Name a bigger cancer currently in comics; you can't

Name a bigger cancer currently in comics; you can't.

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Status Quo.

Literal cancer face.

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>38 teeth
>The defining trait of the character is the fucking smile and they fuck it up

what is this OP?

Non-canon story about Batman become Joker turned up to 11.Stupid stupid shit like Batman making people eat other people while he laughs and working for a Bat God.

>all of the teeth are incisors

can they at least give him a better name?


I'd probably say marvel but dc is a good guess OP.

Dan Didio
Tom King
Brian Michael Bendis
Dan Jurgens
Erica Henderson
Chelsea Cain
Ethan Van Sciver
Your Mum

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I didn't even have to try.

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The edgiest shit in a long time from DC or Marvel.

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I hate Cates so much for this shit. The worst part the Absolute Carnage crossover event is apparently getting every issue sold out.

let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the

Knull is the tightest shit in the world, fuck you if you disagree. Comics need more shit like Knull.

No, you can fuck right off, Cates. We don't need Knull, or Vox, or CGR, none of that try-hard bullshit. I'm glad he's gonna be off GOTG this December so he stops tainting Cosmic with this nonsense.

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Why does it look like murder fetish art?

because it is

what's wrong with this?

nothing, provided you regularly cut yourself to mid-00s emocore

>I'm glad he's gonna be off GOTG this December so he stops tainting Cosmic with this nonsense.
What makes you think that he's going to stop?

So it's Tim alright?

Because he's ending his GOTG run in December according to the solicit that came out a couple days ago. He's likely going to take over Thor and stay on Venom.

Everyone in that universe was killed by Batman. EVERYONE.

And how will that stop him from making more dumb shit up and fucking with cosmic Marvel?
If anything that still gives him room to continue his bullshit.

Everyone and Tim too?

Well I mean, he has no other cosmic books... They're all ending before December.
Please do not ruin this for me! I'm getting ready to celebrate.

user, Knull will continue to be a thing as long as Cates and Aaron are in Marvel and who knows what stupid shit he'll come up with if he's the next Thor writer.

It's not going to stop

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I hate how right you are. It's like this nonsense that Aaron will touch upon soon.

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Why would you put EVS on that list? He's off making his own comics now.

More like he says* he's making his own comics, it's been a long time since he actually published anything just because he's too busy leading his personality cult on Twitter.

King's Batman run
Bendis' superman run

BWL, independently of your opinion on the character, doesn't fundamentally change core traits of a long existing character for the sake of controversy. Hell, so far he's been confined to a single story so he isn't even being pushed as hard as you're pretending.

Well I mean, DC published their solicitations got December and it's all Dark Multiverse shit, so that's no longer true.

The Laughing Bat?

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Why is he more dangerous than all the other super powered dark knights? Name one fucking reason. Why do comic books, especially Batman comic books, keep trying to insist that being insane is a superpower on the same level as running fast enough to travel through time?

The point is he isn't affecting the comics you or I buy, so he isn't a cancer to comics. He's just a social media cancer.

God damn, Jason did not even fucking hesitate.

Because "insanity" actually means being able to see the world as it really is, without a filter. No bias, just raw data.

Batman Who Laughs rules, Yea Forums takes him too seriously. He's so over the top

More like the Batman Who Sharts

The dark multiverse is a concept, there are dark multiverse stories without the batman who laughs in them. So far he's only been in metal, the justice league run that spun out of that, the batman who laughs mini, who came out of that, the batman/superman book in which it is being continued and that's it. It's literally one overaching arc.

Zoe Quinn
Teen Lantern

Not even close to Batman who keks retardness, who is at his second event in the span of two years.


It's not just the insanity. It's the power of Batman's batgod prep time and tactical prowess, COMBINED with insanity and a complete lack of empathy or inhibitions.

At what tier is Perpetua?

Same as Knull right now

Plus he's augmented. In his first appearance he was breathing in space unaided and wielding reality warping cards and cosmic nth metal weaponry. And apparently a fuckton of doomsday weapons confiscated by the justice league of his world.

>Because "insanity" actually means being able to see the world as it really is

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>nth metal
Please use it's correct scientific name.

This. Accuracy is encouraged.

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nth metal isn't batmanium

There's something wrong with the industry, when a professional writer is pulling the same shit as that shitty creepy pasta RPG maker game.


>Mic drop

It looks like an edgy DeviantArt OC

Zoe "Serial Killer" Quinn

barbara's fucking face lmao

>name a bigger cancer in comics
everything. at least the judge dredd ripoff manages to generate some interest

The declining revenues in physical print issues.

it retcons Bendis' shitty retcon so it's good on my book.

BWL literally infected 6 mainline DC heroes with Joker Venom turning them into X who Laughs and other terrible names. Which makes this really dumb because Shazam Who Laughs is the only one that made sense. How is making Hawkman, Donna Troy, Supergirl, Blue Beetle, and Gordon into Joker Versions of themselves making them into just generic evil versions of them? Where the fuck is the Joker in the designs for Sky Tyrant, Death Bringer, and those other chucklefucks I'm not gonna look the name of for.

