Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Past threads:
Other urls found in this thread:
>How does this work?
>It works like a community toy chest. In the /coc/ threads you are free to post whatever ideas/settings/characters you want, but you have to be OK with other people playing with them (tweaking them, putting them in stories, using them for things, etc.)
>There's no guarantee that what you post will catch on either.
>If the OC you are posting is YOURS for something you are personally doing, then it would go to the "How is your webcomic?" threads.
>If you just want feedback on an OC of yours, then it would go in the "donut steel" threads or drawthreads.
If the thread dies suddenly or you still want to discuss something during the weekdays:
Last time:
-AU stuff
-New Golden Girl comics (tweaks pending)
-More pics of the Limited Run characters
-Motion discussion
-New pics and characters
-Other stuff I didn't mention
Ooh, we got new characters?
Hand Magician and Bunnygirl Henchwoman are from the one-shot Limited Run from a couple weeks ago.
Other new characters from last thread fall more on the furry side, so I didn't want to risk the thread getting deleted starting with those.
So I’m prepping something that will either be posted tomorrow or next week’s thread. You might call it a /coc/ pitch, but I have a question.
Is it eligible for /coc/ if I’m just asking for help with world-building, coherent plot logic, probably some character/style design, as well as additional stories? If other adjustments come anyway, I’ll try to be okay with it.
The thing I’m prepping is sort of something I had in mind for something like /qst/, but I realized that covering for all the contingencies was not my strong suitShame ‘cuz I was hoping to have a lot of fucking around with audience participation. Then I found this thread and thought it would be a good home for my nearly-abandoned brainchild.
As long as you're fine with other people being able to play around with it, then it's fine.
It's been a while since I added anything to the wiki.
Anyone think there's something I should add or update?
Going to be another slow thread I guess.
Well bump.
Best girl.