Dark Crystal officially has a complete mueunster say something nice about him

Dark Crystal officially has a complete mueunster say something nice about him.

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that page is so fucking stupid
>bad man is BAD!
moral event horizon for example at least makes sense and is credible as a trope but this page is just idiotic.


Nothing nice to say about em

Is this TV Tropes? Fuck TV Tropes.

I remember a time when TVTropes threads were fun.
It was like "oh shit, my afternoon! You can never just click one article."
And then autism happened (or maybe it was already there and it just took us a while to notice)

I remember when horse show had a huge "getting crap past the radar" page. They pruned back a lot of the autism.

Nightmare Fuel entries are pure faggotry tho

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The problem is that they try to catalog E V E R Y T H I N G to the point where they're eventually just going to have a "trope" for every single possible thing that could ever be written, no matter how unique it actually is. You could have a main character that looks like a cross between a giraffe, beaver, and monkey and speaks French even though it's an ancient alien from Neptune and the TV Tropes people would be like, "Ah, yes! The old French Giraffe-Beaver-Monkey From Neptune trope! Better record that!" It's just retarded.

I used to work on a couple of TVTropes for a couple of European comics - Commando, The Dandy, all those Disney Italia books that BOOM! translated. It was good fun, but the site logged me out and I can't log back in without giving them my facebook details, and fuck that. I specifically kept away from the forums, because why would I need to socialise with obsessive shut-ins when I was already on Yea Forums?
Let's not forget that you have to list every single trope individually, even though you could link some of them in the explanations given for other tropes. I saw the rot set in when MST3K episodes were seperated from the movies they riffed on.

>MST3K episodes were seperated from the movies they riffed on.

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What's wrong with the Nightmare Fuel entries? Does it have to do with the typical "Oh no the bad guy was out to murder the good guy and that's scary" stuff?

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It's more "somebody made a scary face for two seconds and now I have PTSD"

Ah I get it!

I've not watched the puppet show why is the guy's name all fucked up looking? mixed case and shit

Because Jim Henson doesn't know how language works

It's a thing. The skeksis all have names with 'skek' in front followed by their actual name. SkekSo, SkekEkt, SkekMal, SkekSil etc.

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They started Naming tropes that no one had ever heard of before and only had a single example in one episode of one show. Then kept on doing that for years and years.

Why is this written like SkekSo only just started being blatantly evil during the show? We know the Skeksis have been genociding sapient races like the Gruenak and the Skeksis courtiers seem to be completely at home with the idea of one of their own being tortured and mutilated.

>mfw it's true

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What are the possible things that can wreck up Thra besides Skeksis rule?
>a giant asteorid
>Urskeks sending more sophisticated assholes to Thra through dimensions
>invention of organized religion

They only just now started being overtly blatantly evil with how they treat gelflings, seems like they have kept things relatively "peaceful" and 'just' enslaved a few lower species + gathered tithes up until the draining. Peeper Beetle hadn't been seen for "many a trine".and they all seemed very excited over watching torture of their own in action, implying they weren't doing it on a regular basis. The discovery of how to drain essence has made the Emperor more greedy/impatient.

SkekTek is disliked and considered pathetic.

Before they were at least courteous.

A full-scale invasion by any fully space-faring empire or civilization in fiction, really. You know how we've had extensive threads on who could beat the Gem Homworld, and the general consensus was that most of the alien civilizations in fiction could have them licked? Well Homeworld could still beat Thra. The Irkens could beat Thra. The Romulans, the Cardassians or the Klingons could beat Thra. The Galactic Empire from Star Wars would have little problem, even without their Death Star capabilities. You have to start looking into fictional planets like Etheria and Eternia where sword combat is still a viable option to get fights that are close enough to be interesting.

Crystal Gemsona

This is a fine trope. It works in the context of clasisfying villains by whether they could be redeemed by Steven or not, and generally getting the vibe of how seriously the story takes itself.

For example, Final Fantasy IV redeems the main antagonist, Golbez, extremely late into the game, by saying he was mind-controlled by the real main antagonist, Zemus, the entire time. This is a very questionable choice, but trying to analyze which one of them is a more "Complete Monster" helps put some difference between them and put Zemus(who doesn't get a lot of "screen time" due to being a twist villain)'s actions in perspective, making the contrived twist work at least somewhat by recognizing that Golbez is at least not the "Complete Monster" of the story. This is not kind of a situation that Moral Event Horizon is fit to describe, so I feel "Complete Monster" is more fitting for such dichotomy.

>I can't log back in without giving them my facebook details, and fuck that
1) You're paranoid.
2) I'm pretty sure you just need your email to reset the password, no?

“The villain is irredeemably evil” is a valid trope that’s been around for a long time

>actually wanting people to know you use TVTropes
I already tried to reset the password, but it literally doesn't do shit.

what the fuck is the whately universe

Shared written series about a mutant academy with some Lovecraft shit

Lesbians lovecraftian lesbians

Nobody knows, bit it is all the tropes.

>you have to list every single trope individually, even though you could link some of them in the explanations given for other tropes
God, that pisses me off so much. It's worse when they link the trope in the explanation, then list the trope on its own anyway. I've got Asperger's, and that's really fucking excessive.