Channel edits: The neverending party

ITT: Channel is for posting, Channel is for loving.

Remember: Sleep is the most important part of a healthy mind and body.

Attached: endless.gif (593x422, 1.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:!fKAlnQZT!tLYolwwzdBcx4kzTmzdBGA

Chris-channel forever

N-no way..already? the threads are getting to the bump limit faster and faster wtf.
Also some user requested this last thread hope he sees it

Attached: the power of CO's LOVE.gif (600x400, 3M)

Dont say that please

Attached: 1568002392464.png (490x440, 130K)


Attached: 1568171163713.jpg (763x822, 120K)

reminder that we didn't get the septs, but that's alright

Attached: 1568423209495.jpg (2070x1962, 1.79M)

Man, you guys do such awesome edits. It's really nice seeing people geexe yasolf quidd eey wwwmmn es man earrees wish that the threads were a bit slower, but hey, who am I to complain. I'm so glad that this is a thing :)
Keep up the good work anons!

Attached: anon only had channel for a day.png (1000x2000, 995K)

This shit is unfunny and about as cringe as when tumblrinas appropriate characters to be gay or trans icons. Stop forcing your dogshit meme. K thx bye

Attached: orelnclay2.png (497x538, 183K)


Attached: REEEEEE.png (603x630, 173K)

>geexe yasolf quidd eey wwwmmn es man earrees
I'm glad you're recovering after your sudden stroke.

Attached: 1568340876564.png (984x1024, 464K)

>geexe yasolf quidd eey wwwmmn es man earrees

I tried making the xmas tree using Spinels as decoration and it turned out horrible

I'll leave this here if anyone wants to make it

Attached: Channel Tower.png (3360x3456, 1.26M)

He did it on purpose for the (you)s dumb dumbs


>Some people are saying that these Channel edits in Yea Forums Boom are an obvious nod to me. But that’s not possible. I am not crazy at all, and in Yea Forums Boom, Channel is completely obsessed with Spinel.

reminder that we got the 9999999 by proxy

Attached: it could've been great.png (1326x482, 163K)

fuck off


i guess it's ok then...

no u

its fine, you tried!
maybe if we can get a big ol' yellow happy spinel for the top to be the star, then we can think of ways to decorate it!

Attached: 1568432898227.gif (700x400, 3.18M)

That's more as if there was a party planned, the 9999999 didn't appear and then after the party was over, it was found lying around during clean up. No celebration, but it was still 'got'.

>I still love you user.

Attached: still loves u.png (1033x932, 447K)

requesting channel with 9999999 in the sky above her (replacing pink)

We love you too, Channy.. ;-;

This needs to be the last channel picture we ever post so it'll make us feel for her before she's sent to live in the booru

i wasn't done user. now i am tho.
Here's the request.

Attached: True Love.gif (500x350, 2.95M)


a little too fast. had to watch it like six times before I could read the subtitles, but good shit either way

I-is this OC?!

Attached: kokl.jpg (477x268, 12K)

i know but...4mbs limit, it's either this or a 240x180 gif, sorry.

This is way too cool, fantastic job. I suggest what said though.

Nice job, thanks.

Can we get chris-channel hanging out with this gem?

Attached: Chan flea.gif (420x300, 968K)

Attached: very nice.gif (216x126, 564K)

Cursed request inbound!
requesting this but with PD and her face is "" instead like with Stevanon's "?" face

Attached: EPget59.jpg (165x208, 4K)

>This bitch stole my Get

you mother fucker.
How about now? a little slower and added some effects to the tranformation

Attached: 12.gif (400x270, 2.65M)

just checking something

Looks like it got cut out at the end

Believe in Channel

Attached: 1F711231-F22D-4DD2-8466-CB37D4B489A3.jpg (750x411, 256K)

check THIS

check this

yes. yes, much better. I'd suck your dick if I could

You're right im retarded one sec

how about both you motherfuckers check THIS?

Attached: 1568427176854.jpg (1469x2008, 1.29M)

I watched a couple of episodes of rick and morty and managed to fix it, here it is!

Attached: This is the good one.gif (400x270, 2.75M)

check em

This is going in my love compilation

Attached: with benefits.jpg (1920x1080, 1.37M)

sweet mother of christ...this needs to be colored

Attached: 85906060.jpg (1334x2000, 378K)

Attached: 1568237405201.jpg (1280x1280, 504K)

a request i made into a template, go nuts

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-14-00-32-27(1)(1).png (1325x978, 290K)


can I just take a moment to say how much I love you faggots? I wanna hug each and everyone of you and smooch your cute cheeks for being so based

This is the power of Yea Forums's love, we really lover her...

Attached: djkas.png (452x301, 42K)

Stop being fucking gay user

I know that full picture...I-it is unpure! For shame, user!

aw shucks, but you're right, everyone has been working really hard for /our girl/
but dubs confirm you need to stop being gay, sorry user no smooches.

you're making channel a happy girl

Attached: ufunny.jpg (710x706, 220K)

post the full image coward

Attached: 1567554260252.png (797x545, 161K)

Dubs confirm this

Please only wholesome pictures user...

Attached: 1567665160870.png (2033x1287, 1.48M)


Attached: OOOOO.gif (540x304, 776K)

futafags need cancer of the rectum

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (572x720, 52K)

Dubs confirm happiness
nice job drawfag

Attached: channel head pats.gif (500x281, 2.26M)

is there no version of this with Channel's true gem?

Or, ironically, the urethra.

i know i edited that but...give me a sec should be around here somewhere

Found it

Attached: channeldancing.gif (540x304, 791K)

Attached: spinelmorelike.png (428x177, 47K)


real dubs isnt just about wanting GETs for ebic screencraps, its about letting out your true, honest feelings!
Only then, will you GET em.

