ITT: Characters with similar designs

ITT: Characters with similar designs.

Snag from Long Gone Gulch looks a bit similar to Harry from Harry & Bunnie.

Attached: 435345435.png (1210x658, 1.23M)

they look like Brad from Kick Buttowski

Attached: KB_-_%3F_Brad_na_Parada_075.jpg (640x480, 35K)

never seen it but that show on the right REEKS of canadian


I’ve notice this a while back and i always wondered how come these certain female characters look the same

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Snag looks like Gorillaz fanart

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>Kevin 11, Square Peter Griffin, and white Ashi

Attached: 7364094C-D200-47DA-8560-31AEFF733B16.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Why is it often the girl with dyed hair and rarely the boy?

Because girls irl dye their hair more than boys, duh

But if cartoons really cared about realism, they wouldn't have 10-year olds dying their hair so frequently.

He looks more like that little nigga from the Green Gang from PPGs

>Square Peter
fuck,now i cant unseen that

>Square Peter Griffin

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It makes more sense if you were actually brave enough Bunsen is a Beast though, and consider how Nick ultimately treated both shows

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>white Ashi
Don't you mean blonde?

*brave enough to watch

Mikey's original design for more perspective

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>tfw Lincoln may actually be descended from a fucking orange.

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