Jason once again proving that he's the hero that we really need.

Actually the one being shot is Tim, the Batman who lmaos turns Damian into his own joker robin


God, comics are stupid.

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>Another giant cosmic asshole
>Needs more
Ok retard


Geoff Johns

Both are cancer. Fortunatelly the 1ST will dissapear someday. He is from another universe.
But never deadpool. He will continue existing.

Is Tim. Damian followed the batman who laughs and die thanks to the REAL DAMIAN who used NTH Metal against him.


>here before anything else
>ruler of nothing
>kill everyone and everything

For what purpose

Why doesn’t Superman just speed blitz this edgy faggot?

Because Superman always jobs to Batman.

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Dis user reads comics

Harley is just as big a cancer in DC comics, and has metastasized into the animation and live-action stuff. BatJokerwank is only stage 1 cancer, NuHarley is terminal stage 4.

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>metastasized into the animation
How new do you have to be to not know she originated in Batman TAS and was added to the comics afterwards.

That comic by mark waid about the bitchy little antifa terorists that steal and attack people while screaming fuck the police.

>How new do you have to be to not know she originated in Batman TAS
She was a loveable goofus supporting character in BtAS, which I own you underage B&. Now she's practically a credible threat to the Trinity, with metapowers and everything.

I miss old Harley. NuHarley is pure cancer.

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>replace shit with more shit
>"but it's not Bendis's so it's automatically better!"
One day you will also come to see his GOTG run as yet another attempt to emulate Bendis run from years ago, using Aaron's tone. It's funny how many haven't realized this yet, but I guess fanboyism is a drug.

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I really like Batman Who Laughs because I grew up in the 90s Russia which was ravaged by criminals, most of whom later joined the government and are still currently in power. So reading about brutal and edgy ways to make people like this suffer is AWESOME

>like Ghost Rider
>like the Punisher
>absolutely hate this monstrosity
why did Marvel feel like having their own Lobo?

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why cant the symbiotes just be dangerous cosmic parasites
why all this Klyntar and Knull bullshit

Shut up, you'll buy his THIRD miniseries in two years and its hundred cover variants, and you're going to love it!
But yes I'm pretty sure the whole reason this character exists is to sell covers because there's absolutely nothing of substance to him, and he acts nothing like the individual parts so it doesn't even work as an amalgam. Just Marvel's own Coldsteel, overpowered asshole version.

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What happened to Dawnbreaker? He was way better than the Chuckling Batman

Continuity. Fuck it. No, seriously, fuck it. Both versions of the big two, either constant reboots, or tumorous pilings of contradictory and stupid shit upon contradictory stupid shit are bad. They limit story telling.
If John Smith gets to write Superman it shouldn't be Superman 786-821, it should be "John Smith presents Superman" and let Johnny go wild. Marry Clark. Divorce him. Age him. Kill him. Whatever. And then the next writer does his own thing. What we currently have is a dumb situation, where half the writers focus too much on trying to follow the previous ones, instead of doing their own stories,the other half tries just to undo the "bad" stuff they don't like that's left from the previous writer and no one writes something focused with beginning, middle and end.


All other Dark Multiverse Batmen from BwLs team got seemingly killed off in the last issue of Metal.

I actually don't precisely for that reason

Why should people care about this Superman character if he isn't a character at all though, just a brand? That's the problem with dumping continuity, you reduce the characters to empty brands. I mostly see that used as an excuse by people who actually don't care about the characters in order to write whatever they want using the brand.

He actually is acting intelligently after losing his cosmic powers at the end of Metal and has never just appeared to face Superman directly. He mostly set up traps or sent Jokerized heroes after Superman.

This. Continuity ends up with a Batman that manages to raise countless Robins, join the Justice League, go on missions on space and at the same time has time to manage Wayne Enterprises, make public appearances as Bruce Wayne and go after Gotham's villains and still being 33 years old.

Elseworlds is a good idea waiting to be fully explored and Earth One was a step in the right direction, I suppose.

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To add more; I'd like to say that Batman Arkham Asylum in its own (excluding the rest of the saga) can be considered an example of my idea.

It's presented as an another night for Batman without origin story or previous background aside from the game's synopsis, it's basically a self-contained story that could be just as user said; "Rocksteady's Batman: A Night in the Asylum".

I think in general that the Batman Graphic Novels hit a certain criteria that I like surrounding this idea.

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Is this some next level zoomposting?

Harley became a problem when DC decide to emancipate her from the Joker. It also doesn't help that they can't decide if she's a psychopathic killer who should be seen as a threat, or a goofy deadpool like joke character.

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Please tell me this isn’t canon.

Oh user, where have you been? This is Cates' ongoing retardation since last year, and that page is part of Absolute Garbage-- I mean, Carnage. But good thing is, it hasn't crossed over anything beyond Cates' own bullshit so it can be easily retconned and ignored once he stops with that corner of the universe.