Attached: 1568351573540.png (362x342, 59K)

>Dubs confirm it.
Chann- el? More like change the Channel!

Attached: more like.jpg (400x400, 20K)

i want to cum in spinel

Attached: 1550262597385.jpg (1080x1266, 85K)

i forgot to add that meme to the injector...

Attached: brainlets + gem.webm (1920x1080, 382K)

Thank you

Spinel is the best thing to happen to Yea Forums in years.

It'd been brought to my attention that I need to see a full on gopnik Channel with vodka saying cyka blyat, but wrong.

Attached: 3aj5w3.jpg (577x432, 94K)

i love how pure feelings always get dubs

My love for Channel is pure

See you can do anything if you quote rick and morty

Where are Spinel/Channel points

Attached: il_fullxfull.1044280880_mr63_630x[1].jpg (570x570, 19K)

Soooo is there gonna be like a booru for these edits?

>wubaluba dub dub morty i *burp* i-i-i love channel morty-yy *burp*

If you’re so desperate for this, upload them to the Yea Forumsnservatory you lazy shit

>got dubs
holy fuck the memepower of quoting rick and morty is too powerful
“put em waay up your butt”

Was told to dump my VA stuff here from the last thread.

To quote Rick and Morty: “Aww geez, this sucks.”

What was the request?

To quote Rick and Morty: “braaaaaaaaap”

Attached: I love you for who you are.png (686x577, 39K)

I need art of spinel/channel singing idolshit at a japanese karaoke box

Someone requested this in the other thread

Attached: 2093iowe.png (344x304, 21K)

OR. Thanks m8 :)


Attached: IMG_1069.jpg (640x482, 31K)

i-i like morty woah that's pretty good m-m-mmmm*Burps*Morty!

can i request Spinnel/Channel saying
>thanks for everything Yea Forums?
>We'll get the septs next time...

Attached: hug.png (772x768, 216K)

Are you having a mental breakdown?

Attached: 1474697528596.png (321x322, 24K)

Trips deserve it's request granted
Dubs confirm mental illness

Consider quoting Rick and Morty

what does spinels feet smell like?

Hubba Bubba, just like the rest of her. Channel is sour apple.

Attached: feet for anon.png (1280x720, 277K)

cute stuff


Attached: Goblin Channel.png (683x667, 186K)

Would you chew channel up and blow a big bubble using her

good night spinel and channel bros

Attached: happy_spinel.png (350x278, 83K)

No that's inflation fetish and that's bad.

Nice job user

Attached: CLOVER.png (1322x760, 585K)

I go to sleep, and while I was asleep, you bring such a beauty into our home? Bless you user. Thank you for your work, this is amazing.

could you post a version where it's just channel and user screaming?

Of course this is a thing.

Sure thing, user.

Attached: reeeeeeeee.gif (400x270, 907K)

Whoops, the paga auto updated, meant to reply to

What made you realise a thing was a thing?

>user actually delivered
Nice fucking job

Attached: perfect.jpg (1684x1191, 695K)

>"You haven't forgotten your promise to make a movie about me, have you user?"
>"So long as you don't break your promise, I'll keep mine. You know that better than anyone, don't you?... Channel!"
>"...heh, that naive part of you makes me want to vomit. But now I'm grateful for it."

Attached: 1567811205909.png (778x530, 128K)

I measured its thingness with my thing-o-meter.


how long till we get the Channel the Movie thread, or did I miss it already?

the movie isn't done yet....but soon there's gonna be a little trailer, the team is working hard

Attached: HAAAAA.gif (400x265, 932K)

Requesting taller Channel with dark green arms and sports tape all over her body

Attached: epic plan 4 sonic boom.png (1280x720, 612K)

Finished a request for someone a couple of threads ago.

Attached: JNm.png (504x504, 4K)

That was me, thank you and love you lots pixelbro!

i thought I was having a stroke reading that

Attached: 1418620118461.png (377x416, 47K)

Oh yeah i saw that request, nice job user!

Oh, and don't forget the scarf.

Do another one're probably sleeping but that's ok...
i'll wait...

Attached: anon less bright.jpg (500x376, 136K)

>dubs trips dubs dubs

>"somebody touche mah injector!"

Attached: Necromancy .png (300x405, 190K)

Good one

I thought spinel was the spaghett

I think I should just leave this to the professionals

Attached: Channeldansen.gif (500x800, 386K)

Nice one user, it's going in the folder

that's pretty good user, nice job!

I love it regardless, thank you so much for this user.

Attached: 1567812831413.png (526x677, 117K)

Would blackpilled channel be a lowtiergod, dsp or wingsofredemption?

>"this is a fucking video to some FAT FUCK on earth named Steven Universe."
>"I don't give a FUCK about the aftermath of any of you Steven fans who fell sorry for this GREASY FUCK!"
>"You fat fucking disgusting ass smelling"
>"Cheese drinking!"
>"Crisco bathing"
>"Lard gargling!"
>"Calorie thieving"
>"Cabbage Patch face having"
>"Doctor Robotnik looking."
>"Wingstop eating"
>"Cookie cat gorging"
>"T-rex arm having"
>"Non-vegetable eating"
>"Cooking in a george forman grill just to drink out the drip tray"
>"Wide Load"
>"Hungry hungry hungry hippo"
>"Happy because The Big Donut is back in business mother FUCKER!"

