back to No Shortcuts, Badgerclops's gadgets all have a fun personality.
>"Unauthorized user. Don't touch me, bro!"
>"Assimilation...basically done. Don't worry about it."

>Oh boy, suck time

He and his best friend do the voice acting for Mao Mao and Badgerclops, and he might've gotten uncomfortable with the implications some people might to draw.

Except gay society is kind of doing the same thing here. They see this and assume it's gay only instead of stay away they get to work promoting it. But still instantly see two friends in a show and start assuming gay couple just as quickly as any homophobe.

I can't really convey it through text but I found
>Warning. Warning. ....WARNING!
to be hilarious. It had like a "Are you even fucking listening?" tone.

I'll bite.

He should just do an episode where they decide to go on a date.

>they go on a date
>BC is like "isn't this nice?"
>Mao Mao is like "I guess it's as nice as these sweety pies can pull off anyways."
>BC: "Yeah...."
>They are just eating lunch for like, a full minute of silence. It's not awkward.
>BC: "I was kind of expecting this to be a bit more than it actually is... Like, I don't feel different than we normally are together."
>MaoMao: "Hm, I get what you mean, I guess it's just the same as we always--"
>monster alarm goes off inexplicably
>episode proceeds as normal, and nothing was gained or lost.


Attached: bite_my_shorts.jpg (720x506, 71K)

Not to mention when it had enough and began beating the shit out of Mao Mao.

How can one man be so based

>But still instantly see two friends in a show and start assuming gay couple

Well it never fucking is so why does that offend you? By this point we all know it's just for fun and that we'll never actually get anything decent.

Which is why they should've just said nothing. But he's straight, and likely didn't realize at all how saying "It's time cartoons got some long overdue FRIENDSHIP." is super gay, and not in a good way.

Only if it's an extremely posh restaurant with just the two of them and romantic music quietly playing in the background.

Because it's an unbelievable dick move to approach viewers and tell them
>"Lol fuck you guys no homo!"

He could have just left everything alone and let people think what they want.

I think he didn't mean to take the wind out of anyone's sails, and even most of Tumblr sees that.

I mean it ain't stopping me or anything. Shipping is just stupid non-canonical fun. Never take it too seriously.

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>I miss the good old days where we could have fag drags without people complaining
Wow Parker, that's a bit much.

I probably wouldn't have even found out if not for Yea Forums, since nobody goes to tumblr anymore including me, so most of twitter is probably unaware. As long as everyone else can still enjoy the show, I'll get over it eventually.
It's not shipping a straight character is anything new for me.

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agree the artist did a shit job with clops

I've never been invested in a ship this much before only to be told it's out by the creator. Ever. And I'm probably older than most of Yea Forums too. I'm sure I'll get over it but right now I'm a bit sour.

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It is literally about eating people

This is how it went down.

>be Parker Simmons
>check out one of the largest Mao Mao fan blogs
>agree with them saying the intimate friendship Mao Mao and Badgerclops have is a great thing to show on television
>decide to let them know by posting about your intentions when you were planning out both of the characters and their relationship
>by outright stating that they have a platonic friendship and that was the core idea behind their dynamic, inadvertently shit on hundreds, if not thousands of shippers
>forget about the post, leave the computer, and go wank to vore, musk, and furry fetishism for 4-6 hours on /d/ like the absolute /ourguy/ he is
>decide to check Tumblr
>spend the next 3-4 hours panicking, realize that a throwaway comment could end the animation he spent his entire life dreaming about doing before it even began
>decide fuck it, delete the post, think about it for an hour or two, then decide to reply with a milquetoast, inoffensive apology to avoid furthering the controversy anymore than his own mistake already has
>stay awake, panicking and hoping that this all blows over before he has to turn in the towel, go back to Titmouse, and start doing furry commissions to make ends meet

What he did was wrong, but he wasn't in the wrong for doing it.

I'm in my mid-40's, how about you?


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It's as harmless as xenophilia, the shit's impossible in real life.

Whoops, meant for you.

Fucking zoomers, amiright?

I figured.

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Hey, me too.

He was absolutely in the wrong for doing it. He could have shut the fuck up and said nothing at all. Showing one's colors in public SHOULD end a career. I certainly do not want to see someone who I know to have a blatantly anti-queer worldview be in the business of making kids shows.

>tfw 32

Wow, get a life, loser.

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Yea except actually saying something like
>Yea, I agree they should definitely not ever be a gay couple ever!
in public is the same thing as outright admitting to being anti LBGT and then being proud if it when others make claims of how "proud" they are that a couple in media happens to not be gay. Specifically pointing out how they are not gay.

Parker not only fucked up but he basically admitted to being anti gay.

The anger will wear off with time user.

This is nothing new. It's just another cute, but sadly straight, character in a cartoon that people will just have to ship anyway.

I hate that the reveal had to happen from a fucking coincidental TUMBLR POST of all things, but it's still a good show in its own right.

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If a character is not gay they're not gay. Keeping it ambiguous limits your ability to write episodes. For instance, the one with his former love interest. It also sets a bad precedent if you turn every bromance into the characters fucking each other in the ass offscreen.

Damn, I don't think I was this toxic when my grandson came out as a juggalo with a full-back tattoo.

>Keeping it ambiguous limits your ability to write episodes.

If it's ambiguous you can write in any direction.

take your meds lol

Gotta say, I'm not too happy with his declaration of being anti gay couples in media. His whole "Right on fellow hetero lads!" comment can only be viewed as showing off how happy he is with seeing other people talk about how a couple happens to not be gay. Like, the actual subject of the post was how amazing it is that a couple is not gay. There really is no other way to take that.

How is
>these two have an intimate friendship and I want to convey that in my cartoon
Anti-gay? The man has a Tumblr for Christ's sake.

no homo bro bro

Yea that was fucking dumb. I like to think most people know to walk on eggshells when saying a damn thing on tumblr of all places.

Me and my friends busted a gut on that one. It's like the Magic Conch Shell.
> Could I have something to eat?!
> No.
> Could I have something to eat?!
> No.
> Could I have something to eat?!
> No.
> Can't you say anything else but "no"?!
> Try asking again.
> Can I have something to eat?
> ''No''.

That's rough, Satan.

Well, it's his first and probably last tv show. He didn't know.

Because he showed up specifically to say they were not gay, and how he likes and agrees with how it's great they are not gay. Like that is the proudest moment of his life that a couple is not queer. Seems incredibly bigoted.

If he said he is incredibly happy a white guy is not black, his career would be fucking over within the hour.


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he worked on other shows


He didn't set out to bash gays, he set out to show that it's okay for two male friends to get physical, and the fact that everyone is so angry about it illustrates the problem. Same sex physical affection has become gay by default and that's not healthy for kids on a societal level, whether they're straight or not.

Half the people complaining were probably boards artists on other shows. He's probably blacklisted now.