I've got machine guns... in my butt?

I've got machine guns... in my butt?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>im going to make a robot with a human soul to be my son!
>and a finger laser
>and katy perry tit machineguns
>and an arm cannon
>and xray vision
>and rocket shoes
>and thousands of horsepower in strength
>probably an elephant penis or something
Doctor tenma was an absolute legend, how could anyone fire that man

>Remenber weeb friends complaying that they put these jokes in the movies
>But it was aways canon

>But it was aways canon
They weren't canons, you fucking retard. They're machine guns. Can't you read?

So it's an arsenal?

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why do people keep insisting it's actually hip mounted machine guns?

Technically if the projectiles are above 20mm in caliber it's cannons.

Yes, it's a rather impenetrable defense.

How bad was this movie? The only thing I know about it is that Nicolas Cage was in it.

The Astro Boy/Tezuka storytimes were comfy as fuck.

they probably arent though, he has so much high power weaponry already it would make sense to go for something lighter with a higher rate of fire and ammo capacity

Nah, it's Finger Lasers, Arm Cannons, Ass Machinegun, X-Ray Vision, 100k Horsepower Strength, Jet boots, insta-translator and super hearing. Also, having read the manga collection by Dark Horse, Astro Boy got rebooted twice.

The movie was mild. An easy 6/10 (not actually bad but not something worth buying for over $5). It tried so hard to fit three whole generations of Astro Boy into a single film, so instead of being a love-letter like LEGO Batman, it's a directionless mess.

Depends on what story you decide to story time. Blue Knight, World's Strongest Robot and some other stories are pretty rough.

Its lukewarm and inoffensive. Just, meh.

Watch the 2003 anime series. The animation is god tier.

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Are any of the non-Pluto Astro Boys worth a read? Not in a curiosity cheeky Silver Age kinda way.

Watch it subbed if you can. The dub jumps around a hell of a lot.

I'm assuming the ammo is caseless making it less bulky but given its also explosive to an extent a larger caliber to pack in more payload makes sense. Hard to tell tho given everything is stylized and the only frame of reference would be height.

And it's a cartoon about a robot boy.

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Well, the stories are a variety. Sometimes you get a Silver Age style story...and then you get stuff like Blue Knight.

>Special edition DVD of Astro Boy (2003)
>Had all of the 50 episodes
>For only $25AUD (anime is usually thrice that amount)
I had to buy it.

Cheap find of obscure quality content is a special encounter.

For 10, I bought a 2003 astro boy and spectacular spiderman DVD with 5 episodes each. Found it at a krogers.

I never understood the butt-mounted machine guns. I just can't figure out the sense in it.

It's cute.

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imagine you're doctor tenma building your son. naturally you're gonna give him a huge bubble butt, but the servos are in the joints! what else are you going to fill this new cavity with?

>Astro Boy glows in the dark

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this movie could have been so good

I had never really watched or read Astro boy so it took me by surprise when the kid actually died. I thought he was a cyborg or something.

No, it's a replica of his dead son. It's pretty dark, even in the watered down movie version

so this is canonically in case someone tries to ass-rape him isn't it

tenma thought of everything

Tenma lost a son, he overcompensated making the robot duplicate of him, he is also a crazy scientist who probably thought it would be cool to arm Astro with all those weapons.

I'm not sure user, Astro had the fuel hole in his anus, it was weird.

Thank god no normies outside of Mauricio have touched Princess Knight

I can see how some normie fucker would ruin Princess Knight. Or Marvelous Melmo.

>ight imma head out

where else do you put a fuel hole?

Tezuka did dark stuff from time to time. Check out Alabaster, its a story about a black man who gets framed for the rape of his white girlfriend who rejected his marriage proposal and sicced her brothers on him to beat the shit out of him. In prison he meets a doctor who claims he can erase his skin color. Naturally, he becomes disturbingly translucent, breaks out and murders all his tormentors. Very progressive story for 60s Japan

Ah the 80's Astro Boy.

if that's his son imagine what his robowife blueprint looked like

Alabaster, MW, Ayako...Ayako's pretty fucked up. And then there's the anthology book, Clockwork Apple.

According to one Astro Boy reboot, Astro's mom was designed based on Tenma's wife. As in, Tenma broke into the Science Ministry, took the two unfinished robots and completed them himself. Odd that he didn't based the father on himself.