Attached: Cute gem gets angry she can't beat up her best friend.png (713x768, 263K)

Attached: top cute chan.png (763x822, 416K)

Made my night user, love ya

Sleeping is gay

fuck i want to sleep

I want to fuck sleep

Go to sleep ameribros
US euros have got this till you wake up

America will never surrender to euros

i fuck to want sleep

Isn't it about ~5:20am burger time?

>tfw dirty south american
it's 6:00 am it's too late to sleep...

Fluck sleep want to i

it's not a jannel but im still very pleased, amazing job user

Attached: channel.png (1000x667, 99K)

Optimal 2:23 AM for burger bros

to fuck i want sleep

sleep fuck to want i

i sleep fuck want to

>i sleep fuck

Attached: fuckig what.jpg (223x184, 15K)

to sleep I want to fuck

Ah, perfect. you cracked the code user,
This is something every man experiences where you can't sleep until you jerk off and or fuck

>Mfw I don't sleep at night.

Attached: 1568384014101.png (768x768, 237K)

That’s bad for you, user. Channel would want you to be healthy.

>Dubs of caring.
I'm sorry channel.

Attached: 20190911_144951.png (734x752, 163K)

you're right tho

Attached: fuck sleep.jpg (800x800, 210K)

...sigh..if that's really what channel would want...then i guess i'll sleep 5 hours and then get up so that i can sleep early...thanks user


I'd rather time to fuck sleep. Fuck sleep.

Never sleep never not see waifu

but..i've been dreaming channels for 3 days straight

How do you manage to consistently have good, memorable dreams?

ok im going to sleep but i better not miss anithing cool while im gone...i bet pearlanon is gonna draw something cool and im gonna miss it,

i think about her before sleeping and i usually dream what i think before lseeping me can't speak now, brain is shutting down, byebye going to bed

You're not going to miss anything, everything will be here waiting for you when you wake up.

He will and you won't ever see it because we won't ever post it ever again

It doesn't work for me. Or maybe it does but I only remember the ones I don't like.

Thanks you lovely user very comforting time to sleep
thanks user, i laughed, im going to sleep now, fuck you

Night night user

I think that channel SUCKS



Attached: 1568422545144.png (1360x768, 424K)

Requesting someone color this in please

Attached: 1568336764264.jpg (1356x1356, 663K)

>mfw drawfags will some make up some fucked up hentai with channel

Attached: crying channel.png (1472x753, 325K)

I think that one already got colored dog

Do you have it?

I was mistaken, sorry user. I failed you

Damn, it's okay bro

This had to be done

Attached: file.png (500x500, 128K)

Spinnel spitting coffee or any drink

>september 2019 in a nutshell

It's not over yet.

Attached: area-51-2.jpg (503x613, 52K)

what if Channel is being kept inside of there?

I'm going to see her bros!

Attached: 1568250624654.jpg (550x550, 190K)

Attached: Shooter channel .png (1200x1191, 490K)

So we meet again...

Attached: 1521792198750.png (720x892, 478K)

Does channel shlonk gangweed?


Attached: What.jpg (427x960, 148K)

Attached: spepel.png (1443x2250, 861K)


Attached: Good shit anon.png (734x752, 177K)

This answers my question

I got you bro. Want her as Channel or Spinel?

Either works. Or both if you want

Well, seeing how the hair is wrong for Channel, i'm gonna do Spinel and if someone wants to edit it to have the right hair, then i'll colour it. I can do colour, can't do drawing, my line work is truly fucking horrendous.

So is Chuck E Cheese Spinel basically a thing now or what?

Attached: 14092019214617.jpg (1280x1704, 276K)

Sounds good

biggest kek

Attached: 5bf.jpg (480x318, 17K)

>eating at a pizza place
>say loudly “holy fuck this is a fucking good pizza, man” to my friend
>hear a gasp from behind me
>look around
>table full of kids having a party, and everyone is in the vicinity staring at me, silent and aghast
>even my friend
I hate having a potty mouth sometimes

checked and pizzapilled

I love this


Holy shit

Attached: rainbow kek.gif (330x319, 945K)

Request from last thread. She'll pet YOU user!

Attached: 6.png (540x380, 35K)

You forgot to color a piece buddy.

Attached: Untitled54_20190914120737.png (540x380, 42K)

Thanks dude, my eyesight is shite.

That's the perfect opportunity to shout "The fuck y'all lookin' at?!" like Ed Wuncler III.

im so happy

I need this post

Attached: 1555046831361.jpg (1000x1000, 226K)

this but with channel whispering into connie's ear

Attached: cuck.png (620x620, 79K)

Thought the last panel was gonna be Pink Diamond.

I installed and learned photoshop today to make this

Attached: bench.png (1290x1440, 541K)

Remember to vote for spinel for miss/co/, let's make our girl proud

mad man actually did it

It's good to learn new skills

Took me a second.

Gotta get Channel and Jannel at the sandbox in the foreground

>Triple Dubs

>If only the world's problems could be solved by crying.

This user knows the truth

Reminder if Spinel wins the tourney all her victory art can be edited into Channel

I voted for Emma because I think she's more at risk of being forgotten than Spinel is at this point.

Attached: emmy android blush.png (644x798, 154K)


Why wouldn't she be forgotten she's just a shitty flavor of the month with life half a comic strip.
Also you can vote for multiple entrants right now, this is the qualifiers

Attached: 1567532700834.png (632x573, 712K)

>she's just a shitty flavor of the month

>main antagonist of the movie of one of the most popular currently airing cartoons
If you think Spinel is going anywhere you're fucking stupid.

Attached: 1567715706454.gif (545x532, 422K)

Another request. DAB ON EM.

