ITT: Characters with zero fans that keep showing up regardless.
ITT: Characters with zero fans that keep showing up regardless
i like him
>The wizard they use when they can't get Dr. Strange
Thankfully Harper Row stopped showing up after she popped up in Tynion's 'Tec a few times.
OP, of course.
Hearty Kek
Doc samson fucking rocks
Everyone has a fan.
That shitty character who's showed up ONCE has atleast one fan out there, somewhere.
Sometimes it's small and quiet, but it's there none the less.
Then there are the ones that are completely inexplicable, like the kind of people who create a regularly updated fan page and make autistic art to a singular obscure character to the point of obsession.
Let me guess, He cucked your character from fucking Jean
Brother Voodoo is awesome, you casual.
Wonder Man
I like both strange and voodoo
I've seen threads on here wishing that Beast and Wonder Man were allowed to be bros again and fix the damage done over the past fuck has it been a decade?
Sentry has fans too. I never got it, but they're there.
Not him but that is his role in-universe. Even when he was Sorcerer Supreme they still called Doctor Strange before him.
Haven't heard a fan's explanation of why they like him yet.
Last week I week I thumbed through one of those lame "Everything You Need to Know About Marvel" books a buddy of mine had and Brother Voodoo's entry was essentially saying he's who they call when Strange is busy.
Wonder Woman.
The best answer I ever got for this was "WATCH UNDER THE RED HOOD!"
The movie answered nothing and I still didn't understand what his appeal was but that was literally the best answer I've ever gotten
Man these threads always post characters I like.
Yeah, he's a complete bitch in that movie anyway. Is that why they like him? Because he sucks shit and throws tantrums? That's.. kinda funny, I guess. He's gotta be the lamest Batman villain to me. Even lamer than those weirdos from the 60's.
Aside from David Tennant fanboys and fangirls pretending Purple Man is the scariest villain ever no one ever cared about this loser.
I've yet to see a convincing argument for why this D-lister has fans.
I think Arkham: Origin kind of screwed him over by setting him up as the main antagonist until he was pushed aside for edgy terrorist Joker.
Shittiest Marvel movie since Thor the dark world
The Cancer and Aids of Marvel
God I hate Mark Bagley.
I'm sorry to hear that, was the movie itself at least ok?
Still seething.
UtRD film version works well with what is given and them actually showing one of the grotesque gangsters being slowly brought down by indirect attacks rather than Batman simply dropping out of the skylight and punching him is pretty refreshing. As for comic Black Mask, I don't think he really has fans outside a handful of people who like his older appearances and people who find his post-Nu52 appearances enjoyable. If anyone has the Black Mask copypasta feel free to post it, it's always good for a giggle.
But I love the Flash
Come on, this is supposed to be about characters that don't have any fans, not ones you dislike. The Cyclops guys was just shitposting, but you're serious.
I wouln't call myself a wonder woman ffan but I like the illusion of women coming to the rescue of men even though that shit is fake as fuck all and if you're waiting for a women to rescue you and your only other option is to do something you consider wrong or immoral then I hope you're ready for a world of hurt, and a world of dissapointment, two separate horrible worlds.
Get your eyes checked.
t. Logan
...w-what copypasta?
I'm going on record as thinking Samson is a great character.
I have the original floppie, first Samson.
It looks like a rat chewed on it though.
Kamala has fans, they just don't buy her books. But she gets tons of cosplayers and fanart.
If he ditched the Flash wanna-be shirt and used that jacket he had in Ultimate Destruction he'd be 10 times better
no one likes you brie
as forgettable as debra whitman but she still keeps fucking showing up jesus CHRIST
Oh fuck off with this one mate
Dude brother Voodoo is fantastic
His power is scary, that is enough reason to use him once in a while.
Daredevil v4 #8-#10
Maybe not in comics as much but somehow he keeps popping up in cartoons most recently Marvel Rising. Is the only Thunderbolt that gets merch and showed in some of mobile games.
But I love her
Probably because she is the most iconic member of the team? Seriously, I don't recall a Thunderbolts run that has not had Songbird as a member at some point bar the Dark Reign team.
Other members come and go, songbird is the last of the originals on the team.
>Probably because she is the most iconic member of the team
That'd be Zemo wouldn't it?
I wonder which short, hairy man could be behind this post.
Met several
Met few
Met many
Met many
Met a few
Met a few
Met several
Met several, unfortunate.