If you're gonna make a robot son to replace your dead flesh one the least you can do is make it the coolest most deadliest robot son ever, if not, what's the point of even trying?

Also on a slightly unrelated but tangentially related note I miss Atom The Beginning youtube.com/watch?v=rKXiea-9uB4

so we can add stepfordization and cuckoldry to his ever growing list of fettishes?

The ultimate pedo repellent.

I thought the movie was okay.

Did anyone else think Tobio's death was way darker and more upsetting in the movie, there was like nothing left. I know it's supposedly less violent than a car accident but I dunno, it seemed way more hardcore for some reason.

Well, according to Once Upon A Time Astro Boy (one of the many reboots to Astro Boy's origin), Tenma was feeling guilty about selling Astro away to Hamegg's Circus and not being there for his wife on his death bed that he wanted to give Astro the best parents he can have..implying that Tenma is aware he's a terrible parent.

Ah, Atom the Beginning. Where Tenma falls for a cross dresser.

all tenma had left was the hat

I remember the scene where finds his robot servant wearing the hat... that was one of the better moments in the movie

what if they try from the front

Finger beams and arm cannons.

I don't know, I think the 60's cartoon is still my favorite rendition of Tobi- er, I mean Aster Boyten's death.

why is no one making the obvious joke

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Am I missing something here? Everyone keeps saying the English dub of Astro Boy 2003 is bad but holy fuck, is he annoyingly whiny and helpless in the original Japanese version.

I'm saying it's bad because 2003 dub jumps around the place in terms of pacing and episode placement.

So if they had the episodes in the right order, would you have liked it more?

And also replacing The King of Braves with..Greg Cipes for Atlas' voice.


so is this before or after he made a 10 year old robo-boy need fuel enemas to live

Interesting. Is there a specific list of the chronological events to the show?

After he made Tobio.

Wikipedia actually listed it chronologically. If I recall Atlas' debut episode is in episode 6 but the dub have it be episode 3.

Also, my memory failed me but the dub replaced one episode with a clip show, I think.

His mouth?


It killed the studio that made it. Which was a damn shame, since they were deep into production on a Gatchaman film and had a Tetsujin 28 movie lined up after that.

What's the pun here, anal?


a reminder that Astro Boy Omega Factor is the best version of Astro Boy;


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That's a thing that exists. My gods, why is that a thing that exists?


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Someone needs to convince the studio to release a 100% accurate, uncut and redubbed version of all 3 shows, in HD. This is the one anime that doesn't deserve an edit from the source material.

Well, the 60's version is gotta be hard to do ain't it?

After. Also most robots refuel through their ass.

It fucking *tried* its best, gave us possibly the only sympathetic version of Tenma (and Nic Cage gave a pretty great performance overall, honestly) but it unfortunately missed the mark.

is a pretty fair assessment, but the conflict driving the plot concerning a sky city bumping up its military R&D against basically helpless surface dwellers was also...awkward. Especially since a fucking monster shows up out of no where at the very end of the film; the fact fucking kaiju are lurking around is a far bigger threat the antagonists could capitalize on/justify making all the military hardware for instead of against a meager populace that lives in a junkyard who can't even make a garbage catapult to assault the sky people with.

I mean, the idea of military industrial grabbing up the use of *any* innovations in scientific progress is something Tezuka would build a story around, but the setting's reasons for it felt tacked on and not fleshed out.

The Tezuka encyclopedia in Omega Factor was so good.

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just a precaution when you go to summer bible camp.

Oh, yeah, Jetter Mars was a thing.

I almost, almost want to know how badly they would fuck with a modern version of Princess Knight. If it was produced by burgers she would probably become Non-Binary Royalty Knight.

(facepalm) Princess Sapphire was magically endowed to be the only person who could possibly be binary. Both of them. Without trying to live in a state of fragile mental make-believe. Those people do not make for a good audience about a story of hero fighting to save the oppressed from actual oppression, that would be too shocking for the non-binary-wannabes.

atom the beginning was comfy was comfy as fuck

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Dammit Carlos that was actually a good one

I really liked thethat movie but the third act falls apart.

>probably an elephant penis or something
There was a manga chapter where a second Astro was made, was given a penis, and fucked a harem.

All other Astro Boy series
>Robot liberation is a serious social issue even in a light-hearted cartoony universe

The 2009 Movie


What did Tezuka mean by this, Yea Forums?