Attached: 77.png (648x722, 11K)

>tfw Spinel and Emmyfag
I wish their thread was as active as ours.

Attached: Costanza.jpg (1024x1024, 150K)

Literally why would it be? She's barely a character.

Attached: tumblr_pxjm8k7Q7v1qlbvkso1_1280.png (873x900, 656K)


Well, I would like that to change and get developed, and some lasting attention might incentivize that, worked with Satina after all.

no idea why this exist but im saving it anyway

Attached: 1568194782605.jpg (1600x2000, 159K)

If Pink Diamond is Jiren does that mean White Diamond gets to be Zamasu?

>Well, I would like that to change
Why? There are hundreds if not thousands of actual characters with actual personalities, just talk about them instead

Attached: 1567810408881.png (1280x1343, 200K)

Why would I like a cute character design to get developed into some finished product I can enjoy?

Attached: 1568332364816.png (1143x1200, 260K)

That's a question not an answer. I don't know the answer to that and I don't l know the answer to mine. I am scared and I am confused,

Attached: peripanic.png (500x407, 255K)

I had a hearty kek, thank you user.

The design is cute, I'd like to see it be more than just a couple of drawings on some guy's portfolio, simple as that user. Haven't you ever seen some random art and thought "wow, I like that, I'd like to see more"?
For instance, Channel?

Attached: chan-nel aren't we the lucky ones.png (1920x1080, 1000K)

Channel is good because this site is good at times but I still love you all and Spinel is already an actual character with an actual personality that makes me love her with all my heart. So mixing those two things is already a character and mixing those things makes something i love just as much

Attached: 1568067858265.png (990x831, 306K)

You're a horrible revolting person for making this. How dare you?

Attached: Channel noooo.png (1290x1440, 628K)

who is she watching though


user wtf go to sleep

Attached: 55Gbs of terriermon.gif (309x238, 3.09M)


user that's scary,looks like five nights at faggot but gj and passion with the model

>k Thx bye

Well thank you for getting the fuck out you 2009 speech-using retard. Just jealous that Channel is way better than your pathetic ass.


sorry, i just woke up. you know what i mean...probably.

Now that you mention it I can see the resemblance

>Six-Thousand Years At Spinel's
>You play as Pink Diamond, checking in on the Garden remotely with hidden cameras
>Spinel stands there, motionless
>You change cameras
>Spinel stands there, motionless
>This happens for all camera angles
>When you put the camera down, Pearl will comment on some random aspect of how the colony is doing
>That's the whole game

>Flip..... flip.... flip....... flip
>"The gems in the Prime Kindergarten are growing just fine my Diamond."
>Flip......... flip....... flip flip...... flip
>"You have a meeting scheduled with Blue Diamond in twenty years My Diamond.
>Flip................................................................. flip
>"If you want I can order a new Spinel injector to be put in the Prime Kindergarten. Earths resources might result in her coming out green though."
>.......... flip..... flip..... flip....

Attached: Spinel until tomorrow.png (1360x768, 351K)

Someone post screenshot requests RIGHT NOW

Attached: 1568386946250.png (500x375, 111K)

i don't remember the last thread's name, Rip requests

What if Channel had a Pearl girlfriend?

Attached: tumblr_pxf0y5Zaw51tpxzemo1_1280.png (1280x964, 354K)

>Pearl girlfriend?
A Pearlfriend?

idk who drew this but they're gonna have to change pearl's expression once they see their personallity


fuck off

I'd really love to see a Channel finger gunning us or finger gunning to the side if that's too hard

Attached: fingerguns.jpg (975x1300, 92K)

Why is she so lovable bros?

Attached: Cutie Pie.png (1320x1816, 3.22M)

Does that me if I kiss one I have to kiss the other? We can hfug together?

a pic of spinel/channel so happy that they've a really wide smile

Dubs confirm, we need to fuck off, sorry guys, channel is over

Becaus she's ours

trips confirm, fucking off sir

not sure why i like this frame so much
make an edit if you think it would look nice

Attached: bigface.png (1920x1077, 797K)

she is too relatable

They would mutually love each other and support themselves.

Attached: WE DESERVE BETTER.png (1280x964, 413K)

Thanks kind user, you're the best.
Yes, you mush show them both equal love in this scenario.
Yeah, probably. I hope we do see Pink Pearl again.
Your dubs and trips have no power over me. I make my own destiny.

Attached: 1567842915899.png (1178x846, 446K)

nice edit user

Here you go
Looking for screenshot ones right now not fanart ones sorry anons. Got any screenshots?

Attached: vaawev.png (1920x1077, 697K)

Dubs and trips have no power dubs confirm it, phew, we're good.

*AHEM* i love spinnel.

She looks like she's talking in the sPoNgEbOb VoIcE in these images

>"ChAnNeL iS a FlAvOr Of ThE MoNtH aNd WiLl DiE oFf In A wEeK!"


Attached: ahem channel.jpg (2500x2500, 466K)


Attached: 4gg3e.png (1920x1077, 689K)

Did she stick her duck in a snow drift too?


Attached: Cheers.jpg (500x750, 47K)

based, wtf.

looks like she has a couple extra chromosomes

This is some uncanny valley shit it's still nice tho

Attached: 1568241845513.png (523x818, 110K)

That’s eggnog in her glass, right...?

its my coom

Attached: coomer.jpg (1545x869, 92K)

It is indeed anons coom.

Attached: 1568263336410.png (775x757, 168K)


What did he mean by this?

I like the taste of eggnog better

Remember when Spinel almost started the third impact?
Good Times.

>Shitty Yea Forums wojaks leaking over to Yea Forums
Who could be responsible for this...