Met a few
For me, it’s unironically Cyborg. I have yet to meet an actual comic fan of his. Nobody cares about him aside from people who don’t read comics.
Melissa is cool, she even got in ultimate alliance 2.
he will probably show up in She Hulk
Dumb MCU casual.
this, all other faggots are lying and trying to get brownie points
Nigga what do you have against him?
No, seriously, how the fuck did this walking footnote get adapted into Young Justice?
Who actually likes this bitch? She's basically a walking-talking plot device, her personality is boring af (unless she's going CUHRAZY because of MUH PHOENIX).
Wrong, I like Wonder Man and I actually met people who like Sentry.
FPBP Based and redpilled
>like he could stop anyone ever from fucking Jean
>being the guy in the relationship with not one but TWO team bicycles
X-Men characters are disqualified by default. If Eye Boy and Glob Herman have fans, you know damn well Jean does too. No mutant goes without at least a dozen fans worldwide.
>web slinging in ballet shoes
>wearing ballet shoes like regular shoes
Shiggy. Her feet must be Uber fucked up and nasty.
Seriously how dykey can they make carol before she’s literally a bulldyke
Shitposter leave
Absolutely this, Portman’s shitty acting in that was Oscar worthy compared to that cunt.
Also this and every forced character on the champions
That's not how she currently looks like, that pic is from like 2017.
>we will never get the instance where Bruce Banner is talking to Doc Samson and in the middle of the session Hulk comes out and Doc Samson has to throw hands with the Hulk while simultaneously giving him the hard hitting advice he needs to hear thus allowing Banner to regain control
Doc Samson is a great character and totally necessary to Hulk. He is also the foremost psychiatrist in regards to superhero’s.
What about obscure X-Men villains? Does anyone like Stryfe for example?
Based Liefeld character design
Songbird is my wife, have some respect please. She also went through more character development than any other C list character.
Nah I doubt anyone does.
I liked his original origin story does that count?
the one were his former terrorist friend gets dropped off a building
what a shitty thread. All these characters have lots of fans
Shut up, Karla. Songbird is great, and once they adapt her to the MCU the world will know the truth.
>Expecting Yea Forums to let their biases out of the door and have an actually objective thread
As long as they don't adapt some of her shittier haircuts.
He's a X-force villain technically but I still doubt he has any fans, like pic related
Doc Samson is consistently cool from PAD's run all the way to that issue of Ellis's Thunderbolts were he no sells both Moonstone as a psychologist and a kicker of nads
Loeb got a hold of him then and ruined him but that's true of a lot of characters and a whole line of comics
I don't think any such character exists.
Quagmire? But even he has people that love him.
No, I kind of like him. He's a fun reminder that you shouldn't let high school dropouts write science, even in comic books, because they don't know basic things like the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist, so which of those he is keeps changing around.
S/D how long has it been
Cyborg's so unpopular no one has even mentioned him except for you. He's just always "there." People like him on the TV show, but do you remember any Cyborg-centric story from his 40 year comic history that you give a shit about? He had his own series, did anyone read that?
This guy has fans but of his looks, not what he does. Three miniseries and none of them good, holy hell.
Cyclops is a bit divisive, but he definitely does not have 0 fans.
A lot of people enjoyed the original two-parter that introduced him because it was so over-the-top in it's setting up his obsession with masks and identity; it was practically a meme on the old CBR forums and pre-SJW scans_daily, and that's where a lot of early Yea Forums users first learned about him.
I mentioned right herethat I liked his origin story, thats a cyborg centric story I gave a shit about, the real issue with him is that he's a team centric character who debuted as a part of a team, and they got rid of that with the new 52 and he hasn't recovered since
Ugh, we almost had Ty Burrell play this guy.
What’s wrong with him?
Most of Rob Liefeld's Image era superhero knock-offs fit the bill.
People like Prophet, Glory and Supreme because other artists had decent runs that changed the characters up a bit but who gives a shit about the members of Youngblood, Brigade, Avengelyne, Bloodwulf and the like?
I like Doc Samson well enough when he pops up in guest spots in the Hulk.
Tumblr crits used to point to her as being one of the best characters for actually standing up for herself and wanting to directly deal with the Diamonds.
Not sure how they feel now that she was inst-redeemed/barned by the power of gay marriage though.
Now Lapis on the other hand, nobody likes outside of waifufags and self-inserters.
I fucking love Dr Voodoo.
At least he actually has an actual code name.