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Based 2009 movie for mocking robots that think they should be equal to people.

I mean it did have Astro actually remember being a human and then realizing he’s just a robot clone with memories implanted.

Basically Robocop but somehow more fucked up cause it’s a kid.

Going solely by Metropolis (manga), I don't think Tezuka was anti-sex change.

Dude was a massive perv it's up to you to decide user.

Based Carlos

Fuck this movie

It's a commentary on fucked up human rules being imposed on robots so it's probably that societal standards are fucked up.

Ultimate unexpected weapon, no one is gonna walk up to a fucker and worry about his ass shooting, not a sane man or even machine in the universe.
but the real reason is he has an excuse to show his ass off to everyone

Robocop has the implications that Robocop is actually Murphy brought back to life as a zombie/cyborg machine of kickass fury hell a lot of the film has him realizes everything that he lost as Murphy and accepting his existence as Robocop, Astro boys just a robot programmed to think he was a dead kid

Thanks for existing, Carlos.

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Boob or ass guns?

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>Here, let me pass through for a sec.

Midriff guns, obviously.

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Okay this kid is just fucking rude, there's probably an exit around somewhere right? And even then he can just fucking fly over it, hell he could climb or hop over it, but no he decides "I'm gonna walk through someone's wall." God what a dick no manners.

can someone post the scene of the big tiddy chick from that movie?

Fucking dammit, Carlos.

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Who here /zog/?

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Not bad at all, it just kinda misses parts of Astro Boy's original appeal. It still had tons of potential it unfortunately never really flashes out, Astro actually being just Tobio in a robot body instead of Astro being his own entity entirely is a fantastic concept for an AU story.

I forgot this movie existed.

Most people do.

Underrated movies thread?


How so?

You glorious bastard

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Ain’t that even more existentially fucked up? At least Murphy has the comfort of knowing who he is, Astro Boy is a machine that thinks it’s a 12 year old up to including all his memories and feelings, but realizes that not only is he just a machine, he’s a machine of a corpse that his dad made out of pure madness. And then abandoned.

Robocop is more fucked up in its execution, but I’d imagine that’s way more traumatic to a poor kid.

I think it's okay. Not great, not bad. Probably not the first thing you want to watch if you're brand new to Astro Boy though, there's a lot of other, better content to start with.

Well if you're making a robot son, you may as well give him all that shit


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Yeah well I'll make my own robot son! With blackjack! And hookers!
In fact, forget about the robot son and blackjack.

I think it actually was the case at first, but it was hard to tell so Tezuka just put them on his ass instead.

Whatever happened to that new Astro Boy series that teased at in 2015? youtube.com/watch?v=Z240pys_D4A

It's being worked on, albeit very slowly. No set release date yet, sadly, but to the best of my knowledge it hasn't been cancelled.

Anti-anal rape defense system.

That was one strong indicator that trying to Americanize Astro Boy was a terrible idea. He winds up stopping the whole movie to notice that.

I hope the Pluto anime they've announced doesn't ALSO become vaporware.

The dubbed version of Astro Boy 2003 moved the episodes around and replaced one episode with a clip show.

Poor Jetter Mars. He's basically a better Astroboy (has emotions, can actually grow up etc.) but Tezuka lost interest 27 episodes in.

In fairness, the episode removed was done solely because copyright issues. The moving around bit has no excuse though.

Same. Pluto was pure kino. There's also some super-edgy Year Zero thing coming out too, isn't there?

Never forget about Black Jack.

Never happened, never will, but at least we got Little Astro. youtube.com/watch?v=PnOXMDx3koQ

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It's still being developed, guys. Calm thy mammaries.

I never get why Young Black Jack turned this man into a bishonen. Man's a patchwork frankenstein..

He's pretty much relegated to total obscurity now since I don't think he's ever gotten even a DVD release outside of a limited-run one in Japan over a decade ago.

Honestly, I like his visual design a lot more than Astro.

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Fuck you, Carlos.

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And Jungle Emperor..which I never get the feud with Lion King thing. It's not even that similar. Unless I miss Hamegg showing up in Lion King.

>"The laws of robotics... you can't hurt a human, it's been like this for 50 years."
>"I'm oldschool"

what a chad

Since this is just the delegated Tezuka thread, what did everyone think of the new Dororo series? I really enjoyed it, though I felt it went on for maybe a few too many episodes.

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I actually like the cape. Reminds me of Getter Robo.