Attached: 1568087307218.png (1920x1080, 719K)

Stevens just a reverse evangelion.

Attached: Its reddits fault.png (461x852, 459K)

user...What's a Wojack?

Attached: 1567904808371.png (407x407, 161K)

An abomination.

Hey, channelfriends.

I actually had a dream about Channel last night. She legit had her own show and it was amazing to be able to "watch" it. I don't remember the specifics of what went on, but it was funny hijinks and skits (dreams are usually very fuzzy) but the thing that struck me the most was the music playing in my dream. It was creepy, whimsical, sad, hopeful all rolled into one. It stuck with me all morning and I couldn't get it out of my mind, so I opened up an old music program and tried my best to recreate it, filling in the holes I couldn't remember.

Anyways, holy shit, today has been a blur.

How about a warm up doodle of our girl?

Attached: 20190914_160557.jpg (1805x2004, 1.49M)

>It stuck with me all morning and I couldn't get it out of my mind
When music shows up in my dreams I always forget it within minutes of not constantly repeating it in my head, and I haven't got a music program.

Attached: D0X8i6sXcAAaqD9.jpg (628x581, 30K)

Attached: Channel the A board.png (461x852, 414K)

Just write it down, you do know musical notation right?

Well now we need one for every board

Hey Pearlanon
Your dream sounds interesting, I hope you plan to share that music with us.

That's what plan to do.

No. I'm not the music type.

I second this

Cute image Pearlanon. My day hasn't beena blur, it's been a slow drag. You know what we need? Some lewds of Channel. But that's impossible to post here, so I'll settle for Channel cuddling next to a Pearl or another gem of your choice. She needs some gem friends.

awesome drawing user, and that's pretty interesting im usually the opposite i remember everything visually but i never remember musics or sounds

What's her personality like user?

>Septs get lost
you actually took the time to write news, im very happy to see you care so much about making amazing drawings

I had a dream too but I fucked her instead

did you coom?

>She needs some gem friends.
I agree. Hm, now who would make a good friend for Channel? I wonder.

Attached: 1567990889464.png (447x803, 173K)

WE are her friend user

Attached: 1568098283271.png (575x663, 243K)

Attached: 1567901116246.png (1055x1070, 489K)

If you coom in the dream world you coom in real life!

that's right i coomed all over her
anybody would

Attached: 1507406752221.png (1360x768, 658K)

are the Spinel Friends.
We'll always save the day.

Attached: 1567985000861.png (685x495, 161K)

That's amazing user, hope you had a good night sleep last night

I want to spank spinel and then wipe her tears away.

This is amazing! If you ever have time to take other requests could you do this but with Channel, Stevanon, and user BTFOing Pink Diamond? If so that would be based but if not its all good.

Attached: 7118A402-3F20-4B59-A23A-87222869F1A4.gif (400x225, 3.33M)

Haven't seen the show but damn, my first gf fit most of those.

I was just about to start looking for something to do, i'll give it a shot

Attached: 325693298565532.png (819x861, 124K)

absolutely nicepilled. Thank you user

I also had a weird dream.
In it I was pink diamond and the same events from the movie happened in it. Which is weird since I like spinel.

Attached: 1567638206507.png (1280x720, 575K)

Get fucked

>I hope you plan to share that music with us

>with a pearl
Any pearl...?

I even feel and taste things in my dreams.

Of course ;)

I slept well.

Attached: 20190914_165521.jpg (2361x1512, 1.42M)

Use soundcloud dog

PInk Diamond?
...more like

Attached: haa.png (1360x764, 1.14M)

Comfy Pearl works, thanks Pearlanon. Not the first time you've drawn Comfy Pearl with other gems and things born in threads. They look cute cuddled together.


Dubs confirm cuteness

You know, with Comfy Pearl being red and Channel being green, I can make a whole series of holiday pictures come Christmastime...

Attached: Comfy Pearl.png (725x1594, 695K)

You can if these threads are still around by then. We've got to make it through NYCC and the SU panel, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. I hope they are, I find myself enjoying Spinel and Channel a lot.

Attached: 1567799113550.png (910x652, 26K)

>Saw Thread on Yea Forums with Spinel in the OP
>Was completely on Topic
>Some autists show up and go fucking NUCLEAR with the usual wojaks and /pol/ shit
>Thread 404s

Attached: tumblr_lvptodCpgD1qcqwuwo1_500.png.jpg (496x700, 106K)

>Triggers /pol/ and Yea Forums
>Wojak posters hate her
Truly our girl

Attached: 1568437996766.png (337x244, 21K)

I'm a bit sad there are so many without her gem

when are we getting the trailer for user universe?

That's fine, she has no business being posted in Yea Forums she belongs with us, their best...friends...FOREVER

At least it was a spinel thread. That's counts for something.

spinel should chill and sleep in a field.

Attached: sleeping on field.png (747x474, 971K)

Dont forget to vote for you best friend in the ms. Yea Forums poll!

Attached: Woo.png (500x280, 198K)

Im so happy people are using my draws. You brought me a smile user.

post link

love your style user

here you go friend

Attached: Wooo.png (500x280, 134K)


Attached: 1549128488099.jpg (800x800, 172K)


Attached: only choiuc.jpg (664x890, 239K)

I can draw that.
You want Spinel or Channel?

Attached: 1568425742860.jpg (2395x2187, 2.61M)

Channel of course!

not them, but why not both? get some more of them together.

Either one.

Holy shit

Attached: qweqwlkj.gif (404x280, 1.67M)

Good fucking job my dude

I like this.