Is this seriously DC trying to rip off Judge Death and Judge Joker?

apparently there is a dark universe now where all the what if's live. They came to the main reality to make themselves canon but failed

Hello Cates and/or Aaron. Sorry I ruined the surprise you both had planned.

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No comic sells out, especially from marvel. Their numbers are lies and just overprinted unsellable trash. Ho to dollar stores - they unload mountains of shit there at huge discounts. Trades for couple dollars, grab bags of dozen new comics for couple dollars. Rest get shipped to retailers despite them not ordering any or just mulched. You dont honestly think black cat #1 was the number 1 selling comic when it came out do you and was one of highest selling comics of the year, do you? Go to a comic shop and look at the 20+ copies of ms marvel or other trash they dont order or sell just sitting in boxes. They literally send comics for free and charge shipping to shops that didnt want them.

>But good thing is, it hasn't crossed over anything beyond Cates' own bullshit
It retroactively got some Thor shit.

King Thor is Canon? I ask because it mentioned Knull


Cates and Aaron are collaborating, not a surprise. And Cates repeatedly cites him as his greatest influence so yeah, if he can tie his bullshit to Thor, he will.

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T. Latin American


I'm more pissed that he's a total Judge Death ripoff design wise

I think the thing that bothers me the most is that he looks like Cassidy. It's like every post venom character design has been more influenced by Carnage than Venom with the exception of Flash.

Deadpool can have good comics.
Batman who keks can't.

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Ya, na.

Am I the only one around here who likes Absolute Carnage? It's fun.

>OP doing damage control
Cates is so much fucking worse about shoving his OCs everywhere than Snyder is.

He’s unironically Batgod as a villain. He’s fucking great. But Yea Forums is so full of uptight assholes who can’t enjoy ANY ridiculousness these days and instead is anal about MUH CONTINUITY

I remember when Yea Forums bitched during the New 52 about all the nonstop crossovers. Now Yea Forums bitches about

Ridiculousness is fine and all, but jobody wants it shoved in their faces as often as possible, which by that point, it crosses over into obnoxious territory

>Name a bigger cancer currently in comics; you can't.

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Honestly it's more about forced edginess and grit, that it seems fun, actually FUN stories aren't allowed. BLOOD, GUTS AND VIOLENCE only, and everything has to be dark and moody. Good guys can't win by the way, because that's the Dark Multiverse.

Yea Forums isn't one person, stupid.

Knull is Thawne confirmed. Speedforce now apparently allows dimension hopping and time travel in another dimension, and Thawne will use that to become a giant cosmic asshole in as many universes he comes across. Will our universe be next when he's done with Marvel?

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Let’s be real, it’s because he’s DC’s most popular superhero combined with their most popular villain. Plus one of the big reasons casuals really like Batman because he’s SO DARK and SERIOUS so they’ve cranked up Bat-Joker’s edginess up by a million for maximum appeal


>It's funny how many haven't realized this yet
Probably because it is not true.

>yet another attempt to emulate Bendis run
Yeah people went crazy to emulate Bendis after he left the book and not tried to separate themselves as far as possible from him, but oh wait. You are telling bullshit.

Why couldn't The Merciless be the pushed evil bat instead? It's a far more interesting concept, and a funny jab at the Batgod bullshit.

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it's not a jab, it IS just another Batgod bullshit

Christ, don't let that big bugger near me.

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This guy is non-canon. Obviously.

>Probably because it is not true.
Just because it's not full of Bendispeak doesn't mean it isn't full of his huge continuity oversights and bizarre pulls like bringing back the Kitty/Peter thing, ignoring J'Son doesn't have a good relationship with Peter, the UCT "future" gaffe, making Gamora and Nebula sisters, the whole thing about Rocket's "illness" that somehow will get stretched over six damn issues, and some others I don't care to enumerate just now.
>Yeah people went crazy to emulate Bendis after he left the book and not tried to separate themselves as far as possible from him
Cates is the ONLY cosmic writer who referenced the bullshit from Black Vortex in Death of the Inhumans. But sure, keep ignoring that.

Gamora hasn't been from the future for years. And no, the run has nothing to do with Bendis, which only tried to make the movie in comic form.
Also, referencing stuff =/= being the same as the guy who made the think that is getting referenced.
But keep on going on your hateboner crusade and pulling stuff out of your ass, you surely seem to care more about it than i do.

I hate this so much it's unreal


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>Gamora hasn't been from the future for years
And even then she was never Nebula's sister either.
>Bendis, which only tried to make the movie in comic form
Like Cates synergising Peter and Gamora's relationship in the comics, or does that not count? Because they were NEVER into each other.
>But keep on going on your hateboner crusade and pulling stuff out of your ass
I don't have to, all I have to do is copy stuff from the comic. Oh speaking of asspulls...

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seriously I hope based Bob comes back and gives him the ol' Sentry special. It would be a kino ending to Absolute Carnage t b h


>I bet you thought you got your powers from the super soldier serum, based on Erskine's ingenuity, Steve Rogers... BUT NO, HE BASED IT ON ME, MY POWERFUL ESSENCE CURSES THROUGH YOUR VEINS, CAPTAIN OF NOTHING!