Jetter Mars was totally based and beat the shit out of people for being assholes.

I love him.

We also got that weird comedy series that was only partly about actual medical shit.

Cage as Tema was the only good thing about the film

Tezuka was a huge TFfag

What Tezuka works would you like to see get a modern adaptation?
Princess Knight, The Magnificent Three and Blue Blink are my top three

>We could've gotten a Tetsujin 28 movie in this style if this movie had succeeded.
It hurts

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Would it have had different writers?

It was pretty good overall. My only issue was how badly they dropped the ball on the moth demon arc, they downright butchered one of the best arcs in the series. Other than that, it's a straight improvement over the original.

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>man of shad

Melmo the age changing girl. That story with the invisible woman and Rock deserves a OAV. And this might be a good time for Astrogirl/Uran/Sara to have a 12ep series. She could partner up with Livian. Though I don't know what they could do aside from solve crimes and minor disasters. Livian works in secret to rebuild Atlas from backup. Uran wants to get out there and use her super strength, which is probably her only useful power. Maybe they can help rebuild Nuku, Astro's first love, or have reoccurring drop ins on one of Astro's other brothers.

>or have reoccurring drop ins on one of Astro's other brothers.
Bring back Chi-tan, kid was cute,

This joke only works on one side of the ocean.

>type Phoenix
>it's been adapted, I've just never seen it
>type Buddha
>it's been adapted, I've just never seen it
>type MW
>it's been adapted, I've just never seen it
>type The Book of Human Insects
>it's been adapted, I've just never seen it
Apparently I'm a Tezuka casual. Ayako, Adolf or Ode to Kirihito I guess.


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I was unaware any of those were adapted!

MW and Human Insects were both live action (2009 film and 2011 TV series, respectively), so I'd be surprised if they were even subbed in English.

ratchet and clank did it first

The party is over

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I wont but I appreciate it. As someone who regularly jerks it to shadman


Pretty great.
Now I want a remake/reimagining of something like Bagi
Or his hentai adaptation of 1001 Nights

New Doro was solid. I would have preferred Tezuka's style, and the second opener wasn't very good. But the series was good.

>Or his hentai adaptation of 1001 Nights
I'm sorry, his fucking what?

I remember this group of revolutionary robots
they were fun

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I hate them.
Blue Knight would be ashamed!

>What Tezuka works would you like to see get a modern adaptation?
personally I'd say do an adaptation of Astro Boy: Omega Factor but expanded further, that way one could cover a bunch of Tezuka's works in a single series

could especially have fun with the whole Birth/Rebirth thing

is that from the 1980 series or Marine Express?

I liked Nathan Lane as Hamegg.

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His voice was perfect for the job, just didn't like the redesign.

>That episode Astro Boy discovers the human emotion of love
Damn, that poor guy will never grow up to enjoy a relationship.

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Book of Human Insects, just to see how they'll adapt that madness.


I actually like it more than the original series, considering how it works a bit better as a narrative and cohesive story with a satisfying conclusion

Astro Boy, specifically the Blue Knight arc.

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"hip" means buttocks in japan

Its supposed to be funny because butts are funny.

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Good one, mate.

I wanted to see them try to adapt Alabaster. MW kinda got made..it's called Monster. I said kinda but it's not the actual thing. A Bagi adaptation would be cursed, I'll tell you that.

The invisible woman and Rock? That's Alabaster.

The 80's version. Marine Express's Astro/Atom has a face plate rather than artificial skin.

Yep, Tezuka did hentai.

Have they ever adapted Ayako?

Ah yes, the Blue Knight arc. Made when Tezuka was forced to have Atom/Astro be an anti-hero because goody two shoes aren't popular. Guess "dark and edgy" thing has been around way before the 80's huh?

You should check out Yoshihiro Tatsumi and other gekiga artists if you want to see Tezuka's edgier work was a response to.

Don't mind if I do. Am looking around for some old mangas online.

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he was overprotective so he gave his "new" son the means to protect himself against everything and anything.

Kisaragi in Cutie Honey did something similar, though it was because he did KNOW his "new" daughter would be targetted by Panther Claw so he gave her matter manipulation over airoborn elements so she could make anything from clothes to giant robots out of thin air.

>he gave her matter manipulation over airoborn elements so she could make anything from clothes to giant robots out of thin air.
I don't know much about Cutie Honey, but is that anywhere near as OP in the show as it sounds conceptually?