How about Twisted Spinel and Innocent Channel?

Either of them will be fine.

Both please

This been going for too long.
Stop denigrating Yotsuba's image, you shitters

Attached: 1531711515599.jpg (621x623, 236K)

I know I've been here a few days, but can you guys enlighten me on the headcanon of Channel? Is she two separate entities existing at the same time, is it like the movie where she starts off cute and bubbly, but after a long while she grows into the other, angrier Channel, or is her default form the cute and bubbly one and her form changes when she's sad or angry, reverting back to her other form? Just curious for continuity's sake.

Attached: 20190913_102017.jpg (2550x2693, 2.15M)

But we love her

Attached: 1568061302514.png (482x644, 105K)

It's not our fault Channel's better.

It all started when Moot, a literal who, abandoned her.

Attached: 1567911033619.png (1360x768, 627K)

There's literally no canon as far as i know, she's just...spinnel but..ours, and punished spinnel probably curses a lot since she's in Yea Forums. but other than that we'll have to wait for the movie

Don't say shit like that, leave right now.

Channel's better.

Attached: 1556777954811.png (899x636, 1M)

>dissing yotsuba
Are you a falseflagger?

Attached: 32598238963.png (969x1173, 465K)

Just post the sound file on mega or dropbox and share the link

There's no need to say anything so stupid
People have been hanged for less.
Channel draws inspiration from Yotsuba

>>dissing yotsuba
I literally didn't. No matter how good you are, there's always someone better than you. In this case, it's Channel.

She spent too much time on Yea Forums.

Attached: we-live-in-a-society.png (634x1600, 476K)

Get the fuck out of here nigger

Attached: 1567835164197.png (593x667, 268K)

Attached: mjwk8wLxf61qig2f4.png (500x295, 132K)

Falseflagger spotted.

Can't wait for /k/hannel

great i want an edit of this where its channel and user

but it's true. Channel is the superior.

This is still one of the most wholesome images.

You guys are dumb.
Yotsuba is our daughter
Channel is our best friend, with benefits
We have time and love for both of them

Attached: cheer up.jpg (1571x818, 747K)

Attached: 1568499250993.jpg (1040x1080, 199K)

Rubber hose waifu

No, only Channel. This is her thread after all.

well if shes a waifu, you know what that means

Attached: b6d.png (413x444, 232K)

based family poster
user i'll give you my left arm if you can draw channel and yotsuba calling user to come with them to eat icecream or anithing comfy you can think of

We could make it a channel

Attached: Knockout.png (443x450, 426K)


Proofread, user.

Here you go. Please be gentle. This is literally the first piece of music I've ever made.

I may have went overboard on the reverb...when the oboe kicks in, might wanna turn it down a bit.

Attached: Nervous Comfy Pearl.png (912x1424, 1.5M)

Attached: Komrade channel .png (775x757, 356K)

Attached: 1491773150489.png (371x532, 281K)

...nice hiss

>No nagant
shit tier

>No moist nugget
>Soviet cosplay instead of S.T.A.L.K.E.R
>No 10mm pistol
As cute as channel is user, this is almost everything /k/ hates in one picture.
Still, good attempt though. She still cute :)

What the fuck

Give me a transparent png of one and I'll add it.

Sounds great, I'd literally listen to this normally


Let's get this out onto a tray.

Attached: 1567950313320.png (490x440, 123K)

We could make a religion out of this.

user this is fucking phenominal!
You said this is what you heard in your dream?

Honestly I don't stray from /co much so I just know the surface level of other board culture.

here ya go

Attached: WCMAROOT.png (228x221, 31K)

This is pretty damn cool bro.

channel ver pls

Attached: eysfaqmcmlm31[1].jpg (1125x850, 84K)

Really? Thanks.

The main notes yes, and certain instruments like the organ. Definitely remember the organ being dominant.

Here's the picture so far. Any changes I should make? Should I lower Spinel's leg so you can see Channel's gem better?

Attached: 20190914_183805.jpg (2616x1515, 1.53M)

>tfw ywn have a dream with comfy music about Channel

Attached: 1568048406202.jpg (2100x2100, 224K)

Just lower the leg a little and we're golden

I'm really liking this image so far

Also I downloaded your song to my thread archive for posterity

Attached: party.gif (664x377, 2.46M)

CHRIST, user! You're a man of man talents. Save some for the rest of us. Next thing you gonna tell us is that you're an amazing singer.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-09-04-00h38m34s868.png (1280x720, 568K)

Woah user, this is what your dream sounded like? that's fucking amazing!
not only are you amazing at drawing but also great at music,keep being amazing you lovely fuck!

This somehow...creepy but not enough to scare me, it's some sort of...comfy creepyness if that makes any sense

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (590x860, 281K)

The music is pretty nice Pearlanon, a lot better than what I hear in my dreams. Most of the time it's only dialog I hear. The image is pretty great too, I think I agree with what said, lower Spinel's leg a bit to show her gem more and it'll be perfect.
How do you download songs off of soundcloud? Do you need an account for it?

Attached: 1567744888172.png (2601x2789, 114K)

So what was the first piece of art that had spinel with big meaty claws under her gloves then?

A request from last thread , remember to eat well anons

Attached: Munch.jpg (407x425, 169K)

Funny you mention that, he's recorded his voice before and it's pretty good. I didn't save the link to it though.

inb4 /cgl/ is "lol hambeast" because nobody here actually posts there

Attached: 1567736535746.jpg (2869x1828, 2.22M)

Theeeeeere's a penis in that image...Get ready for THE CHANBAN HAMMER

Checked but sadly banpilled

Attached: 1568252950825.png (421x536, 87K)

Now animate it.