He's dumb but I really enjoyed Batman/Superman 1. I like them trying to figure out who is infected.

Infected with what? Super-insanity?

doesnt even matter what honestly, can be whatever macguffin. makes for fun reading, its the investigating and stuff that counts not the dumb virus lore

It is a jab because he's LITERALLY a batgod. That's the joke

?????????????? don't fucking tell me

>The Inhuman Royal Family and the rest of the there race are in hiding and Black Bolt has no powers right now so I'm there only real defender right now.
>So I'll go on a cool space mission with the GotG and take there Dog which is there only means of getting out of a spot.
This page makes Bill looks kinda like a dick and it's not helped by the fact Cates is falling into the very same pitfall most writers do when it comes to Black Bolt (his voice is his only really good power).

Chill, I was joking LMAO.

HOWEVER, Cates did make it so Cosmic Ghost Rider taught baby Thanos how to fight, in 616.

Fags on this board cant stand anything they deem "edgy". Nevermind that some people dont agree that it is "edgy" I guess they just want everything babyproofed. Instead of just... not reading the comics, they want to whine about it being edgy.

>why do people still watch james bond
>or literally any of the 8 trillion reboots in current year

Sometimes the edge goes too far.

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>confined to a single story
Since Metal and all the tie-ins he appeared in, he has shown up in Justice League, Immortals, his own mini series, batman/superman, the upcoming infected tie-ins and is co-starring in a new event at the end of the year.

> shown up in Justice League, Immortals, his own mini series, batman/superman, the upcoming infected tie-ins and is co-starring in a new event at the end of the year.

with the exception of immortals, that's all part of the same story Snyder has been telling in the DCU since METAL. how many appearances has BWL had not written by Snyder or Tyrion ?

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She's only as strong as the attention you choose to give her, and BOY HOWDY she's as strong as it gets.

This how I think the DCEU should have been.
Zack Snyder directing all the DC movies and then non-ZSnyder directors making their stupid bad movies

Who’s worse? Bendis, or Cates?

>Who’s worse? Bendis, or Cates?
Scott Snyder

Bendis, not even joking. Cates suddenly was writing every single book at some point during 2018 and he was pushed heavily (still sort of is), but he never commits to long term plans, all his setups take place within months. Meanwhile Bendis commits to long term bullshit and he overstuffs his runs so you know he won't be off the book for at least a year and a half.

I think this is why I generally prefer reading limited series or Elseworlds stories. Wraps the story up in one go and you don't have to worry about reading a bunch of other shit

>love GR
>Punisher is my favorite
>hate Cates and his bullshit cringey satanism
>Actually like CGR as a character.
I admit he’s in there simply to sell covers. As much as I disagree with how the character is portrayed I kind of get why since Frank is crazy after thousands of years. Maybe with some grit or edge the character would be better.

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This is literally "when an ancient evil awakens" done correctly so far. None of the heroes have actually faced him, yet his cult (and obviously Carnage) have done more overall than him. There's a reason why he got sealed away by the symbiote planet (which makes them more useful than whatever shit Bendis tried) and yet it's obvious his corruption can affect these symbiotes as well. Hell, the fact that only Carnage is doing the slaughter speaks more about how this is meant to be his final hurrah before either the big nerf hammer or Carnage/Cletus is killed off for good.
However, still, the fact we're meant to see Knull as a big baddie now is still stupid as hell.

Plus he makes shitty characters simply to get the royalties from them

Zoe Quinn
Marvel Comics

bendis, scott snyder, grant morrison

Yeah, he's very transparent about that: it didn't take A YEAR before overpriced CGR and Knull statues started cropping up everywhere.

Snyder made the stupid bad movies though

>Snyder made the stupid bad movies though
And so?
I'm saying he had a clear vision, it was bad? yes, but he had one.

As opposed to Rutherfordium, Bohrium and other real life elements?

But this isnt true. Galactus, oblivion, the beyonders and 7 other versions of eternity are older than Knull. He isnt as powerful as an actual cosmic abstract

>As opposed to Rutherfordium, Bohrium and other real life elements?
No, calling it Batmanium is stupid instead of Brucenium

Older as in created before or in chronology? Because Cates wanted to imply he existed before all of those, since he was there "before the Celestials".

Yeah, today everything cruel or violent is "edgy" or "cringe" and those are somehow treated as valid indicators of quality. The internet is full of cynical, insecure stunted teenagers that hide behind an "Im too good for this" aura while treating their subjective embarassment as some gold standard of media criticism

No indication whatsoever that he preceded the other multiverses, only current Eternity. The celestials die and are reborn with each new iteration of reality

No indication whatsoever that he preceded the other multiverses, only current Eternity
Which would've been the last nail in the coffin for me, thank fuck.

isn't that an infection?

If you want to take the high view Knull is younger than any character created before 2015, since they all lived in the 7th multiverse and were recreated in the 8th while knull was retconned into existence as being "older than time" in the current one


That's Tim, the Batman who lmaos kept his Damian for a while.

