

Attached: conspiracy-theories-comic.png (1500x500, 81K)

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Comic artists similar to stonetoss?

You start your own threads 3 times a day.
Do you make money from this? Like, through ad revenue?

Does Yea Forums get money for it?

take a shit into a toilet and then look inside the toilet you'll find a ton of them

Aliens are a significantly more insane conspiracy theory than nearly everything else you can imagine, though.
Literally, subterranean lizard people are thousands of times more likely. Osama bin Laden still being alive, vaccines causing autism, and 9/11 being engineered by homosexuals are all more likely. Now, an ancient super-society that exists out of knowledge of the common world? Like Atlantis or something? And we confuse their advanced tech for being of unknown origin? Much more probable.
That is how fucking ridiculous the idea of extraterrestrials is. The sheer scale of space, and the difficulty of moving between any celestial object, is vast beyond reckoning. And unlike other conspiracies where it could just be "well they cover it up", you can't cover up space, anyone can look into a telescope and start making measurements! The moon is really far away and really hard to get to, but not so unfeasible as to be impossible. Other planets in the solar system? Not so mind bendingly impossible as to not reach them in the next 1000 years. But another star? Any other star? Unbelievable. Preposterous. Maddeningly insane. Moving between star systems is not one step up from moving between planets, it is an insurmountable idea.
I hate anyone who believes in extraterrestials visiting earth.


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I dont get it

I don't either :/

social constructs can have power that influence people's lives negatively. it can be noble to undo the mentioned negative effects. this comic is not an argument.

the joke is that even if you want to hide from society, politics, and culture, society kicks down your door and drags you into the street to beat you with a stick.
The individual in question desires merely to grill his burger, and he is used to lampoon the boomer, making fun of a popular image of a balding man saying the same phrase as our protagonist. He would rather reject the less desirable parts of modern interconnection while embracing the conveniences of the 21st century: IE grilling. But the world will not let him, and in this comic we see politics has invaded even his precious grilling time, as new and potentially more environmentally friendly ideas of what reasonable meat products are have caused the boomer to accidentally purchase burger patties made of bugs rather then of beef.
bottom text

>bottom text
you cancerous shill

Haha, good one.


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Ok I don’t get it what’s happening here. Did he magically turn that guy into a tranny or what?

Aliens visiting us and aliens existing are two wildly different levels of acknowledgement. Of course they don't visit us, it's not feasible. But saying they don't exist? Nah. This is probably a copypasta I'm responding to anyway.

wait, now I get it

Attached: stonetoss.png (1000x1000, 546K)

Don't associate ronnie with stonestoss.

Martian Magazine


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'Alternative proteins' like bugs and human flesh (no I'm not making this up) are a talking point among climate alarmists right now. Some going so far as to suggest governments mandate meat products contain a certain amount of insect protein in order to condition people to accept it.
The joke is that politics infects literally every aspect of life now.

How in the fuck did you arrive at that conclusion.

>human flesh (no I'm not making this up)

Simple colour scheme, simple lineart, gag-a-day, dark humour...

Oh you sweet, summer child.

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>climate alarmists

nice try, oilshill

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Lying cunt.


No matter who gets their way politically we're going to be eating something along the lines of bugs or vat grown meat eventually.
>human flesh
This too but it's less of a "solution" and more like an eventuality to be prepared for.

>human flesh
Does it have, err meat of young humans assigned as females at birth?

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Yeah that's why I said "extraterrestrials visiting earth" you ninny, the potential existence of extraterrestrials in deep space is irrelevant until we can reach deep space which is going to take thousands if not millions of years.

>When you said that this town wasn't big enough for the two of us, thought that you were call me fat.

Make fun of them all you want, millions of people still blindly believe everything they say.

>no argument

Like for example. We'll get Bat Boy one of these days!

Nice try.
That user is only explaining what talking points are most prevalent at this moment in climate alarmists circles.
Which he proved by showing the article talking about human meat.

>equating Russian collusion with tinfoil-hat theory whereas the Muller investigation has lead to dozens of arrest and convictions.

Why is stone toss such a moron?

I'm less convinced he's necessarily a moron, than I am convinced he intentionally cultivates an audience of morons.

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>among climate alarmists
Yeah, but only alarmists and not scientists or anyone who genuinly cares about the enviornment. A real solution would be the increase of local and self grown food, but that would harm big agrichem so it will never be promoted or subsidised at all.

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The same could be said about most other things.
Cheaper, more accessible medication? Big pharma would like a word.
Less use of hygienic products and thus reducing waste? Big soap would like a word.
Make stronger, more resilient products so people don't have to buy a new dishwasher every 3 years? Pretty much all companies would like a word.

>Big soap
Are you mocking me? How about you look up how fucking giantic the lobby of agrochemistry is. Secound only to the military industrial block.

She's talking like race can't exist through a sociological as well as biological field of science at the same time! What a crazy world we live in where you have to understand science to mock it huh?

>if we want to go back to emissions level of 200 years ago, we have to go back to energy use of 200 years ago
Bu that's not true.

Yawn, not clever

We could switch to nuclear power which is borderline emissionless, but that'd require several trillion dollars and twenty more years of emissions, anyway.

It says you're a faggot


Where in the fuck is that on newspapers?

You're not providing any counter argument

There's a boomer comic out there that says "antifa? kkk? isis? I just wanna grill for God's sake!" with a fat 60-something man pictured by his grill.

The joke is that now some elements in society have politicized meat itself and are pushing bugs as an alternative because otherwise Africans might starve.

Not funny as that would never be on a newspaper.

The smaller brain would probay be black but the leftist most likely took a white brain and copied it twice.

>61 years ago

So charlie brown would be about 70 now.

it's autism

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Yep that's mainstream media

doesnt lucy have a little brother?

New York TIMES is mainstream media, New York POST is a conservacuck rag.

Because it is you faggot

So fucking guilty that some people where pressured into resigning and once looked at a Russian person once

okay. thats fucking funny

But nuclear is bad.
Buy my solar panels instead.

stonetoss threads are cancer and against
>>>/global/rules/3 >>>/global/rules/4 >>>/global/rules/9 >>>/global/rules/10 >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>Because it is
It literally isn't, you dunce. People have literally been convicted in that investigation. But I guess you prefer plug your hear and say lalalala.

Again people where pressured into resigning and being investigated while they give an excuse that they once dealt with something russian

>Again people where pressured into resigning
They didn't "resign". They were literally found guilty. Moron.

His nazi discord buddies give him Good Boy Points for it that he can spend on tendies and sessions of pretend

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The fact that people don't even acknowledge "big soap" is fucking terrifying.
People are way to used to consuming.

Did you seriously make two threads just to have a failsafe in case one of them got deleted prematurely?

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Source, for those who weren't aware.
Still saging and doing what must be done.

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>otherwise Africans might starve
Actually it's because meat is very inefficient and not sustainable for the environment.

That's Violet, kiddo.


it's on left-wing newspapers, as something to celebrate.
when right-wingers say the same thing, it's called a racist conspiracy theory.

This water shit is so fucking retarded but every time I see shit like this I can't help but laugh hard

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>it's called a racist conspiracy theory.
Because it literally is. there was enough ground to start an investigation, when it comes to Russian Collusion. GR don't even hold 5 seconds of basic scrutinity.

I don't get it