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Try looking for Push Man or Trash Market in your local library system.

Reading Pushman online before I go and find it at some old book shop in my neck of the woods. I don't get why folks give it a pass, honestly.

Also, Rock was a grade A bastard in Alabaster.

Hey, it's a screen clearing attack..at least in Omega Factor.

took me a while

Even if americans say ass instead of arse, they still get the joke.
Ratchet and Clank made the joke years ago, and that was an american game

I mean I remember there were little juts in his hips where the guns came out. Eventually they just came straight from his asscheeks.

Not very good but has some heart to it especially with Tobey death, although later scene can have some fun dark comedy like how the peacekeeper robot immediately murders the jackass president and assumes his personality it’s kinda a fun way to upgrade the main villain while actually murdering the real one so he’s basically a giant evil Astro

One of the best GBA games. So much fun. Shame about the PS2 game released around the same time. Sonic Team's worst game imo. Even 06 had more reedeming qualities.

The movie had some heart, but it was a mess. Tries way too hard to be funny and american, political message feels forced, too many subplots and the tone balance between comedy and seriousness is Gravity Falls levels of bad. I did like the action scenes and setting, gave me Big Hero 6 vibes. Shame that Imagi Studios went bankrupt tho. I liked TMNT.

Fuck you.

Add me in le cap

It's bizarre how it tried to "Americanize" Astro Boy when it's already so heavily western-inspired. People like the original for a reason, they really didn't need to change it so drastically.

Carlos > pickle rick

I mean he could just get upgrades. It's just putting his essential parts in a bigger body.

I really don't like them in retrospect after reading the context of the original. The robot racism was an integral theme and here it's treated as a joke.

no its woefully underused and always has been

Robot racism IS a joke. They're not living, true beings.

Yeah the movie kinda half assess the robot fascism angle for comedic affect

Shiiiit, could you imagine a Jetter Mars & Astro Boy show, both of them together in the same universe. That would be awesome to see the dynamic.

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It's time!


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The banter would be awesome. And savage.
I'll save the world, you go save a football game.

It would pretty much amount to Astro trying to handle a second Uran, just one with the same powers he does. Though I cam see Astro getting a crush on Miri, she seems exactly like his type.

>They're not living, true beings.
But that's wrong, the robots in this series have been proven capable of sentience. Just because they're different doesn't mean they don't have emotions. Humans constantly creating arbitrary rules as an excuse to be assholes to others is the entire point here.

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Oh god, this story from Once Upon A Time Astro Boy.

Well, Astro would also have to handle Mars' absurdly strong little brother.


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But it does allow her to change costumes..

I guess we know where MHA gets it from.

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>Well, Astro would also have to handle Mars' absurdly strong little brother.

Easy fix, send in Astro's absurdly strong little sister.

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I think you're talking about the Scara arc of the manga. It was Ochanomizu who created Atom's parents though, not Tenma.

Makoto Tsumura is a much less shrill actress than the woman who played Atom for 40 years before that. How does Atom sound whiny and helpless? The director(s) focused on emotions a lot more than the other animated series, but also made sure the fight choreography was way better as well. Atom is very balanced in 2003, imo.

He had memories implanted in the 2003 version as well, just far fewer of them. It's weird that a series so focused on his emotions just kind of glossed over it.

>that episode where a beta fag with a shallow interest in the valedictorian coerces atom into helping him woo her
>atom is actually on the girl's level and completely understands her while beta fag remains oblivious
>she blames atom for lying to her at the end

That episode should have been different.

I was talking about the story post "Once Upon A Time" Astroboy Tales from vol 8. While Ochanomizu had the frames, Tenma completed them, even designing the Astro's mom based on his wife. Even calling her by his wife's name, Hoshie Tenma.

Here's the link: manganelo.com/chapter/astro_boy/chapter_18

Anytime Astro has feelings for any girl it ends up with either Astro dying (Once Upon A Time part 2), said love interest being dead (see Nuka/Niki). Even when Astro Boy's not Astro Boy (see Marine Express), he still can't catch a break.

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Is this another look at World's Strongest Robot?

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>Anytime Astro has feelings for any girl it ends up with either Astro dying (Once Upon A Time part 2), said love interest being dead (see Nuka/Niki). Even when Astro Boy's not Astro Boy (see Marine Express), he still can't catch a break.
Astro Boy: Omega Factor seems to be the one exception to that, at least once you get the true ending

Well that's cool I guess. Still a missed opportunity to go nuts with that kind of power though.