I thought he only shows up whenever there is some kind of wizard gathering and they need background wizards to appear in the group.
His fans were edgy 13 year olds in 1994 who thought lots of shoulder blades and stoic stances were cool.
Judas Traveller
God X-Cutioner's song sucks ass
She’d be a lot better if they just kept calling her Ghost Spider
I'm a fan, I love him, and his years long battle against Cable. Read Messiah War or Blood & Metal, he's awesome.
I have the mini Slott did about him, its ok
she's a cute. CUUUTE.
This. Love his Cable fights.
>just liking CGR sends Yea Forums into an impotent butthurt frenzy
He was badass for the time
Based binary post
>brownie points
I see what was done here
But shoulder blades and stoic stances are cool.
His power is boring as hell. There's nothing scary about it.
Read it. It was shit just like every other appearance of that shitty joke character.
I wanted to give you an explanation...But i just can't. I just like him for some reason.
Maybe his simple design is what people like about him
you could make an arguement its the best DC animated film
yeah its good.
I like his design: it's simple, but it works and looks pretty damn cool. You can't really go wrong with skull masks/faces.
Part of me wants to like Inferno, I think his design is on point. But there's like nothing remarkable about him.
He has one fan.
That mini by Remender is really good.
>brother voodoo
>lots of fans
For a while x-men writers were obsessed with shoving this kid down everyone's throat.
>For a while
They still are.
unlike Stryfe, there are people who ironically like Adam X ever since he became a flanderized "radical! dude! tubular" 90s joke character, around the Fraction run
What's this guy's fucking deal anyways?
I don't think small characters and character that you don't like counts.
It wasn't that bad tbqh.
Some people will chase you with a knife if you talked shit about him. There are fans of him and they are all batshit crazy person
Fuck you bismuth is cool. She should've shattered pink diamond.
Look. I used to think he was the stupidest, ugliest thing on the planet back when all I knew about him was the information on databases/biographies. Then when I actually read Morrison’s Riot at Xavier’s, I kind of started liking him. Between that, Warsong, and Battle of the Atom, I’ve definitely gotten attached. He is literally the embodiment of a troll. I don’t understand why he didn’t defect to Cyclops’ school during Bendis’s run, but I’m sure it was explained in some throwaway panel of Storm and Logan walking through a hallway in a side book.
Who the fuck is this
God this is one of the reasons why I can't stand x men or mutant shit, there's like 20 fucking niggas in a single issue and 30 more new ones in the next and I can't keep track with all these motherfuckers.
The cuckest of sóys
Fuck off. He was good in Morrison's run but his story was finished. We don't need his boring hipster looking ass taking up space because the writers think they're so special for being slightly self aware.
2nd hearty kek
When a lot of the old classic bad guys go stale or just stop showing up for some reason, when overused guys like Joker or Ra's grow beyond stale I'll take anyone with a solid gimmick. A relatively normal professional mobster with a black skull mask did it for me when I discovered him.
talking about Black Mask
Cool cover
I kinda "know better" at this point and she's not so bad but I still kinda feel like she wouldn't be nearly as popular if DC didn't support her so much. Pushing someone like Supergirl or even some new female character to her level and demoting WW at any point after the Silver Age would have totally worked imo.
Her high-profile existence doesn't feel nearly as much of an editorial mandate as anything Cyborg has done recently though.
This faggot only worked in Morrison's book. Under every other writer he's been unbearably awful.
Same. But I think they would have caused a shitstorm in the feminist community if they dumped her in the 70's or 80's. If they did it in the 00's when people totally stopped caring about comics nobody would care tho
post the pasta
It's actually like that for a lot of major characters I think. There's definitely some like Batman that people would cry over having their A-list status reduced but I think a surprising amount could sink into obscurity without a lot of people bitching. Like a great majority of Marvel A-listers other than Spider-Man. And there kinda was a point over the years where almost everyone but Spider-Man and the major X-Men was "buried" wasn't there? Everyone from Thor to Hulk to the FF had some kind of hiatus right?
I hated him in Morrison's run. "Violent teenage fuckboi" is not an engrossing, engaging, or endearing character type, his arc is rushed as hell, and the ending comes off as cliched. Plus it brings up a lot of bad implications about the X-Men.
DC doesn't support her and never really has. For the longest time the only reason why she even occupied the spot of distant third place was to fulfill a contract.
He's a villain. He abused drugs, started a revolt and got some of his fellow students killed all because he had mommy issues.
