What does Yea Forums think of Yea Forums?

What does Yea Forums think of Yea Forums?

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Live action and anime does not belong in the comics & cartoons board. Toonami should be on /trash/.

Yea Forums is tranny and pedo board

ain't what she used to be
too many dumb shitheads these days

I despise a lot of this board and wish there was more of a crackdown on bait discussions, shill threads, and a bunch of the recognizable autists that spam shit nobody wants to see.

Grant it I thank heaven that it's not as bad as tv.

No actual comic discussions. People here only want to participate in MCU/DCU, outrage, and east vs west threads. At least cartoons get some actual discussions, even if its trash like SU

It's shown me a lot of obscure stuff so I like it. Granted I think Yea Forums should be split, it's obvious the people who watch SU and Star vs are not the Same people who will read Hellboy and the Amazing Spiderman unlike Yea Forums which reads both manga and watches anime. If a split happened, both sides would benefit in the long run, with the Yea Forumsmic side getting a slower board allowing for storytimes to last longer and discussions and the cartoon side being free from live-action.
based and conservativepilled


Used to be one of the best boards. It was slowly degrading over time, but like most of Yea Forums it took a sharp turn for the worse after 2016.
I still like this board and it's the one I visit the most, but the old fun is gone.

we need separate cartoons and comics boards

The live action spam would be dealt with if we had a super hero board, just like /m/ keeps mecha from taking over Yea Forums, and allows for both western and eastern mecha works. Even a separate comic board would consist of super hero shit.

It's a bit more /pol/ than before, but not quite as much as Yea Forums.

You forgot furry

I think we need to filter out phone posters(too bad that will never happen) and there should be a longer time limit between posting.
People who derail threads into an autistic slap fight should be put on a temporary ban, same goes for 1 word posters, or people who try to start obvious bait threads one too many times.
I know none of this will stop people from being retards, or ignoring the old rule "Don't feed the troll". It's probably too much work for Jannies to do.

I love this place,i complain a lot and curse a lot,but at the end of the day i always come back here. I love you retards

>there should be a longer time limit between posting.
Storytimes are one of the best things Yea Forums and this'll only make them harder to do.

Agreed. Send all live action shit to Yea Forums and keep it there.

Someone would have to monitor it constantly so it doesn't get filled with shitty political (web)comics.

Nah, furry threads are quickly deleted.

The people in charge are fucking terrible and are largely to blame for the absolute state of the board now

That's true, but maybe we should allow OP's to upload more than one image per post to help with that. It'll help condense the thread as well.

Yea Forums has one of the highest % of women of any board and it shows with it being one of the only boards where i can go multiple threads without seeing wojack once.

I was here for the birth of Yea Forums. I remember the days when we discussed every ATLA episode as it came out. I remember the "You're all fucked when the Hulk comes back" memes. I remember the Hulkbuster sticky.

I remember when "Yea Forums is love" wasn't an ironic joke. It was a nice place. We were still edgy by normie standards but we were one of the most helpful and cooperative boards on Yea Forums. But then, most of Yea Forums was nicer back then - Yea Forums was still Yea Forums and Yea Forums was still Yea Forums, but otherwise that was a sense of community. That's gone now.

Now, I still visit Yea Forums to learn of things I wouldn't otherwise have heard of, but there's almost no discussions here worth hearing. It's all shitposting or opinions so aggressively ignorant that it may as well be shitposting. This place isn't fun anymore.

Yea Forums is one of the worst boards not just because of the anons but because it's largely poorly moderated
Dozens of bait threads everywhere and if you complain about it you get told to report them, the problem is though is that the mods clearly don't care and won't get rid of them

East vs West threads are a consistent problem but reporting them won't do any good as half those threads comes from another board, Yea Forums, and are dumped on Yea Forums despite being perfectly fine on Yea Forums if it's allowed here too
But Yea Forums is the kid your parents actually wanted so the mods pay more attention to Yea Forums's needs and wants and not yours

Even Yea Forums gets some level of moderation and quality control, which is why several video game related boards exist

It took years for Yea Forums to get their own porn board and when that happened half the shit Yea Forums likes wasn't even allowed because it's furry but then the /d/ mods immediately pushed western /d/ shit on /aco/ despite that not being it's purpose so for a while you just had obvious dog fucker threads but the dogs are actually demons so it's fine

Not to mention the constant imploding on whatever shit Yea Forums tries to do

Yea Forums wants to do their own console-tans? No, that has to implode because of one asshole

Yea Forums wants to do a black superherione? no that was just a fap bait thread where everyone was greedy and unappreciative of what they got

Let's see where those Channel threads go

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Hella agree, split it into Yea Forums and /ca/

>I remember when "Yea Forums is love" wasn't an ironic joke
That was always a retarded moronic meme and only absolute idiots ever bought into it.

Ruined by SJW and trannies

>I remember the Hulkbuster sticky.
Why the fuck don't we get fuck stickies anymore? Hell, even basic stickies for big events? We get them for deaths and fucking Marvel but nothing else, there hasn't been a sticky for a regular cartoon finale/event or comic release in fucking years, never mind actually fun ones.

>fuck stickies
fun stickies* curse these foolish hands

>Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland

SJW-infested shithole.
also, nigger faggot kike

Too many trannies.

I met this place from another comics and cartoons board way slower that this one. This place is not bad, yes It does have bad moderation and sometimes anons are just too stupid to avoid even the most obvious baits but it's okay, I don't really complain since there's nothing I can do about it besides reporting, I've met here people who really want to help and who really like to discuss comics and cartoons aside from posting memes (not like other boards I have been before) and people who post like actually fuctional human beings (not like other boards I have been before) so I like Yea Forums, I like its comunity, maybe my mayor complain is the ethernal waifu thread and the toonami general since the first is just a big circlejerk and the later offtopic, but don't really care, I just hide it and mind my own busines, I would mention East vs West threads but I only enter to there to derail them with neat cartoon webms and gifs and to watch autismos getting banned, so heh.

This is a nice place.

> Yea Forums, and are dumped on Yea Forums despite being perfectly fine on Yea Forums
It' funny because the last one came from Yea Forums, not Yea Forums:

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