Get cucked by a vampire dyke

>get cucked by a vampire dyke
>end up fucking a pillow
>literally useless forever after the first few seasons
Did he deserve it, Yea Forumsmrades?

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Shitting on Finn I would be fine with if it led to something, but all it leads to is the conclusion that the writers room fucking hated Finn.

No. Modern animation is making me hate women even more

>>get cucked by a vampire dyke
No, he wasn't. Being cucked would require Marcie dating Huntress Wizard,she didn't.
>>end up fucking a pillow
False, he end up preventing a war, solving his issues with Fern and being key to defeating Glorb
>>literally useless forever after the first few seasons
completely false. Was a hero till the final included.

>literally tells jake he loves bubblegum in season 3
>marceline decides to gay her away and become a couple
>not cucked

She wasn't his just because he was interested in her.

____ ___

she probably would've been if the new writers weren't dyke feminazis who decided to write it out

I bet you liked the finale, lol.

You guys are fucking autistic manchildren who obsess over a cartoon character not getting the harem ending, but I'll grant you one thing: they pushed the narrative that Finn has been over Bubblegum for quite some time now. But why was Bubblegum in his dreams back in that S8 dream episode with the Nightmare Princess? I might be misrememebring, but I think her appearance suggested something vaguely romantic before becoming a nightmare. And then they just forgot about it?


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>>not cucked
Being cucked require that you are with the girl in the first place. As Finn wasn't with PB when Marcie started to date PB, Finn is therefore not cucked.

I did. it was fine. it could ahve been better because clearly, the writers wanted to tell a bit more before wrapping it up.

>if the new writers weren't dyke feminazis
If they were dyke femnazis, they wouldn't have paired Finn with Huntress Wizard.

After watching okko and regular show endings I can finally say that the ending was complete trash

No he didn't deserve it. They should have gone with no romance option or a single princess love interest instead of this cheap gook drama shit.


Do you actually think Finn was supposed to be with PB before the writer changed?
It seems like that was what pendleton was setting up.

but they did go with a single princess love interest in the end?
finn got together with 1 of them
the fuck are you on about

>Huntress Wizard
Literally who? Maybe you could try naming a character that actually appeared in the last episode.

I mean, she did appear, just not together with Finn. We got a weird shot of Finn blushing as she kicked the shit out of some guys, I distinctly remember that. Weird.

I don’t think so

I meant from the start of course

I never seriously believed Finn would get with PB until she got de-aged, but when that was overturned I knew she wasn't endgame. Finn's puppy love for PB always struck me as something temporary, a first love that he'd never forget but because it could never work out he'd eventually move on.

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A character that has been around since the early season and got several episodes developing her. also, she was in the final.

t. Adam Muto

Don't knock that pillow. She's best girl.

This show would’ve been something more if the first guy didn’t have a mental breakdown

>there's a new special in production
I don't know if I should feel dread or anger.

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Pendleton Ward is a hack, he realized that he won't be able to keep up the charade about his inability to make the show go anywhere and jumped the ship.
Hasn't done anything good since or before that.

meant to reply to

I never saw Bravest Warriors.

Is it any good?

It's a solid meh.

It had potential at first, but Frederator's complete lack of understanding how online and traditional media differ is what killed it. Now it's just a shambling husk written by out of touch 40 year olds, animated by a shitty Canadian studio

fin is like 13-16 in the show. He was never in a relationship with bubblegum, a thousand year old being that acts like she's in her late 20's.

Little boys aren't cucked by the hot teacher they have a crush on just because she has a husband.

she can be any age she wants, it's literally sentient bubblegum in a show where everything works on dream logic and a shapeshifter dog can shag a rainbow horse
don't you even fucking start
they could've easily been together

Sounds like I'll give it amiss.

they could be together in the last season when Finn was 18 years old

>don't you even fucking start

I'm sorry Mrs. Higgens wouldn't suck your little boy wiener.

how dense can you be?
her age is based on the amount of gum she has, when she was 13 she had the brain/personality/interests of the same age
saying "uhh she's acksully older mleh mleh" is dumb, this is not how Ooo works

just because YOU want to fuck your teacher doesn't mean everyone else does, don't bring irrelevant shit and look at the facts

but metatextually, she's clearly written to be an older person? otherwise she would have been written to be Finn's age the whole time.

