Why do comic book writers and writers in general think that exposing that you're doing something stupid erase the fact...

Why do comic book writers and writers in general think that exposing that you're doing something stupid erase the fact that you're doing something stupid?

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I would have to assume that the person who wrote this page isn't behind the whole year of the villain thing
Which would make your question a stupid one

The writer isn't the one doing something stupid. In this case, the ones being retarded are editorial and Didio.

Yeah OP I mean of course it sucks when that happens. But you posted something entirely different and made yourself look very small brain

that doesn't answer the question

Why does DC think that exposing that you're doing something stupid erase the fact that you're doing something stupid?

Whoever wrote this page isn't DC. It's just some dude making fun of his employer
Stop thinking in absolutes

She really is a less funny less likable lgbt female deadpool...

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Why does some dude think that exposing that your company is doing something stupid erase the fact that they're doing something stupid?

Tell me something else I don't know

It doesn't. Who said it did?

It imply it

Not really. It's called a joke.

>Not really. It's called a joke.
It's bad joke.
Because Harley Quinn is bad as character.
And the people who made her should feel bad

>It imply it
I do not think that word means what you think it means.

>I do not think that word means what you think it means.
Then what do you think it means?

I usually hide threads whenever I've embarrassed myself like this, good for you for just keeping on digging yourself deeper that shows real commitment


Because they think they are cleaver to point out the issue but not cleaver enough to write a solution since the majority of writers that do it end up doing it anyways

Absolutely BASED

>Absolutely BASED
How? They just aknowledge they did something stupid

the book is making fun of YotV for being stupid

>the book is making fun of YotV for being stupid
But saying that is stupid doesn't erase the fact tha's stupid

Yeah, get a clue bro. Sometimes you need mediums to make fun of themselves. Don't be such a negative nancy.

>Yeah, get a clue bro. Sometimes you need mediums to make fun of themselves. Don't be such a negative nancy.
But how does that erase the horrible things they did?

No, it doesn't.
"imply" would mean the guy actually think it erase what DC did. He doesn't think that.

>doesn't erase the fact tha's stupid
The writer of that book doesn't think it actually erase it, so you are not making a point, there.

it's just making fun of event comics, well OP is maybe the issue is more specific

It doesn't. there was not attempt to erase it in the first place, but quite on the contrary to expose how ridiculous it is to even more people

>But how does that erase the horrible things they did?
Are you fucking autistic

You're stubbornly focused on the "erasing" part, and ignoring that multiple anons have already told you the writer DOES NOT believe he's "erasing" anything.
Did you make this thread to ask a serious question, or are you permanently convinced the writer does believe what you're saying and want other people to validate you?

He's obviously autistic.
In fact, I think Tommy just found something else to stubbornly focus on. You know, besides Doom, Namor, Marvel heroes not having jobs, etc.

Who is Tommy?


>It doesn't. there was not attempt to erase it in the first place, but quite on the contrary to expose how ridiculous it is to even more people
And how does that erase the fact that it's bullshit?
If I give you shit and tell you it's shit does that makes the shit better?

Honestly dude you probably need to be checked for autism

>Honestly dude you probably need to be checked for autism
And if I was how would that change what I said?

Stop being so fucking stubborn and autistic.
Nothing is being """"""""""""""""erased"""""""""""""""" and the writer does not believe he's """""""""""""""erasing"""""""""""""""" any fucking thing. Get it through your thick autistic skull.

But he is complaining

Because you might gain an inkling of an understanding that what you're saying is just fucking dumb.
DC isn't a monolith. One writer who has nothing to do with a stupid event making fun of said stupid event isn't a statement made by DC the company.

It's not a complaint. It's just humor, something your thick, stubborn, autistic brain will never comprehend.

>It's not a complaint. It's just humor, something your thick, stubborn, autistic brain will never comprehend.
Humor is for brainlet writers that don't want to aknowledge they're shitty writers

>Humour bad


>Laughing bad
You definitely belong on Yea Forums.

>You definitely belong on Yea Forums.
And what is the place we're into?

Oh wow, you take everything literally. I'll bet you have aphantasia too.

>Oh wow, you take everything literally. I'll bet you have aphantasia too.
I don't have it, but what is wrong with having it?

>is fine with being unable to form mental images
You're proud of your mental damage, aren't you?

>You're proud of your mental damage, aren't you?
What is wrong?

Is OP mentally ill?


How would that make me a bad person?

>Why do comic book writers and writers in general think that exposing that you're doing something stupid erase the fact that you're doing something stupid?
To be fair, it CAN. The trick is to not rely on doing the stupid thing (this is where they always fuck up). Critiquing stupidity to a degree requires demonstrating it in fiction. The stupidity must be subverted.

When did they say that it would?

im torn between thinking this is elite trolling or just foreigner (or real autistic american) retardation, it’s hard to tell

I'm not american

Is English your first language?

It is odd to sell a product that says "our other products are unimportant"