The rapist greatest enemy

>Sony 4kids tier hackdub
>cropped and blurred out
>No full fansubs

Did the Discotek release of Cyborg009 did well enough? maybe they can release it

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>its an American writers don't understand anime so they trash it episode

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>the show a 50s show is partially lost in Japan
>80s version as close to an OK dub we have
>Bluray of 2003 still not yet

Oh Carlos, you scamp!

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>Not being like Freakazoid and being able to enjoy cheesy old animation

Could be worse.
>American doing anime episode
>Everyone has big ass eyes and impossible hair
>If mechas are involved, it's bound to be an NGE reference because THAT'S THE ONLY MECHA THEY KNOW
>Random Tetsuo bike for some reason

That's pretty cool, son.

>Rumiko is the first person Atom ever meets who from start to finish full believes he's a normal, if courageous, human boy
>He can't bear to break that illusion of what he's longed for his whole life
>Works with her father to craft a story of his death so he and Rumiko can part ways and maintain the fantasy

Kinda falls apart when you remember he's all over the news but it was a touching concept

Atom the Beginning's a fun read so far but Tenma going after a crossdresser is kinda hilarious.

You know what Carlos, I'm not even mad. I missed you buddy.


He meant progressive in a good way, not in a Tumblr way.

Is it a hot trap or disgustingly obvious?

Pretty elaborate disguise.

The guy's wheelchair bound hence the massive skirt

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Tenma's an alright bloke in my books.

And apparently Tenma met his future wife...when she's a kid. Guess she did like the nose.

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Here's Bacon Egg...no word on Lamp or Skunk showing up yet.

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Superior Nazi tech

Shame they ditch the 50 cal machine gun for a solar lamp..but it makes sense.

He just used that in that specific situation, i think he went back to actual weapons in Stalingrad.

Also, Tenma and Ochanomizu have a habit of yanking each other's noses.

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I really got the feeling that Ochanomizu was always supposed to be Tenma's senior. He even calls him Tenma-kun at times. Atom The Beginning was a lot of fun but I don't buy that they were ever intended to be the same age.

Also, kinda liked that the main rival bot for A-106 is basically Jetter Mars

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I was wrong, Skunk did show up.

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It’s a ok movie but I was surprised how quickly some characters just get killed Toby got fucking vaporized and the president murdered and his likeness stolen, other than that the VA work was mostly good especially with cage as Tenma which worked as an odd fit but I wish the studio could’ve done that Gatchaman movie because that would’ve been awesome

Are you invited to their wedding anons?

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It's going to be a party

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but user.
party is over

Sat it ain't so user

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For all the good that did him. Guess superior German science can't match Russian grit.

From what I heard, a Russian Stand User did him in.

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I remember watching this just a bit back. Wasn't great but had its moments, and easily could've led into an animated series.

Its just how scientists build their robots.

Doctor Light had weapons prepared for Megaman, despite not installing them right away.
Doctor Fujiyama built Nightbird as a pacifist, but filled her full of ninja weapons and even presented her to the public while she was holding nunchucks.

There’s a guy in Japan in real life who builds giant robots for rich people. His own personal one is armed with tennis ball shooters.
When the Obama Administration in the US demanded information on robotics research done by private companies, they found that some firms were testing AI with live ammunition in research facilities, just like in Terminator 3.

If you’re gonna build a robot, it has to look human, have weapons, or look cool. None of which are mutually exclusive.

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Doctor Fujiyama just wanted a robot ninja waifu

Fuck, her being so cute in this just makes it even more heartbreaking to know what happens to her in the original manga.

I don't know about 4kids-tier, but it was kind of bad at times. Astro was way too snarky, which doesn't really fit his character at all.


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A show about a kid trying to cope with his sociopathic dad manipulating him was censored to hell and eventually because apparently Japan can handle that but America can't. It was most certainly a 4kids tier dub.

Even the movie never got a release because it was allegedly too existential for our kiddos.

How could there is comfier thread about Astro on Yea Forums rather than on Yea Forums?

Ironically enough Yea Forums likes Astro Boy way more than Yea Forums does. I've never seen an Astro Boy thread there last more than a dozen posts.