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how would you write him out for good?

Didn't he die in the last issue of the Batman who laughs? I seem to recall Batman Prime almost turning into him, beating the shit out of him, Joker giving Batman Prime an antidote and then it was implied in the end that Bruce himself was resisting the effect.

Uhm... how the Batman who LMAO sees? Wasn't he supposed just to be a Batman infected with joker venom and insane? That movie Mouth of Sauron design is really retarded. Doesn't evoke neither the Batman nor the Joker.

It's almost like they're not Joker versions retard, it was told from the very beginning they were just infected to become Dark Multiverse versions of themselves.
White skin doesn't immediately mean it's a Joker transformation.

>how the Batman who LMAO sees?
that thing he wears on his head is made out of nth metal and it lets him see somehow
>Wasn't he supposed just to be a Batman infected with joker venom and insane
yes, from a dimension where everything went wrong
>Doesn't evoke neither the Batman nor the Joker.
i disagree, it's obvious they didn't just want to make him look like batman + joker, they wanted to make him look as evil and messed up as possible to make even more obvious he's from the dark multiverse

>At least 12 spiky armbands
Fucking glorious on how tryhardy they are

>Related: Marvel Comics Writer Zoe Quinn's Allegations Against Alec Holowka Called into Question by New Evidence of Inconsistencies In Initial Claims.
Well, that was a pretty good timing. btw, what with all the capital letters at the beginning of each word? does these people even know about basic grammar rules?

As if the fangs and claws weren't enough.

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Camel case is fairly common in news sites, something to do with SEO.

This is so unnecessary.


>isn't that an infection?

He died shortly after he appeared anyways.

>(his voice is his only really good power).
Not even that. Soule played it like it was his only good powers and barely used anything else. Cates made it his only power period and had him use a gun to fight and get beaten up by Vox because he apparently never had to fight with his hands before.

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>It's not even the real Vox saying this dumb shit but Black Bolt's mind controlled Brother
That page would have actually pissed me off if it wasn't for the fact in the issue before that one Karnak jobbed so hard he may as well have just been an actual punching bag. I gave up at that point because it become super clear to me Cates didn't know what the fuck he was doing with these characters.

the edgiest and most boring fucking thing ever.

why is it still going on?

Emo Robin



Remember when Vox did an actual *teleports behind you* move and all, before this ? So terrible.

"Forge a new destiny"
It's like it's okay to get infected with edgium if you're a womyn? Like... what?

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You think the Joking Man is really that bad?
Not a chance.

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This comic book monster batman is so unrealistic.



What did he mean by this?

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>Leave messages written in blood
>dress like Earth X Black Bolt but with Red and Black because edge
>*Teleports behind you* and pretty much goes "Nothing personal Kiddo"
>Is a "Super" version of something that already exists
>walks around with a knife and scythe.
Vox was trying so hard to be cool and edgy that it come off as cringe and trying too hard.

The superman character of each continuity by each writer can still be a character

>It's a far more interesting concept,
Not really, it's simply Batman with Ares's helmet warping him. As shit as Jatman is, at least the concept of Joker/Batman is interesting.


what's this from again?

what's the deal with his bondage theme with robins?

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And this a concern why....?

he likes shotas

Ok what the actual hell is this? Why is Thor fused with the brood? And why is She-Hulk looking normal again when everyone else is fucked up?

We don't know yet. It's some upcoming arc where they go to a galaxy sized prison (I shit you not) in search of the new Star Brand. Reminder that Aaron killed Kenneth Connell in a ridiculous way at the beginning of his Avengers run (think it was Legacy) involving the penance stare, then introduced the ridiculous Avengers from 1.000.000BC where some Hulk-like Savage was already sporting the Star Brand, because THAT'S how it works obviously. Now he wants to reintroduce another and it's gonna be a shitshow. Fuck, Aaron has been running the concept into the ground.




t.16 year old


I mostly feared that Cates will connect Sentry and especially the Void with this bullshit, but so far we're safe.
This would be good lol

>Avengers from 1.000.000BC
what the fuck? humans didn't even exist a million years ago

So the 00s were plagued with evil Emo Superboy
And now the 2010s have evil laffy Batman

What's next for 2020s?

But he's still a plain old ordinary nonpowered human...that somehow threatens the JLA?

Ah man what the fuck is that shit? What the fuck man.

When he faced the JLA in Metal he had cosmic powers given to him by Barbatos. Afterwards he has only faced Batman, set up traps for Superman and secretly poisoned some heroes with Joker toxin. He hasn't actually had any direct confrontation with anyone aside from Batman after Metal.

An even bitchier Wonder Woman.

Sneed Lantern

EVIL Harley Quinn. She has all the wackiness and zaniness of Harley, but she is actually evil and commits crimes!! The Trinity cannot handle current good Harley, evil Harley would kill them all.

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Why does he have to look like a human fucking violator. At least make him appear otherworldy. This is stupid. And fuck off with those spiral faces. Batman beyond did it better.

