Late 70s early 80s fashion
Remember when Starfire was Donna Summer?
god i miss 80s hair
you have no idea
Remember when Beast Boy used a holographic device to make himself look like Kori then talked dirty to himself in a mirror?
And, yet people bitch about her being black...
Right? I really appreciated how the tried to give her the old design in Titans but too bad the whole show is ass
I enjoyed the show a HELL of a lot more than I thought I would. They changed the wig. I'm not surprised because of the backlash, and the showrunners leaving the actress out on a ledge. I feel really sorry for her.
Hey man I’m glad someone enjoyed it at least. I really gave it an honest try but I couldn’t make it past the second episode. I did really like Doom Patrol though
Maybe you'd like the second season? I don't think it will be on UK Netflix until maybe next year, but the ones that didn't like last season seem to be digging the new episodes.
I'm just glad we're actually seeing a show that's unashamedly laying in to it's comicbook roots with comic accurate costumes, for once. It's refreshing and shows it can be done without an overwhelming cringe factor.
Oh, is the question mark, because after her "We Love Gar" shirt, has the shorts pointing to her vagina? Her vagina loves Gar?
No... I would like too, tho. Can you post it?
I doubt people would complain as much if she was played by an attractive black woman.
You just didn't like that she was dark-skinned.
That's no excuse to straight up bully an actress you don't like.
I didn't like that she was ugly
Yes it is
Anyone remember that issue of ASM where Peter was at a party and he had on a cut off shirt that said something like "Party Animal" and he had on short shorts?
>Yes it is
No, bullying will never be justifiable
Girls really like horses?
>bullying hitler is bad
Back to /pol/ with you
Nice straw man
I didn't like that she wasn't orange and had a can of neon pink Spaghettios dumped on her head.
Completely wrong. Starfire was based off a Puerto Rican dancer/singer
Oh I didn’t say she was based off Donna Summer she juts looks more like Donna summer than she does this chick
Star is pointing Beast Boy where she loves him the most
He’s just fucking with you user
It was a better time.
Gah, doesn’t he know I’m a sensitive little bitch? Lol
Wait a minute
How the FUCK does Gar do it? Every writer coddles the fuck out of him