Attached: 316[1].gif (294x233, 695K)

It was a fun ride anons

Attached: Goodbye.gif (350x200, 1.13M)

>How do you download songs off of soundcloud?


Attached: aCbjbQF.gif (500x280, 998K)


Attached: 1568255254896.jpg (1334x750, 424K)

Double dubs holy shit user you're going to faaaaaaaaaaar! i love it

Don't worry anons, my downloader got it so it's in my archive.

what did pearlanon mean by this?

It's a show about fun and hijinks with Punished Spinel, she's got hurt in her but wants to make people happy.

What? what's going on?!

Not to mention the tiddies are equally banworthy



Thank you for this, I'll use it wisely.
The image and other lewds of Spinel drawn by Pearlanon exist in the mega of his works. In case anyone wanted to see more lewds he's drawn.!fKAlnQZT!tLYolwwzdBcx4kzTmzdBGA

That's sad user, i love channel even more now

Attached: Let's duel! Anon!.png (610x674, 228K)


Whats her deck Yea Forums?

Attached: Kept you waiting huh.png (1803x1080, 822K)

NOOO user, DON'T GET BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: NOOOOO.jpg (500x641, 41K)

Attached: duh.jpg (308x450, 37K)

of course it would be


I respect your conviction pearlanon but we cannot afford to lose you

Attached: Heart of the cards!.png (610x674, 329K)


Guys, it wasn't me!

I'm still drawing

Attached: 1568337788104.png (2022x2545, 1.7M)

It's a very similar style

I drew it a while back, yes, but I wasn't the one that posted it here.

Attached: 1568251578188.jpg (2230x2025, 1.31M)

I think he means he wasn't the one to upload that post.

Now I'm confused. And a little hopeful. I would hate for anything bad to happen to you Pearlanon.

Attached: 1568425957015.jpg (1880x2116, 1.38M)

Well thank goodness for that.
You're our most dedicated drawfag, it would suck to lose you.

>spinel will never bite my dick

reminder that I think channel SUCKS

Somewhere out there is an ayy technology that can make your waifu real.
I'm willing to take that chance

Bruh why live?

Attached: 1567500192174.png (754x767, 280K)

Attached: cc5.jpg (460x276, 12K)

very nice
OH thank god

Here you guys go.

Can yall proof it before I scan it?

Attached: 20190914_192938.jpg (2855x2141, 2.65M)

where are the cocks?


Very comfy

Damn user I'm a spinelfag but you need to take some Self-Awareness™.
Suppose Spinel might actually have chance to be a top tier waifubait like monika and merula

Comfy and cute

Nice one Pearlanon!

>Love like you plays in the background.

Attached: 1568223338453.png (500x500, 120K)

very very very cute user

> 1568501596404.jpg
> 404.jpg

>Spinel slowly wraps her left arm around Channel

It's too pure for my eyes

now, initiate the yuri

>Playing in the background

Gems are clearly visible, hair looks right, you can see all four of Channel's pigtails, looks great to me Pearlanon. Thanks for a cozy scene involving Spinel and Channel.

Is She the Kefka of SU?

Attached: FF6_Kefkaart.jpg (769x1000, 152K)

Love it
I also love you.

>Steven Universe
Gem Knights vs Toon World

Attached: 0ab.jpg (500x334, 113K)

blessed dubs of risk taking (technically for something to become real it only needs around 120,000 people to believe it's real)

>Gem knight pearl.
What a useless beat stick. Fitting for SU pearl.

Attached: 1568225599872.png (320x320, 79K)

Attached: 20190914_194711.jpg (3259x1055, 1.38M)


Attached: Spinel otter gun.png (545x510, 175K)

(If someone could Channel edit this pic it would be great.)

>Come live with us in the Yea Forums board
>There's a thread waiting for you
>Come on, Come on, Come on
>Just let us adore you
>Come live with us in the Yea Forums board
>There's a thread waiting for you
>Come on, Come on, Come on
>Just let us adore you
>Yes we know that your not Spin, but you are ours
>You know what it means to shitpost, and you remind user to lurk moar
>Today, right here, right now, I'll post OC
>I've already got content
>(Just let us adore you)
>Today, right here, right now, I'll post OC
>(Come live with us on the Yea Forums Board)
>(There's a thread waiting for you)
>I've already got content
>(Come on, Come on, Come on)
>(Just let us adore you)
>Yes I know that I'm not Spin, but I am yours
>But you know what is means to shitpost, and I want to remind user to lurk moar
>Today, right here, right now, we'll post OC
>We've already got content

Attached: FB_IMG_1567889644533.jpg (1274x960, 84K)

I'm not sure if I like where this is going

Well....I go to other boards quite often so I guess I can give you a brief overview of their culture so anons can make a Channel of each.
No real summary needed.
Glockfags GTFO. Milsurplus general. 10mm supreme. S.T.A.L.K.E.R cosplay general. lol fudd gun. possible civil war 2 discussion. here's my box of 50 mosins I bought for cheap before their prices jacked up. forever a magical place that makes music better than Yea Forums.
SHTF threads. Camping threads. hiking threads. I want to move out of the prision that is the city. gardening threads. animal care threads. hunters share spooky stories or stories about getting frisky with deer/animals
do my math homework for me. engineering degrees are worthless. IQ comparisons. Einstein was a fraud. endless shitposting about the debate if it's scientifically okay to be gay.
>Yea Forums
Infinite Jest. Start with the greeks. Critique threads. bookshelf threads. Tolstoy is best. end my suffering.
Don't skip leg day. onions. vanilla flavor is best flavor for protein. lift for my waifu. gainz thread. post body. nofap day 10. end my suffering
/beg/ thread, art history thread, modern art sucks and is soulless, post artwork, /vent/ thread, commission time, end my suffering
Europoors GTFO. Amerimutts GTFO. Stop Shitposting Australia. owo a rare flag? Language learning thread.
Why can't I summon a succubus GF, How do I make a tulpa? Is Christianity cucked/based? Ayyy lmaos. Spooky story thread.
I have a weird fetish that everybody hates. End my suffering. (We miss you pearlanon, love all the non-shitposters on /sug/)
End my suffering
>Yea Forums
I miss the glory days.
End my suffering
Soups. Restaurant shilling. the virgin spaghetti vs the chad rotini. SAUCE.