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Meh, still not as bad as when The Punisher came back with supernatural powers

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I counter with Drowned. We have so many evil Batmen, why not an evil Batwoman? And this one has big tits and grey skin!

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More please.

Come on, Like DC would ever allow Harley to be evil.

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Both Cates and Bendis

>at least the concept of Joker/Batman is interesting.
No it's not. It's the most unimaginative fucking thing ever.
>Dude what if Joker and The Batman were the same person?
Fuck off with that

Whether you like the character or not, this is accurate.

3000 IQ answer.

retcon it to all have been a bad fanfiction by batmite that he realizes is terrible and throws into the garbage

How does he see?

Terminal cancer

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>makes a single short lived indie comic before said company gets axed
>writes one backup story in one company
>slated to write a couple issues in a shitty event in December for another company

Oh yeah man total cancer she's bringing the ENTIRE industry down, how could they ever recover

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By not rewarding murderers

Gamergaters were a mistake.

She set off some bombs that killed some kids and had some monologues about it. I'd say that's generically evil.

Yeah maybe, but at least they haven't killed anyone.

If Knull can call out to the dead from across the universe and bring them under his total control why can't he just control the symbiotes that make up klyntar

also fun fact, literally nothing in the entire run has actually confirmed that gathering the codices will actually wake knull up, that's just what that cult thought would happen

Sucks enough dick she has leverage on everyone.
Metoo means she can just ruin multiple mens lives if she doesn't get her way.
Is a pathological liar including lying about having murdered a man at one point.
Accuses a man ruining his life so he kills himself.

She should be blacklisted from every entertainment company.

Terrible human being, I sincerely hope karma fucks her one day

Since the thread is dead no one will read me saying this:

This looks like 90s era edgecore fun, like tongue in cheek stuff

I don't even care about all the drama surrounding her but consider this; Hasn't Donna Troy suffered enough? It's already sucks that she's plagued by fucked continuity, second fiddle to Wonder Woman, and doomed to rot on a team book left to be forgotten. Now Donna has to face edgy Scott Snyder bullshit compounded by a shitty human being writing her

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>tl;dr Twitter drama crap
Nobody cares, she's a blip compared to any other example in this thread. Begone.
Cates has zero nuance about these things, if he has a cult saying they'll wake him up, that's what's going to happen. So far he hasn't introduced a twist in which a character says one thing and something entirely different happens.

so like
i remember reading about her, and shit like the Strength Force and the Ultra Violet Lanterns and thought it sounded super fucking dumb
is that all better in practice.

Didn't Titans already do an evil Donna storyline a few years ago as well?

I know "a rando said it so its true" would be the case based on the writing, but it's a fun fact nonetheless

Yeah I think it was a future evil Donna Troy if I recall.

Neither has Quinn
you honestly wouldn't have cared about one shitty dude offing himself until her name was attached

Does it seriously not concern you how this chick just keeps getting gigs even though she's shown to be a total cunt?

I swear, people just overlook things these days. She may not be a full on terminal cancer, but that doesn't mean that she should be left alone to keep on wrecking things.

>he keeps going
Pity (You)
I'm not actually following it much to be honest, but I assumed the endgame of the event is to actually bring the guy in and have them fight him, right? There has to be a pintt to this and the whole Silver Surfer Black thing, otherwise they're just stringing him along to make people care about a threat that might not even happen.

Strength force and sage force are pretty dumb and derivative. I'd say the concepts behind the Still Force and the Ultraviolet Spectrum are better thought out, and so is Perpetua, although many would disagree

shitty writers get gigs all the time, dont pretend its an apocolitic problem now just cause its a woman whos social media you dont like.

Not him, and I think it's silly to say she'll "ruin the entire industry", but I am concerned about her working over at DC. But then again, she may be what we need over there right now in the sense that whatever drama she may drum up it COULD cause a shift in editorial power. Well that's just bullshit theory I'm just talking out loud about. I'm more concerned about what happens to Donna Troy in the fallout

Carnage is already the threat
Knull doesn't need to do anything, and if Cates has a single writer's bone in his body, he won't

I didn't give a shit about her until her false allegations cost a man his life

>social media you dont like
A man is dead

the false accusations that were repeatedly corroborated even by former co-workers, colleges and even his family?
if this shit happened with ANYONE else as the flashpoint you would not give a shit


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I just want the guy to be done with, but what you're saying is also true, if he's not a full blown back, he shouldn't go all the way in I guess. Still hoping he doesn't get involved in a huge galactic threat or some shit anytime soon.

Also let's fucking stop giving (You)'s to the gamergater faggots shitting our fucking grievances thread, please? It's not difficult.

I fucking love this, not gonna lie.

>the false accusations that were repeatedly corroborated even by former co-workers, colleges and even his family?
Being an asshole to coworkers =/= sexual assault. Do some actual research into this instead of just parroting what her defenders are posting on twitter.