It just seems weird to explicitly want Finn to end up with only Bubblegum in a show that has a million female characters that he can actually be with.

she's written to be 18 when she's 18 and 13 when she's 13
that's the whole point

It's not that weird considering she is his first crush and the only romantic interest that existed for the first 3 however seasons or more before the others existed

The difference between PB and say Marceline is that marceline is permanently stuck her age and can't be with Finn until he grows up and their age gap becomes less important
With bubblegum she can be any age at any point she wants so they can be together at any point if she chooses to

It's not like she's gonna de-age herself again just to be with Finn when she's got a country to run. I don't know Finn's age at the end of the season, but I can't see PB, who is technically immortal and unaging, getting with Finn since that means Finn will eventually get old and die and she'll just have to move past him, like on would a beloved pet. The forbidden elf-human love dynamic would just be weird thing to end on.

IMO Flame Princess or Huntress Wizard would have been for the best but Flame Princess had to be a strong womyn and rule her kingdom and they didn't give enough of a shit about Finn in the end to give him a happy ending with Huntress. Finn really just got the short end of the stick in every way.

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I mean she's technically not immortal since the show begins with her trying tor revive the candy people.
She could easily de-age herself if she reeally wanted to be with Finn, but he never really tried to attempt confessing to her for real, it was always something they said "come on dude, that's how you do it!" but it never went anywhere in a sense she never realized it, she was the dense anime protag who couldn't comprehend a hint, but if she did then why the hell not? we'll never know how she felt.
Besides there are many ways to go around this in the writing, immortality for Finn, her dying with him romeo and juliette style "i wish to go with you", heck you don't really need to address it at all, weird unexplained shit happens in the show all the time.

>this girl i used to like now likes someone else, im a cuck now
/r9k/ pls

Considering he got in the way of a lesbianship. Yes.

No character* deserves to get shafted out of their own show.
*Except Wolverine

But, factually speaking, wasn’t she in a relationship with him ?


She was interested in him leading up to and including Too Young, and if we count the later seasons we have no basis to state her personality would change cause she’s lived so long.


>Thousand year old being
Not before the S4-5 retcon, fool.

she was confirmed to have the hots for marceline in season fucking 3, episode 10
she doesn't give a fuck about finn and it doesn't have anything to do with post s5 writers
PW turned her into a dyke way before that

>It's not like she's gonna de-age herself again just to be with Finn when she's got a country to run.
>she’s got a country to run
Then why is she with Marceline? And we don’t even know Huntress’ age or lifespan so show could be just like PB in the dying off aspect.

Hell, Rose liked Greg enough, why can’t PB take Finn on when he comes or age?

Marceline was a mistake.

S3 episode 10 was them mending their friendship and was only taken as romantic in later seasons when they attempted to retrofit aspects of PB’s life to fit bubbline standards. Also AFTER she had the hots for Finn. If you actually take off those “durrr it’s a good ship” glassses, you would immediately see the sloppy fuck job that is their relationship history as there’s practically nothing to go off of besides “they know each other for hundreds of years.” No candy citizen recollection, no other princesses or ANYONE over 18 notifying Finn about her old age including Marceline. There’s even a picture in The Duke showing a young PB in a tiara and dress BEFORE the candy kingdom was constructed. Obvious pandering retcon from a mile away.

Bubblinefags are the most brainlet shippers there are around.

>S3 episode 10 was them mending their friendship

>wah wah bubblegum why can't i quite you
>oh that shirt i wear it all the time as PJs!
>blushy crushy

yeah fuck off
i don't like the ship but it's clearly been set up from that episode and the fact it was shit and udneveloped doesn't change anything
trying to cover your eyes and ears and go "lahlahlah no no no didn't happen" is peak retarded.