And that's all I got. Any anons are free to add/correct anything I missed/messed up.

Attached: blackpilled channel.png (1000x1115, 172K)

someone download this post it must be eternal

this better be comfy user...i trust you...go on


I'm so sorry...

Attached: 20190914_200003.jpg (3646x1194, 1.77M)

Attached: too far.png (1078x694, 314K)

Shamfrur Drispray!

Yes, keep going if you want to.


pearlanon, you never disappoint!

Oh thank God


Attached: Spinel otter grab.png (545x510, 212K)


Attached: noice.png (291x229, 8K)


That's a penis.

Cute, cute I say! bravo Pearlanon.

There is nothing to be sorry about.
There is only comfort.

Attached: Anon I can explain.png (800x569, 365K)

Another request

Attached: Patrick.jpg (583x400, 227K)

Is someone going to make another thread?

once it hits page 9

All I can say is, I love you.

Not sure where to post this, but I just had an idea for an image kinda like this that's just a roomfull of pink spaghetti with a spinel head poking out of it

Attached: 1281136562581.png (500x548, 63K)

We built this thread on love & OC!

no need to make another till this one dies

OP here, I'm still watching. I'll take care of it when it needs to be done.

>Pink diamond plays a stall deck

Alright, was just wondering is all.
Keep up the great work.

Please send in channel requests I'm Depressed and need to mspaint.

The digits have spoken

I'm gonna wait till the next thread starts to put it in my image archiver then I'm gonna go to bed.

This is the most disturbing thing I've read all day.

Attached: 1568253241482.jpg (1242x1233, 514K)

>Pink Diamond plays mystic mine burn with Metaverse at 3 and terraforming at 2

Hey buddy do channel like this.

Attached: jesus1.jpg (320x320, 31K)

channel with this face

Attached: laughing mario.jpg (158x153, 7K)

Might be really hard to do this in paint but if some other user wants to put Channel and user doing the poses that'd be swell

Attached: 0w.jpg (574x477, 47K)

i want you to make whatever makes you happy with spinel/channel in it, its your choice

Attached: 1568163789089.gif (1280x720, 2.4M)

Just a simple replacement of pearl with channel

Attached: This is gonna be a long one.jpg (348x409, 19K)

Channel reminding everyone on the importance of brushing your teeth

I hate that I can recognize all of those
Good work


Glad you anons enjoyed my doodles.

Obscure reference, coming through.

I think I've earned a drink...

Attached: 20190914_202626.jpg (2424x2355, 2.79M)

draw spinel saying "im a sick fuck i need a quick fuck"

This but channel

Attached: What.jpg (1600x1600, 131K)

i will try user

you fuck

Stages of Yea Forums to Spinel

Spinel is stupid!

Spinel is boring!

Spinel is right!

Spinel did nothing wrong

Spinel is good!

Spinel is better than everybody!

Spinel is an angel!

Spinel is my waifu!

This thread!

these dubs tho

i know i already edited this...but i delete every file after im done...maybe someone else can post it?

you gotta call us out like that huh

White Diamond plays the Gem-knight FTK deck

The face user teh fucking faces are so goood.
also i have no idea who this is...sorry

trying the different brushes, a little slow but I hope you guys enjoy these!

Attached: 345.png (578x420, 36K)

drink as much as you want user...but responsibly!


Very nice art, good job

Gives a hint!


Do you feel like making a cursed image?

Attached: anon is a necklet.png (640x1085, 406K)

same as this post

Le Channel

Attached: Le monke.jpg (550x550, 31K)

Channel eating a news paper

Channel posting the new thread early

A similar villain with a tragic past who only needed a hug. She, unfortunately, didn't get redeemed and the hero didn't know her sad story until the killing blow was landing. ;_;

Attached: yuzuha.jpg (425x500, 20K)

is there a mega for the NSFW of your art?

Here's one

Attached: 1568417391282.jpg (877x481, 89K)

This but channel and user

Attached: carl kiss.png (1009x2048, 2.62M)

oh shit...i..i can't remember but...i feel like i saw a movie with that character...

Have these been edited to be channel yet?


Attached: 1568077786853.png (730x1373, 773K)

Based and cutepilled

Attached: 100.jpg (448x334, 22K)

I thought it'd be. Thanks

oh that's the fucking worst, why not have the flashback BEFORE the character dies, FUCK

see Lovingly maintained and sorted by me. If it's his and it's SU related, I put it in the mega. If it gets colored by someone and I see it, in the mega. If it gets a tasteful edit, in the mega. New additions folder is cleaned out monthly and sorted. Channel drawings will go in the Channel subfolder of the Spinel folder no matter who else is in them for ease of locating them.

Attached: channel (27).png (634x512, 136K)

thanks meganon


Here you go, friend.

Attached: 8810298.png (405x383, 81K)

Yea Forums Spinel is cute