The Batman who Laughs is the most hilarious representation of modern DC. How do we make a new popular character? Just combine our other two most popular characters, Batman and the Joker lmao

So let me get this straight; this guy is butthurt because he's being compared to every other play pretend faggot and argues HE does it better because he went to a shit performing arts class and understands proper lighting? Joker fandom really is fucking nuts. Oh, and he probably shouldn't have worn glasses because that instantly makes it a shit cosplay

I'm willing to bet money that Yea Forums could come up with a better amalgam villain than Batman Who Laughs.

The glasses are so he can see through society's lies. They're part of the outfit.

The Wonder Who Lies, an amalgam between The Question and Wonder Woman, with an inverted Lasso of Truth.

Marvel Comics.

you know the Batman who laughs is one thing, but the face that hes the leader of an Evil Bat-JLA who serve the Evil Bat God who wants to destroy the universe(s) is really the tipping point.
its not just combining the popular character its Bat Wank to the extreme and not even in a fun way. everything is dark gritty and "Batman is one bad day from being the worst villain ever" bullsht

>repeatedly corroborated even by former co-workers, colleges and even his family?
They weren't.

Nah it's got to be a mix of hero and villain. How about "The Flash Who Walks" being a mix between Turtle and Flash who makes the entire planet run slow kind of like a twist on Zoom. Or how about "The Wonder Woman Who Sheds" being of course part Cheetah

It's just too much, user. I'm a full casual about DC but the only thing I liked about this Dark Multiverse thing was when the Seven Soldiers got involved and Sideways was a thing, because I was really drawn to that character. Too bad he's in limbo now.

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the whole Dark Multiverse concept isnt bad either, splinter timelines and bad universes that essentially self destruct under their own flawed concept is cool in theory but the fact that its only used to spawn evil bat people

Because Batman doesn't belong in the Justice League Universe. Batman is best when he is a detective beating the shit out of criminals with the occasional super villain to call his sanity into question. Batman beating up Darkseid is retarded.

It's fine as a never ending list of doomed Earths but it being a evil hero factory is shit. It's not just evil Batmen.

>joker wears glasses

The timing is just too drum up phony controversy for marketing. Ignore it.

i DONT agree with that, him being the JLA's detective and resident srs business man works in a lot of stories and in stuff like DCAU
but too amyn writers make him a super genious one step a head of everyone ever

Have you guys heard about the Dark Multiverse comics that are coming out? From what I've heard, it seems like we're gonna see more of the Dark Multiverse and we'll get to see that it's less of an evil hero factory but more of it just being a bunch of universes with bad ends. Some of which that results in evil or corrupted heroes of course.

In the Batman Who laughs comics, it really seems like it's the case, as there are some Batmen who appear, pulled out from the Dark Multiverse who aren't really near as evil as even Deathstroke, such as one Batman who runs Arkham Asylum.

Well that can of worms was opened decades ago. He's a founder member anyways, like he's been a member of the league since the 60s.

On a meta sense batman has more iconic/symbolic power than any hero barring superman, and symbols are really important in the cosmology of the DC Universe. That's kind of the idea behind Barbatos. Batman takes a symbol of ultimate darkness and repurposes it for good, and so ultimate darkness strikes back with his doubts and nightmares

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Donald Trump got to be president even though he's shown himself to be a total cunt time and again for longer than Zoe has even been alive but people are either fine with him or fervently support him with only crazy liberals being against him and you hating Zoe is acting just like those liberals
Why are you a liberal and why are you here?


I'm sorry, I fucked up, I posted something from a previous thread instead of reporting one of these shitty memes. I'm just tired. Ignore it!

>Dick gets shot and is now Ric
>Wally kills a ton of heroes
>Roy fucking dies
>Donna is now infected
Man, the Titans sure are very unlucky

can you explain these points better?
cause some of these are wacky sounding
also Black Wally or White Wally?

they should kill batman

Knull, kassy quincaid, not having Singularity on the Champion or the runaways.

Dick/Ric is becoming a Talon and might possibly be the Other that's been messing with Damian's TT.
Original Wally went insane at a psychiatric facility for heroes and killed a bunch of people including Roy, Kid/Red Devil and some other Titans characters.

Starfire and Cyborg are brainwashed and working for Darkseid.

Donna is infected by a virus that makes her a pawn of Batman Who Laughs.

The only TT characters who aren't derailed(yet) are Beast Boy, Raven and Terra.

Dick got shot in the head, got amnesia and is now Ric, doesn't care about getting his old memories back.

are these all from the same writer? or do people just love fucking with the side kicks?

>The only TT characters who aren't derailed(yet) are Beast Boy, Raven and Terra.
Also Garth.

You can thank Tom King for Dick getting shot and Wally accidentally killing Roy and many others in the Sanctuary.
Starfire and Cyborg becoming Darkseid's bitches (along with Azrael btw) happened in Justice League Odyssey, so that's on Joshua Williamson.
And I guess you could blame Scott Snyder for what happened to Donna, since the Batman who lmaos was apparently his idea in the first place.

didio does actually yeah

williamson hasn't written odyssey since like issue 4

Diamond Comic Distribution

King is responsible for Wally's current condition.

Abnett is the one who came up with Cyborg and Starfire becoming pawns of Darkseid in JLO.