>Little boys aren't cucked by the hot teacher they have a crush on just because she has a husband.
The dumbasses on Yea Forums probably think so

>shit and underdeveloped
We can agree on that, but no she wasn’t peak lesbian as of season 3 as they write on a season by season basis you fucking pea-brained dumbass. You going “lalalala it obviously was” is peak retardation, though.

Care for some helium for that unjustly over inflated and dumb ego in your head, user?

i'm not saying she was peak lesbian, i'm saying they clearly set the seed for their lesbo romance at that point ALREADY, you actual pea brain

Not until they established PB being immortal which was 1-2 seasons after, numbnuts

how is that relevant, you can guess it from the song since they used to know each other long ago, it's right there already

According to my girlfriend who went on a 10-minute tirade about Finn being a womanizer who only wanted to save princesses to date them, completely missing the trope that this show was based on as well as the "make up the story as you go along" DnD influence.

I guess so.

how is it shipping if it became canon?

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man you gotta dump your dominant hand
they ain't supposed to talk

Uhh... it didn't.

It's pretty much impossible to date a girl that doesn't have one of those random SJW rants now and then. Unless I'm willing to date a 60-year old lady who acts like she popped straight out of King of the Hill.

It did

Attached: bubbline kiss.gif (540x304, 1.66M)

What, you didn't know best pals smooch?

Now post the version with Robbie Rotten

I still ship Finn and her

No. One of the show's crew is a typical post-modernist weenbag and a racist. The idea of a white hero receiving a happy ending was triggering him, so they made Finn into an impotent clown.

She was jealous of flame princess.

Attached: adventure time princess bubblegum flame princess.jpg (500x540, 55K)

PB's mannerisms conflicts her flashback self and the photo in The Duke clashes with all the lore piled on top of her. She was obviously mortal until the mid to later seasons decided to pile the Bubbline shit on top. Before muh love song and that junk, this pinpoints Marceline in a very specific time frame when Finn and Jake are alive and have never seen her coming in or out of the CK. BG182 in the thin yellow line doesn't even recall marceline. Its smashed in user.

She was confirmed to not be interested in Finn anymore in Too Old, a sequel episode to Too Young, where she was more concerned with keeping Lemongrab's autism in check.

Hell, even earlier than that, in Incendium, when she was clearly uncomfortable with Finn trying to lean on her (but was comfortable with Jake because he's a dog even though he's a sentient dog and should be considered an elderly pervert at this point).

Or even in Wizard Battle, where she saw Finn cheat just to get her kiss.

I'm not even a Bubblinefag, but, like, it has been established. You're just deluding yourself at this point.

>are alive and have never seen her coming in or out of the CK.
This just means Bubblegum and Marceline had already broken up before Finn or Jake were born, duh.

Something that they never mention in any of the episodes they're together. Most likely because it never happened.

Also slime Princess didn't do anything despite being one of the big 4 in the new lore.

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ITT: Everyone who ships bubble and finn
is it because he had a crush on her in the beginning?
I mean, what do they even have in common?
What would their relationship even look like?
PB is running an entire kingdom and finn is turning 18 for the first time--the perfect relationship because Finn is always out doing his own thing and trying to be a hero and PB is just indoors
Not that I personally ship marceline and PB, but their relationship makes more sense because they could go years without seeing each other and neither one would have changed

Finn x PB doesn't make sense, neither does Finn X any immortal

I could see a short fling, sure, but is that actually what you want? For finn to get his dick wet and then have an awkward series where Finn protects his ex's kingdom?
Or do you want to see finn die of old age while PB and Marcy are still alive because they are both immortal?

I get that Finn didn't get the best relationship ever, but that's just because the writers fucked up flame princess (who was a bad character to start with)--if anything, be mad that cinnamon bun was made into more of a character. That was legitimately awful.

>muh lesbians
both canonically had boyfriends, so they are bi
this shit pisses me off to no end because it's so fucking clear that everyone who complains about this doesn't actually care about anything except complaining about women or gay people in cartoons
It's not an ending that shoehorned lesbians into it, you're just upset about homosexuals and are projecting that into this

>Not that I personally ship marceline and PB, but their relationship makes more sense because they could go years without seeing each other and neither one would have changed
They retconned Bubblegum's age. In the earlier versions she wasn't thousands of years old, so a relationship with Finn made sense.

