Do Your Worst, Yea Forums

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stonetoss is still garbage
just use the whompcomic one

because this set up of two people agreeing with each other and the 3rd one is dumb and icky isn't new

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>Hating a comic so much that you can't even use a blank meme template that is politically empty
It's kinda funny just how much butthurt a single comic causes on here


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this is already pretty good, I chuckled

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jews should be the degenerate ones tho

But jews are the master race puppets controlling everything


The reason Yea Forums is /pol/ lite is that lefties actually like video games

>lefties actually like video games

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Nice job, Shlomo.
Exactly, which is why they are more of a threat than blacks and women combined.

>making another neonazi thread right after your last auto'd thread died
Jesus what a faggot you are
How many good boy points do your discord buttbuddies give you per thread?


Are you from Discord ?


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Worst edit yet.

Top jej

You didn't make that

But I like Superman and OPM, and Goku is the worst main character in DBZ.

Red, aka Stonetoss, is a literal neo nazi

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Doesn't that pic imply the opposite? That white nationalism is being held back by people clinging to a failed ideology.

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Now THIS can get behind me.

t. /pol/ cope

This and the giantess one are the best.

This is shit. Yea Forums is worse on Yea Forums than pretty much any board short of /aco/. Literally every "calarts'" shitpost is an Yea Forums crossboarder, and we can barely talk about cartoons because of it. Yea Forums mostly keeps to their MCU threads and if you watch or talk about MCU movies that's just your own fault.

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Can't find the original edit of this, so i made my own edit of the same idea

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funnier than any of the edits so far.

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post the dobson edit

Moore and Morrison despise each other

Redpanels isn’t Stonetoss. They’re incredibly similar, but they are different people. I believe stonetoss got started cause redpanels announced he was retiring

Funniest joke i heard today. You made my day user

Incredibly Based

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