What does Yea Forums think of Captain Marvel?

What does Yea Forums think of Captain Marvel?

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i think she's a pretty cool lady,eh kills brood and doesn't afraid of anything


She's great, probably the best character Marvel has.


I like her. Are you reading the current run?

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best character in comics

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I'm gonna. I hear a lot of people like it.

Yea Forums hates Carol Danvers and wishes she were brutally murdered and her corpse raped.

best run since Brian Reed

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I always own her with Dr Strange in Timeline Battles lmao


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This isn't an X-Men thread.
Honestly this. It's a bit early to say though, but it hasn't been a retread of KSD as some have been derisively proclaiming, it looks like Thompson is really delving into her weaknesses here.

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Yeah Rogue really is great

they are both pretty great

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Enough room for both in my opinion.

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KSD was better than Reed
So far I'd say KT's is better than either though

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star did nothing wrong

Aside from absorbing everyone's energy, that is.

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Rogue Rekt her though, and has a better accent

Oh wow... They did it, the madwomen.

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Inspired on this.

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99% thinks she sucks. It's only the 12 Carol corpfags that likes her

Yeah well, I acknowledge we are few, but we exist. Twitter has way more fans, but it's more fun to talk about her here because it's not a circlejerk.

I want to kiss her on the lips.

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Except it is

It's a different kind of circlejerk, a... Diverse kind. Over Twitter it's much easier to find like-minded people, while in here you could be talking with a lolifag one minute, and the next one a Hellboy fan. And they might even intersect
My point is, there's unfortunately no place like Yea Forums.

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What’s this supposed to be from?

Captain Marvel #1 (2019), by Kelly Thompson. The very first arc.

don't worry about it, a new number one is only about a month away probably. you can almost set your watch by them.

It's selling pretty well now, though.

Good concept but poorly utilized.

I want to ignore her and make her leave my proximity!

The best of the best.

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I'd settle with just the rape. Filmed of course.

>What does Yea Forums think of Captain Marvel?
she's like my 49 year old single aunt who drinks to much wine.

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Dumb MCU casual.

movie was trite garbage like most marvel but incels take its existence personally because flaccidity


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shes crazy psycho in the comics
her being a 49 year old aunt is a compliment

In the comics I think Carol is the worst Captain Marvel, but I think the hate for the film is overblown. It had bad parts but at least half the MCU is worse.

She's a shit character who for her entire existence no one knows what the fuck they want her to be. She was almost cool during the 2000s but that was short lived. And now she's the most pushed hero in modern comics with an actual less than zero percent of people that actually like her for her """character""". I wouldn't be so hard on her if people gave me an actual explination of why they like this character at all if it wasn't just "she's hot" or "you're an incel/seethe/you just don't get it" responses to the question.

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Pic unrelated I guess?

He is one of my favorite Superheroes, maybe my favorite in all of DC.

She is probably weakest character that is presented as strong in canon that I have seen in years. They talk about how powerful she is but rarely show it and in fact most of best feats came before the Captain Marvel push. I don't see why they haven't committed to the idea. She barely does anything in Avengers and is kicked around in her solo.

try harder faggot, tons of cosplay of people who love the character. and that is just one city

Ok tell me why you like her
I wanna know user
Why the fuck
Does anyone who actually reads comics, fuck that, anyone with a BRAIN
likes carol
Tell me

cause she is pushed to her brink and beyond, it's why I think KT gets the character, she's a character that should be pushed to her brink. But she can be pushed there cause she is a character that is fucking stubborn as hell, and so you can break that in a good story

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Is that Ed Piskor art?

yes, it's from Grande Design

I have all 3 X-men Grand Design books now but haven’t started reading them yet Kek

you should start, they are very good, cause while they are just a recap they add in a lot of cool hidden stuff.

Yeah it seems really cool. I’m excited for Tom sciolis fantastic four grand design