>For finn to get his dick wet and then have an awkward series where Finn protects his ex's kingdom?
What is Adventure Time after Bubblegum goes back to being 18 in season 2?

>Or do you want to see finn die of old age while PB and Marcy are still alive because they are both immortal?
Depending on how far Shermy and Beth is set in the future that may already have happened. Unless no one was immortal in which case they may all be dead.

>but that's just because the writers fucked up flame princess (who was a bad character to start with)
Well her touch did burn him. Though the breakup was worse than Flame Princess' character.

>it's so fucking clear that everyone who complains about this doesn't actually care about anything except complaining about women or gay people in cartoons
Wow you went full retard with this. If people didn't want women in cartoons they wouldn't want Princess Bubblegum or Marceline in this show you retard.

>It's not an ending that shoehorned lesbians into it
Yes it is. Without this ending you'd never know the characters are gay. If the writers wanted them to be gay they'd make it clear throughout the series, like they do in Loud House.

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Well for one as the 2 first introduced characters ever and him crushing on her for 3 seasons

First of all
>strawmanning by saying people are projecting
>bubble and finn instead of Bubblegum
>that horrendous spacing

>I mean, what do they even have in common?
A shared interest in the concept of nobility and execution of justice? As well as a strong faith in each other to execute their duties divinely and faithfully in a moral way. They like to hang around each other even in off time as seen in Movie Makers or Too Young. When Finn asked PB if she wanted to age herself back up, PB said “nah” which instantly BTFOs bubblinefags,because if she still did use her shirt as pajamas or was this morally grey tyrant, she would refuted Finn’s crush any chance she got before Mortal Recoil.

>Finn x PB doesn't make sense, neither does Finn X any immortal
If someone mortal wants to shag someone immortal and both parties consent to a relationship and know the risks then your objection isn’t really relevant.

>Or do you want to see finn die of old age while PB and Marcy are still alive because they are both immortal?
What does this mean? He’s gonna die regardless before them because of their near immortality.

>Finn is out doing his own thing while PB stays indoors
You mean how Marceline was out doing her own thing and PB was staying indoors? Finn has a reason to be around the candy kingdom which is also another thing they have in common. Care and protection for the candy citizens. So much care that the citizens lowkey hardcore want Finn to get with her because they see him as the best suitable mate for her.

>makes more sense because they’re both immortal and could go years without seeing each other
What a retarded excuse. Ice King should be drowning in PB’s fluids by now if that’s the case. Longevity in a shitty relationship doesn’t compare to a shortened but excellent and passionate relationship.

>They retconned Bubblegum's age. In the earlier versions she wasn't thousands of years old, so a relationship with Finn made sense.
13 with an 18 year old?
Or 17 with a 23 year old?
That doesn't make sense

>What is Adventure Time after Bubblegum goes back to being 18 in season 2?
if that's your definition of getting dick wet, I have bad news for you

>Unless no one was immortal in which case they may all be dead.
but we know that both Marcy and PB were alive just after the start of the mushroom cloud

>Wow you went full retard with this. If people didn't want women in cartoons they wouldn't want Princess Bubblegum or Marceline in this show you retard.
its astonishing that you quoted me and yet you still missed what I said

>Without this ending you'd never know the characters are gay. If the writers wanted them to be gay they'd make it clear throughout the series, like they do in Loud House.
all replies from you will be disregarded since you can't read

For real though what's with cartoon writers making main female characters lesbians out of nowhere? It's not particularly daring and it usually feels shoehorned.