>"Violent teenage fuckboi" is not an engrossing, engaging, or endearing character type
the thing is, imo it is but my idea of an effective violent teenage fuckboi is much different and more ambitious.
What even is Black Mask's gimmick? I know he likes masks, but does he incorporate that into his crimes or is he just regular evil mobster dude that just so happens to wear a spooky mask?
Yeah, a mobster with a mask works for me. My point was I only really got into him after a lot of other Batman stuff got stale to me, lowered standards I guess.
Like, it's more about timing than anything. When I was a kid that kind of villain would probably be quickly forgotten by me, or maybe not because I always remembered minor original BTAS villains like the Sewer King or even the fat slave owner but who knows, but getting older I got an increasing appetite for simple shit like a relative bland guy in a suit and simple mask being a threat for some reason.
No one cares about Marvel's Hippolyta
he doesn't really have a gimmick. He's more of a mobster who just revels in what he does.
I think that would be a great costume if done in a more Bronze Age style instead of being so...shiny, at least.
Fair enough, sometimes less is more and I gotta admit that even though I don't know much about Black Mask himself I did like him in Under the Red Hood.
Oh yeah. Imo should have taken over as main X-Men bad guy for a while instead of Apocalypse and Magneto having lame runs with diminishing returns. A lot of shit from the 90's should have become bigger and would have if not for a ridiculous edict to forget a lot of 90's stuff in the 00's
In some adaptations, Black Mask's mask is fused to his face and can't be removed, and he blames Batman for it
nuts to you.
He's fascinating to me even though the way he was used obviously had some flaws.
An over the top design and a ridiculous personality can go a long way.
I Love Lady Sniff !!
any more?
There are people who care about Wonder Man in the specific context of "Beast and Wonder Man", but Marvel kept trying to push him without Hank, either as a solo character, or in love-triangle stories that make people dislike him.
Sentry's solo minis have all had fans, and he's one of Marvel's most powerful heroes, readers who care most about power levels and feats are always going to like characters like that.
As Brother Voodoo, he was a failed 1970s character who was so irrelevant that he never even appeared at any of those wizard gatherings like the Infinity trilogy or Maximum Security. Marvel teased more important and popular characters becoming the new Sorceror Supreme, but Bendis chose him instead for a surprise twist.
It was supposed to be an ongoing but was almost immediately turned into a mini due to bad sales, then Bendis seemed to admit failure by killing him in a New Avengers story. Remender brought him back in Axis, and Duggan's Uncanny Avengers seems to be where people finally started liking him.
He was the new Inhumans character that Joe Madureira designed, it seems like Marvel thought that would be enough to make him important and popular, but the books never did enough with him to make anybody care.
This! Simple, yet effective
Mobster who is obsessed with Masks and torture
The only ones valid on this shitlist
Bismuth is cool. She isn't really around much though.
She is like the only character I like .
What are some phrases you remember the pasta using? Could try searching the archive for it
Quentin is a Chad now.
I love her, you're wrong. She should be Marvel's Wonder Woman.
Pure, unadulterated genius
She dumped him so she sexually assault the F4.
What do I win?
Loeb is the best modern Superman writer and responsible for all of Marvel's good tv shows
Do you eat her ass?
I know all too well
>but Bendis chose him instead for a surprise twist.
Bendis choosing the black one is not a surprise twist.
Hey I liked me those days when he was on the up and up in the Avengers
OP said with no fans, you know people like SpiderGwen don’t lie
This is true, but I think it’s more understandable than you make it out to be. Every character ever written has at least some semblance to somebody in real life. They all connect with that person for one reason or another, it’s not just because some character is the perfect asshole or something.
He grew up to be way too hot for my comfort level.
This and Duke too
Greg Weisman
I want it too, but he hasn't posted it yet :(
SU is so divisive on this board.
fuck you bismuth is actually cool. one of the few gems we see that isnt an emotional wreck and deals with few problems with some maturity
I mean it kinda is until you realize that it's totally neutralized by wearing earplugs.
Any Black Mask copypasta yet?
Comic version is even worse. He can be neutralized by a strong exhaust fan.
Still no sign. I really wonder what it was about
Most, if not all, of Jean's love interests are terrible choices for her.
It is probably about a decade old at this point.
cause of the fetish fuel.
Literally just a face of organized crime with a cool design. that's all you need to like about him.
I liked him in The Batman
Brother Voodoo and Doctor Voodoo both are.
Lee Price
There I WIN