Would you ever miss Demon Queenie from Ok K.o.?

Would you ever miss Demon Queenie from Ok K.o.?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do drawfags on her.
>Since the show is over

What do Like about her?

that's a shitty design if I've ever seen one

Much more then enid?

She appears at least 6 episodes.

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I like her looks, but she was just a background character.

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Well of course we could draw a head turn style for her.

Am sad that there won't be that Koala Princess Episode

Attached: 38b6b9a7297980751045df316ec4dcf86aed9128.jpg (1280x1280, 129K)

Was there going to be one?

Yep, was gonna meet her mom, the original Koala Princess from the show in Steven Universe

Attached: DhJiwXTUwAAkU11.jfif.jpg (1206x928, 130K)

Yes, but im gonna miss elodie even more :(

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Yeah, we really gonna miss those point prep girl, they where incredible in Ok k.o.

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I remember one of the model sheet designers mentioning liking her old concept art design more than her final look (no, we didn't actually get to see her concept art)

Attached: EDcBp2CWsAAovS3.jfif.jpg (1193x1600, 122K)

Of course she does look beautiful for a waifu.

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Do new drawfags for Demon Queenie please.

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Demon Queenie Rabbit.

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Thanks for the link. That would’ve been neat.

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Humorously enough, didn't it turn out Purrcival was male?

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So who is better?

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These girls are very proud that the show is over

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Where's the fun in that?

Attached: a1cd4d3acbb1a54a046fb8ce2c1907d37d833b48r1-1536-1536v2_hq.jpg (1024x1024, 51K)

Not enough yuri art.

Cute Demon Queenie.

Attached: demon_queenie_by_doctor_g_dct8iya-fullview.png (800x1182, 304K)

We shall see.

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Attached: demon_queenie_by_namelessloli_dckrx67-fullview.jpg (1024x1646, 106K)

I can't get over how bad this character design is. The color choices especially.

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Well she is style as a anime girl reference.

A perfect drawing.

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A perfect couple.

How have you been in the summer.

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Enough students, post Sunshine

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>85 posts
>9 posters

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Personally, just using this as an oppurtunity to save and dump pics

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Make that 10 now.

Attached: 37110990_1736185943115946_6696406171164606464_n.jpg (1080x1350, 967K)

Attached: demon queenie.jpg (769x1002, 375K)

It's an image dump thread user, what do you expect?

Attached: 44831409_258176648153759_4047282296481405867_n.jpg (1080x1080, 170K)

Do something useful

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Attached: cute_cloud_by_shotlock_dcouwtt.png (396x1036, 266K)

That's normal for an OK KO thread lol.

Attached: angry Sunshine.jpg (564x494, 28K)

And lots of Demon Queenie and her girlfriends!

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Here's my drawing.

Attached: artflow_201909141802.png (1200x1488, 95K)

They all look cute.

She kinda looks like Muffet...

Like most things in the show, underdeveloped.

Those point prep girls.

Wish there were more.

The show's side/background characters was like everyone's OCs stuffed into one show. Fantastic stuff.

Are the Point Girls cool?


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I know there P.O.I.N.T Prep girls. Doesn't make them not look cute.

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I'd much rather hit that than miss that.

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What the fuck was up with this show and making God tier waifus. It's like Ian's one goal in this show was to be the sole show that children of now would look back on and say any one of his girls were "their first cartoon crush" or "the first cartoon girl I nutted to".

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Cool new dress.

Think of her as a babe.

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Truly Ian is a saint among men


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with their crocket thing they remind me of the heathers,maybe thats on porpruse

Attached: Heathers-poster.png (477x640, 132K)

man this show had so much potential,we liked the short so much,we had su much hope when it started to air,what the hell happened?

She is the Queen
If you know what I Mean.

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So where are the new drawings?

I miss all of my K.O. waifus every single day they are gone.

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So many of them, wow!
>look at theses girls from OK K.O.

Proffesor Venomous and Demon Queenie could make a lovely couple.

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Elodie is so rich!

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Nothing, the show was good. Yea Forums however is not.

Yep, it's a Heathers set of drawings

Attached: EC3Ph_7XUAAnn2C.jfif.jpg (2000x2200, 234K)

user he's been doing that since RPG World. Diane was probably my first Yea Forums crush. He is just a based guy who is okay with hot girls.

One new drawing.

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But Yea Forums is better when you have great reviews.

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Carol was really good in the series.

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Plaza Prom Queenie

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Attached: Iron Fist Carol.jpg (849x1000, 508K)

Nice power on that women!

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I'm gonna miss Punching Judy more.

She was pretty good too.

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I wish she was MY babysitter.

wow, there was a lot of fanart for this show. One would think this would transfer as a good cause for more seasons. Oh well.

Attached: buff joe.png (534x483, 15K)

where do people post their horny art outside of tumblr?

Newgrounds, Twitter, Baraag and Pixiv, to name a few. There are some artists who don't post their stuff anywhere outside of Yea Forums or /aco/.

I'm going to miss OK K.O! in general.

So Do I