Have you missed the last 3908 threads discussing this riveting topic user?

didn't a writer flat out hate him

>A shared interest in the concept of nobility and execution of justice?
that's why PB blew up all of the fire guardians
because justice and morality

>If someone mortal wants to shag someone immortal and both parties consent to a relationship and know the risks then your objection isn’t really relevant.
if it's a relationship, it's going to end poorly because either finn isn't mortal
either he dies or it ends

>What does this mean? He’s gonna die regardless before them because of their near immortality.
yeah, so at the very least their relationship doesn't change after that
if marcy and PB hook up after finn marries PB, how does that not make him a literal cuck

>You mean how Marceline was out doing her own thing and PB was staying indoors?
>makes more sense because they’re both immortal and could go years without seeing each other
Finn doesn't have any specific obligation to the candy kingdom because he's a hero, they even talk about how Finn starts heroing for others after all the PB drama is over with
But I guess you're saying Finn's job is a good reason to date PB--because you know, it's convenient

No, Marcy and PB works better because they are both independent people who can go off and do their own things without much change in their life
Finn will never stop aging, never stop changing, and he'll always seek more in life than "protecting the candy kingdom" which is why the show wasn't solely about protecting the candy kingdom

if you want to talk about excuses, let's talk about why you think that caring for the same group of people is the means to start a relationship--and why you also don't think that finn should be with literally any other princess

Yes actually I haven't been back to Yea Forums in years.

>both canonically had boyfriends, so they are bi
If we’re shitballing, I can say were straight as an arrow before muh lesbians and never showed interest in other women despite having boyfriends that would not live as long as them. Finn gets fucked over because the alphabet community wants to have a monopoly over who fucks who solely because of who you want to fuck and not anything to do with character development.

>this shit pisses me off to no end because it's so fucking clear that everyone who complains about this doesn't actually care about anything except complaining about women or gay people in cartoons
Or you’re heated and misinterpreting because you’re a dumbass who thinks you’re right with the tone you’re typing with.

>but is that actually what you want? For finn to get his dick wet and then have an awkward series where Finn protects his ex's kingdom?
I would’ve liked to see Finn and a Young PB grow and develop alongside each other. Learning new things and rubbing off in two coming of age stories.

I just don't think someone liking someone else who doesn't return their feelings is a good reason as to why they should be in a relationship
real life isn't that easy

Well that is the point we never learned what on thought
Finn never confessed to her because he spilled the spaghoot and kept it in every time and she was denser than a brick

Finh doesn't get a proper send off and too much time was spent on future of the land of ooo

>Did finn derserve shit?
Yeah I mean he was a shit tier person like everyone else in the show.

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We’re taking about early PB here. S2PB is not S6PB. Writers are on tape saying they go by a season by season basis. What’s so hard to comprehend?

>if it's a relationship, it's going to end poorly because either finn isn't mortal
All relationships end “poorly” unless the couple dies at the exact same time.

>if marcy and PB hook up after finn marries PB, how does that not make him a literal cuck
You were implying Finn was somehow immortal in which he is not. He’s dying of old age regardless without some sort of enhancements like Dr. Gross or magic.

>they even talk about how Finn starts heroing for others after all the PB drama is over with
Where? Finn saves other princesses and PB never shows displeasure or snaps in the show. She didn’t give a damn when he was off kissing other princesses in Breezy either.

>No, Marcy and PB works better because they are both independent people who can go off and do their own things without much change in their life
Finn isn’t codependent on PB and he wasn’t on FP and is not with HW like you seem to suggest. He gets sad and bummed and that’s not immediately dying on the inside like he did when the Finn sword was broken.

>and he'll always seek more in life than "protecting the candy kingdom" which is why the show wasn't solely about protecting the candy kingdom
Nobody said it was, dummy. Saying Finn won’t defend the candy kingdom without some big event happening is dumb. As long as he is in Ooo, there doesn’t seem to be a reason as to why he would not defend the CK alongside Jake.

>and why you also don't think that finn should be with literally any other princess
Who said I didn’t want him to go off with another princess or girl presented to him?

The exchange of lips they had seems like a good return of feelings and confession of love, anons.