I assume that Snyder is responsible for Donna's fate since he came up with the concept of 'Batman Who Laughs infects characters turning them into evil versions of themselves.'

Allegedly, Didio has an agenda against the Titans because having them around 'ages' their mentors.
I always forget about Garth and luckily, the people running DC seem to have forgotten him too. Who knows what they'd do to him if they remembered he existed.

>williamson hasn't written odyssey since like issue 4
My bad, I just googled "Justice League Odyssey" and saw his name right away.

>that guy's fw hey kid wanna

Imagine writing something this tryhard and still censoring the swear words.

Remember, Linkin Park had no swear words in their musi either.

>>makes a single short lived "indie" comic before the publishing imprint gets axed
>>writes one backup story in an anthology in one company
>>slated to write a one-shot as a tie-in to a shitty event in December for another company which was in turn behind the imprint mentioned earlier

It looks like that she chose comic book writing as her full-time job, aside from the goobergate shenanigans.

Damn, I really wish DC and Marvel would do crossovers again, because I really want to see Joker and Carnage make out.

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My god, this would be extremely insufferable in the modern setting, whew. It'd be so edgy, the pages would cut you when you flipped them.

Precisely why it need to happen

You want to see the world burn, huh

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this is truth, "edgy" is abused to hell and back as a buzzword against uncomfortable wrongthink

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>uncomfortable wrongthink
I think the only "wrongthink" going on in this thread is pretending that any of this nonsense with Knull, Carnage and Batman Who Laughs is any good.

Fuck this distribution bullshit. I would've been buying comics if the nearest comic book store with any reasonable catalogue isn't a 45 minute drive away. The only comics the nearby bookstores stock up on are the few measly picks out of literally any run, so fuck that too. There's no way I'm going to buy a single issue out of a 50 issue run because that's the only one they bother to stock up on.

Zoe Quinn


I don't give a knull about him.

Didn't the fucking cunt get killed off in his own book? Batman Who Laughs #5 or 6? Batman resists the same toxin shit that turned "The Batman Who Laughs" (which is how Batman and everyone else unironically refers to this character to anyone else they're talking to. I mean, fuck that's a long name to be throwing out there during action scenes.) into The Batman Who Keks. And the guy sort of kills himself? Or Joker helps kill him? I've already forgotten.

Please help me. Anyone got a summary that makes sense?

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>$100 suit

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Underneath the DC Multiverse there is the Dark Multiverse.
The Dark Multiverse is not stable; it is made up of all the universes that are 'bad', and those universes are generated, from the 'Forge', a central creative node which churns out new universes, by the aspirations, dreams and nightmares of the beings in the 'Light' Multiverse. It used to be that the 'World Forger', basically a creator god (He's the brother of the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor... oh god it's so dumb) hammered the universes from the Forge into real existence his studio, then sent them up into the Light Multiverse, while the 'failed' universes - which are, as I said, unstable - were destroyed by Barbathos, a dragon created by the Forger.
But Barbathos grew bored or something, killed the Forger and decided the Light Universe had to be destroyed. So now the Dark Multiverse is choking with short-lived 'bad' universes filled with the worst nightmares of mostly superheroes.
Barbathos gathered seven of the scariest Batman versions he could find as his soldiers - and their leader was the Batman who Laughs, who is what happens if Batman is infected with a toxin inside the Joker's heart, which is released when he dies and turns the nearest person into the new Joker.
The spiky thing on his head is a Batmanium visor which allows him to see all possibilities at once.

Oh god it is so dumb.

You're a piece of shit.

I can't agree, god. It's not that bad a concept.

But yeah, he is definitely being shoved up Marvel's distended asshole.


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>Didn't the fucking cunt get killed off in his own book?

No, he's imprisoned underneath the Justice Hall. Just like Barbathos is imprisoned underneath the Light Multiverse,


Never retconned

The Punisher is and remains an agent of Hell, who empowers Olivier with every criminal he sends there

>infected with a toxin
>with a toxin
man DC really doesn't know what the words "infected" and "toxin" mean.




A nonhuman character has to have the same number of teeth as a human?

Lmao, fuck off soi knight

Are you guys gonna spam your culture war bullshit will the way until December? I missed when the only drama getting spammed on the board was Waid vs Meyer, because at least these two actually made comics.

If we're lucky her book will be as boring as Goddess Mode was and they'll fuck off until the next book she gets and then the cycle will begin again

>best Thor writer of all time.

Fuck right off, if your name isn't Walt "I fuck like a stallion" Simonson then you're just a kid playing with big boy toys.

The Batman who Keks is definitely human.


It was retconned in Marvel Knights when he told Heaven to fuck off.

That's not a retcon but a confirmation. He rejected Heaven's help and remains indentured to Hell and Olivier, presumably so long as he wears the skull.

The Punisher becoming a Frankenstein monster was freaking absurd


Just looked at this guy's (alternate) twitter as his account got suspended. Its exactly as sad and desperate as it seems.

Had to check on Google... dear lord, this is really retarded, even for a comic book. Sounds like some Sonic fanfic.