Because Astro Boy isn't exactly Yea Forums material. It's a little too deep for the chronic masturbaters.

Astro Boy isn't Yea Forums, it's /m/. And not because it has robots.

*eventually cancelled

You know IDW did a comic adaptation of the movie?

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arts bretty gud, the guy from the early Transformers miniseries: EJ Su

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Well to be fair my knowledge about Astro Boy is from the 2003 anime and pop culture meme. Maybe the same are also correct? Not many people on Yea Forums actually read the source manga? I might just projecting though. I never read any of Ozamu Tezuka works, only knows about them a bit like Kimba, BlackJack.

Then why user?

Which movie? And yeah one good thing about Tezuka's work...even when it's made for kids it never talked down to its audience.

>mama mia! Papa, it's a getting spicy in here

I'd say Yea Forums gravitates more towards older media, the "classics", than Yea Forums always chasing flavors of the month. We'll still discuss new issues/episodes, but half the threads will be about cartoons from the 00s, or comic issues from the 90s, or animated films from the 60s, etc.

I think you got it right. Unless it's currently ongoing, I seem to rarely see them discuss too many anime/manga that began production before the last 90s, unless tits are involved.

He probably added those things in so he wouldn't have to watch his son die again

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thank you, you have blessed this thread

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Don't you mean Megaman?

Unfortunately...Astro Boy died a lot of times. And depends on which story you're following some of them are final. The 60's anime? He died in The Greatest Adventure. The manga? He died in "Once Upon A Time Astro Boy"...ironically on the day of his birth (it was some time travel shenanigans, Astro Boy wound up in 1960's/70's)

It's baffling when even the fucking 60s dub was able to handle it but not 03 apparently.

Guess folks in 03 are more sensitive than the folks in the 60's.

because 4kids and Saban did set the "standard" and for kids shows and toyemon anime's, nothing has changed.

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Atom vs Igza. Was only ever released In Japan in IMAX, no digital or DVD release. It was allegedly not localized because it was too much like GiTS, and given that that's a Jap property and would therefore be unlikely to be a copyright issue, that leaves the actual subject matter to consider.

>Atom The Beginning
How have i never heard of this? Well time to watch it

Forgot to mention, because of the lack of release, it's lost media. A 2005 movie of one of the most popular characters ever, classified as lost media. Tezuka Pro is bafflingly bad at distributing their animation.

Or read it...that works too.

It's pretty good, it's neat seeing a ternary takes on Astro.

Eh. They're better as a sibling relationship, fag

Well, more of a take on Tenma and Ochanomizu. A-106 is his own character as is U-Ran (A-107). But it is the closest thing we got to Jetter Mars meets Astro Boy.

Oh yeah, Saban did wonders for standards...that was sarcasm by the by.

user, that's grownup Dororo
Back to tumblr

Tumblr? user, they left Tumblr...it's a ghost town now.

The Phoenix movie won one of the very first American Anime Awards decades ago. Nobody white but the eldest of weebs remembers it now. And you sure won't find any of those on Yea Forums anymore. Maybe a decade ago on /m/

Oh shit, I just realized that's adult Dororo and not Mio. They look so similar it has to be intentional.


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All because they don't want to show Riderman...

I watched this whole playthrough on a massive nostalgia trip.
For bringing back some long forgotten memories of happiness, I want to thank you, user

Then go back to discord

It really wasn't censored THAT much. The themes were still heavily present in the dub, though yeah they were toned down.

Funny guy, Carlos. You should take that on the road.

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I doubt even 4kids would've butchered it that bad.

>Anime nuthugger can't appreciate tongue and cheek satire

>DBGT fan
Well I can certainly understand why you'd be sensitive to mockery.

IIRC Tezuka was a massive pervert. He was into furry, gay incest, pedophilia, the entire package.

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Gay Incest? What, you mean MW?

Wasn't Pluto gonna have an animated adaptation? What happened to that?

>Wasn't Pluto gonna have an animated adaptation? What happened to that?

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Oh come on..you're not serious.


No you're just retarded and don't understand the redundancy of having a character have full mastery over her power yet still goes to a school made to train it.


It's supposedly coming in 2020 but I won't hold my breath.

I'm pretty sure MW didn't have incest. Unless he's thinking of something else I assume someone mistook the translation of "Father" to be literal and not a religious title.

When's that western adaptation of the main series gonna come out?
it was just the one advert and then fucking nothing