>but, like
But, like, I mean BEFORE the show began in its timeline. PB would already be a cold, morally grey bitch by the time Finn and Jake went to the Candy Kingdom doe the first time. She didn’t have Marceline around to keep her “anchored” and PB would’ve just been left up to her own devices for who knows how long. Immediate red flags would’ve been set off in Jake’s head and the bubbly PB in S1 wouldn’t have existed. Of course she wouldn’t be interested as the bubbline hints piled up.

>that pic
Whend he get wo fucking fat guys. He looks like he was leading up into lean muscle

Not that guy but, can't we just pair the two together because they're fun to pair together? Like Finn and Marceline or him and Huntress Wizard?

Attached: 1554513697129_Finn_Marceline_Adventure Time.jpg (951x800, 134K)

When you live for that long, I'm pretty sure you're inclined to have mood swings. She decided to be bubbly, but then Marceline came back into her life and reminded her of her past and duties, making her cold again.

When'd he get so*


Nah you can’t pass that off on mood swings, bud,

Or him and PB

Different storyboarders mean different versions of Finn. I personally like a more lean Finn myself.

Finn not ending up with PB is not something i think is bad, nobody in real life ends up with his first love too anyway.
But Finn got shit on a bit too much in the later seasons, and the kid didnt deserve that.

so when exactly did the show turn to shit?

Season 3 and 4

Except Steven and Connie.

Heck off.

>13 with an 18 year old?
Better than 13 with a 1,000 year old.

>Or 17 with a 23 year old?
That's pretty normal. Especially in countries where the age of consent is below 18.

>if that's your definition of getting dick wet, I have bad news for you
And you're still wrong since Finn still protected the Candy Kingdom after Princess Bubblegum became an adult and their relationship ended.

>but we know that both Marcy and PB were alive just after the start of the mushroom cloud
That doesn't mean they'll always be alive. Also by PB was part of the mother gum, so when did she detach from that?

>its astonishing that you quoted me and yet you still missed what I said
It's not my fault you don't know how to write a sentence.

>all replies from you will be disregarded since you can't read
Sounds like someone is butthurt that I destroyed their argument using logic.

___ ____


>reeeee normie!!

No, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot. Fuck all that romance shit, let's talk about how his personality degreased and he didn't deveolop into a strong, confident warrior, but a weak fuckboy who cries about his pass exes for 5 seasons in a goddamn row, or how monsters he would've taken on in season 2 or 1 would've dabbed on him later on when he literally couldn't take on creatures less powerful than that. Finn got mistreated horribly on his own fucking show cause the writers unironically hated him for some retarded reason, and instead of using this torture to develop him in an interesting and meaningful way, it all ends up for naught and he is discarded at the end like a fucking used piece of toilet paper. I will NEVER not be mad at the decilne of adventure time and every shitty thing in it that made it worse and worse. I can write a fucking doctorate essay on everything that ruined adventure time, but I'm done blogposting about this before I get even angrier remembering this bullshit.

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>he didn't deveolop into a strong, confident warrior, but a weak fuckboy
The weird part is he didn't need to develop into a strong warrior. He already was one. He was confident, sociable, caring, understanding, etc. He didn't always do it well but at least attempted to and had a general aptitude. Him having low points was fine as well, that made him seem more human.

But at some point, probably around Frost & Fire he sort of just loses all that. It is obvious how they morphed him to make Finn a more convenient character fro the stories newer boarders wanted to tell. They couldn't handle a chad as he might be an effective player in their short about a gay depressed magic gremlin.

>>end up fucking a pillow
He went back to his pillow wife from that one episode?

I guess I should have specified "immortal" in this case as 'unable to die of age' rather than 'unable to die of age or anything else'. She's the former, I think.

I wouldn't deny the possibility of an ass-pull of timey bullshit being possible from the AT writers and Finn getting immortality might be not just possible but potentially interesting, but a weird Romeo-and-Juliet death at the end would just be very weird to contrast with the rest of the series and I'm glad that never came up.

It's easier for her to be with Marceline because she wouldn't have had to de-age herself to be mentally and physically thirteen years old again with Finn. Again, I don't know how old Finn is at the finale, so he either at this point or in a few years he might have had a chance again. I still think it'd be a bit odd and some other people might see it as a bigger problem than it would be, but it's not impossible.

Attached: pb finn.png (500x281, 137K)

This just in: Tom Kenny confirmed that Rumble Jaw is a hour long AT special during an event at Soda Parlor.

I'm expecting nothing but shit.

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>Preventing a war
No he didn't? Uncle Gumball was still gonna try his shit on Bubblegum, who was saved by his literally tripping and fucking himself over.
>Was a hero till the finale
Not really, a lot of shit he was involved just sorta solved itself on its own, or he was bailed by his grass sword. Hell, in the finale, his plan failed, and he and Jake were BTFO until BMO saved the day.

She already liked Finn as he was and same with Marceline. Finn problem wasn't his age, was HER age and more specifixally, her responsibility to the kingdom.

That pillow was thick

>saves the world like 50 times
>gets zero respect

you guys are so focused on shipping and shit that you don't even realize finns real tragedy is that hes an unsung hero.

Nigga don’t you think we know that. Most of that shit stems from the shipping problems.

>Uncle Gumball was still gonna try his shit on Bubblegum, who was saved by his literally tripping and fucking himself over.
Why do people assume this?
Why the writers even wrote this?
He went through the dream, was ready to do reparations THEN he tripped and got fucked.
He likely prepared the potion BEFORE the dream.

Literally he showed no actual hint that he was going to fuck Bonnie again, no idea why it was written like that if the message was that he was trying to dumbify her.

Gumbald got fucked for no reason.

Post the version with Jake transformed as PB and she's kissing his ass.

Because Aunt Lolly outright confirms he was gonna betray her?
Like watch it again Speed watcher-kun.
>"He never was the epiphany type." Aunt Lolly

>Because Aunt Lolly outright confirms he was gonna betray her?
Aunt Lolly was the one that came with the plant to douse Finn and Jake in the dumb juice to trick Bonnie, if anything it feels like she planned for this and wanted to overtake Gumbald's kingdom by stabbing the guy in the dick.

And if you don't take Lolly's word why the fuck is she even near PB without any suspicion

Finn had literally no male role models or friends outside of Jake, who ended up getting married and bailing on him. The one male hero he met ended up betraying him too. Then the two love interests betrayed him. Basically everyone he's ever met has fucked off after they got bored of him, leaving him with no proper allies and nowhere for his story to go.

If you care so much about salvaging this character (and I dont know why you would, the show is a disaster) establish someone who won't leave him.

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How the fuck could she have planned for PB and Gumbald to be put into a dream state?
Like, Gumbald even says "Drat!" like a villain who's plan was just foiled.
Just admit Finn did nothing of worth in the finale and let it be.

>saying "drat!" means you're a villain
If I was hit by something I know was going to permanently turn me into a retard I too would go "Oh fuck me..." or "God fucking damn it", doesn't mean I was planning to turn someone else into a retard.
Gumbald's demise was badly written, they should've made him actively try to dumbify Bonnie and then getting his comuppance, as they showed it in the finale he did nothing wrong and the aunt just capitalized on the incident to gain control of a nation.

>"You're new best friend Spinel!"

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> The one male hero he met ended up betraying him too
That's a little unfair, isn't it? I don't think Billy planned on getting killed and having his skin used as a suit to trick Finn.
But I do agree, he wasn't really allowed to have any sort of relationship, platonic or otherwise. Flame Princess fucked off (maybe rightly) after he did some dumb shit, two of his crushes (Three if you include Susan) got in Lesbians with eachother, and Huntress Mage was pretty nonindicative if they had anything after their few episodes.
Even his fucking Grass Clone got fucked hard in the end.
I suppose you can say the silver lining was that in the credits they showed the non infected humans and Finns Mom being able to escape the island, so at the very least he got a community where he can belong and an actual family member. But leave it to the writers to make it a 9 second shot at the very end of the last episode.

>I don’t know why you would
Because Finn is worth protecting!

>"You are new best freind Spinel"

That's not how Contractions work


>S4-5 retcon
there was a retcon?

PB's age

Oh, right. Thanks user.